| contractAddress | string | true | Stacks address to which contract is deployed |
| contractName | string | true | Name of contract to sign |
| functionName | string | true | Name of function for signing / execution, which needs to be a [public function](/references/language-functions#define-public). |
| functionArgs | `ClarityValue[]` | true | Arguments for calling the function. [Learn more about constructing clarity values](https://github.com/blockstack/stacks.js/tree/master/packages/transactions#constructing-clarity-values). Defaults to `[]`. |
| appDetails | object | true | Dictionary that requires `name` and `icon` for app |
| onFinish | function | true | Callback executed by app when transaction has been signed and broadcasted. [Read more](#onFinish-option) | |
| network | StacksNetwork | false | Specify the network that this transaction should be completed on. [Read more](#network-option) |
| network | StacksNetwork | false | Specify the network that this transaction should be completed on. [Read more](#network-option) |
| fee | number | false | Optional fee amount in microstacks (1 STX = 1,000,000 microstacks) for overwriting the wallet's default fee value. [Read more](https://forum.stacks.org/t/mempool-congestion-on-stacks-observations-and-next-steps-from-hiro/12325/5) |
## Getting the signed transaction back after completion {#onFinish-option}