const createShikiHighlighter = require('shiki-twoslash'); const memoize = require('micro-memoize'); const visit = require('unist-util-visit'); const pAll = require('p-all'); const hastToString = require('hast-util-to-string'); const DEFAULT_THEME = 'dark-plus'; function getTokenClassNames(token) { let classNames; let classNameString = ''; token.explanation.forEach(expl => { const thing = expl.scopes.find(scope => scope.themeMatches.length > 0); const themeMatches = thing && thing.themeMatches && thing.themeMatches[0]; const name = themeMatches &&; const formatted = name && name .toString() .split(', ') .map(entry => entry.toLowerCase()); if (formatted) { classNames = formatted; } }); classNames && classNames.length && classNames.forEach((className, index) => { classNameString += `${slugify(className)}${index !== classNames.length - 1 ? ' ' : ''}`; }); return classNameString === '' ? 'plain' : classNameString; } function removeEmptyLine(index, tree) { const [item] = tree.slice(index * -1); if (item && &&'empty')) { tree.pop(); } } function codeLanguage(node) { const className = || []; let value; for (const element of className) { value = element; if (value.slice(0, 9) === 'language-') { return value.slice(9); } } return 'bash'; } const rehypeShikiTwoslash = options => { let theme = options.theme || DEFAULT_THEME; const generateHighlighter = memoize(async () => createShikiHighlighter({ theme, cache }), { isPromise: true, }); const highlight = async (node, lang) => { const hash = generateHash(node); return cache.wrap(hash, async () => { const highlighter = await generateHighlighter(); return highlighter.codeToThemedTokens(node, lang); }); }; function tokensToHast(lines) { const tokenLineClassName = (options && options.tokenLineClassName) || 'token-line'; const tokenLineElement = (options && options.tokenLineElement) || 'span'; const tree = []; for (const line of lines) { if (line.length === 0) { tree.push( u('element', { tagName: tokenLineElement, properties: { className: `${tokenLineClassName} ${tokenLineClassName}__empty` }, }) ); } else { const lineChildren = []; for (const token of line) { const className = getTokenClassNames(token); lineChildren.push( u( 'element', { tagName: 'span', properties: { style: `color: ${token.color}`, className: `token ${className}` }, }, [u('text', token.content)] ) ); } tree.push( u( 'element', { tagName: tokenLineElement, properties: { className: tokenLineClassName } }, lineChildren ) ); } } removeEmptyLine(2, tree); removeEmptyLine(1, tree); return tree; } async function transformer(tree) { const nodes = []; visit(tree, 'element', (node, index, parent) => { if (!parent || parent.tagName !== 'pre' || node.tagName !== 'code') { return; } else { nodes.push(node); } }); await pAll( => () => visitor(node)), { concurrency: 25 } ); return tree; } async function visitor(node) { const lang = codeLanguage(node); const tokens = await highlight(hastToString(node), lang); const tree = tokensToHast(tokens); = tokens.length - 1; = lang; node.children = tree; } return transformer; }; module.exports = rehypeShikiTwoslash;