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# 4 - Participate in App Mining
**Zero to DAPP 4 of 4**
On this page, you learn about application mining as a funding source for your
new DApp efforts. You'll submit your sample Animal Kingdom to to App.co, the
Universal DApp store and earn a t-shirt. You'll also learn about other ways
Blockstack helps your development efforts. This page contains the following topics:
Can you skip this page?
This is the final page, so please don't skip it. You don't miss your chance to get this cool t-shirt!
## Funding your DApp with application mining
App.co accepts submissions from all decentralized protocols such as Ethereum,
Blockstack, and many others. Only applications that integrate Blockstack
authentication, use GAI storage, and which are accessible to review can
participate in application mining.
{% include intro-appmining.md %}
{% include payout-appmining.md %}
You area going to make a practice submission using the Animal Kingdom sample.
## Submit your Animal Kingdom to App.co
In this section, you submit your Animal Kingdom to the **Blockstack Sample
Application** on App.co. Apps in this category aren't eligible for app mining,
but they do earn a limited edition a Zero to DApp t-shirt. Only submit your
sample application if you have deployed the application on the internet. This
allows us to confirm you completed the tutorial.
{% include note.html content="You can submit more
than one example, only your first submission receives a t-shirt." %}
1. In your browser, navigate to
Field |
Description |
Dapp Name |
Name of your sample. Animal Kingdom or, if you renamed it, the name you gave your application. |
Short description |
Describe your application. |
Webiste |
The URL of the website where you deployed your application. |
Contact Email |
A valid email address. This is the email where we will send you instructions for getting your Zero to Dapp t-shirt. |
Image URL |
You can leave this blank for a sample application. |
Open Source URL |
You can leave this blank for a sample application. |
Twitter Handle |
Optionally enter a Twitter handle if you have one. |
Registration is open to all users |
Leave this unchecked. |
Category |
Sample Blockstack Apps — make sure you choose this category. |
Blockchain |
Leave this as is/ |
Storage |
Choose Gaia. |
Authentication |
Choose Blockstack |
4. Press the **Submit** button.
The Blockstack team will email you information about how to obtain your
limited edition t-shirt at our store.
## Marketing your DApp
Blockstack reviews each submission to app mining. Through this contact, Blockstack helps
developers refine business models and facilitating interactions with investors.
Two areas that Blockstack assists are pre-funding and pitching.
* **Pre-funding.** Directed toward developers that have a proof of concept of either a blockchain application or an integration with Blockstack’s techology. Blockstack helps with sourcing of developers and designers. We can also help with direct access to our core team members that can help you refine or optimize your product.
* **Pitching investors.** Blockstack can help you with access to an extensive investor community. Prior to arranging meetings we can give you resources to refine and craft your pitch for the blockchain market.
In addition to app mining, Blockstack offers both a community reward program.
Community rewards give users the ability to earn tokens for accomplishing tasks.
For example, some of the latest ways user can earn money include:
- Organize a Blockstack Hackathon
- Message of the founders of `stealthy.im` with feedback and ideas
- Use graphite to write a message about the problems decentralization solves
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