--- layout: learn permalink: /:collection/:path.html image: /assets/img/zero-to-dapp.png --- # 4 - Participate in App Mining {:.no_toc} **Zero to DAPP 4 of 4** On this page, you learn about application mining as a funding source for your new DApp efforts. You'll submit your sample Animal Kingdom to App.co, the Universal DApp store and earn a t-shirt. You'll also learn about other ways Blockstack helps your development efforts. This page contains the following topics: * TOC {:toc}
This is the final page, so please don't skip it. You don't miss your chance to get this cool t-shirt!
Field | Description |
Dapp Name | Name of your sample. Animal Kingdom or, if you renamed it, the name you gave your application. |
Short description | Describe your application. |
Website | The URL of the website where you deployed your application. |
Contact Email | A valid email address. This is the email where we will send you instructions for getting your Zero to Dapp t-shirt. |
Image URL | You can leave this blank for a sample application. |
Open Source URL | You can leave this blank for a sample application. |
Twitter Handle | Optionally enter a Twitter handle if you have one. |
Registration is open to all users | Leave this unchecked. |
Category | Sample Blockstack Apps — make sure you choose this category. |
Blockchain | Leave this as is. |
Storage | Choose Gaia. |
Authentication | Choose Blockstack |