--- layout: learn permalink: /:collection/:path.html image: /assets/img/zero-to-dapp.png --- # 3 - Build an Animal Kingdom DApp {:.no_toc} **Zero to DAPP 3 of 4** In this page, you follow a tutorial which builds, runs, modifies, and deploys a DApp called Animal Kingdom. Through this exercise, you'll learn about the components of a Blockstack Dapp. You'll also learn about the technical requirements for submitting a DApp for App.co. This page contains the following topics * TOC {:toc}
It isn't a good idea to skip this page, requirements for DApps that participate in App Mining are covered. So, everyone should at least skim through this page.
Command | What it does |
ls |
Lists the files and directories in the current directory. |
cd |
Change directory to navigate to locations in your file system. |
pwd |
Print the working directory, the location you are working in. |
Click to enlarge | Description |
Users log in (authenticate) with a Blockstack identity. By authenticating, the user gives the application the ability to get and put data in the user's Gaia storage hub. |
The Blockstack login dialogs are part of the Blockstack Browser which is itself a DApp. Once a user authenticates, the DApp code automatically returns them to the Kingdom they were attempting to enter. |
First-time visitors to a kingdom are prompted to create an animal persona and a territory to rule. Once they make a selection, users click Done to create a kingdom to rule. Behind the scenes, the data about the user's selection is stored in the user's GAIA hub. |
Each kingdom has animals and territories. Users can edit their original persona/animal combination. You'll learn how to modify the Animal Kingdom code to add new animals and territories. |
Users can add subjects from territories in their own Animal Kingdom. The DApp updates the user's GAI hub each time the user adds a subject. Users can also visit other Animal Kingdom installations and add subjects from these as well. You'll learn how to modify the Other Kingdoms available in your installation. |
Name | Description |
Contains a quick reference for building and running Animal Kingdom. |
package.json |
An NPM project file. |
config |
Environment configuration files written in Javascript. |
public |
Files that are copied into the root of the site you are building. |
scripts |
NPM scripts used to do common tasks in the project. |
src |
React source code for the site. This contains configuration files. |
To participate in application mining your application must integrate Blockstack authentication.
stores the data provided in the
user's DApp data store. You can view the URL for the data store from a user's
profile. If you tested your Animal Kingdom, you can see this on your profile.
To see your profile, go to the Blockstack explorer and search for your ID:
To participate in application mining your application must make use of Gaia storage.
For this example, the territory image is saved in the westeros.jpg
file." %}
4. Use the `ls` command to confirm your file appears in `territories` directory and has the correct name.
ls public/territories/
forest.jpg tundra.jpg westeros.jpg
4. Open the `src/constant.js` file in your favorite editor.
5. Scroll down to the section that defines the **Territories**.
export const TERRITORIES = [
id: 'forest',
name: 'Forest',
superpower: 'Trees!'
id: 'tundra',
name: 'Tundra',
superpower: 'Let it snow!'
6. Add your new territory.
export const TERRITORIES = [
id: 'forest',
name: 'Forest',
superpower: 'Trees!'
id: 'tundra',
name: 'Tundra',
superpower: 'Let it snow!'
id: 'westeros',
name: 'Westeros',
superpower: 'The Iron Throne!'
7. Save and close the `constant.js` file.
8. Back in a terminal window, restart your application.
$ npm start
9. After the application starts, navigate to the **Territories** page and look for your `Westeros` territory.
To participate in application mining your application must be available for review. Open source projects must provide the URL to their code. Projects with private repositories can provide their application in a package form.