const fm = require('gray-matter'); const remark = require('remark'); const strip = require('strip-markdown'); const readingTime = require('reading-time'); const getReadingTime = mdxContent => readingTime(mdxContent); const getHeadings = mdxContent => { const regex = /\n(#+)(.*)/gm; const found = mdxContent.match(regex); const getLevel = string => string.split('#'); const headings = found && found.length ? => { const md = f.split('# ')[1]; let content = md; remark() .use(strip) .process(md, (err, file) => { if (err) throw err; content = file.contents.toString().trim(); }); const level = getLevel(f).length; return { content, level }; }) : []; return headings; }; // makes mdx in next.js suck less by injecting necessary exports so that // the docs are still readable on github // (Shamelessly stolen from docs) // @see module.exports = async function (src) { const callback = this.async(); const { content, data } = fm(src); const headings = getHeadings(content); const duration = getReadingTime(content).text; const code = `import { MDWrapper } from '@components/layouts/markdown-wrapper'; export const frontmatter = ${JSON.stringify({ duration,, headings })}; const Layout = ({ children, ...props }) => ( {children} ) export default Layout; ` + content; return callback(null, code); };