--- layout: learn permalink: /:collection/:path.html --- # Introduction {:.no_toc} * TOC {:toc} Blockstack Connect is a JavaScript library for integrating your application with Stacks v2. With Connect, you get some big benefits: - Pre-built UI to introduce your users to Blockstack, before they authenticate - Integration with our new authenticator - Ability to interact with the Stacks 2.0 blockchain, with support for smart contracts and other transactions. ## Demo To get a test feel for the user experience of using Connect, you can use [Banter](https://banter.pub). ## How does this compare to `blockstack.js`? Although [`blockstack.js`](https://github.com/blockstack/blockstack.js) exposes everything you need to handle authentication with Blockstack, there is still the hard problem of getting users familiar with the the paradigm of authentication that is privacy-first and self-sovereign. Many apps implement their own dialogues before authentication, which explain what Blockstack is and why they use it. `@blockstack/connect` provides developers with a plug-and-play API that is simple to use, and provides great, out-of-the-box education that end-users can understand. ## How can this be used? Head over to the [Guide to Connect](get-started.html) for installation steps and usage guidelines.