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# Stacks documentation

![A screenshot of docs.stacks.co](/public/images/docs-homepage.png)

## Running and building the site locally

If you are interested in contributing to the site and making changes, please refer to our [contributing guide here](https://docs.stacks.co/contributing).

## Generated documentation

## Style checks

This repository uses [vale](https://github.com/errata-ai/vale) to run style checks. Make sure to install the tool and run the following command before creating a PR in order to check for styling issues:

yarn check:style

### Stacks CLI reference

The `src/_data/cli-reference.json` file is generated from the `stx` subcommand `docs`.

1. Install the latest version of the cli according to the instructions at: https://github.com/hirosystems/stacks.js/tree/master/packages/cli

2. Generate the json for the cli in the `docs.stacks` repo.

   stx docs > src/_data/cli-reference.json

### Clarity Reference

There is a json file that is generated via the `stacks-blockchain` repo, which automatically brings it over to this repo
via a github action.