layout: learn
permalink: /:collection/:path.html
# App reviewer instructions

Reviewers submit their app rankings to Blockstack every month. The first day of
the month Blockstack will email reviewers a spreadsheet on which to record rankings.

To submit app rankings, please complete the following steps:

1. Download the spreadsheet for that month.

    The spreadsheet is sent to the email address Blocksack has on file for you. The sheet lists all apps eligible for ranking.

2. Record your rankings on the spreadsheet.

    Place a the rank value in the **Ranking** column next to each app you would
    like to rank. You can rank only those apps you want and omit ranking others.
    Rank each application numerically where 1 (one) is the highest.

    Please avoid modifying the spreadsheet in apart from adding your rankings.
    The `App ID` column, in particular, must be preserved to process your rankings

3. Return your rankings by the 15th of each month to <app.mining@blockstack.com>.

   {% include important.html content="Blockstack must receive your rankings by the 15th of the month or they won't be considered!" %}

4. Attach your completed spreadsheet to your return email.

   Include in the email a brief explanation summarizing your methodology or
   thoughts when ranking. Please mention any app you want to highlight for the

After receiving the rankings from all reviewers, Blockstack will combine them to calculate each application's final z-scores.