--- layout: smart description: "Clarity CLI: Reference" permalink: /:collection/:path.html --- # Clarity CLI {:.no_toc} You use the `clarity-cli` command to work with smart contracts within a local-only Blockstack virtual environment. This command has the following subcommands: * TOC {:toc} ## initialize ```bash clarity-cli initialize [vm-state.db] ``` Initializes a local VM state database. If the database exists, this command throws an error. ## mine_block ```bash clarity-cli mine_block [block time] [vm-state.db] ``` Simulates mining a new block. ## get_block_height ```bash clarity-cli get_block_height [vm-state.db] ``` Prints the simulated block height. ## check ```bash clarity-cli check [program-file.scm] (vm-state.db) ``` Type checks a potential contract definition. ## launch ```bash clarity-cli launch [contract-identifier] [contract-definition.clar] [vm-state.db] ``` Launches a new contract in the local VM state database. ## eval ```bash clarity-cli eval [contract-identifier] (program.clar) [vm-state.db] ``` Evaluates, in read-only mode, a program in a given contract context. ## eval_raw ```bash clarity-cli eval_raw ``` Type check and evaluate an expression for validity inside of a function’s source. It does not evaluate within a contract or database context. ## repl ```bash clarity-cli repl ``` Type check and evaluate expressions in a stdin/stdout loop. ## execute ```bash clarity-cli execute [vm-state.db] [contract-identifier] [public-function-name] [sender-address] [args...] ``` Executes a public function of a defined contract. ## generate_address ```bash clarity-cli generate_address ``` Generates a random Stacks public address for testing purposes.