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How to create a Collection type


Collections support data portability between applications. Blockstack supplies a Contact collection for use by Blockstack applications. Developers can create additional collection types, use them in their own applications, and publish them so other developers can make use of them too.

In this section, you learn the coding guidelines for creating and publishing a new Collection type. The following topics are included:

  • TOC {:toc}

Before you begin

New collections rely on the blockstack-collections package. Before you code, make sure you have installed this package and it is available to your project.

npm install -g blockstack-collections

You should also familiarize yourself with the Collection class and review the existing Collection types. Keep in mind, someone else may have already added a custom type similar to what you want to add.

Collection types can be written in .js Javascript or .ts (Typescript) files. Typescript is a typed superset of Javascript, you can read the language documentation to learn more.

Essential steps for creating a Collection type

This section demonstrates how to create a new collection type using Typescript. While this is written in Typescript, the steps in Javascript are the same. Follow these steps to create a new collection type:

  1. Create a new .ts file and open it for editing.

  2. Import the Collection class.

    import { Collection, Attrs, Serializable } from 'blockstack-collections'
  3. Extend the abstract Collection class from the blockstack-collections package.

    export class Contact extends Collection implements Serializable {
  4. Give your Collection a unique identifier.

    The Blockstack Collection frameworks uses this identifier to place Collection data into a corresponding Gaia storage bucket.

     static get collectionName(): string {
       return 'contact'

    {% include warning.html content="While you must specify a unique identifier, the Blockstack platform does not currently enforce uniqueness. If your Collection type shares the same identifier as another type, it will lead to data corruption for the user. In the future, the Blockstack platform will enforce unique collection names. " %}

  5. Define a static schema constant.

    This is your type's schema.

    static schema = {
      identifier: String,
      firstName: String,
      lastName: String,
      blockstackID: String,
      email: String,
      website: String,
      address: String,
      telephone: String,
      organization: String
  6. Determine if you need to set the singleFile storage flag.

    By default, the singleFile flag is false. This setting causes every record in a collection to store in Gaia as a separate file. The default works well for larger types that describe data such as documents or photos. If your Collection type only has a few fields and is not expected to have a large number of records, set the singleFile data format flag to true.

    static singleFile = true
  7. Define the fromObject and fromData serializaiton methods.

    These methods serialize and deserialize your Collection type. You can use any serialization method you want. Data encryption is handled automatically by the parent Collection class, so you should not perform any additional encryption.

    In the following example code, data is converted to JSON string for storage.

    static fromObject(object: object) {
      // Create from plain Javascript object
      return new Contact(object)
    static fromData(data: string) {
      // Deserialize JSON data
      return new Contact(JSON.parse(data))
    serialize() {
      // Serialize to JSON string
      return JSON.stringify(this.attrs)
  8. Test and iterate development of your type in your application.

  9. Publish your type for others to use.

Add a listener (optional)

If you need to listen for changes to any of the object’s attributes, you can implement the onValueChange method. For example, in the Contacts Collection type, when the contact is renamed, the unique identifier for the object needs to be updated.

    onValueChange(key: string, value: any) {
      if (key === 'firstName') {
        this.previousIdentifier = this.attrs.identifier
        this.attrs.identifier = this.constructIdentifier()
        this.identifierChanged = true
      else if (key === 'lastName') {
        this.previousIdentifier = this.attrs.identifier
        this.attrs.identifier = this.constructIdentifier()
        this.identifierChanged = true

Override processing methods (optional)

To perform additional processing of a collection, you can override the get, save, list and delete methods. For example, in the Contact type, the save method is overridden to also perform a delete if a contact is renamed. Deletion is necessary because identifiers for a Contact are generated from the contact name. And data stored under the previous identifier must be deleted after writing to a new identifier.

    async save(userSession?: UserSession) {
      // Delete old file on save if object identifier changes
      return super.save(userSession)
        .then((result) => {
          if (this.identifierChanged) {
            return Contact.delete(this.previousIdentifier, userSession)
              .then(() => {
                this.identifierChanged = false
                return result
          } else {
            return result

Publish your new type for others to use

While you can use your collection exclusively in your application, the Collections feature is intended to enable data portability between DApps. So, you should publish your new type so other developers can make use of it.

To publish your Collection type, do the following:

  1. Clone or fork the blockstack-collections repo.
  2. Add your new type file to the src/types subdirectory.
  3. Create a pull request back to the blockstack-collection repository.