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This document is for Linux users who do not want to use Docker to run the Blockstack Browser. Instructions are tailored for Ubuntu, but are similar on other distributions.

Setting up Blockstack Browser Node Application

Install NodeJS through NodeSource PPA

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs

Download Blockstack Browser and install its dependencies

git clone
cd blockstack-browser
npm install node-sass
npm install

Note that blockstack-browser depends on node-sass which can sometimes install strangely on Linux, running npm install node-sass before trying to install the other dependencies solves that problem.

Running Blockstack Browser

Start the CORS proxy.

npm run dev-proxy &

Start the Node Application

npm run dev

Then you can open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to get to the Blockstack Browser.

Setting up a protocol handler

If you'd like your browser to automatically handle links with the blockstack: protocol specifier, you will need to register a protocol handler with your desktop environment. In Ubuntu/Gnome, this can be done by creating a file


With the following contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -c 'xdg-open http://localhost:3000/auth?authRequest=$(echo "%u" | sed s,blockstack:////*,,)'

Then you need to make this file executable, and register it as a protocol handler.

$ chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/blockstack.desktop
$ xdg-mime default blockstack.desktop x-scheme-handler/blockstack

Now, blockstack: protocol URLs should get handled by your Blockstack Browser. If you're running Browser in your browser's private mode, you may have to copy and paste the link, as this protocol handler will try to open in a regular browser window.