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smart Stacks Node RPC API Reference /:collection/:path.html

RPC API Reference


Every running Stacks node exposes an RPC API, which allows you to interact with the underlying blockchain.

  • TOC {:toc}

POST /v2/transactions

This endpoint is for posting raw transaction data to the node's mempool.

Rejections result in a 400 error.

GET /v2/accounts/[Principal]

Get the account data for the provided principal. The principal string is either a Stacks address or a Contract identifier (e.g., SP31DA6FTSJX2WGTZ69SFY11BH51NZMB0ZW97B5P0.get-info

Returns JSON data in the form:

 "balance": "0x100..",
 "nonce": 1,
 "balance_proof": "0x01fa...",
 "nonce_proof": "0x01ab...",

Where balance is the hex encoding of a unsigned 128-bit integer (big-endian), nonce is a unsigned 64-bit integer, and the proofs are provided as hex strings.

For non-existent accounts, this does not 404, rather it returns an object with balance and nonce of 0.

This endpoint also accepts a querystring parameter ?proof= which when supplied 0, will return the JSON object without the balance_proof or nonce_proof fields.

POST /v2/map_entry/[Stacks Address]/[Contract Name]/[Map Name]

Attempt to fetch data from a contract data map. The contract is identified with [Stacks Address] and [Contract Name] in the URL path. The map is identified with [Map Name].

The key to lookup in the map is supplied via the POST body. This should be supplied as the hex string serialization of the key (which should be a Clarity value). Note, this is a JSON string atom.

Returns JSON data in the form:

 "data": "0x01ce...",
 "proof": "0x01ab...",

Where data is the hex serialization of the map response. Note that map responses are Clarity option types, for non-existent values, this is a serialized none, and for all other responses, it is a serialized (some ...) object.

This endpoint also accepts a querystring parameter ?proof= which when supplied 0, will return the JSON object without the proof field.

GET /v2/fees/transfer

Get an estimated fee rate for STX transfer transactions. This a a fee rate / byte, and is returned as a JSON integer.

GET /v2/contracts/interface/[Stacks Address]/[Contract Name]

Fetch the contract interface for a given contract, identified by [Stacks Address] and [Contract Name].

This returns a JSON object of the form:

  "functions": [
      "name": "exotic-block-height",
      "access": "private",
      "args": [
          "name": "height",
          "type": "uint128"
      "outputs": {
        "type": "bool"
      "name": "update-info",
      "access": "public",
      "args": [],
      "outputs": {
        "type": {
          "response": {
            "ok": "bool",
            "error": "none"
      "name": "get-exotic-data-info",
      "access": "read_only",
      "args": [
          "name": "height",
          "type": "uint128"
      "outputs": {
        "type": {
          "tuple": [
              "name": "btc-hash",
              "type": {
                "buffer": {
                  "length": 32
              "name": "burn-block-time",
              "type": "uint128"
              "name": "id-hash",
              "type": {
                "buffer": {
                  "length": 32
              "name": "stacks-hash",
              "type": {
                "buffer": {
                  "length": 32
              "name": "stacks-miner",
              "type": "principal"
              "name": "vrf-seed",
              "type": {
                "buffer": {
                  "length": 32
  "variables": [],
  "maps": [
      "name": "block-data",
      "key": [
          "name": "height",
          "type": "uint128"
      "value": [
          "name": "btc-hash",
          "type": {
            "buffer": {
              "length": 32
          "name": "burn-block-time",
          "type": "uint128"
          "name": "id-hash",
          "type": {
            "buffer": {
              "length": 32
          "name": "stacks-hash",
          "type": {
            "buffer": {
              "length": 32
          "name": "stacks-miner",
          "type": "principal"
          "name": "vrf-seed",
          "type": {
            "buffer": {
              "length": 32
  "fungible_tokens": [],
  "non_fungible_tokens": []

GET /v2/contracts/source/[Stacks Address]/[Contract Name]

Fetch the source for a smart contract, along with the block height it was published in, and the MARF proof for the data.

 "source": "(define-private ...",
 "publish_height": 1,
 "proof": "0x00213..."

This endpoint also accepts a querystring parameter ?proof= which when supplied 0, will return the JSON object without the proof field.

POST /v2/contracts/call-read/[Stacks Address]/[Contract Name]/[Function Name]

Call a read-only public function on a given smart contract.

The smart contract and function are specified using the URL path. The arguments and the simulated tx-sender are supplied via the POST body in the following JSON format:

  "sender": "SP31DA6FTSJX2WGTZ69SFY11BH51NZMB0ZW97B5P0.get-info",
  "arguments": [ "0x0011...", "0x00231..." ]

Where sender is either a Contract identifier or a normal Stacks address, and arguments is an array of hex serialized Clarity values.

This endpoint returns a JSON object of the following form:

  "okay": true,
  "result": "0x0011..."

Where "okay" is true if the function executed successfully, and result contains the hex serialization of the Clarity return value.

If an error occurs in processing the function call, this endpoint returns a 200 response with a JSON object of the following form:

  "okay": false,
  "cause": "Unchecked(PublicFunctionNotReadOnly(..."