# Site wide configuration
title : Duplicati
description : Free backup software to store backups online with strong encryption. Works with FTP, SSH, WebDAV, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Google Drive and many others.
logo : duplicati-fb-share-v1.png # 120x120 px default image used for Twitter summary card
teaser : # 400x250 px default teaser image used in image archive grid
locale : en_US
url :
# Jekyll configuration
markdown : kramdown
sass :
sass_dir : _sass
style : compressed
permalink : /:categories/:title/
kramdown :
toc_levels : 1 ..2
highlighter : rouge
# Octopress configuration
# Default extensions
post_ext : md
page_ext : md
# Found in _templates/
post_layout : article
page_layout : article
# Format titles with titlecase?
titlecase : true
# Site owner
owner :
name : The Duplicati Team
email : opensource@duplicati.com
twitter :
analyticsid : UA-25943226-2
gitterroom : Duplicati/Lobby
google :
ad-client :
ad-slot :
bio :
avatar : bio-photo.jpg # 160x160 px image for author byline
disqus-shortname :
exclude : [ "lib" , "config.rb" , ".sass-cache" , "Capfile" , "config" , "log" , "Rakefile" , "Rakefile.rb" , "tmp" , "*.sublime-project" , "*.sublime-workspace" , "Gemfile" , "Gemfile.lock" , "README.md" , "LICENSE" , "node_modules" , "Gruntfile.js" , "package.json" ]
gems : [ 'jekyll-gist' , 'jekyll-sitemap' ]