# Skinny Bones Jekyll Starter Just a little something I'm using to jump start a site refresh. I like to think of it as a starter for building your own Jekyll site. I purposely keep the styling minimal and bare to make it easier to add your own flare and markup. I'm currently using a variation of it on my personal website [Made Mistakes](http://mademistakes.com) with some modifications. To learn more about how to use the theme and install it check out the [Skinny Bones demo](http://mmistakes.github.io/skinny-bones-jekyll/) (*work in progress*). ![screenshot of Skinny Bones](http://mmistakes.github.io/skinny-bones-jekyll/images/skinny-bones-theme-feature.jpg) --- ## Notable Features * Jekyll 3.x and GitHub Pages compatible. * Stylesheet built using Sass. * Data files for easier customization of the site navigation/footer and for supporting multiple authors. * Optional Disqus comments, table of contents, social sharing links, and Google AdSense ads. * And more.