* Manage EasyEngine stack.
* ee stack install
* ee stack install --package
class Stack_Command extends EE_CLI_Command {
* Install package into system.
* [<packages>]
* : install single packages
* : Install packages
public function install( $args, $assoc_args ) {
if ( isset( $assoc_args['categories']) ) {
$install = $this->install_categories($assoc_args);
EE_CLI::success('Package succesfully installed : ' . $assoc_args['categories']);
elseif (isset($args[0])) {
$install = $this->install_package($args);
EE_CLI::success('Package succesfully installed : ' . $args[0]);
//Read stack name to be installed from optional arguments
//Check if stack configuration for provided arguments list exists.
//If stack exists parse configuration for stack.
/** Check if stack configuration and system matches. for example.
if stack_type is apt and system supports yum then error must be thrown.
// else If configuration matches the system then Installation process should be
// carried out accordingly.
private function install_categories( $assoc_args )
$Data = Spyc::YAMLLoad('/home/rtcamp/Desktop/developments/ee-cli.yml');
foreach ($Data as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $key_inner => $values_inner) {
if ($key_inner == 'category' and $values_inner = $assoc_args['categories']) {
$arg[0]= $key;
$install = $this->install_package( $arg );
private function install_package( $args ){
$Data = Spyc::YAMLLoad('/home/rtcamp/Desktop/developments/ee-cli.yml');
if (isset($Data[$args[0]])) {
EE_CLI::success('installing packages from ee-config.cli: ' . $args[0]);
EE_CLI::success('installing package_name: ' . $Data[$args[0]]['package_name']);
EE_CLI::success('Adding repository: ' . $Data[$args[0]]['apt_repository']);
* Install package into system.
* : Install packages
public function remove( $args, $assoc_args ) {
//removing packages
EE_CLI::success( 'Package succesfully removed : ' . $assoc_args['package'] );
//Read stack name to be removed from optional arguments
//Check if stack configuration for provided arguments list exists.
//If stack exists parse configuration for stack.
/** Check if stack configuration and system matches. for example.
if stack_type is apt and system supports yum then error must be thrown.
// else If configuration matches the system then Removal process should be
// carried out accordingly.
* Install package into system.
* : Install packages
public function purge( $args, $assoc_args ) {
//purging packages
EE_CLI::success( 'Package succesfully purged : ' . $assoc_args['package'] );
//Purge command is alias for the remove command.
// so we must add alias of this command for remove.
* Install package into system.
* : Install packages
public function start( $args, $assoc_args ) {
//start service
EE_CLI::success( 'Service succesfully started : ' . $assoc_args['package'] );
// Read service name from command arguments.
//Check if service exists in that stack config.
//start service
* Install package into system.
* : Install packages
public function stop( $args, $assoc_args ) {
EE_CLI::success( 'Service succesfully stopped : ' . $assoc_args['package'] );
// Read service name from command arguments.
//Check if service exists in that stack config.
//start service
* Install package into system.
* : Install packages
public function upgrade( $args, $assoc_args ) {
//upgraded packages
EE_CLI::success( 'Package succesfully upgraded : ' . $assoc_args['package'] );
//Read stack name to be removed from optional arguments
//Check if stack configuration for provided arguments list exists.
//If stack exists parse configuration for stack.
/** Check if stack configuration and system matches. for example.
if stack_type is apt and system supports yum then error must be thrown.
// else If configuration matches the system then upgrade process should be
// carried out.
// upgrade process will need to be decided on stack_type.
//If stack_type is apt then it can be done via `apt-get upgrade`
//If stack_type is composer then it should be done via composer update.
//Like wise for other stack types.
EE_CLI::add_command( 'stack', 'Stack_Command' );