425 lines
20 KiB

"""Debug Plugin for EasyEngine"""
from cement.core.controller import CementBaseController, expose
from cement.core import handler, hook
10 years ago
from ee.core.shellexec import EEShellExec
10 years ago
from ee.core.mysql import EEMysql
10 years ago
from ee.core.services import EEService
from ee.core.logging import Log
import os
def debug_plugin_hook(app):
# do something with the ``app`` object here.
class EEDebugController(CementBaseController):
class Meta:
label = 'debug'
description = 'Used for server level debugging'
stacked_on = 'base'
stacked_type = 'nested'
arguments = [
dict(help='Stop debug', action='store_true')),
dict(help='Start debug', action='store_true')),
dict(help='Debug Nginx', action='store_true')),
dict(help='Debug PHP', action='store_true')),
dict(help='Debug FastCGI', action='store_true')),
dict(help='Debug MySQL', action='store_true')),
dict(help='Debug WordPress sites', action='store_true')),
dict(help='Debug Nginx rewrite rules', action='store_true')),
(['-i', '--interactive'],
dict(help='Interactive debug', action='store_true')),
10 years ago
dict(help='Import MySQL slow log to Anemometer',
action='store', dest='interval')),
dict(help='Website Name', nargs='?', default=None))
def debug_nginx(self):
# start global debug
if self.start and not self.app.pargs.site_name:
10 years ago
debug_address = (self.app.config.get('stack', 'ip-address')
except Exception as e:
debug_address = ['']
for ip_addr in debug_address:
if not ("debug_connection "+ip_addr in open('/etc/nginx/'
Log.info(self, "Setting up Nginx debug connection"
" for "+ip_addr)
10 years ago
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/events {{/a\\ \\ \\ "
"\\ $(echo debug_connection "
"{ip}\;)\" /etc/nginx/"
self.trigger_nginx = True
if not self.trigger_nginx:
Log.info(self, "Nginx debug connection already enabled")
10 years ago
10 years ago
self.msg = self.msg + [" /var/log/nginx/*.error.log"]
10 years ago
# stop global debug
elif not self.start and not self.app.pargs.site_name:
10 years ago
if "debug_connection " in open('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf').read():
Log.info(self, "Disabling Nginx debug connections")
10 years ago
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/debug_connection.*/d\""
" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf")
self.trigger_nginx = True
Log.info(self, "Nginx debug connection already disabled")
# start site specific debug
elif self.start and self.app.pargs.site_name:
config_path = ("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}"
if os.path.isfile(config_path):
if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"error.log debug\" "
Log.info(self, "Starting NGINX debug connection for "
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s/error.log;/"
"error.log "
"debug;/\" {0}".format(config_path))
self.trigger_nginx = True
Log.info(self, "Debug for site allready enabled")
10 years ago
self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/www//logs/error.log'
Log.info(self, "{0} domain not valid"
# stop site specific debug
elif not self.start and self.app.pargs.site_name:
config_path = ("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}"
if os.path.isfile(config_path):
if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"error.log debug\" {0}"
Log.info(self, "Stoping NGINX debug connection for {0}"
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s/error.log debug;/"
"error.log;/\" {0}"
self.trigger_nginx = True
Log.info(self, "Debug for site allready disabled")
Log.info(self, "{0} domain not valid"
def debug_php(self):
# PHP global debug start
if self.start:
10 years ago
if not (EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -n \"/upstream php"
"{/,/}/p \" /etc/nginx/"
"conf.d/upstream.conf "
"| grep 9001")):
Log.info(self, "Enabling PHP debug")
10 years ago
data = dict(php="9001", debug="9001")
Log.info(self, 'Writting the Nginx debug configration to file '
'/etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf ')
10 years ago
ee_nginx = open('/etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf', 'w')
self.app.render((data), 'upstream.mustache', out=ee_nginx)
10 years ago
self.trigger_php = True
10 years ago
Log.info(self, "PHP debug is allready enabled")
10 years ago
self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/log/php5/slow.log']
# PHP global debug stop
10 years ago
if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -n \"/upstream php {/,/}/p\" "
"/etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf "
"| grep 9001"):
Log.info(self, "Disabling PHP debug")
10 years ago
data = dict(php="9000", debug="9001")
Log.info(self, 'Writting the Nginx debug configration to file '
'/etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf ')
10 years ago
ee_nginx = open('/etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf', 'w')
self.app.render((data), 'upstream.mustache', out=ee_nginx)
10 years ago
self.trigger_php = True
10 years ago
Log.info(self, "PHP debug is allready disabled")
def debug_fpm(self):
# PHP5-FPM start global debug
if self.start:
10 years ago
if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"log_level = debug\" "
Log.info(self, "Setting up PHP5-FPM log_level = debug")
10 years ago
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s\';log_level.*\'log_"
"level = debug\'\" /etc/php5/fpm"
self.trigger_php = True
Log.info(self, "PHP5-FPM log_level = debug already setup")
10 years ago
self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/log/php5/fpm.log']
# PHP5-FPM stop global debug
10 years ago
if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"log_level = debug\" "
Log.info(self, "Disabling PHP5-FPM log_level = debug")
10 years ago
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s\'log_level.*\';log_"
"level = notice\'\" /etc/php5/fpm"
self.trigger_php = True
Log.info(self, "PHP5-FPM log_level = debug already disabled")
def debug_mysql(self):
# MySQL start global debug
if self.start:
10 years ago
if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "mysql -e \"show variables like"
" \'slow_query_log\';\" | "
"grep ON"):
Log.info(self, "Setting up MySQL slow log")
10 years ago
EEMysql.execute(self, "set global slow_query_log = "
EEMysql.execute(self, "set global slow_query_log_file = "
EEMysql.execute(self, "set global long_query_time = 2;")
EEMysql.execute(self, "set global log_queries_not_using"
"_indexes = \'ON\';")
if self.app.pargs.interval:
cron_time = int(self.app.pargs.interval)
except Exception as e:
cron_time = 5
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "/bin/bash -c \"crontab -l 2> "
"/dev/null | {{ cat; echo -e"
" \\\"#EasyEngine start MySQL slow"
" log \\n*/{0} * * * * "
"/usr/local/sbin/ee import-slow-log\\"
"n#EasyEngine end MySQL slow log\\\";"
" }} | crontab -\"".format(cron_time))
Log.info(self, "MySQL slow log is allready enabled")
10 years ago
self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log']
# MySQL stop global debug
10 years ago
if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "mysql -e \"show variables like \'"
"slow_query_log\';\" | grep ON"):
Log.info(self, "Disabling MySQL slow log")
10 years ago
EEMysql.execute(self, "set global slow_query_log = \'OFF\';")
EEMysql.execute(self, "set global slow_query_log_file = \'"
EEMysql.execute(self, "set global long_query_time = 10;")
EEMysql.execute(self, "set global log_queries_not_using_index"
"es = \'OFF\';")
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "crontab -l | sed \'/#EasyEngine "
"start/,/#EasyEngine end/d\' | crontab -")
Log.info(self, "MySQL slow log already disabled")
def debug_wp(self):
if self.start and self.app.pargs.site_name:
wp_config = ("/var/www/{0}/wp-config.php"
webroot = "/var/www/{0}".format(self.app.pargs.site_name)
if os.path.isfile(wp_config):
if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"\'WP_DEBUG\'\" {0} |"
" grep true".format(wp_config)):
Log.info(self, "Starting WordPress debug")
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "chown www-data: {0}/htdocs/wp-"
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s/define(\'WP_DEBUG\'"
".*/define(\'WP_DEBUG\', true);\\n"
"define(\'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY\', false);"
"\\ndefine(\'WP_DEBUG_LOG\', true);"
"\\ndefine(\'SAVEQUERIES\', true);/\""
" {0}".format(wp_config))
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "cd {0}/htdocs/ && wp"
" plugin --allow-root install "
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "chown -R www-data: {0}/htdocs/"
Log.info(self, "WordPress debug log already enabled")
Log.info(self, "{0} domain not valid"
elif not self.start and self.app.pargs.site_name:
wp_config = ("/var/www/{0}/wp-config.php"
webroot = "/var/www/{0}".format(self.app.pargs.site_name)
if os.path.isfile(wp_config):
if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"\'WP_DEBUG\'\" {0} | "
"grep true".format(wp_config)):
Log.info(self, "Disabling WordPress debug")
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s/define(\'WP_DEBUG\'"
", true);/define(\'WP_DEBUG\', "
"false);/\" {0}".format(wp_config))
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/define(\'"
"WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY\', false);/d\" {0}"
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/define(\'"
"WP_DEBUG_LOG\', true);/d\" {0}"
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/define(\'"
"true);/d\" {0}".format(wp_config))
Log.info(self, "WordPress debug all already disabled")
Log.error(self, "{0} domain not valid"
Log.error(self, "Missing argument site name")
def debug_rewrite(self):
10 years ago
# Start Nginx rewrite debug globally
if self.start and not self.app.pargs.site_name:
10 years ago
if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"rewrite_log on;\" "
Log.info(self, "Setting up Nginx rewrite logs")
10 years ago
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \'/http {/a \\\\t"
"rewrite_log on;\' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf")
self.trigger_nginx = True
Log.info(self, "Nginx rewrite logs already enabled")
10 years ago
if '/var/log/nginx/*.error.log' not in self.msg:
self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/log/nginx/*.error.log']
# Stop Nginx rewrite debug globally
elif not self.start and not self.app.pargs.site_name:
10 years ago
if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"rewrite_log on;\" "
Log.info(self, "Disabling Nginx rewrite logs")
10 years ago
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/rewrite_log.*/d\""
" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf")
self.trigger_nginx = True
Log.info(self, "Nginx rewrite logs already disabled")
10 years ago
# Start Nginx rewrite for site
elif self.start and self.app.pargs.site_name:
config_path = ("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}.conf"
if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"rewrite_log on;\" {0}"
Log.info(self, "Setting up Nginx rewrite logs for {0}"
10 years ago
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/access_log/i \\\\\\t"
"rewrite_log on;\" {0}"
self.trigger_nginx = True
Log.info(self, "Nginx rewrite logs for {0} allready setup"
10 years ago
if ('/var/www/{0}/logs/error.log'.format(self.app.pargs.site_name)
not in self.msg):
self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/www/{0}/logs/error.log'
# Stop Nginx rewrite for site
elif not self.start and self.app.pargs.site_name:
config_path = ("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}.conf"
if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"rewrite_log on;\" {0}"
Log.info(self, "Disabling Nginx rewrite logs for {0}"
10 years ago
EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/rewrite_log.*/d\" {0}"
self.trigger_nginx = True
Log.info(self, "Nginx rewrite logs for {0} allready "
" disabled".format(self.app.pargs.site_name))
def default(self):
self.start = True
self.interactive = False
10 years ago
self.msg = []
self.trigger_nginx = False
self.trigger_php = False
if self.app.pargs.stop:
self.start = False
if ((not self.app.pargs.nginx) and (not self.app.pargs.php)
and (not self.app.pargs.fpm) and (not self.app.pargs.mysql)
and (not self.app.pargs.wp) and (not self.app.pargs.rewrite)
and (not self.app.pargs.site_name)):
if ((not self.app.pargs.nginx) and (not self.app.pargs.php)
and (not self.app.pargs.fpm) and (not self.app.pargs.mysql)
and (not self.app.pargs.wp) and (not self.app.pargs.rewrite)
and self.app.pargs.site_name):
if self.app.pargs.nginx:
if self.app.pargs.php:
if self.app.pargs.fpm:
if self.app.pargs.mysql:
if self.app.pargs.wp:
if self.app.pargs.rewrite:
if self.app.pargs.interactive:
self.interactive = True
10 years ago
# Reload Nginx
if self.trigger_nginx:
EEService.reload_service(self, ['nginx'])
# Reload PHP
if self.trigger_php:
EEService.reload_service(self, ['php5-fpm'])
# if len(self.msg) > 0:
# self.app.log.info("Use following command to check debug logs:"
# "\n{0}".format(self.msg.join()))
10 years ago
def load(app):
# register the plugin class.. this only happens if the plugin is enabled
# register a hook (function) to run after arguments are parsed.
hook.register('post_argument_parsing', debug_plugin_hook)