from cement.core.controller import CementBaseController, expose
from cement.core import handler, hook
from ee.core.services import EEService
from ee.core.logging import Log
class EEStackStatusController(CementBaseController):
class Meta:
label = 'stack_services'
stacked_on = 'stack'
stacked_type = 'embedded'
description = 'Get status of stack'
arguments = [
dict(help='start/stop/restart memcache', action='store_true')),
dict(help='start/stop/restart dovecot', action='store_true')),
@expose(help="Start stack services")
def start(self):
"""Start services"""
services = []
if self.app.pargs.nginx:
Log.debug(self, "nginx service start")
services = services + ['nginx']
if self.app.pargs.php:
Log.debug(self, "php5-fpm service start")
services = services + ['php5-fpm']
if self.app.pargs.mysql:
Log.debug(self, "mysql service start")
services = services + ['mysql']
if self.app.pargs.postfix:
Log.debug(self, "postfix service start")
services = services + ['postfix']
if self.app.pargs.memcache:
Log.debug(self, "memcached service start")
services = services + ['memcached']
if self.app.pargs.dovecot:
Log.debug(self, "dovecot service start")
services = services + ['dovecot']
if not services:
Log.debug(self, "nginx,php5-fpm,mysql,postfix services start")
services = services + ['nginx', 'php5-fpm', 'mysql', 'postfix']
for service in services:
EEService.start_service(self, service)
@expose(help="Stop stack services")
def stop(self):
"""Stop services"""
services = []
if self.app.pargs.nginx:
Log.debug(self, "nginx service stop")
services = services + ['nginx']
if self.app.pargs.php:
Log.debug(self, "php5-fpm service stop")
services = services + ['php5-fpm']
if self.app.pargs.mysql:
Log.debug(self, "mysql service stop")
services = services + ['mysql']
if self.app.pargs.postfix:
Log.debug(self, "postfix service stop")
services = services + ['postfix']
if self.app.pargs.memcache:
Log.debug(self, "memcached service stop")
services = services + ['memcached']
if self.app.pargs.dovecot:
Log.debug(self, "dovecot service stop")
services = services + ['dovecot']
if not services:
services = services + ['nginx', 'php5-fpm', 'mysql', 'postfix']
Log.debug(self, "nginx,php5-fpm,mysql,postfix services stop")
for service in services:
EEService.stop_service(self, service)
@expose(help="Restart stack services")
def restart(self):
"""Restart services"""
services = []
if self.app.pargs.nginx:
Log.debug(self, "nginx service restart")
services = services + ['nginx']
if self.app.pargs.php:
Log.debug(self, "php5-fpm service restart")
services = services + ['php5-fpm']
if self.app.pargs.mysql:
Log.debug(self, "mysql service restart")
services = services + ['mysql']
if self.app.pargs.postfix:
Log.debug(self, "postfix service restart")
services = services + ['postfix']
if self.app.pargs.memcache:
Log.debug(self, "memcached service restart")
services = services + ['memcached']
if self.app.pargs.dovecot:
Log.debug(self, "dovecot service restart")
services = services + ['dovecot']
if not services:
services = services + ['nginx', 'php5-fpm', 'mysql', 'postfix']
for service in services:
Log.debug(self, "nginx,php5-fpm,mysql,postfix services restart")
EEService.restart_service(self, service)
@expose(help="Get stack status")
def status(self):
"""Status of services"""
services = []
if self.app.pargs.nginx:
Log.debug(self, "nginx service status")
services = services + ['nginx']
if self.app.pargs.php:
Log.debug(self, "php5-fpm service status")
services = services + ['php5-fpm']
if self.app.pargs.mysql:
Log.debug(self, "mysql service status")
services = services + ['mysql']
if self.app.pargs.postfix:
services = services + ['postfix']
Log.debug(self, "postfix service status")
if self.app.pargs.memcache:
Log.debug(self, "memcached service status")
services = services + ['memcached']
if self.app.pargs.dovecot:
Log.debug(self, "dovecot service status")
services = services + ['dovecot']
if not services:
Log.debug(self, "nginx,php5-fpm,mysql,postfix services status")
services = services + ['nginx', 'php5-fpm', 'mysql', 'postfix']
for service in services:
if EEService.get_service_status(self, service):
Log.info(self, "{0:10}: {1}".format(service, "Running"))
@expose(help="Reload stack services")
def reload(self):
"""Reload service"""
services = []
if self.app.pargs.nginx:
Log.debug(self, "nginx service reload")
services = services + ['nginx']
if self.app.pargs.php:
Log.debug(self, "php5-fpm service reload")
services = services + ['php5-fpm']
if self.app.pargs.mysql:
Log.debug(self, "mysql service reload")
services = services + ['mysql']
if self.app.pargs.postfix:
Log.debug(self, "postfix service reload")
services = services + ['postfix']
if self.app.pargs.memcache:
Log.debug(self, "memcached service reload")
services = services + ['memcached']
if self.app.pargs.dovecot:
Log.debug(self, "dovecot service reload")
services = services + ['dovecot']
if not services:
services = services + ['nginx', 'php5-fpm', 'mysql', 'postfix']
for service in services:
Log.debug(self, "nginx,php5-fpm,mysql,postfix services reload")
EEService.reload_service(self, service)