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"""EasyEngine core variable module"""
import platform
import socket
import configparser
import os
10 years ago
import sys
10 years ago
import psutil
import datetime
class EEVariables():
"""Intialization of core variables"""
# EasyEngine version
10 years ago
ee_version = "3.0.8"
# EasyEngine packages versions
ee_wp_cli = "0.18.0"
ee_adminer = "4.1.0"
ee_roundcube = "1.1.1"
ee_vimbadmin = "3.0.11"
# Current date and time of System
ee_date ='%d%b%Y%H%M%S')
# EasyEngine core variables
ee_platform_distro = platform.linux_distribution()[0]
ee_platform_version = platform.linux_distribution()[1]
ee_platform_codename = os.popen("lsb_release -sc | tr -d \'\\n\'").read()
# Get FQDN of system
ee_fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
# EasyEngien default webroot path
ee_webroot = '/var/www/'
# PHP5 user
ee_php_user = 'www-data'
# Get git user name and EMail
config = configparser.ConfigParser()"~")+'/.gitconfig')
10 years ago
ee_user = config['user']['name']
ee_email = config['user']['email']
except Exception as e:
ee_user = input("Enter your name: ")
ee_email = input("Enter your email: ")
os.system("git config --global {0}".format(ee_user))
os.system("git config --global {0}".format(ee_email))
10 years ago
# Get System RAM and SWAP details
ee_ram = psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024 * 1024)
ee_swap = psutil.swap_memory().total / (1024 * 1024)
# MySQL hostname
ee_mysql_host = ""
config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
cnfpath = os.path.expanduser("~")+"/.my.cnf"
if [cnfpath] ==
ee_mysql_host = config.get('client', 'host')
except configparser.NoOptionError as e:
ee_mysql_host = "localhost"
ee_mysql_host = "localhost"
# EasyEngine stack installation varibales
# Nginx repo and packages
if ee_platform_distro == 'Ubuntu':
ee_nginx_repo = "ppa:rtcamp/nginx"
ee_nginx = ["nginx-custom", "nginx-common"]
elif ee_platform_distro == 'debian':
ee_nginx_repo = ("deb {codename} all"
ee_nginx = ["nginx-full", "nginx-common"]
# PHP repo and packages
10 years ago
if ee_platform_distro == 'Ubuntu':
ee_php_repo = "ppa:ondrej/php5"
elif ee_platform_codename == 'wheezy':
ee_php_repo = ("deb {codename}-php55 all"
10 years ago
ee_php = ["php5-fpm", "php5-curl", "php5-gd", "php5-imap",
"php5-mcrypt", "php5-xdebug", "php5-common", "php5-readline",
10 years ago
"php5-mysql", "php5-cli", "php5-memcache", "php5-imagick",
"memcached", "graphviz"]
# MySQL repo and packages
if ee_platform_distro == 'Ubuntu':
ee_mysql_repo = ("deb"
"10.0/ubuntu {codename} main"
elif ee_platform_distro == 'debian':
ee_mysql_repo = ("deb"
"10.0/debian {codename} main"
ee_mysql = ["mariadb-server", "mysqltuner", "percona-toolkit"]
# Postfix repo and packages
ee_postfix_repo = ""
ee_postfix = ["postfix"]
10 years ago
# Mail repo and packages
ee_mail_repo = ("deb {codename}"
"-backports main".format(codename=ee_platform_codename))
ee_mail = ["dovecot-core", "dovecot-imapd", "dovecot-pop3d",
"dovecot-lmtpd", "dovecot-mysql", "dovecot-sieve",
"dovecot-managesieved", "postfix-mysql", "php5-cgi",
"php-gettext", "php-pear"]
10 years ago
# Mailscanner repo and packages
ee_mailscanner_repo = ()
ee_mailscanner = ["amavisd-new", "spamassassin", "clamav", "clamav-daemon",
"arj", "zoo", "nomarch", "lzop", "cabextract", "p7zip",
"rpm", "unrar-free"]
# Repo path
10 years ago
ee_repo_file = "ee-repo.list"
10 years ago
ee_repo_file_path = ("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" + ee_repo_file)
10 years ago
# Application dabase file path
basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname('/var/lib/ee/'))
ee_db_uri = 'sqlite:///' + os.path.join(basedir, 'ee.db')
10 years ago
def __init__(self):