# """EasyEngine site controller."""
from cement.core.controller import CementBaseController, expose
from cement.core import handler, hook
from ee.core.variables import EEVariables
from ee.core.domainvalidate import ValidateDomain
from ee.core.fileutils import EEFileUtils
from ee.cli.plugins.site_functions import *
from ee.core.services import EEService
from ee.cli.plugins.sitedb import *
from ee.core.git import EEGit
from subprocess import Popen
import sys
import os
import glob
import subprocess
def ee_site_hook(app):
# do something with the ``app`` object here.
from ee.core.database import init_db
import ee.cli.plugins.models
class EESiteController(CementBaseController):
class Meta:
label = 'site'
stacked_on = 'base'
stacked_type = 'nested'
description = ('Performs website specific operations')
arguments = [
dict(help='Website name', nargs='?')),
usage = "ee site (command) <site_name> [options]"
def default(self):
@expose(help="Enable site example.com")
def enable(self):
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.error(self, 'could not input site name')
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
# validate domain name
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
# check if site exists
if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain))
if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'
Log.info(self, "Enable domain {0:10} \t".format(ee_domain), end='')
EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"],
msg="Enabled {0} "
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, enabled=True)
Log.info(self, "[" + Log.ENDC + "OK" + Log.OKBLUE + "]")
EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx')
Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exist"
@expose(help="Disable site example.com")
def disable(self):
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.error(self, 'could not input site name')
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
# check if site exists
if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain))
if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'
Log.info(self, "Disable domain {0:10} \t"
.format(ee_domain), end='')
if not os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{0}'
Log.debug(self, "Site {0} already disabled".format(ee_domain))
Log.info(self, "[" + Log.FAIL + "Failed" + Log.OKBLUE+"]")
EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"],
msg="Disabled {0} "
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, enabled=False)
Log.info(self, "[" + Log.ENDC + "OK" + Log.OKBLUE + "]")
EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx')
Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exist"
@expose(help="Get example.com information")
def info(self):
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.error(self, 'could not input site name')
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
ee_db_name = ''
ee_db_user = ''
ee_db_pass = ''
hhvm = ''
if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain))
if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'
siteinfo = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain)
sitetype = siteinfo.site_type
cachetype = siteinfo.cache_type
ee_site_webroot = siteinfo.site_path
access_log = (ee_site_webroot + '/logs/access.log')
error_log = (ee_site_webroot + '/logs/error.log')
ee_db_name = siteinfo.db_name
ee_db_user = siteinfo.db_user
ee_db_pass = siteinfo.db_password
ee_db_host = siteinfo.db_host
if sitetype != "html":
hhvm = ("enabled" if siteinfo.is_hhvm else "disabled")
pagespeed = ("enabled" if siteinfo.is_pagespeed else "disabled")
data = dict(domain=ee_domain, webroot=ee_site_webroot,
accesslog=access_log, errorlog=error_log,
dbname=ee_db_name, dbuser=ee_db_user,
dbpass=ee_db_pass, hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed,
type=sitetype + " " + cachetype + " ({0})"
.format("enabled" if siteinfo.is_enabled else
self.app.render((data), 'siteinfo.mustache')
Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exist"
@expose(help="Monitor example.com logs")
def log(self):
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
ee_site_webroot = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain).site_path
if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain))
logfiles = glob.glob(ee_site_webroot + '/logs/*.log')
if logfiles:
logwatch(self, logfiles)
@expose(help="Edit Nginx configuration of example.com")
def edit(self):
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.error(self, 'Unable to read input, Please try again')
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain))
if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'
EEShellExec.invoke_editor(self, '/etc/nginx/sites-available/'
except CommandExecutionError as e:
Log.error(self, "Failed invoke editor")
if (EEGit.checkfilestatus(self, "/etc/nginx",
EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"], msg="Edit website: {0}"
# Reload NGINX
EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx')
Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exists"
@expose(help="Display Nginx configuration of example.com")
def show(self):
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.error(self, 'could not input site name')
# TODO Write code for ee site edit command here
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain))
if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'
Log.info(self, "Display NGINX configuration for {0}"
f = open('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'.format(ee_domain),
encoding='utf-8', mode='r')
text = f.read()
Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + text)
Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exists"
@expose(help="Change directory to site webroot")
def cd(self):
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.error(self, 'Unable to read input, please try again')
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain))
ee_site_webroot = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain).site_path
EEFileUtils.chdir(self, ee_site_webroot)
except OSError as e:
Log.debug(self, "{0}{1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))
Log.error(self, "unable to change directory")
class EESiteCreateController(CementBaseController):
class Meta:
label = 'create'
stacked_on = 'site'
stacked_type = 'nested'
description = ('this commands set up configuration and installs '
'required files as options are provided')
arguments = [
dict(help='domain name for the site to be created.',
dict(help="create html site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="create php site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="create mysql site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="create wordpress single site",
dict(help="create wordpress multisite with subdirectory setup",
dict(help="create wordpress multisite with subdomain setup",
dict(help="create wordpress single/multi site with w3tc cache",
dict(help="create wordpress single/multi site with wpfc cache",
dict(help="create wordpress single/multi site with wpsc cache",
dict(help="create HHVM site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="create pagespeed site", action='store_true')),
def default(self):
# self.app.render((data), 'default.mustache')
# Check domain name validation
data = dict()
stype, cache = detSitePar(vars(self.app.pargs))
except RuntimeError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Please provide valid options to creating site")
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
# preprocessing before finalize site name
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Unable to input site name, Please try again!")
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
ee_site_webroot = EEVariables.ee_webroot + ee_domain
if check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} already exists".format(ee_domain))
elif os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'
Log.error(self, "Nginx configuration /etc/nginx/sites-available/"
"{0} already exists".format(ee_domain))
if stype in ['html', 'php']:
data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain,
static=True, basic=False, wp=False, w3tc=False,
wpfc=False, wpsc=False, multisite=False,
wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot)
if stype == 'php':
data['static'] = False
data['basic'] = True
elif stype in ['mysql', 'wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain,
static=False, basic=True, wp=False, w3tc=False,
wpfc=False, wpsc=False, multisite=False,
wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot,
ee_db_name='', ee_db_user='', ee_db_pass='',
if stype in ['wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
data['wp'] = True
data['basic'] = False
data[cache] = True
if stype in ['wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
data['multisite'] = True
if stype == 'wpsubdir':
data['wpsubdir'] = True
if stype == "html" and self.app.pargs.hhvm:
Log.error(self, "Can not create HTML site with HHVM")
if data and self.app.pargs.hhvm:
data['hhvm'] = True
hhvm = 1
elif data:
data['hhvm'] = False
hhvm = 0
if data and self.app.pargs.pagespeed:
data['pagespeed'] = True
pagespeed = 1
elif data:
data['pagespeed'] = False
pagespeed = 0
if not data:
# Check rerequired packages are installed or not
ee_auth = site_package_check(self, stype)
# setup NGINX configuration, and webroot
setupdomain(self, data)
except SiteError as e:
# call cleanup actions on failure
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!")
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...")
doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain,
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
addNewSite(self, ee_domain, stype, cache, ee_site_webroot,
hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed)
# Setup database for MySQL site
if 'ee_db_name' in data.keys() and not data['wp']:
data = setupdatabase(self, data)
# Add database information for site into database
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, db_name=data['ee_db_name'],
except SiteError as e:
# call cleanup actions on failure
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!")
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...")
doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain,
deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain)
Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
eedbconfig = open("{0}/ee-config.php"
encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
eedbconfig.write("<?php \ndefine('DB_NAME', '{0}');"
"\ndefine('DB_USER', '{1}'); "
"\ndefine('DB_PASSWORD', '{2}');"
"\ndefine('DB_HOST', '{3}');\n?>"
stype = 'mysql'
except IOError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.debug(self, "Error occured while generating "
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!")
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...")
doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain,
deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain)
Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
# Setup WordPress if Wordpress site
if data['wp']:
ee_wp_creds = setupwordpress(self, data)
# Add database information for site into database
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, db_name=data['ee_db_name'],
except SiteError as e:
# call cleanup actions on failure
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!")
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...")
doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain,
deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain)
Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
# Service Nginx Reload
EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx')
EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"],
msg="{0} created with {1} {2}"
.format(ee_www_domain, stype, cache))
# Setup Permissions for webroot
setwebrootpermissions(self, data['webroot'])
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!")
Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...")
doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain,
deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain)
Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
if ee_auth and len(ee_auth):
for msg in ee_auth:
Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + msg, log=False)
if data['wp']:
Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin user :"
" {0}".format(ee_wp_creds['wp_user']), log=False)
Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin user password : {0}"
.format(ee_wp_creds['wp_pass']), log=False)
display_cache_settings(self, data)
Log.info(self, "Successfully created site"
" http://{0}".format(ee_domain))
except SiteError as e:
Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
class EESiteUpdateController(CementBaseController):
class Meta:
label = 'update'
stacked_on = 'site'
stacked_type = 'nested'
description = ('This command updates websites configuration to '
'another as per the options are provided')
arguments = [
dict(help='domain name for the site to be updated',
dict(help="update to password for wordpress site user",
dict(help="update to html site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="update to php site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="update to mysql site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="update to wordpress single site",
dict(help="update to wpsubdir site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="update to wpsubdomain site", action='store_true')),
dict(help="update to w3tc cache", action='store_true')),
dict(help="update to wpfc cache", action='store_true')),
dict(help="update to wpsc cache", action='store_true')),
dict(help='Use HHVM for site',
action='store' or 'store_const',
choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')),
dict(help='Use PageSpeed for site',
action='store' or 'store_const',
choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?'))
@expose(help="Update site type or cache")
def default(self):
hhvm = None
pagespeed = None
data = dict()
stype, cache = detSitePar(vars(self.app.pargs))
except RuntimeError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Please provide valid options combination for"
" site update")
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.error(self, 'Unable to input site name, Please try again!')
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
ee_www_domain, ) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
ee_site_webroot = EEVariables.ee_webroot + ee_domain
check_site = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain)
if check_site is None:
Log.error(self, " Site {0} does not exist.".format(ee_domain))
oldsitetype = check_site.site_type
oldcachetype = check_site.cache_type
old_hhvm = check_site.is_hhvm
old_pagespeed = check_site.is_pagespeed
if (self.app.pargs.password and not (self.app.pargs.html or
self.app.pargs.php or self.app.pargs.mysql or self.app.pargs.wp or
self.app.pargs.w3tc or self.app.pargs.wpfc or self.app.pargs.wpsc
or self.app.pargs.wpsubdir or self.app.pargs.wpsubdomain)):
updatewpuserpassword(self, ee_domain, ee_site_webroot)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Password Unchanged.")
if ((stype == 'php' and oldsitetype != 'html') or
(stype == 'mysql' and oldsitetype not in ['html', 'php']) or
(stype == 'wp' and oldsitetype not in ['html', 'php', 'mysql',
'wp']) or
(stype == 'wpsubdir' and oldsitetype in ['wpsubdomain']) or
(stype == 'wpsubdomain' and oldsitetype in ['wpsubdir']) or
(stype == oldsitetype and cache == oldcachetype)):
Log.error(self, "can not update {0} {1} to {2} {3}".
format(oldsitetype, oldcachetype, stype, cache))
if stype == 'php':
data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain,
static=False, basic=True, wp=False, w3tc=False,
wpfc=False, wpsc=False, multisite=False,
wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot,
currsitetype=oldsitetype, currcachetype=oldcachetype)
elif stype in ['mysql', 'wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain,
static=False, basic=True, wp=False, w3tc=False,
wpfc=False, wpsc=False, multisite=False,
wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot,
ee_db_name='', ee_db_user='', ee_db_pass='',
currsitetype=oldsitetype, currcachetype=oldcachetype)
if stype in ['wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
data['wp'] = True
data['basic'] = False
data[cache] = True
if stype in ['wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
data['multisite'] = True
if stype == 'wpsubdir':
data['wpsubdir'] = True
if self.app.pargs.pagespeed or self.app.pargs.hhvm:
if not data:
data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain,
stype = oldsitetype
cache = oldcachetype
if oldsitetype == 'html':
data['static'] = True
data['wp'] = False
data['multisite'] = False
data['wpsubdir'] = False
elif oldsitetype == 'php' or oldsitetype == 'mysql':
data['static'] = False
data['wp'] = False
data['multisite'] = False
data['wpsubdir'] = False
elif oldsitetype == 'wp':
data['static'] = False
data['wp'] = True
data['multisite'] = False
data['wpsubdir'] = False
elif oldsitetype == 'wpsubdir':
data['static'] = False
data['wp'] = True
data['multisite'] = True
data['wpsubdir'] = True
elif oldsitetype == 'wpsubdomain':
data['static'] = False
data['wp'] = True
data['multisite'] = True
data['wpsubdir'] = False
if oldcachetype == 'basic':
data['basic'] = True
data['w3tc'] = False
data['wpfc'] = False
data['wpsc'] = False
elif oldcachetype == 'w3tc':
data['basic'] = False
data['w3tc'] = True
data['wpfc'] = False
data['wpsc'] = False
elif oldcachetype == 'wpfc':
data['basic'] = False
data['w3tc'] = False
data['wpfc'] = True
data['wpsc'] = False
elif oldcachetype == 'wpsc':
data['basic'] = False
data['w3tc'] = False
data['wpfc'] = False
data['wpsc'] = True
if self.app.pargs.hhvm != 'off':
data['hhvm'] = True
hhvm = True
elif self.app.pargs.hhvm == 'off':
data['hhvm'] = False
hhvm = False
if self.app.pargs.pagespeed != 'off':
data['pagespeed'] = True
pagespeed = True
elif self.app.pargs.pagespeed == 'off':
data['pagespeed'] = False
pagespeed = False
if self.app.pargs.pagespeed:
if pagespeed == old_pagespeed:
if pagespeed is False:
Log.error(self, "Pagespeed is allready disabled for given "
elif pagespeed is True:
Log.error(self, "Pagespeed is allready enabled for given "
if self.app.pargs.hhvm:
if hhvm == old_hhvm:
if hhvm is False:
Log.error(self, "HHVM is allready disabled for given "
elif hhvm is True:
Log.error(self, "HHVM is allready enabled for given "
if data and (not self.app.pargs.hhvm):
if old_hhvm is True:
data['hhvm'] = True
hhvm = True
data['hhvm'] = False
hhvm = False
if data and (not self.app.pargs.pagespeed):
if old_pagespeed is True:
data['pagespeed'] = True
pagespeed = True
data['pagespeed'] = False
pagespeed = False
if not data:
Log.error(self, " Cannot update {0}, Invalid Options"
ee_auth = site_package_check(self, stype)
sitebackup(self, data)
except Exception as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
# setup NGINX configuration, and webroot
setupdomain(self, data)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
if stype == oldsitetype and cache == oldcachetype:
# Service Nginx Reload
EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx')
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache,
hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed)
Log.info(self, "Successfully updated site"
" http://{0}".format(ee_domain))
if 'ee_db_name' in data.keys() and not data['wp']:
data = setupdatabase(self, data)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
eedbconfig = open("{0}/ee-config.php".format(ee_site_webroot),
encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
eedbconfig.write("<?php \ndefine('DB_NAME', '{0}');"
"\ndefine('DB_USER', '{1}'); "
"\ndefine('DB_PASSWORD', '{2}');"
"\ndefine('DB_HOST', '{3}');\n?>"
except IOError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.debug(self, "creating ee-config.php failed.")
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
if oldsitetype == 'mysql':
config_file = (ee_site_webroot + '/backup/{0}/ee-config.php'
data['ee_db_name'] = (EEFileUtils.grep(self, config_file,
data['ee_db_user'] = (EEFileUtils.grep(self, config_file,
data['ee_db_pass'] = (EEFileUtils.grep(self, config_file,
data['ee_db_host'] = (EEFileUtils.grep(self, config_file,
# Setup WordPress if old sites are html/php/mysql sites
if data['wp'] and oldsitetype in ['html', 'php', 'mysql']:
ee_wp_creds = setupwordpress(self, data)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
# Uninstall unnecessary plugins
if oldsitetype in ['wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
# Setup WordPress Network if update option is multisite
# and oldsite is WordPress single site
if data['multisite'] and oldsitetype == 'wp':
setupwordpressnetwork(self, data)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason"
" `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
if (oldcachetype == 'w3tc' or oldcachetype == 'wpfc' and
not (data['w3tc'] or data['wpfc'])):
uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'w3-total-cache', data)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason"
" `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
if oldcachetype == 'wpsc' and not data['wpsc']:
uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'wp-super-cache', data)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason"
" `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
if (oldcachetype != 'w3tc' or oldcachetype != 'wpfc') and (data['w3tc']
or data['wpfc']):
installwp_plugin(self, 'w3-total-cache', data)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason"
" `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
if oldcachetype != 'wpsc' and data['wpsc']:
installwp_plugin(self, 'wp-super-cache', data)
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
# Service Nginx Reload
EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx')
EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"],
msg="{0} updated with {1} {2}"
.format(ee_www_domain, stype, cache))
# Setup Permissions for webroot
setwebrootpermissions(self, data['webroot'])
except SiteError as e:
Log.debug(self, str(e))
Log.error(self, "Update site failed. Check logs for reason "
"`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!")
if ee_auth and len(ee_auth):
for msg in ee_auth:
Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + msg)
display_cache_settings(self, data)
if data['wp'] and oldsitetype in ['html', 'php', 'mysql']:
Log.info(self, "\n\n" + Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin user :"
" {0}".format(ee_wp_creds['wp_user']))
Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin password : {0}"
.format(ee_wp_creds['wp_pass']) + "\n\n")
if oldsitetype in ['html', 'php'] and stype != 'php':
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache,
db_host=data['ee_db_host'], hhvm=hhvm,
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache,
hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed)
Log.info(self, "Successfully updated site"
" http://{0}".format(ee_domain))
class EESiteDeleteController(CementBaseController):
class Meta:
label = 'delete'
stacked_on = 'site'
stacked_type = 'nested'
description = 'delete an existing website'
arguments = [
dict(help='domain name to be deleted', nargs='?')),
dict(help="doesnt ask permission for delete",
dict(help="delete all", action='store_true')),
dict(help="delete db only", action='store_true')),
dict(help="delete webroot only", action='store_true')),
@expose(help="Delete website configuration and files")
def default(self):
if not self.app.pargs.site_name:
while not self.app.pargs.site_name:
self.app.pargs.site_name = input('Enter site name : ')
except IOError as e:
Log.error(self, 'could not input site name')
self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip()
(ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name)
ee_db_name = ''
ee_prompt = ''
ee_nginx_prompt = ''
mark_db_deleted = False
mark_webroot_deleted = False
if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain):
Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain))
if ((not self.app.pargs.db) and (not self.app.pargs.files) and
(not self.app.pargs.all)):
self.app.pargs.all = True
# Gather information from ee-db for ee_domain
check_site = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain)
ee_site_type = check_site.site_type
ee_site_webroot = check_site.site_path
if ee_site_webroot == 'deleted':
mark_webroot_deleted = True
if ee_site_type in ['mysql', 'wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
ee_db_name = check_site.db_name
ee_db_user = check_site.db_user
ee_db_host = check_site.db_host
if ee_db_name == 'deleted':
mark_db_deleted = True
if self.app.pargs.all:
self.app.pargs.db = True
self.app.pargs.files = True
if self.app.pargs.all:
mark_db_deleted = True
self.app.pargs.files = True
# Delete website database
if self.app.pargs.db:
if ee_db_name != 'deleted' and ee_db_name != '':
if not self.app.pargs.no_prompt:
ee_db_prompt = input('Are you sure, you want to delete'
' database [y/N]: ')
ee_db_prompt = 'Y'
if ee_db_prompt == 'Y' or ee_db_prompt == 'y':
Log.info(self, "Deleting Database, {0}, user {1}"
.format(ee_db_name, ee_db_user))
deleteDB(self, ee_db_name, ee_db_user, ee_db_host)
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain,
mark_db_deleted = True
Log.info(self, "Deleted Database successfully.")
mark_db_deleted = True
Log.info(self, "Does not seems to have database for this site."
# Delete webroot
if self.app.pargs.files:
if ee_site_webroot != 'deleted':
if not self.app.pargs.no_prompt:
ee_web_prompt = input('Are you sure, you want to delete '
'webroot [y/N]: ')
ee_web_prompt = 'Y'
if ee_web_prompt == 'Y' or ee_web_prompt == 'y':
Log.info(self, "Deleting Webroot, {0}"
deleteWebRoot(self, ee_site_webroot)
updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, webroot='deleted')
mark_webroot_deleted = True
Log.info(self, "Deleted webroot successfully")
mark_webroot_deleted = True
Log.info(self, "Webroot seems to be already deleted")
if (mark_webroot_deleted and mark_db_deleted):
# TODO Delete nginx conf
removeNginxConf(self, ee_domain)
deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain)
Log.info(self, "Deleted site {0}".format(ee_domain))
# else:
# Log.error(self, " site {0} does not exists".format(ee_domain))
class EESiteListController(CementBaseController):
class Meta:
label = 'list'
stacked_on = 'site'
stacked_type = 'nested'
description = 'List websites'
arguments = [
dict(help='List enabled websites', action='store_true')),
dict(help="List disabled websites", action='store_true')),
@expose(help="Lists websites")
def default(self):
sites = getAllsites(self)
if not sites:
if self.app.pargs.enabled:
for site in sites:
if site.is_enabled:
Log.info(self, "{0}".format(site.sitename))
elif self.app.pargs.disabled:
for site in sites:
if not site.is_enabled:
Log.info(self, "{0}".format(site.sitename))
for site in sites:
Log.info(self, "{0}".format(site.sitename))
def load(app):
# register the plugin class.. this only happens if the plugin is enabled
# register a hook (function) to run after arguments are parsed.
hook.register('post_argument_parsing', ee_site_hook)