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"""EasyEngine core variable module"""
import platform
class EEVariables():
"""Intialization of core variables"""
# EasyEngine core variables
ee_platform_distro = platform.linux_distribution()[0]
ee_platform_version = platform.linux_distribution()[1]
ee_platform_codename = platform.linux_distribution()[2]
# EasyEngine stack installation varibales
# Nginx repo and packages
if ee_platform_distro == 'Ubuntu':
ee_nginx_repo = "ppa:rtcamp/nginx"
elif ee_platform_distro == 'Debian':
ee_nginx_repo = ("deb {codename} all"
ee_nginx = ["nginx-custom"]
# PHP repo and packages
10 years ago
if ee_platform_distro == 'Ubuntu':
ee_php_repo = "ppa:ondrej/php5"
elif ee_platform_codename == 'squeeze':
ee_php_repo = ("deb {codename}-php54 all"
elif ee_platform_codename == 'wheezy':
ee_php_repo = ("deb {codename}-php55 all"
ee_php = ["php5-curl", "php5-gd", "php5-cli", "php5-fpm", "php5-imap",
"php5-mcrypt", "php5-xdebug"]
# MySQL repo and packages
ee_mysql_repo = ""
10 years ago
ee_mysql = ["percona-server-server-5.6"]
# Postfix repo and packages
ee_postfix_repo = ""
ee_postfix = ["postfix"]
10 years ago
10 years ago
# Dovecot repo and packages
ee_dovecot_repo = ("deb {codename}"
"-backports main".format(codename=ee_platform_codename))
ee_dovecot = ["dovecot-core", "dovecot-imapd", "dovecot-pop3d",
"dovecot-lmtpd", "dovecot-mysql", "dovecot-sieve",
10 years ago
# Repo
ee_repo_file = "ee-repo.list"
10 years ago
ee_repo_file_path = ("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" + ee_repo_file)
10 years ago
def __init__(self):