
## Introduction
easyengine (ee) is a linux shell-script collection, which makes it easy to manage your wordpress-nginx sites on a debian/ubuntu server.
## Quick Start
curl -sL rt.cx/ee | sudo bash # install easyengine
ee system install # install nginx, php, mysql, postfix
ee site create example.com --wp # create example.com and install wordpress on it
## Upgrading
### From easyengine 1.0 to 1.1 and above
/bin/bash <(curl -sL https://raw.github.com/rtCamp/easyengine/stable/usr/local/sbin/eeupdate)
### From easyengine 1.1 and above
ee update
## Site Creation Commands
### Standard WordPress Sites
ee site create example.com --wp # install wordpress without any page caching
ee site create example.com --w3tc # install wordpress with w3-total-cache plugin
ee site create example.com --wpsc # install wordpress with wp-super-cache plugin
ee site create example.com --wpfc # install wordpress + nginx fastcgi_cache
### WordPress Multsite with subdirectory
ee site create example.com --wpsubdir # install wpmu-subdirectory without any page caching
ee site create example.com --wpsubdir --w3tc # install wpmu-subdirectory with w3-total-cache plugin
ee site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpsc # install wpmu-subdirectory with wp-super-cache plugin
ee site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpfc # install wpmu-subdirectory + nginx fastcgi_cache
### WordPress Multsite with subdomain
ee site create example.com --wpsubdom # install wpmu-subdomain without any page caching
ee site create example.com --wpsubdom --w3tc # install wpmu-subdomain with w3-total-cache plugin
ee site create example.com --wpsubdom --wpsc # install wpmu-subdomain with wp-super-cache plugin
ee site create example.com --wpsubdom --wpfc # install wpmu-subdomain + nginx fastcgi_cache
### Non-WordPress Sites
ee site create example.com --html # create example.com for static/html sites
ee site create example.com --php # create example.com with php support
ee site create example.com --mysql # create example.com with php & mysql support
## Useful Links
- [Documentation] (http://rtcamp.com/easyengine/docs/)
- [FAQ] (http://rtcamp.com/easyengine/faq/)
- [Conventions used] (http://rtcamp.com/wordpress-nginx/tutorials/conventions/)
## Donations
- [Using PayPal] (https://rtcamp.com/donate/?project=easyengine)
## License
Same [GPL] (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt) that WordPress uses!