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663 lines
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663 lines
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10 years ago
;; This file is licenesed Under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3
;; © Copyright 2011 - 2014 Open Source Solutions Limited, Dublin, Ireland.
;; ViMbAdmin :: Virtual Mailbox Admin
;; IMPORTANT: Review and change all options in [user]
;; ** This is for ViMbAdmin V3 and later **
;; See:
; Installation Keys and Salts
; During installation, you will be prompted to enter strings here. This
; is to verify that you are in fact the person authorised to complete the
; installation as well as provide security for cookies and passwords.
securitysalt = "{{salt}}"
resources.auth.oss.rememberme.salt = "{{salt}}"
defaults.mailbox.password_salt = "{{salt}}"
; When installing for the first time, it may be useful to set the following
; to 1 BUT ensure you set it to zero again in a production system
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
phpSettings.display_errors = 0
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0
;; You database and caching connection.
resources.doctrine2.connection.options.driver = 'mysqli'
resources.doctrine2.connection.options.dbname = 'vimbadmin'
resources.doctrine2.connection.options.user = 'vimbadmin'
resources.doctrine2.connection.options.password = '{{password}}'
| = '{{host}}'
resources.doctrine2.connection.options.charset = 'utf8'
;; Doctrine2 requires Memcache for maximum efficency. Without Memcache
;; it can be highly inefficient and will slow page requests down.
;; You are strongly advised to install memcache and comment ArrayCache
;; here and uncomment MemcacheCache.
resources.doctrine2cache.type = 'ArrayCache'
;resources.doctrine2cache.type = 'MemcacheCache'
; = ''
resources.doctrine2cache.namespace = 'ViMbAdmin3'
; Default values used when creating domains
; See:
; See:
defaults.domain.quota = 0
defaults.domain.maxquota = 0
defaults.domain.transport = "virtual"
defaults.domain.aliases = 0
defaults.domain.mailboxes = 0
defaults.quota.multiplier = 'MB'
;; Use server side filtering to reduce pagination time on client side
;; Defaults to off / false
defaults.server_side.pagination.enable = false
defaults.server_side.pagination.min_search_str = 3
defaults.server_side.pagination.max_result_cnt = 500
;; Separate configuration for domain list
defaults.server_side.pagination.domain.enable = false
defaults.server_side.pagination.domain.min_search_str = 3
defaults.server_side.pagination.domain.max_result_cnt = 500
; The number of rows displayed in the tables
; must be one of these: 10, 25, 50, 100
defaults.table.entries = 50
;; Options for the display of domain and mailbox sizes
;; See:
;; Enable or disable display of sizes. Default: disabled
defaults.list_size.disabled = true
;; Maildir size units. By default: KB. One of B, KB, MB or GB.
defaults.list_size.multiplier = 'GB'
; Default values for creating mailboxes
; This sets the uid and gid columns in the mailbox table to the below values
defaults.mailbox.uid = 5000
defaults.mailbox.gid = 5000
; Set the homedir and maildir values in the mailbox table where the
; following substitutions apply:
; %d -> domain part of email address
; %u -> user part of email address
; $m -> full email address
defaults.mailbox.maildir = "maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%u""
defaults.mailbox.homedir = "/var/vmail/"
;minimum mailbox password length
defaults.mailbox.min_password_length = 8
; The password hashing function to use. Set to one of:
; "plain" - password stored as clear text
; "md5" - password hashed using MD5 without salt (PHP md5())
; "md5.salted" - password hashed using MD5 with salt (see below)
; "sha1" - password hashed using sha1 without salt
; "sha1.salted" - password hashed using sha1 with salt defined below
; "crypt:XXX" - call the PHP crypt function (with random salt) where XXX is one of: md5, blowfish, sha256, sha512
; "dovecot:XXX" - call the Dovecot password generator (see next option below) and use the
; scheme specified by XXX. To see available schemes, use 'dovecotpw -l'
; or 'doveadm pw -l'
defaults.mailbox.password_scheme = "md5"
; The path to (and initial option(s) if necessary) the Dovecot password generator. Typical
; values may be something like:
; "/usr/bin/doveadm pw"
; "/usr/bin/dovecotpw"
defaults.mailbox.dovecot_pw_binary = "/usr/bin/doveadm pw"
;; A "mailbox alias" will, for example add the following entry to
;; the alias table for a mailbox:
;; ->
;; This is required for aliasing an entire domain. If in doubt, leave it enabled.
mailboxAliases = 1
; See:
server_id = 1
;;Archive options
binary.path.chown_R = "/bin/chown -R"
binary.path.tar_cf = "/bin/tar -cf"
binary.path.tar_xf = "/bin/tar -xf"
binary.path.bzip2_q = "/bin/bzip2 -q"
binary.path.bunzip2_q = "/bin/bunzip2 -q"
binary.path.rm_rf = "/bin/rm -rf"
archive.path = "/srv/archives"
; Enable mailbox deletion on the file system
; See:
mailbox_deletion_fs_enabled = false
; Export Mailbox Settings
; See:
defaults.export_settings.disabled = true
;; Export settings alowed subnets
defaults.export_settings.allowed_subnet[] = "10."
defaults.export_settings.allowed_subnet[] = "192.168."
;; Settings email default values.
;; Substituions are as follows:
;; %d -> domain part of email address
;; %u -> user part of email address
;; $m -> full email address
;; See (and skin) the following file to see how the below are used:
;; views/mailbox/email/settings.phtml
server.smtp.enabled = 1
| = "mail.%d"
server.smtp.user = "%m"
server.smtp.port = "465"
server.smtp.crypt = "SSL"
server.pop3.enabled = 1
| = "gpo.%d"
server.pop3.user = "%m"
server.pop3.port = "995"
server.pop3.crypt = "SSL"
server.imap.enabled = 1
| = "gpo.%d"
server.imap.user = "%m"
server.imap.port = "993"
server.imap.crypt = "SSL"
server.webmail.enabled = 1
| = "https://webmail.%d"
server.webmail.user = "%m"
;; Identity
identity.orgname = "Example Limited"
| = "Example Support Team"
| = ""
| = "ViMbAdmin Autobot"
| = ""
| = "ViMbAdmin Autobot"
| = ""
identity.sitename = "ViMbAdmin"
identity.siteurl = ""
;; All mail and correspondence will come from the following;;
| = "ViMbAdmin Administrator"
| = ""
;; Skinning
;; You can skin ViMbAdmin pages if you wish.
;; See:
; = "myskin"
;; See:
;; Ensure you have a working mail server configuration so the system can
;; send emails:
resources.mailer.smtphost = "localhost"
;resources.mailer.username = ""
;resources.mailer.password = ""
;resources.mailer.auth = ""
;resources.mailer.ssl = ""
;resources.mailer.port = "25"
;; Local filesystem logging.
;; We log various things to var/log/YYYY/MM/ if you enable the logger here.
;; It is useful to use the email logger to be alerted of serious errors.
ondemand_resources.logger.enabled = 1
; = ""
; = ""
; = "ViMbAdmin_Error"
; = 3
| = 7
;; ViMbAdmin performs a version check on administrator login and alerts the
;; user if there is a newer version available.
;; This can be disabled by setting the below to 1
skipVersionCheck = 0
;; ViMbAdmin 'pings' the developers as part of the set up process to let
;; them know there is a new installation.
;; All we are interested in is knowing whether people are using the software
;; or not and whether continued support and development is worth the time
;; and effort.
;; Unless you're very shy, PLEASE LET US KNOW YOU'RE USING IT!
;; This can be disabled by setting the below to 1
skipInstallPingback = 0
; Allow admins to dictate whether a user can use BOTH, IMAP ONLY,
; POP3 ONLY when creating mailboxes.
; Must be supported by your POP3/IMAP server.
; See
; for documentation.
; This is handled via a plugin
vimbadmin_plugins.AccessPermissions.disabled = false
; specify the options which should be allowed for access restrictions
vimbadmin_plugins.AccessPermissions.type.SMTP = "SMTP"
vimbadmin_plugins.AccessPermissions.type.IMAP = "IMAP"
vimbadmin_plugins.AccessPermissions.type.POP3 = "POP3"
vimbadmin_plugins.AccessPermissions.type.SIEVE = "SIEVE"
;; Proceed onwards with caution.
;; The above [user] params are the may ones of consequence.
; Allows to add additional information.
; This is handled via a plugin
vimbadmin_plugins.AccessPermissions.disabled = false
vimbadmin_plugins.Jabber.disabled = true
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled = true
vimbadmin_plugins.SharedMailbox.disabled = true
vimbadmin_plugins.SOGo.disabled = true
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.disabled = true
vimbadmin_plugins.Addressbook.disabled = true
vimbadmin_plugins.Calendar.disabled = true
vimbadmin_plugins.RoundCube.disabled = true
;;;; Disabling directory entry subform element
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.JpegPhoto = true
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Mail = true
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.PreferredLanguage = true
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Secretary = true
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.PersonalTitle = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.GivenName = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Sn = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.DisplayName = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Initials = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.BusinesCategory = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.EmployeeType = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Title = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.DepartmentNumber = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Ou = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.RoomNumber = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.O = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.CarLicense = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.EmployeeNumber = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.HomePhone = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.TelephoneNumber = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Mobile = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Pager = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.FacsimileTelephoneNumber = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.HomePostalAddress = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.LabeledUri = false
vimbadmin_plugins.DirectoryEntry.disabled_elements.Manager = false
;;; Mailbox AdditionalInfo plugin elements
;;Additional text messages for plugin.
AdditionalInfo.mailbox.formPreBlurb = "<p><strong>NB:</strong> Do not edit the following. It is sync'd on a nightly basis ..."
; First Name
| = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
| = false
| = "LDAP Id"
; First Name
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.first_name.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.first_name.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.first_name.options.label = "First Name"
; Last Name
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.second_name.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.second_name.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.second_name.options.label = "Last Name"
; Grade
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.grade.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.grade.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.grade.options.label = "Grade"
; Grade Id
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.grade_id.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.grade_id.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.grade_id.options.label = "Grade Id"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.grade_id.options.validators.digits[] = 'Digits'
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.grade_id.options.validators.digits[] = true
; Department
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.department.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.department.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.department.options.label = "Department"
; Department Id
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.department_id.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.department_id.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.department_id.options.label = "Department Id"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.department_id.options.validators.digits[] = 'Digits'
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.department_id.options.validators.digits[] = true
; Section
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.section.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.section.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.section.options.label = "Section"
; Extension Number
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.label = "Extension Number"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.validators.digits[] = 'Digits'
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.validators.digits[] = true
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.validators.length[] = 'StringLength'
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.validators.length[] = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.validators.length.range[] = 4
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.validators.length.range[] = 4
;;to disable autocomplete functionality
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.ext_no.options.autocomplete = 'off'
; Direct Dial
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.d_dial.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.d_dial.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.d_dial.options.label = "Direct Dial"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.elements.d_dial.options.autocomplete = 'off'
; Mobile
| = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
| = false
| = "Mobile"
| = 'off'
;; Aliases additional information
; First Name
| = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
| = false
| = "Name"
; Extension Number
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.label = "Extension Number"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.validators.digits[] = 'Digits'
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.validators.digits[] = true
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.validators.length[] = 'StringLength'
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.validators.length[] = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.validators.length.range[] = 4
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.validators.length.range[] = 4
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.ext_no.options.autocomplete = 'off'
; Direct Dial
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.d_dial.type = "Zend_Form_Element_Text"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.d_dial.options.required = false
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.d_dial.options.label = "Direct Dial"
vimbadmin_plugins.AdditionalInfo.alias.elements.d_dial.options.autocomplete = 'off'
[production : user]
includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
includePaths.osslibrary = APPLICATION_PATH "/../vendor/opensolutions/oss-framework/src/"
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
bootstrap.class = "Bootstrap"
appnamespace = "ViMbAdmin"
temporary_directory = APPLICATION_PATH "/../var/tmp"
pluginPaths.OSS_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../vendor/opensolutions/oss-framework/src/OSS/Resource"
pluginPaths.ViMbAdmin_Resource = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/ViMbAdmin/Resource"
mini_js = 1
mini_css = 1
alias_autocomplete_min_length = 2
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.moduleDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/modules"
resources.modules[] =
; doctrine2
resources.doctrine2.models_path = APPLICATION_PATH
resources.doctrine2.proxies_path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Proxies"
resources.doctrine2.repositories_path = APPLICATION_PATH
resources.doctrine2.xml_schema_path = APPLICATION_PATH "/../doctrine2/xml"
resources.doctrine2.autogen_proxies = 0
resources.doctrine2.logger = 1
resources.doctrine2.models_namespace = "Entities"
resources.doctrine2.proxies_namespace = "Proxies"
resources.doctrine2.repositories_namespace = "Repositories"
resources.doctrine2cache.autoload_method = "composer"
;resources.doctrine2cache.type = 'ArrayCache'
;resources.doctrine2cache.type = 'MemcacheCache'
; = ''
;resources.doctrine2cache.memcache.servers.0.port = '11211'
;resources.doctrine2cache.memcache.servers.0.persistent = false
;resources.doctrine2cache.memcache.servers.0.weight = 1
;resources.doctrine2cache.memcache.servers.0.timeout = 1
;resources.doctrine2cache.memcache.servers.0.retry_int = 15
; = 'xxx'
; = 'yyy'
resources.namespace.checkip = 0
resources.auth.enabled = 1
resources.auth.oss.adapter = "OSS_Auth_Doctrine2Adapter"
resources.auth.oss.pwhash = "bcrypt"
resources.auth.oss.hash_cost = 9
resources.auth.oss.entity = "\\Entities\\Admin"
resources.auth.oss.disabled.lost-username = 1
resources.auth.oss.disabled.lost-password = 0
resources.auth.oss.rememberme.enabled = 1
resources.auth.oss.rememberme.timeout = 2592000
| = true
resources.auth.oss.lost_password.use_captcha = true
resources.session.save_path = APPLICATION_PATH "/../var/session"
resources.session.use_only_cookies = true
resources.session.remember_me_seconds = 3600
| = APPLICATION_PATH "/../var/log"
| = www-data
| = www-data
| = single
| = vimbadmin.log
; Smarty View
resources.smarty.enabled = 1
resources.smarty.templates = APPLICATION_PATH "/views"
; = "myskin"
resources.smarty.compiled = APPLICATION_PATH "/../var/templates_c"
resources.smarty.cache = APPLICATION_PATH "/../var/cache"
resources.smarty.config = APPLICATION_PATH "/configs/smarty"
resources.smarty.plugins[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library/ViMbAdmin/Smarty/functions"
resources.smarty.plugins[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/../vendor/opensolutions/oss-framework/src/OSS/Smarty/functions"
resources.smarty.plugins[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/../vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins"
resources.smarty.plugins[] = APPLICATION_PATH "/../vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins"
resources.smarty.debugging = 0
[development : production]
mini_js = 0
mini_css = 0
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1