diff --git a/config/ee.conf b/config/ee.conf
index dddf28f1..19994a86 100644
--- a/config/ee.conf
+++ b/config/ee.conf
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
- # ip-address =
+ip-address =
diff --git a/ee/cli/plugins/debug.py b/ee/cli/plugins/debug.py
index 4ac9725a..5b97674a 100644
--- a/ee/cli/plugins/debug.py
+++ b/ee/cli/plugins/debug.py
@@ -36,25 +36,84 @@ class EEDebugController(CementBaseController):
                 dict(help='Interactive debug', action='store_true')),
+    @expose(hide=True)
+    def debug_nginx(self):
+        if self.start:
+            print("Start Nginx debug")
+            debug_address = (self.app.config.get('stack', 'ip-address')
+                             .split())
+            print(debug_address)
+        else:
+            print("Stop Nginx debug")
+    @expose(hide=True)
+    def debug_php(self):
+        if self.start:
+            print("Start PHP debug")
+        else:
+            print("Stop PHP debug")
+    @expose(hide=True)
+    def debug_fpm(self):
+        if self.start:
+            print("Start FPM debug")
+        else:
+            print("Stop FPM debug")
+    @expose(hide=True)
+    def debug_mysql(self):
+        if self.start:
+            print("Start MySQL debug")
+        else:
+            print("Stop MySQL debug")
+    @expose(hide=True)
+    def debug_wp(self):
+        if self.start:
+            print("Start WP debug")
+        else:
+            print("Stop WP debug")
+    @expose(hide=True)
+    def debug_rewrite(self):
+        if self.start:
+            print("Start WP-Rewrite debug")
+        else:
+            print("Stop WP-Rewrite debug")
     def default(self):
         self.start = True
+        self.interactive = False
         if self.app.pargs.stop:
             self.start = False
+        if ((not self.app.pargs.nginx) and (not self.app.pargs.php)
+           and (not self.app.pargs.fpm) and (not self.app.pargs.mysql)
+           and (not self.app.pargs.wp) and (not self.app.pargs.rewrite)):
+            self.debug_nginx()
+            self.debug_php()
+            self.debug_fpm()
+            self.debug_mysql()
+            self.debug_wp()
+            self.debug_rewrite()
         if self.app.pargs.nginx:
-            pass
+            self.debug_nginx()
         if self.app.pargs.php:
-            pass
+            self.debug_php()
         if self.app.pargs.fpm:
-            pass
+            self.debug_fpm()
         if self.app.pargs.mysql:
-            pass
+            self.debug_mysql()
         if self.app.pargs.wp:
-            pass
+            self.debug_wp()
         if self.app.pargs.rewrite:
-            pass
+            self.debug_rewrite()
         if self.app.pargs.interactive:
-            pass
+            self.interactive = True
 def load(app):
diff --git a/ee/cli/plugins/stack.py b/ee/cli/plugins/stack.py
index 7e0f5d63..cafe9a42 100644
--- a/ee/cli/plugins/stack.py
+++ b/ee/cli/plugins/stack.py
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ class EEStackController(CementBaseController):
             if set(EEVariables.ee_nginx).issubset(set(apt_packages)):
                 # Nginx core configuration change using configparser
                 nc = NginxConfig()
-                print('in nginx')
                 self.app.log.debug('Loading file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ')
                 nc.set('worker_processes', 'auto')