@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION < $EE_LATEST_VERSION ]]; then |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to copy EasyEngine (ee) man page, exit status = " $? |
if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION < 2.0.0 ]]; then |
# Install required packages |
if [ "$EE_LINUX_DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" ]; then |
@ -148,6 +147,8 @@ if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION < $EE_LATEST_VERSION ]]; then |
source $ee_include |
done |
# EasyEngine (ee) config file |
cp /etc/easyengine/ee.conf /etc/easyengine/ee.bak |
cp -av /tmp/easyengine/config/easyengine/ee.conf /etc/easyengine/ \ |
@ -176,11 +177,9 @@ if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION < $EE_LATEST_VERSION ]]; then |
cp -v /usr/share/easyengine/nginx/conf.d/fastcgi.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to copy fastcgi.conf file, exit status = " $? |
grep debug /etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf &>> $EE_UPDATE_LOG |
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
cp -v /usr/share/easyengine/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to copy upstream.conf file, exit status = " $? |
fi |
cp -v /usr/share/easyengine/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/ \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to copy upstream.conf file, exit status = " $? |
# NGINX common |
if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.0.0 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.0.1 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.1.0 ]]; then |
@ -207,10 +206,169 @@ if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION < $EE_LATEST_VERSION ]]; then |
fi |
# Update EasyEngine current version |
fi |
if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.2.2 ]]; then |
# Update NGINX configuration |
sed -i "/worker_processes/a \worker_rlimit_nofile 100000;" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |
sed -i "s/# multi_accept/multi_accept/" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |
sed -i "s/keepalive_timeout.*/keepalive_timeout 30;/" /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |
# Setup port 22222 |
cp /usr/share/easyengine/nginx/22222 /etc/nginx/sites-available/ |
# Create a symbolic link for 22222 |
if [ ! -L /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/22222 ]; then |
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/22222 /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ |
fi |
# Setup logs for 22222 |
if [ ! -d /var/www/22222/logs ]; then |
mkdir -p /var/www/22222/logs |
ln -s /var/log/nginx/22222.access.log /var/www/22222/logs/access.log |
ln -s /var/log/nginx/22222.error.log /var/www/22222/logs/error.log |
fi |
# Setup SSL |
# Create SSL certificate directory |
if [ ! -d /var/www/22222/cert ]; then |
mkdir /var/www/22222/cert |
fi |
# Generate SSL key |
ee_lib_echo "Generating SSL private key" |
openssl genrsa -out /var/www/22222/cert/22222.key 2048 &>> $EE_COMMAND_LOG \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to generate SSL private key for port 22222, exit status = " $? |
ee_lib_echo "Generating a certificate signing request (CSR)" |
openssl req -new -batch -subj /commonName= -key /var/www/22222/cert/22222.key -out /var/www/22222/cert/22222.csr &>> $EE_COMMAND_LOG \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to generate certificate signing request (CSR) for port 22222, exit status = " $? |
ee_lib_echo "Removing pass phrase from SSL private key" |
mv /var/www/22222/cert/22222.key /var/www/22222/cert/22222.key.org |
openssl rsa -in /var/www/22222/cert/22222.key.org -out /var/www/22222/cert/22222.key &>> $EE_COMMAND_LOG \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to remove pass phrase from SSL for port 22222, exit status = " $? |
ee_lib_echo "Generating SSL certificate" |
openssl x509 -req -days 3652 -in /var/www/22222/cert/22222.csr -signkey /var/www/22222/cert/22222.key -out /var/www/22222/cert/22222.crt &>> $EE_COMMAND_LOG \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to generate SSL certificate for port 22222, exit status = " $? |
# Update PHP configuration |
dpkg -l | grep php5-fpm &>> $EE_UPDATE_LOG |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
ee_lib_echo "Installing php5-xdebug package, please wait..." |
apt-get -y install php5-xdebug \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to install php5-xdebug package, exit status = " $? |
ee_lib_echo "Setting up PHP5, please wait..." |
# Custom php5 log directory |
if [ ! -d /var/log/php5/ ]; then |
mkdir -p /var/log/php5/ \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to create /var/log/PHP5/, exit status = " $? |
fi |
# Update timezone |
local ee_time_zone=$(cat /etc/timezone | head -n1 | sed "s'/'\\\/'") |
sed -i "s/;date.timezone.*/date.timezone = $ee_time_zone/" /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini |
# Change php5-fpm error log location |
sed -i "s'error_log.*'error_log = /var/log/php5/fpm.log'" /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf |
# Separate php5-fpm for ee debug command |
cp -v /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf |
sed -i "s'\[www\]'[debug]'" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to change debug pool name, exit status = " $? |
sed -i "s'listen ='listen ='" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to change listen = for debug pool, exit status = " $? |
sed -i "s';slowlog.*'slowlog = /var/log/php5/slow.log'" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to change slowlog settings for debug pool, exit status = " $? |
sed -i "s';request_slowlog_timeout.*'request_slowlog_timeout = 10s'" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to change request_slowlog_timeout for debug pool, exit status = " $? |
echo -e "php_admin_value[xdebug.profiler_output_dir] = /tmp/ \nphp_admin_value[xdebug.profiler_output_name] = cachegrind.out.%p-%H-%R \nphp_admin_flag[xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger] = on \nphp_admin_flag[xdebug.profiler_enable] = off" | tee -ai /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf &>> $EE_COMMAND_LOG \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to add xdebug settings for debug pool, exit status = " $? |
fi |
dpkg -l | grep mysql-server &>> $EE_COMMAND_LOG |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
ee_lib_echo "Installing percona-toolkit package, please wait..." |
apt-get -y install percona-toolkit \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to install percona-toolkit package, exit status = " $? |
fi |
# Install 22222 admin tools |
ee_ven_install_utils |
ee_ven_install_phpmyadmin |
# Update EasyEngine current version |
fi |
if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.0 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.1 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.2 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.3 ]]; then |
grep "^pm = ondemand" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf &>> $EE_UPDATE_LOG |
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
sed -i "s/pm = dynamic/pm = ondemand/" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to change process manager from dynamic to ondemand, exit status = " $? |
fi |
grep "^pm = ondemand" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf &>> $EE_UPDATE_LOG |
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
sed -i "s/pm = dynamic/pm = ondemand/" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to change process manager from dynamic to ondemand on debug.conf, exit status = " $? |
fi |
# Update EasyEngine current version |
fi |
if [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.4 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.5 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.6 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.7 ]] || [[ $EE_CURRENT_VERSION = 1.3.8 ]]; then |
# Update NGINX |
if [ "$EE_LINUX_DISTRO" == "Ubuntu" ]; then |
nginx -v 2>&1 | grep 1.6.0 |
if [ $? -ne 0 ] |
rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brianmercer-nginx* |
# Add rtCamp nginx launchpad repository |
ee_lib_echo "Adding rtCamp NGINX launchpad repository, please wait..." |
add-apt-repository -y ppa:rtcamp/nginx &>> $EE_COMMAND_LOG \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to add rtCamp NGINX launchpad repository, exit status = " $? |
# Execute: apt-get update |
ee_lib_apt_get_update |
# Install NGINX |
apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" -y install nginx-custom \ |
|| ee_lib_error "Unable to install nginx-custom package, exit status = " $? |
fi |
fi |
dpkg -l | grep php5-fpm &>> $EE_UPDATE_LOG |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
EE_WP_CLI_VERSION_LOCAL=$(wp --allow-root --info | grep "WP-CLI version" | awk '{print $3}') |
rm -rf /usr/share/easyengine/wp-cli /usr/bin/wp /etc/bash_completion.d/wp-completion.bash |
# Install WP-CLI |
ee_ven_install_wpcli |
fi |
fi |
fi |
fi |
# Restart service |
ee_lib_service nginx php5-fpm restart |
# Git backup |
ee_lib_git /etc/nginx/ /etc/php5/ /etc/mysql/ /etc/postfix /etc/easyengine "EasyEngine version $EE_LATEST_VERSION" |
# Enable EasyEngine (ee) auto completion |
echo |
ee_lib_echo "For EasyEngine (ee) auto completion, run the following command" | tee -ai $EE_INSTALL_LOG |
ee_lib_echo_info "source /etc/bash_completion.d/ee" | tee -ai $EE_UPDATE_LOG |
echo |
ee_lib_echo "EasyEngine (ee) updated successfully" |
fi |
fi |