diff --git a/setup/engine b/setup/engine index 80173d9e..e8feff5e 100755 --- a/setup/engine +++ b/setup/engine @@ -638,6 +638,18 @@ then /usr/share/easyengine/nginx/singlesite/w3-total-cache.conf \ > /etc/nginx/sites-available/$DOMAIN \ || OwnError "Unable To Update Configuration File For $DOMAIN" + + # Installing W3 Total Cache + cd /var/www/$DOMAIN/htdocs/ + wp plugin install w3-total-cache || OwnError "Unable To Install W3 Total Cache Plugin" + + # Activate W3 Total Cache + wp plugin activate w3-total-cache OwnError "Unable To Activate W3 Total Cache Plugin" + + # Display W3 Total Cache URL For Settings + echo -e "\033[34m W3 Total Cache Plugin Sucessfully Installed & Activated \e[0m" + echo -e "\033[34m Please Configure W3 Total Cache Settings \e[0m" + echo -e "\033[34m W3 Total Cache: http://$DOMAIN/wp-admin/admin.php?page=w3tc_general \e[0m" # Reload Nginx Configuration NGINXRELOAD