11 changed files with 773 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ |
<?php |
/** |
* local environment values |
*/ |
$local_env['host'] = ''; #ip of machine, this will be added to nginx config |
$local_env['webroot'] = '/var/www'; #all websites will go hear |
$local_env['htdocs'] = 'htdocs'; #name of directory which will act as document-root for a site |
$local_env['logs'] = 'logs'; #name of directory which will store log files for a site |
$local_env['nginx_dir'] = '/etc/nginx'; #nginx conf dir |
$local_env['nginx_user'] = 'www-data'; #nginx user |
$local_env['nginx_group'] = 'www-data'; #nginx group |
$local_env['nginx_dir_sites_avilable'] = '/etc/nginx/sites-available'; #sites-avaialble |
$local_env['nginx_dir_sites_enabled'] = '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled'; #sites-enable |
$local_env['default_conf'] = 'example.com'; #example configuration for wordpress |
$local_env['default_domain'] = 'example.com'; #default domain in example.com |
$local_env['mysql_host'] = 'localhost'; #mysql host |
$local_env['mysql_user'] = 'USER'; #mysql user |
$local_env['mysql_pass'] = 'PASS'; #mysql pass |
$local_env['wp_latest'] = 'latest.zip'; #latest WordPress zip file |
/** |
* remote env - in scenario where you want to use move.php |
* assumes - (1) remote DB allows remote connection |
* (2) nginx & sites directory-structure is same |
*/ |
$remote_env['webroot'] = '/var/www'; //remote webroot - assuming similar directory sturcture |
$remote_env['host'] = 'REMOTE_DBHOST'; //this is |
$remote_env['ssh_user'] = 'REMOTE_DBUSER'; |
$remote_env['ssh_pass'] = 'REMOTE_DBPASS'; |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
*/ |
include_once('init.php'); |
/** |
* prompt user to eneter domain name |
*/ |
echo "Enter a domain name which needs to be migrated...\n"; |
$usr_domain = (trim(fgets(STDIN))); |
echo "You have entered :: $usr_domain \n"; |
/* |
* Set domain environment values |
*/ |
$domain['name'] = $usr_domain; |
$domain['conf'] = $local_env['nginx_dir_sites_avilable'] . '/' . $domain['name'] ; |
$domain['rootdir'] = $local_env['webroot'] . '/' . $domain['name'] ; |
$domain['htdocs'] = $domain['rootdir'] . '/' . $local_env['htdocs'] ; |
$domain['logs'] = $domain['rootdir'] . '/' . $local_env['logs'] ; |
/** |
* Check if domain config file already exists |
*/ |
if (file_exists($domain['conf'])) { |
echo "\nConfiguration files for domain '" . $domain['name'] . "'already exists :: " . $domain['conf']; |
echo "\nDo you want to overwrite previous configuration? [Y/N] (default=Y)"; |
if (in_array(strtolower(fgets(STDIN)), array('n', 'no'))) { |
die("\nYou choose to terminate this script! Bye-Bye!!! \n"); |
} |
} |
/** |
* At this point - either domain config file doesn't exist or user showed interest in overwriting it |
* In either case... |
* Create nginx conf for $domain in /etc/nginx/sites-available/$domain |
* TODO :: Provide options to add supercache and/or w3total cache rules |
*/ |
/** |
* Create config file |
*/ |
$nginx_conf = file_get_contents($local_env['default_conf']); |
$nginx_conf = str_replace($local_env['default_domain'], $domain['name'], $nginx_conf); |
file_put_contents($domain['conf'], $nginx_conf); |
//Error Check - if config file is created successfully or not |
if (!file_exists($domain['conf'])) { |
die("\nError encountered while creating " . $domain['conf']); |
} |
/** |
* Linking config file |
*/ |
echo "\nCreating Symbolic Link..\n"; |
$command = "sudo ln -s " . $domain['conf'] . " " . $local_env['nginx_dir_sites_enabled']; |
$result = system($command); |
//Error check - if linking config file succeed |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while creating script. Please check if file '" . $domain['conf'] . "'is created or not!\n"); |
} |
//Go Ahead. |
echo "Nginx configuration for '" . $domain['name'] . "' is created successfully"; |
/** |
* Create webroot dirs for new domain |
*/ |
//create dirs |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['rootdir']); |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['htdocs']); |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['logs']); |
//create log files |
//in nginx folder |
$result = system("touch " . "/var/log/nginx/" . $domain['name'] . ".access.log"); |
$result = system("touch " . "/var/log/nginx/" . $domain['name'] . ".error.log"); |
//symlink |
$result = system("ln -s " . "/var/log/nginx/" . $domain['name'] . ".access.log " . $domain['logs'] . "/access.log"); |
$result = system("ln -s " . "/var/log/nginx/" . $domain['name'] . ".error.log " . $domain['logs'] . "/error.log"); |
//Error check |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while creating websites directories & files for " . $domain['name'] . "\n"); |
} |
/** |
* extract wordpress in new webroot dir |
*/ |
$command = "unzip -q -o " . $local_env['wp_latest'] . " -d " . $domain['htdocs'] . " > /dev/null"; |
$result = system($command); |
//Error check |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while extracting latest wordpress in directory " . $domain['rootdir'] . "\n"); |
} |
$command = "mv " . $domain['htdocs'] . "/wordpress/* " . $domain['htdocs'] . "/"; |
echo "\n COMMAND :: $command \n"; |
$result = system($command); |
//Error check |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while moving latest wordpress in directory " . $domain['rootdir'] . "\n" . $result); |
} |
/** |
* MySQL Creation |
*/ |
$command = "mysql -h " . $local_env['mysql_host'] . " -u " . $local_env['mysql_user'] . " -p" . $local_env['mysql_pass'] . " -e 'create database `'" . $domain['name'] . "'` '"; |
$result = system($command); |
/* |
* Create wp-config.php |
*/ |
$wp_config_sample = $domain['htdocs'] . "/wp-config-sample.php"; |
$command = "sed s/database_name_here/{$domain['name']}/ $wp_config_sample | sed s/username_here/{$local_env['mysql_user']}/ | sed s/password_here/{$local_env['mysql_pass']}/ > {$domain['htdocs']}/wp-config.php"; |
$result = system($command); |
/** |
* Chown |
*/ |
$command = "chown -R " . $local_env['nginx_user'] . ":" . $local_env['nginx_group'] . " " . $domain['rootdir']; |
echo "\n COMMAND :: $command \n"; |
$result = system($command); |
//Error check |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while charging owner of " . $domain['rootdir'] . "\n" . $result); |
} |
/** |
* ALL SEENS WELL - Restart nginx |
*/ |
echo "\n Relaoding nginx configuration...\n\n"; |
system('service nginx reload'); |
/** |
*/ |
//just echo URL for new domain like http://$domain |
//user will click it and verify if its working fine! ;-) |
echo $domain['name'] . " Successfully created\n\n"; |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
server{ |
server_name www.example.com example.com; |
access_log /var/log/nginx/example.com.access.log ; |
error_log /var/log/nginx/example.com.error.log; |
root /var/www/example.com/htdocs; |
index index.php index.html index.htm; |
## PHP with FATSCGI |
location ~ \.php$ { |
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; |
fastcgi_pass; |
fastcgi_index index.php; |
} |
#root dir |
location / { |
autoindex on; |
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ |
<?php |
chdir(dirname(__FILE__)); |
/* This will have configuration */ |
// Report all PHP errors (see changelog) |
error_reporting(E_ALL); |
if (file_exists('config.php')){ |
include 'config.php'; |
}else{ |
die("Create a config.php to start with..."); |
} |
$hello = <<<EOF |
.----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. |
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | |
| | _______ | || | _________ | || | ______ | || | __ | || | ____ ____ | || | ______ | | |
| | |_ __ \ | || | | _ _ | | || | .' ___ | | || | / \ | || ||_ \ / _|| || | |_ __ \ | | |
| | | |__) | | || | |_/ | | \_| | || | / .' \_| | || | / /\ \ | || | | \/ | | || | | |__) | | | |
| | | __ / | || | | | | || | | | | || | / ____ \ | || | | |\ /| | | || | | ___/ | | |
| | _| | \ \_ | || | _| |_ | || | \ `.___.'\ | || | _/ / \ \_ | || | _| |_\/_| |_ | || | _| |_ | | |
| | |____| |___| | || | |_____| | || | `._____.' | || ||____| |____|| || ||_____||_____|| || | |_____| | | |
| | | || | | || | | || | | || | | || | | | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | |
'----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' |
EOF; |
echo $hello . "\n"; |
/*** OK enough now. This is second & last time I am reminding YOU CAN IGNORE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE **/ |
/* Useful test to avoid time-wastage */ |
if($local_env['mysql_user'] == 'USER' || $local_env['mysql_pass'] == 'PASS'){ |
die("Please enter mysql username & password before running this script."); |
} |
if(!file_exists($local_env['wp_latest'])){ |
echo "Latest WordPress is not present at " . $local_env['wp_latest'] ; |
echo "Let me try downloading it…\n"; |
$command = "wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip -O " . $local_env['wp_latest'] ; |
$result = system($command); |
if(!file_exists($local_env['wp_latest'])){ |
die ("this is second time I'm checking for WordPress but its missing at path " . $local_env['wp_latest'] . |
"\n Please fix it first and then try running scripts here"); |
}else{ |
echo "wordpress found at ". $local_env['wp_latest'] ; |
} |
} |
echo "\nconfig is correct.... go ahead my boy! \n"; |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
*/ |
include_once('config.pgp'); |
echo "\nEnter one or more domain names(s) which needs to be migrated...\n"; |
echo "You can separate domain names by comma (,)...\n"; |
echo "Example: google.com, yahoo.com,apple.com\n"; |
$usr_domain = (trim(fgets(STDIN))); |
$domain_arr = explode(",", $usr_domain); |
foreach($domain_arr as $domain){ |
echo "****************************************************************************"; |
echo "\n\nMoving :: $domain \n\n"; |
move_domain(trim($domain)); |
} |
/** |
* ALL SEENS WELL - Restart nginx |
*/ |
echo "\n Relaoding nginx configuration...\n\n"; |
system('service nginx reload'); |
/** |
* Function to move a single domain |
* @param <type> $domain |
*/ |
function move_domain($usr_domain) { |
global $local_env, $remote_env; |
if(trim($usr_domain) == ''){ |
return; |
} |
/* |
* Set domain environment values |
*/ |
$domain['name'] = $usr_domain; |
$domain['conf'] = $local_env['nginx_dir_sites_avilable'] . '/' . $domain['name']; |
$domain['rootdir'] = $local_env['webroot'] . '/' . $domain['name']; |
$domain['htdocs'] = $domain['rootdir'] . '/' . $local_env['htdocs'] ; |
$domain['logs'] = $domain['rootdir'] . '/' . $local_env['logs'] ; |
/** |
* Check if domain config file already exists |
*/ |
if (file_exists($domain['conf'])) { |
echo "\nConfiguration files for domain '" . $domain['name'] . "'already exists :: " . $domain['conf']; |
echo "\nDo you want to overwrite previous configuration? [Y/N] (default=Y)"; |
if (in_array(strtolower(fgets(STDIN)), array('n', 'no'))) { |
die("\nYou choose to terminate this script! Bye-Bye!!! \n"); |
} |
} |
/** |
* At this point - either domain config file doesn't exist or user showed interest in overwriting it |
* In either case... |
* Create nginx conf for $domain in /etc/nginx/sites-available/$domain |
* TODO :: Provide options to add supercache and/or w3total cache rules |
*/ |
/** |
* Create config file |
*/ |
$nginx_conf = file_get_contents($local_env['default_conf']); |
$nginx_conf = str_replace($local_env['default_domain'], $domain['name'], $nginx_conf); |
file_put_contents($domain['conf'], $nginx_conf); |
//Error Check - if config file is created successfully or not |
if (!file_exists($domain['conf'])) { |
die("\nError encounterd while creating " . $domain['conf']); |
} |
/** |
* Linking config file |
*/ |
echo "\nCreating Symbolic Link..\n"; |
$command = "sudo ln -s " . $domain['conf'] . " " . $local_env['nginx_dir_sites_enabled']; |
$result = system($command); |
//Error check - if linking config file succeed |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while creating script. Please check if file '" . $domain['conf'] . "'is created or not!\n"); |
} |
//Go Ahead. |
// echo "Nginx configuration for '" . $domain['name'] . "' is created successfully"; |
/** |
* Create webroot dirs for new domain |
*/ |
//create dirs |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['rootdir']); |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['htdocs']); |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['logs']); |
//create log files |
$result = system("touch " . $domain['logs'] . "/access.log"); |
$result = system("touch " . $domain['logs'] . "/error.log"); |
//Error check |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while creating websites directories & files for " . $domain['name'] . "\n"); |
} |
/** |
* moving wordpress in new webroot dir |
*/ |
//export remote db |
$command = "rsync --exclude '*.iso' -avz {$remote_env['ssh_user']}@{$remote_env['host']}:{$remote_env['webroot']}/{$domain['name']}/htdocs/* {$domain['htdocs']}/"; |
$result = system($command); |
/** |
* MySQL Moving |
*/ |
$wp_config = get_defines($domain['htdocs'] . '/wp-config.php'); |
$command = "mysqldump -u {$wp_config['DB_USER']} -p{$wp_config['DB_PASSWORD']} -h {$remote_env['host']} --databases '{$wp_config['DB_NAME']}' > {$domain['rootdir']}/{$domain['name']}.sql"; |
// echo "\n" . $command . "\n"; |
$result = system($command); |
$command = "mysql -h {$local_env['mysql_host']} -u {$local_env['mysql_user']} -p{$local_env['mysql_pass']} < {$domain['rootdir']}/{$domain['name']}.sql"; |
// echo "\n\n" . $command . "\n"; |
$result = system($command); |
/* |
* Create wp-config.php |
*/ |
//this may not be needed as we already have wp-config.php present for remote WordPress |
//@TODO we need to replace DB_HOST though |
/** |
* Chown |
*/ |
$command = "chown -R " . $local_env['nginx_user'] . ":" . $local_env['nginx_group'] . " " . $domain['rootdir']; |
echo "\n COMMAND :: $command \n"; |
$result = system($command); |
//Error check |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while chaging owner of " . $domain['rootdir'] . "\n" . $result); |
} |
} |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ |
<?php |
include_once('init.php'); |
/* choice */ |
$choice = ""; |
/** |
* prompt user to eneter domain name |
*/ |
echo "Enter a domain name which needs to be removed...\n"; |
$usr_domain = (trim(fgets(STDIN))); |
$domain_arr = explode(" ", $usr_domain); |
foreach($domain_arr as $domain){ |
echo "****************************************************************************"; |
echo "\n\nMoving :: $domain \n\n"; |
remove_domain(trim($domain)); |
} |
function remove_domain($usr_domain){ |
global $local_env, $choice; |
echo "You have entered :: $usr_domain \n"; |
if(strlen($usr_domain) == 0 ){ |
die("input cannot be empty!\n"); |
} |
if(strpos($usr_domain,"..") !== false ){ |
die("directory traversal is not allowed\n"); |
} |
if(strpos($usr_domain,"\\") !== false ){ |
die("domain cannot contain \\ !"); |
} |
/* |
* Set domain environment values |
*/ |
$domain['name'] = $usr_domain; |
$domain['conf'] = $local_env['nginx_dir_sites_avilable'] . '/' . $domain['name'] ; |
$domain['rootdir'] = $local_env['webroot'] . '/' . $domain['name'] ; |
$domain['htdocs'] = $domain['rootdir'] . '/' . $local_env['htdocs'] ; |
$domain['logs'] = $domain['rootdir'] . '/' . $local_env['logs'] ; |
/** |
* Check if domain config file already exists |
*/ |
echo "\n Domain Name - " . $domain['name'] . |
"\n Webroot Dir - " . realpath($domain['rootdir']) . |
"\n Database Name - " . $domain['name'] ; |
if($choice != "a"){ |
//ask for confirmation |
echo "\nDo you want to remove this domain, related files and databases for sure? [Y(es)/N(o)/A(lways)] (default=N): "; |
switch(strtolower(trim(fgets(STDIN)))){ |
case 'y' : |
die("\nYou choose to terminate this script! The domain is NOT removed! \n"); |
case 'a' : $choice = "a"; |
} |
} |
//remove htdocs |
if(file_exists(realpath($domain['rootdir']))){ |
if(dirname(realpath($domain['rootdir']))=="/var/www"){ |
echo "/nremoving webroot \n"; |
system("rm -rf ". $domain['rootdir']); |
} |
else |
die("Try something else!"); |
}else{ |
echo "\n Directory " . $domain['rootdir'] . " doesn't exists\n"; |
} |
//delete database |
$command = "mysql -h " . $local_env['mysql_host'] . " -u " . $local_env['mysql_user'] . " -p" . $local_env['mysql_pass'] . " -e 'drop database `'" . $domain['name'] . "'` '"; |
$result = system($command); |
/** |
* Remove config file |
*/ |
if(file_exists($local_env['nginx_dir_sites_enabled']."/".$domain['name']) OR file_exists($local_env['nginx_dir_sites_avilable']."/".$domain['name'])){ |
unlink($local_env['nginx_dir_sites_enabled']."/".$domain['name']); |
unlink($local_env['nginx_dir_sites_avilable']."/".$domain['name']); |
}else{ |
echo "\nNginx config files for $usr_domain domain do not exist\n"; |
} |
}//end func |
/** |
* ALL SEENS WELL - Restart nginx |
*/ |
echo "\n Issuing nginx reboot command...\n\n"; |
system('service nginx restart'); |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates |
* and open the template in the editor. |
*/ |
fwrite(STDOUT, "Enter your name\n"); // Output - prompt user |
$name = fgets(STDIN); // Read the input |
fwrite(STDOUT, "Hello $name"); // Output - Some text |
exit(0); // Script ran OK |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ |
<?php |
/* |
*/ |
include_once('init.php'); |
/** |
* prompt user to eneter domain name |
*/ |
echo "Enter a domain name which needs to be migrated...\n"; |
$usr_domain = (trim(fgets(STDIN))); |
echo "You have entered :: $usr_domain \n"; |
/* |
* Set domain environment values |
*/ |
$domain['name'] = $usr_domain; |
$domain['conf'] = $local_env['nginx_dir_sites_avilable'] . '/' . $domain['name'] ; |
$domain['rootdir'] = $local_env['webroot'] . '/' . $domain['name'] ; |
$domain['htdocs'] = $domain['rootdir'] . '/' . $local_env['htdocs'] ; |
$domain['logs'] = $domain['rootdir'] . '/' . $local_env['logs'] ; |
/** |
* Check if domain config file already exists |
*/ |
if (file_exists($domain['conf'])) { |
echo "\nConfiguration files for domain '" . $domain['name'] . "'already exists :: " . $domain['conf']; |
echo "\nDo you want to overwrite previous configuration? [Y/N] (default=Y)"; |
if (in_array(strtolower(fgets(STDIN)), array('n', 'no'))) { |
die("\nYou choose to terminate this script! Bye-Bye!!! \n"); |
} |
} |
/** |
* At this point - either domain config file doesn't exist or user showed interest in overwriting it |
* In either case... |
* Create nginx conf for $domain in /etc/nginx/sites-available/$domain |
* TODO :: Provide options to add supercache and/or w3total cache rules |
*/ |
/** |
* Create config file |
*/ |
$nginx_conf = file_get_contents($local_env['default_conf']); |
$nginx_conf = str_replace($local_env['default_domain'], $domain['name'], $nginx_conf); |
file_put_contents($domain['conf'], $nginx_conf); |
//Error Check - if config file is created successfully or not |
if (!file_exists($domain['conf'])) { |
die("\nError encountered while creating " . $domain['conf']); |
} |
/** |
* Linking config file |
*/ |
echo "\nCreating Symbolic Link..\n"; |
$command = "sudo ln -s " . $domain['conf'] . " " . $local_env['nginx_dir_sites_enabled']; |
$result = system($command); |
//Error check - if linking config file succeed |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while creating script. Please check if file '" . $domain['conf'] . "'is created or not!\n"); |
} |
//Go Ahead. |
echo "Nginx configuration for '" . $domain['name'] . "' is created successfully"; |
/** |
* Create webroot dirs for new domain |
*/ |
//create dirs |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['rootdir']); |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['htdocs']); |
$result = system("mkdir " . $domain['logs']); |
//create log files |
$result = system("touch " . $domain['logs'] . "/access.log"); |
$result = system("touch " . $domain['logs'] . "/error.log"); |
//Error check |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while creating websites directories & files for " . $domain['name'] . "\n"); |
} |
/** |
* MySQL Creation |
*/ |
$command = "mysql -h " . $local_env['mysql_host'] . " -u " . $local_env['mysql_user'] . " -p" . $local_env['mysql_pass'] . " -e 'create database `'" . $domain['name'] . "'` '"; |
$result = system($command); |
/** |
* Chown |
*/ |
$command = "chown -R " . $local_env['nginx_user'] . ":" . $local_env['nginx_group'] . " " . $domain['rootdir']; |
echo "\n COMMAND :: $command \n"; |
$result = system($command); |
//Error check |
if ($result != '') { |
die("\nError encountered while charging owner of " . $domain['rootdir'] . "\n" . $result); |
} |
/** |
* ALL SEENS WELL - Restart nginx |
*/ |
echo "\n Relaoding nginx configuration...\n\n"; |
system('service nginx reload'); |
/** |
*/ |
//just echo URL for new domain like http://$domain |
//user will click it and verify if its working fine! ;-) |
echo $domain['name'] . " Successfully created\n\n"; |
?> |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
#This script makes virtual host, site directories and log files |
#Author : Pragati Sureka |
if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then |
echo "make_vsite:You need to run this script as root(or use sudo)" |
exit |
fi |
# Check for proper number of command line args. |
if [ $# -ne 1 ] |
then |
echo "Usage: `basename $0` example.com" |
echo " <example.com should be replaced by actual domain name>" |
exit |
fi |
sed s/[[:blank:]]*//g $1 > $1 |
#Script Variables |
WEBROOT="/var/www" |
SKELFILE="/etc/nginx/sites-available/example.com" |
VSITEDIR="/etc/nginx/sites-available" |
ESITEDIR="/etc/nginx/sites-enabled" |
USER="www-data" |
GROUP="www-data" |
SERVER_RELOAD="service nginx restart" |
WP_ZIP="/home/rtcamp/wordpress/latest.zip" #wordpress 3.0 |
#make directories and touch log files |
mkdir $WEBROOT/$1 |
mkdir $WEBROOT/$1/htdocs |
mkdir $WEBROOT/$1/logs |
touch $WEBROOT/$1/logs/error.log |
touch $WEBROOT/$1/logs/access.log |
#download latest wordpress and extract it to proper location |
cd $WEBROOT/$1 |
#wget www.wordpress.org/latest.zip |
unzip -q -o $WP_ZIP |
mv wordpress/* htdocs/ |
rm -rf $WEBROOT/$1/wordpress |
#rm $WEBROOT/$1/latest.zip |
chown -R $USER:$GROUP $WEBROOT/$1 |
#chmod g+rw -R $WEBROOT/$1 |
#create database |
mysql -u USER -pPASS -e 'create database `'$1'` ' |
#create wp-config.php file |
CONFIGSAMPLE=$WEBROOT/$1/htdocs/wp-config-sample.php |
sed s/database_name_here/$1/ $CONFIGSAMPLE | sed s/username_here/USER/ | sed s/password_here/PASS/ > $WEBROOT/$1/htdocs/wp-config.php |
#copy skeleton file and enable site |
sed s/example.com/$1/ $SKELFILE > $VSITEDIR/$1 |
echo " $1" >> /etc/hosts |
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
#rm -rf $WEBROOT/$1 |
unlink $ESITEDIR/$1 |
sed -i".bak" '$d' /etc/hosts |
echo "ERROR CREATING PLEASE CONTACT pragati.sureka@rtcamp.com FOR ASSISTANCE!" |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
#This script makes virtual host, site directories and log files |
#Author : Pragati Sureka, rahul286 |
if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then |
echo "make_vsite:You need to this script as root(or use sudo)" |
exit |
fi |
#Script Variables |
WEBROOT="/var/www" |
SKELFILE="/etc/apache2/sites-available/skeleton" |
VSITEDIR="/etc/apache2/sites-available" |
USER="www-data" |
GROUP="www-data" |
SERVER_RELOAD="/etc/init.d/apache2 reload" |
#make directories and touch log files |
mkdir $WEBROOT/$1 |
mkdir $WEBROOT/$1/htdocs |
mkdir $WEBROOT/$1/logs |
touch $WEBROOT/$1/logs/error.log |
touch $WEBROOT/$1/logs/custom.log |
#copy skeleton file and enable site |
sed s/site/$1/ $SKELFILE > $VSITEDIR/$1 |
a2ensite $1 &> /dev/null |
echo " $1" >> /etc/hosts |
$SERVER_RELOAD &> /dev/null |
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
rm -rf $WEBROOT/$1 |
a2dissite $1 |
sed -i".bak" '$d' /etc/hosts |
echo "ERROR CREATING PLEASE CONTACT pragati.sureka@rtcamp.com FOR ASSISTANCE!" |
fi |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
service mysql stop |
service php5-fpm restart |
service mysql start |
Reference in new issue