from cement.core.controller import CementBaseController, expose from cement.core import handler, hook from ee.core.mysql import EEMysql from ee.core.logging import Log from ee.core.variables import EEVariables from ee.core.aptget import EEAptGet from ee.core.shellexec import EEShellExec from ee.core.apt_repo import EERepo from import EEService import configparser import os class EEStackMigrateController(CementBaseController): class Meta: label = 'migrate' stacked_on = 'stack' stacked_type = 'nested' description = ('Migrate stack safely') arguments = [ (['--mariadb'], dict(help="Migrate database to MariaDB", action='store_true')), # (['--PHP'], # dict(help="update to html site", action='store_true')), ] @expose(hide=True) def migrate_mariadb(self): # Backup all database EEMysql.backupAll(self) # Add MariaDB repo, "Adding repository for MariaDB, please wait ...") mysql_pref = ("Package: *\nPin: origin" "\nPin-Priority: 1000\n") with open('/etc/apt/preferences.d/' 'MariaDB.pref', 'w') as mysql_pref_file: mysql_pref_file.write(mysql_pref) EERepo.add(self, repo_url=EEVariables.ee_mysql_repo) Log.debug(self, 'Adding key for {0}' .format(EEVariables.ee_mysql_repo)) EERepo.add_key(self, '0xcbcb082a1bb943db', keyserver="") config = configparser.ConfigParser()"~")+'/.my.cnf') try: chars = config['client']['password'] except Exception as e: Log.error(self, "Error: process exited with error %s" % e) Log.debug(self, "Pre-seeding MariaDB") Log.debug(self, "echo \"mariadb-server-10.0 " "mysql-server/root_password " "password \" | " "debconf-set-selections") EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "echo \"mariadb-server-10.0 " "mysql-server/root_password " "password {chars}\" | " "debconf-set-selections" .format(chars=chars), log=False) Log.debug(self, "echo \"mariadb-server-10.0 " "mysql-server/root_password_again " "password \" | " "debconf-set-selections") EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "echo \"mariadb-server-10.0 " "mysql-server/root_password_again " "password {chars}\" | " "debconf-set-selections" .format(chars=chars), log=False) # Install MariaDB apt_packages = EEVariables.ee_mysql # If PHP is installed then install php5-mysql if EEAptGet.is_installed(self, "php5-fpm"): apt_packages = apt_packages + ["php5-mysql"] # If mail server is installed then install dovecot-sql and postfix-sql if EEAptGet.is_installed(self, "dovecot-core"): apt_packages = apt_packages + ["dovecot-mysql", "postfix-mysql", "libclass-dbi-mysql-perl"], "Updating apt-cache, please wait ...") EEAptGet.update(self), "Installing MariaDB, please wait ...") EEAptGet.remove(self, ["mysql-common", "libmysqlclient18"]) EEAptGet.auto_remove(self) EEAptGet.install(self, apt_packages) # Restart dovecot and postfix if installed if EEAptGet.is_installed(self, "dovecot-core"): EEService.restart_service(self, 'dovecot') EEService.restart_service(self, 'postfix') @expose(hide=True) def default(self): if ((not if if EEVariables.ee_mysql_host is not "localhost": Log.error(self, "Remote MySQL found, EasyEngine will not " "install MariaDB") if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "mysqladmin ping") and (not EEAptGet.is_installed(self, 'mariadb-server')):, "If your database size is big, " "migration may take some time."), "During migration non nginx-cached parts of " "your site may remain down") start_migrate = input("Type \"mariadb\" to continue:") if start_migrate != "mariadb": Log.error(self, "Not starting migration") self.migrate_mariadb() else: Log.error(self, "Your current MySQL is not alive or " "you allready installed MariaDB")