#!/bin/bash #This script makes virtual host, site directories and log files #Author : Pragati Sureka if [[ $(/usr/bin/id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "make_vsite:You need to run this script as root(or use sudo)" exit fi # Check for proper number of command line args. if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: `basename $0` example.com" echo " " exit fi sed s/[[:blank:]]*//g $1 > $1 #Script Variables WEBROOT="/var/www" SKELFILE="/etc/nginx/sites-available/example.com" VSITEDIR="/etc/nginx/sites-available" ESITEDIR="/etc/nginx/sites-enabled" USER="www-data" GROUP="www-data" SERVER_RELOAD="service nginx restart" WP_ZIP="/home/rtcamp/wordpress/latest.zip" #wordpress 3.0 #make directories and touch log files mkdir $WEBROOT/$1 mkdir $WEBROOT/$1/htdocs mkdir $WEBROOT/$1/logs touch $WEBROOT/$1/logs/error.log touch $WEBROOT/$1/logs/access.log #download latest wordpress and extract it to proper location cd $WEBROOT/$1 #wget www.wordpress.org/latest.zip unzip -q -o $WP_ZIP mv wordpress/* htdocs/ rm -rf $WEBROOT/$1/wordpress #rm $WEBROOT/$1/latest.zip chown -R $USER:$GROUP $WEBROOT/$1 #chmod g+rw -R $WEBROOT/$1 #create database mysql -u USER -pPASS -e 'create database `'$1'` ' #create wp-config.php file CONFIGSAMPLE=$WEBROOT/$1/htdocs/wp-config-sample.php sed s/database_name_here/$1/ $CONFIGSAMPLE | sed s/username_here/USER/ | sed s/password_here/PASS/ > $WEBROOT/$1/htdocs/wp-config.php #copy skeleton file and enable site sed s/example.com/$1/ $SKELFILE > $VSITEDIR/$1 ln -s $VSITEDIR/$1 $ESITEDIR/ echo " $1" >> /etc/hosts $SERVER_RELOAD if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then #rm -rf $WEBROOT/$1 unlink $ESITEDIR/$1 $SERVER_RELOAD sed -i".bak" '$d' /etc/hosts echo "ERROR CREATING PLEASE CONTACT pragati.sureka@rtcamp.com FOR ASSISTANCE!" fi