"""EasyEngine service start/stop/restart module.""" import os import sys import subprocess from subprocess import Popen from ee.core.logging import Log class EEService(): """Intialization for service""" def ___init__(): # TODO method for services pass def start_service(self, service_name): try: retcode = subprocess.getstatusoutput('service {0} start' .format(service_name)) if retcode[0] == 0: Log.info(self, "Started : {0} [ok]" .format(service_name)) else: Log.error(self, retcode[1]) except OSError as e: Log.error(self, "Failed to start service {0} {1} [FAIL]" .format(e.errno, e.strerror)) return False def stop_service(self, service_name): try: retcode = subprocess.getstatusoutput('service {0} stop' .format(service_name)) if retcode[0] == 0: Log.info(self, "Stopped : {0} [OK]" .format(service_name)) return True else: return False except OSError as e: Log.error(self, "Failed to stop service : {0}{1} [FAIL]" .format(e.errno, e.strerror)) return False def restart_service(self, service_name): try: EEService.stop_service(self, service_name) EEService.start_service(self, service_name) Log.info(self, "restart : {0} [OK]" .format(service_name)) except OSError as e: Log.error(self, "Failed to restart services \{0} {1} [FAIL]" .format(e.errno, e.strerror)) def reload_service(self, service_name): try: if service_name in ['nginx', 'php5-fpm']: retcode = subprocess.getstatusoutput('{0} -t' .format(service_name)) if retcode[0] == 0: subprocess.getstatusoutput('service {0} reload' .format(service_name)) Log.info(self, "reload : {0} [OK]" .format(service_name)) return True else: Log.error(self, "reload : {0} [FAIL]" .format(service_name)) Log.debug("{0}" .format(retcode[1])) return False retcode = subprocess.getstatusoutput('service {0} reload' .format(service_name)) if retcode[0] == 0: Log.info(self, "reload : {0} [OK]" .format(service_name)) return True else: return False except OSError as e: Log.error(self, "Failed to reload {0} {1} [FAIL]" .format(service_name, e)) sys.exit(1) def get_service_status(self, service_name): try: is_exist = subprocess.getstatusoutput('which {0}' .format(service_name))[0] if is_exist == 0: retcode = subprocess.getstatusoutput('service {0} status' .format(service_name)) if retcode[0] == 0: return True else: return False else: return False except OSError as e: Log.error(self, "Unable to get services status \ {0}{1} [FAIL]" .format(e.errno, e.strerror)) return False