#!/bin/bash # Checking Permissions Permission=$(id -u) if [ $Permission -ne 0 ] then echo -e "\033[31m Root Privilege Required... \e[0m" echo -e "\033[31m Uses: sudo $0 \e[0m" exit 100 fi # Capture Errors OwnError() { echo -e "[ `date` ] \033[31m $@ \e[0m" | tee -ai $INSTALLLOG exit 101 } # Make Variables Available For Later Use LOGDIR=/var/log/easyengine INSTALLLOG=/var/log/easyengine/install.log # Pre Checks To Avoid Later Screw Ups # Checking Logs Directory if [ ! -d $LOGDIR ] then echo -e "\033[34m Creating Easy Engine Log Directory... \e[0m" mkdir -p $LOGDIR || OwnError "Unable To Create Log Directory $LOGDIR" fi # Checking Tee if [ ! -x /usr/bin/tee ] then echo -e "\033[31m Tee Command Not Found !! \e[0m" echo -e "\033[34m Installing Tee \e[0m" sudo apt-get -y install coreutils || OwnError "Unable to install tee" fi # Checking Wget if [ ! -x /usr/bin/wget ] then echo -e "\033[31m Wget Command Not Found !! \e[0m" echo -e "\033[34m Installing Wget \e[0m" sudo apt-get -y install wget || OwnError "Unable To Install Wget" fi # Checking Tar if [ ! -x /bin/tar ] then echo -e "\033[31m Tar Command Not Found !! \e[0m" echo -e "\033[34m Installing Tar \e[0m" sudo apt-get -y install tar || OwnError "Unable To Install Tar" fi # Checking Name Servers if [[ -z $(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep -v ^#) ]] then echo -e "\033[31m No Name Servers Detected !! \e[0m" | tee -ai $INSTALLLOG echo -e "\033[31m Please Configure /etc/resolv.conf \e[0m" | tee -ai $INSTALLLOG exit 102 fi # Checking Git if [ ! -x /usr/bin/git ] then echo -e "\033[31m Git Command Not Found !! \e[0m" echo -e "\033[34m Installing Git \e[0m" sudo apt-get -y install git-core || OwnError "Unable To Install Git" fi # Pre Checks End # Check The Easy Engine Is Available EXIST=$(basename `pwd`) if [ "$EXIST" != "easyengine" ] then echo -e "\033[34m Cloning Easy Engine, Please Wait... \e[0m" | tee -ai $INSTALLLOG cd /tmp # Remove Older Easy Engine If Found rm -rf /tmp/easyengine # Git Clone git clone git://github.com/rtCamp/easyengine.git || OwnError "Unable To Clone Easy Engine" cd easyengine fi # Create Directory /usr/share/easyengine if [ ! -d /usr/share/easyengine ] then mkdir -p /usr/share/easyengine \ || OwnError "Unable To Create Dir /usr/share/easyengine" fi # Install Easy Engine echo -e "\033[34m Installing Easy Engine, Please Wait... \e[0m" | tee -ai $INSTALLLOG cp -a conf/* /usr/share/easyengine || OwnError "Unable To Copy Configuration Files " cp -a setup/engine /usr/local/sbin/ || OwnError "Unable To Copy Engine Command" chmod 750 /usr/local/sbin/engine || OwnError "Unable To Change Engine Coommand Permission" # Create Symbolic Link If Not Exist if [ ! -L /usr/local/sbin/ee ] then ln -s /usr/local/sbin/engine /usr/local/sbin/ee fi echo echo -e "\033[34m Easy Engine Installed Successfully \e[0m" | tee -ai $INSTALLLOG echo