"""EasyEngine main application entry point.""" import sys import os # this has to happen after you import sys, but before you import anything # from Cement "source: https://github.com/datafolklabs/cement/issues/290" if '--debug' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('--debug') TOGGLE_DEBUG = True else: TOGGLE_DEBUG = False from cement.core import foundation from cement.utils.misc import init_defaults from cement.core.exc import FrameworkError, CaughtSignal from cement.ext.ext_argparse import ArgParseArgumentHandler from ee.core import exc from ee.cli.ext.ee_outputhandler import EEOutputHandler # Application default. Should update config/ee.conf to reflect any # changes, or additions here. defaults = init_defaults('ee') # All internal/external plugin configurations are loaded from here defaults['ee']['plugin_config_dir'] = '/etc/ee/plugins.d' # External plugins (generally, do not ship with application code) defaults['ee']['plugin_dir'] = '/var/lib/ee/plugins' # External templates (generally, do not ship with application code) defaults['ee']['template_dir'] = '/var/lib/ee/templates' class EEArgHandler(ArgParseArgumentHandler): class Meta: label = 'ee_args_handler' def error(self, message): super(EEArgHandler, self).error("unknown args") class EEApp(foundation.CementApp): class Meta: label = 'ee' config_defaults = defaults # All built-in application bootstrapping (always run) bootstrap = 'ee.cli.bootstrap' # Optional plugin bootstrapping (only run if plugin is enabled) plugin_bootstrap = 'ee.cli.plugins' # Internal templates (ship with application code) template_module = 'ee.cli.templates' # Internal plugins (ship with application code) plugin_bootstrap = 'ee.cli.plugins' extensions = ['mustache'] # default output handler output_handler = EEOutputHandler argument_handler = EEArgHandler debug = TOGGLE_DEBUG class EETestApp(EEApp): """A test app that is better suited for testing.""" class Meta: argv = [] config_files = [] # Define the applicaiton object outside of main, as some libraries might wish # to import it as a global (rather than passing it into another class/func) app = EEApp() def main(): try: global sys # Default our exit status to 0 (non-error) code = 0 # if not root...kick out if not os.geteuid() == 0: print("\nOnly root or sudo user can run this EasyEngine\n") app.close(1) # Setup the application app.setup() # Dump all arguments into ee log app.log.debug(sys.argv) # Run the application app.run() except exc.EEError as e: # Catch our application errors and exit 1 (error) code = 1 print(e) except FrameworkError as e: # Catch framework errors and exit 1 (error) code = 1 print(e) except CaughtSignal as e: # Default Cement signals are SIGINT and SIGTERM, exit 0 (non-error) code = 0 print(e) except Exception as e: code = 1 print(e) finally: # Print an exception (if it occurred) and --debug was passed if app.debug: import sys import traceback exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() if exc_traceback is not None: traceback.print_exc() # # Close the application app.close(code) def get_test_app(**kw): app = EEApp(**kw) return app if __name__ == '__main__': main()