from setuptools import setup, find_packages import sys import os import glob conf = [] templates = [] for name in glob.glob('config/plugins.d/*.conf'): conf.insert(1, name) for name in glob.glob('ee/cli/templates/*.mustache'): templates.insert(1, name) setup(name='ee', version='3.0', description=('EasyEngine is the commandline tool to manage your Websites' 'based on WordPress and NGINX with easy to use commands.'), long_description=('EasyEngine is the commandline tool to manage your ' 'Websites based on WordPress and NGINX with easy' 'to use commands.'), classifiers=[], keywords='', author='rtCamp Soultions Pvt. LTD', author_email='', url='', license='GPL', packages=find_packages(exclude=['ez_setup', 'examples', 'tests', 'templates']), include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, test_suite='nose.collector', install_requires=[ # Required to build documentation # "Sphinx >= 1.0", # Required for testing # "nose", # "coverage", # Required to function 'cement>=2.4', 'pystache', 'python-apt', 'pynginxconfig', 'pymysql3', 'psutil', 'sh', 'sqlalchemy', ], data_files=[('/etc/ee', ['config/ee.conf']), ('/etc/ee/plugins.d', conf), ('/usr/lib/ee/templates', templates)], setup_requires=[], entry_points=""" [console_scripts] ee = ee.cli.main:main """, namespace_packages=[], )