#!/bin/bash # EasyEngine update script. # This script is designed to install latest EasyEngine or # to update current EasyEngine from 2.x to 3.x old_ee_version="2.2.3" branch=$1 # Define echo function # Blue color function ee_lib_echo() { echo $(tput setaf 4)$@$(tput sgr0) } # White color function ee_lib_echo_info() { echo $(tput setaf 7)$@$(tput sgr0) } # Red color function ee_lib_echo_fail() { echo $(tput setaf 1)$@$(tput sgr0) } # Capture errors function ee_lib_error() { echo "[ `date` ] $(tput setaf 1)$@$(tput sgr0)" exit $2 } function install_dep() { # Execute: apt-get update ee_lib_echo "Executing apt-get update" apt-get update &>> /dev/null # Install Python3 on users system ee_lib_echo "Installing pre depedencies" apt-get -y install python3 python3-apt python3-setuptools python3-dev sqlite3 git if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then ee_lib_echo_fail "Unable to install pre depedencies" exit 1 fi } function sync_db() { mkdir /var/lib/ee # Sqlite query to create table `sites` into ee.db which will be used by ee.3.0 echo "CREATE TABLE sites ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, sitename UNIQUE, site_type CHAR, cache_type CHAR, site_path CHAR, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, is_enabled INT, is_ssl INT, storage_fs CHAR, storage_db CHAR );" | sqlite3 /var/lib/ee/ee.db for site in $(ls /etc/nginx/sites-available/ | grep -v default); do if [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/$site ]; then ENABLE_STATUS='1' else ENABLE_STATUS='0' fi # Find out information about current NGINX configuration EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE=$(head -n1 /etc/nginx/sites-available/$site | grep "NGINX CONFIGURATION" | rev | cut -d' ' -f3,4,5,6,7 | rev | cut -d ' ' -f2,3,4,5) # Detect current website type and cache if [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "HTML" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="html" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="basic" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "PHP" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="php" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="basic" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "MYSQL" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="mysql" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="basic" # Single WordPress elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSINGLE BASIC" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wp" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="basic" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSINGLE WP SUPER CACHE" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wp" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="wpsc" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSINGLE W3 TOTAL CACHE" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wp" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="w3tc" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSINGLE FAST CGI" ] || [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSINGLE FASTCGI" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wp" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="wpfc" # WordPress subdirectory elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDIR BASIC" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wpsubdir" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="basic" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDIR WP SUPER CACHE" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wpsubdir" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="wpsc" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDIR W3 TOTAL CACHE" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wpsubdir" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="w3tc" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDIR FAST CGI" ] || [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDIR FASTCGI" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wpsubdir" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="wpfc" # WordPress subdomain elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDOMAIN BASIC" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wpsubdomain" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="basic" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDOMAIN WP SUPER CACHE" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wpsubdomain" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="wpsc" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDOMAIN W3 TOTAL CACHE" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wpsubdomain" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="w3tc" elif [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDOMAIN FAST CGI" ] || [ "$EE_SITE_CURRENT_TYPE" = "WPSUBDOMAIN FASTCGI" ]; then EE_SITE_CURRENT="wpsubdomain" EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE="wpfc" fi WEBROOT="/var/www/$site" # Insert query to insert old site information into ee.db echo "INSERT INTO sites (sitename, site_type, cache_type, site_path, is_enabled, is_ssl, storage_fs, storage_db) VALUES (\"$site\", \"$EE_SITE_CURRENT\", \"$EE_SITE_CURRENT_CACHE\", \"$WEBROOT\", \"$ENABLE_STATUS\", 0, 'ext4', 'mysql');" | sqlite3 /var/lib/ee/ee.db done } function install_ee3() { # Remove old clone of EasyEngine (ee) if any rm -rf /tmp/easyengine &>> /dev/null # Clone EE 3.0 Python branch ee_lib_echo "Cloning EasyEngine 3.0" if [ "$branch" = "" ]; then branch=stable fi git clone -b $branch https://github.com/rtCamp/easyengine.git /tmp/easyengine --quiet > /dev/null || ee_lib_error "Unable to clone EasyEngine, exit status" 1 cd /tmp/easyengine ee_lib_echo "Installing EasyEngine 3.0" python3 setup.py install || ee_lib_error "Unable to install EasyEngine 3.0, exit status " 1 } function update_to_ee3() { # Preserve old configuration ee_lib_echo "Updating EasyEngine 3.0 configuration" grant_host=$(grep grant-host /etc/easyengine/ee.conf | awk '{ print $3 }') db_name=$(grep db-name /etc/easyengine/ee.conf | awk '{ print $3 }') db_user=$(grep db-name /etc/easyengine/ee.conf | awk '{ print $3 }') wp_prefix=$(grep prefix /etc/easyengine/ee.conf | awk '{ print $3 }') wp_user=$(grep 'user ' /etc/easyengine/ee.conf | grep -v db-user |awk '{ print $3 }') wp_pass=$(grep password /etc/easyengine/ee.conf | awk '{ print $3 }') wp_email=$(grep email /etc/easyengine/ee.conf | awk '{ print $3 }') ip_addr=$(grep ip-address /etc/easyengine/ee.conf |awk -F'=' '{ print $2 }') sed -i "s/ip-address.*/ip-address = ${ip_addr}/" /etc/ee/ee.conf && \ sed -i "s/grant-host.*/grant-host = ${grant_host}/" /etc/ee/ee.conf && \ sed -i "s/db-name.*/db-name = ${db-name}/" /etc/ee/ee.conf && \ sed -i "s/db-user.*/db-user = ${db_user}/" /etc/ee/ee.conf && \ sed -i "s/prefix.*/prefix = ${wp_prefix}/" /etc/ee/ee.conf && \ sed -i "s/^user.*/user = ${wp_user}/" /etc/ee/ee.conf && \ sed -i "s/password.*/password = ${wp_password}/" /etc/ee/ee.conf && \ sed -i "s/email.*/email = ${wp_email}/" /etc/ee/ee.conf || ee_lib_error "Unable to update configuration, exit status " 1 # Remove old EasyEngine ee_lib_echo "Removing EasyEngine 2" rm -rf /etc/bash_completion.d/ee /etc/easyengine/ /usr/share/easyengine/ /usr/local/lib/easyengine /usr/local/sbin/easyengine /usr/local/sbin/ee /var/log/easyengine } function git_init() { # Do git intialisation on EasyEngine configuration cd /etc/ee if [ ! -d /etc/ee/.git ]; then git init > /dev/null fi git add . git commit -am "Installed/Updated to EasyEngine 3" > /dev/null } # Checking permissions if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then ee_lib_echo_fail "Sudo privilege required..." ee_lib_echo_fail "Uses: wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee && sudo bash ee" exit 1 fi # Check old EasyEngine is installed or not if [ ! -f /usr/local/sbin/easyengine ]; then # Check latest EasyEngine is installed or not if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/ee ]; then install_dep install_ee3 git_init else ee_lib_echo_fail "EasyEngine 3 allready installed on your system" exit 1 fi else # Check old EasyEngine version ee version | grep ${old_ee_version} &>> /dev/null if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then ee_lib_echo_fail "EasyEngine $old_ee_version not found on your system" ee_lib_echo_fail "Please update it using command: ee update" exit 1 fi install_dep sync_db install_ee3 update_to_ee3 git_init fi