"""Debug Plugin for EasyEngine""" from cement.core.controller import CementBaseController, expose from cement.core import handler, hook from ee.core.shellexec import * from ee.core.mysql import EEMysql from ee.core.services import EEService from ee.core.logging import Log from ee.cli.plugins.site_functions import logwatch from ee.core.variables import EEVariables from ee.core.fileutils import EEFileUtils import os import configparser import glob import signal import subprocess def ee_debug_hook(app): # do something with the ``app`` object here. pass class EEDebugController(CementBaseController): class Meta: label = 'debug' description = 'Used for server level debugging' stacked_on = 'base' stacked_type = 'nested' arguments = [ (['--stop'], dict(help='Stop debug', action='store_true')), (['--start'], dict(help='Start debug', action='store_true')), (['--import-slow-log'], dict(help='Import MySQL slow log to Anemometer database', action='store_true')), (['--nginx'], dict(help='start/stop debugging nginx server ' 'configuration for site', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--php'], dict(help='start/stop debugging server php configuration', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--fpm'], dict(help='start/stop debugging fastcgi configuration', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--mysql'], dict(help='start/stop debugging mysql server', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--wp'], dict(help='start/stop wordpress debugging for site', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--rewrite'], dict(help='start/stop debugging nginx rewrite rules for site', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--all'], dict(help='start/stop debugging all server parameters', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['-i', '--interactive'], dict(help='Interactive debug', action='store_true')), (['--import-slow-log-interval'], dict(help='Import MySQL slow log to Anemometer', action='store', dest='interval')), (['site_name'], dict(help='Website Name', nargs='?', default=None)) ] usage = "ee debug [] [options] " @expose(hide=True) def debug_nginx(self): """Start/Stop Nginx debug""" # start global debug if (self.app.pargs.nginx == 'on' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): try: debug_address = (self.app.config.get('stack', 'ip-address') .split()) except Exception as e: debug_address = [''] # Check if IP address is then enable debug globally if debug_address == ['']: debug_address = [''] for ip_addr in debug_address: if not ("debug_connection "+ip_addr in open('/etc/nginx/' 'nginx.conf', encoding='utf-8').read()): Log.info(self, "Setting up Nginx debug connection" " for "+ip_addr) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/events {{/a\\ \\ \\ " "\\ $(echo debug_connection " "{ip}\;)\" /etc/nginx/" "nginx.conf".format(ip=ip_addr)) self.trigger_nginx = True if not self.trigger_nginx: Log.info(self, "Nginx debug connection already enabled") self.msg = self.msg + ["/var/log/nginx/*.error.log"] # stop global debug elif (self.app.pargs.nginx == 'off' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if "debug_connection " in open('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', encoding='utf-8').read(): Log.info(self, "Disabling Nginx debug connections") EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/debug_connection.*/d\"" " /etc/nginx/nginx.conf") self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "Nginx debug connection already disabled") # start site specific debug elif (self.app.pargs.nginx == 'on'and self.app.pargs.site_name): config_path = ("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) if os.path.isfile(config_path): if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"error.log debug\" " "{0}".format(config_path)): Log.info(self, "Starting NGINX debug connection for " "{0}".format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s/error.log;/" "error.log " "debug;/\" {0}".format(config_path)) self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "Nginx debug for site already enabled") self.msg = self.msg + ['{0}{1}/logs/error.log' .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name)] else: Log.info(self, "{0} domain not valid" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) # stop site specific debug elif (self.app.pargs.nginx == 'off' and self.app.pargs.site_name): config_path = ("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) if os.path.isfile(config_path): if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"error.log debug\" {0}" .format(config_path)): Log.info(self, "Stoping NGINX debug connection for {0}" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s/error.log debug;/" "error.log;/\" {0}" .format(config_path)) self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "Nginx debug for site already disabled") else: Log.info(self, "{0} domain not valid" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) @expose(hide=True) def debug_php(self): """Start/Stop PHP debug""" # PHP global debug start if (self.app.pargs.php == 'on' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if not (EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -n \"/upstream php" "{/,/}/p \" /etc/nginx/" "conf.d/upstream.conf " "| grep 9001")): Log.info(self, "Enabling PHP debug") data = dict(php="9001", debug="9001", hhvm="9001") Log.debug(self, 'Writting the Nginx debug configration to file' ' /etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf ') ee_nginx = open('/etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') self.app.render((data), 'upstream.mustache', out=ee_nginx) ee_nginx.close() # Enable xdebug EEFileUtils.searchreplace(self, "/etc/php5/mods-available/" "xdebug.ini", ";zend_extension", "zend_extension") # Fix slow log is not enabled default in PHP5.6 config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf') config['debug']['slowlog'] = '/var/log/php5/slow.log' config['debug']['request_slowlog_timeout'] = '10s' with open('/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as confifile: Log.debug(self, "Writting debug.conf configuration into " "/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/debug.conf") config.write(confifile) self.trigger_php = True self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "PHP debug is already enabled") self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/log/php5/slow.log'] # PHP global debug stop elif (self.app.pargs.php == 'off' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, " sed -n \"/upstream php {/,/}/p\" " "/etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf " "| grep 9001"): Log.info(self, "Disabling PHP debug") data = dict(php="9000", debug="9001", hhvm="8000") Log.debug(self, 'Writting the Nginx debug configration to file' ' /etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf ') ee_nginx = open('/etc/nginx/conf.d/upstream.conf', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') self.app.render((data), 'upstream.mustache', out=ee_nginx) ee_nginx.close() # Disable xdebug EEFileUtils.searchreplace(self, "/etc/php5/mods-available/" "xdebug.ini", "zend_extension", ";zend_extension") self.trigger_php = True self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "PHP debug is already disabled") @expose(hide=True) def debug_fpm(self): """Start/Stop PHP5-FPM debug""" # PHP5-FPM start global debug if (self.app.pargs.fpm == 'on' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"log_level = debug\" " "/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf"): Log.info(self, "Setting up PHP5-FPM log_level = debug") config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf') config.remove_option('global', 'include') config['global']['log_level'] = 'debug' config['global']['include'] = '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/*.conf' with open('/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as configfile: Log.debug(self, "Writting php5-FPM configuration into " "/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf") config.write(configfile) self.trigger_php = True else: Log.info(self, "PHP5-FPM log_level = debug already setup") self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/log/php5/fpm.log'] # PHP5-FPM stop global debug elif (self.app.pargs.fpm == 'off' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"log_level = debug\" " "/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf"): Log.info(self, "Disabling PHP5-FPM log_level = debug") config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read('/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf') config.remove_option('global', 'include') config['global']['log_level'] = 'notice' config['global']['include'] = '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/*.conf' with open('/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') as configfile: Log.debug(self, "writting php5 configuration into " "/etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf") config.write(configfile) self.trigger_php = True else: Log.info(self, "PHP5-FPM log_level = debug already disabled") @expose(hide=True) def debug_mysql(self): """Start/Stop MySQL debug""" # MySQL start global debug if (self.app.pargs.mysql == 'on' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "mysql -e \"show variables like" " \'slow_query_log\';\" | " "grep ON"): Log.info(self, "Setting up MySQL slow log") EEMysql.execute(self, "set global slow_query_log = " "\'ON\';") EEMysql.execute(self, "set global slow_query_log_file = " "\'/var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log\';") EEMysql.execute(self, "set global long_query_time = 2;") EEMysql.execute(self, "set global log_queries_not_using" "_indexes = \'ON\';") else: Log.info(self, "MySQL slow log is already enabled") self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log'] # MySQL stop global debug elif (self.app.pargs.mysql == 'off' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "mysql -e \"show variables like \'" "slow_query_log\';\" | grep ON"): Log.info(self, "Disabling MySQL slow log") EEMysql.execute(self, "set global slow_query_log = \'OFF\';") EEMysql.execute(self, "set global slow_query_log_file = \'" "/var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log\';") EEMysql.execute(self, "set global long_query_time = 10;") EEMysql.execute(self, "set global log_queries_not_using_index" "es = \'OFF\';") EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "crontab -l | sed \'/#EasyEngine " "start/,/#EasyEngine end/d\' | crontab -") else: Log.info(self, "MySQL slow log already disabled") @expose(hide=True) def debug_wp(self): """Start/Stop WordPress debug""" if (self.app.pargs.wp == 'on' and self.app.pargs.site_name): wp_config = ("{0}/{1}/wp-config.php" .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name)) webroot = "{0}{1}".format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name) # Check wp-config.php file into htdocs folder if not os.path.isfile(wp_config): wp_config = ("{0}/{1}/htdocs/wp-config.php" .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name)) if os.path.isfile(wp_config): if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"\'WP_DEBUG\'\" {0} |" " grep true".format(wp_config)): Log.info(self, "Starting WordPress debug") open("{0}/htdocs/wp-content/debug.log".format(webroot), encoding='utf-8', mode='a').close() EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "chown {1}: {0}/htdocs/wp-" "content/debug.log" "".format(webroot, EEVariables.ee_php_user)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s/define(\'WP_DEBUG\'" ".*/define(\'WP_DEBUG\', true);\\n" "define(\'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY\', false);" "\\ndefine(\'WP_DEBUG_LOG\', true);" "\\ndefine(\'SAVEQUERIES\', true);/\"" " {0}".format(wp_config)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "cd {0}/htdocs/ && wp" " plugin --allow-root install " "developer query-monitor" .format(webroot)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "chown -R {1}: {0}/htdocs/" "wp-content/plugins" .format(webroot, EEVariables.ee_php_user)) self.msg = self.msg + ['{0}{1}/htdocs/wp-content' '/debug.log' .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name)] else: Log.info(self, "Unable to find wp-config.php for site: {0}" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) elif (self.app.pargs.wp == 'off' and self.app.pargs.site_name): wp_config = ("{0}{1}/wp-config.php" .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name)) webroot = "{0}{1}".format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name) # Check wp-config.php file into htdocs folder if not os.path.isfile(wp_config): wp_config = ("{0}/{1}/htdocs/wp-config.php" .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name)) if os.path.isfile(wp_config): if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"\'WP_DEBUG\'\" {0} | " "grep true".format(wp_config)): Log.info(self, "Disabling WordPress debug") EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"s/define(\'WP_DEBUG\'" ", true);/define(\'WP_DEBUG\', " "false);/\" {0}".format(wp_config)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/define(\'" "WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY\', false);/d\" {0}" .format(wp_config)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/define(\'" "WP_DEBUG_LOG\', true);/d\" {0}" .format(wp_config)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/define(\'" "SAVEQUERIES\', " "true);/d\" {0}".format(wp_config)) else: Log.info(self, "WordPress debug all already disabled") else: Log.error(self, "Missing argument site name") @expose(hide=True) def debug_rewrite(self): """Start/Stop Nginx rewrite rules debug""" # Start Nginx rewrite debug globally if (self.app.pargs.rewrite == 'on' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"rewrite_log on;\" " "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"): Log.info(self, "Setting up Nginx rewrite logs") EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \'/http {/a \\\\t" "rewrite_log on;\' /etc/nginx/nginx.conf") self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "Nginx rewrite logs already enabled") if '/var/log/nginx/*.error.log' not in self.msg: self.msg = self.msg + ['/var/log/nginx/*.error.log'] # Stop Nginx rewrite debug globally elif (self.app.pargs.rewrite == 'off' and not self.app.pargs.site_name): if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"rewrite_log on;\" " "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"): Log.info(self, "Disabling Nginx rewrite logs") EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/rewrite_log.*/d\"" " /etc/nginx/nginx.conf") self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "Nginx rewrite logs already disabled") # Start Nginx rewrite for site elif (self.app.pargs.rewrite == 'on' and self.app.pargs.site_name): config_path = ("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"rewrite_log on;\" {0}" .format(config_path)): Log.info(self, "Setting up Nginx rewrite logs for {0}" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/access_log/i \\\\\\t" "rewrite_log on;\" {0}" .format(config_path)) self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "Nginx rewrite logs for {0} already setup" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) if ('{0}{1}/logs/error.log'.format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name) not in self.msg): self.msg = self.msg + ['{0}{1}/logs/error.log' .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot, self.app.pargs.site_name)] # Stop Nginx rewrite for site elif (self.app.pargs.rewrite == 'off' and self.app.pargs.site_name): config_path = ("/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep \"rewrite_log on;\" {0}" .format(config_path)): Log.info(self, "Disabling Nginx rewrite logs for {0}" .format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "sed -i \"/rewrite_log.*/d\" {0}" .format(config_path)) self.trigger_nginx = True else: Log.info(self, "Nginx rewrite logs for {0} already " " disabled".format(self.app.pargs.site_name)) @expose(hide=True) def signal_handler(self, signal, frame): """Handle Ctrl+c hevent for -i option of debug""" self.start = False if self.app.pargs.nginx: self.app.pargs.nginx = 'off' self.debug_nginx() if self.app.pargs.php: self.app.pargs.php = 'off' self.debug_php() if self.app.pargs.fpm: self.app.pargs.fpm = 'off' self.debug_fpm() if self.app.pargs.mysql: # MySQL debug will not work for remote MySQL if EEVariables.ee_mysql_host is "localhost": self.app.pargs.mysql = 'off' self.debug_mysql() else: Log.warn(self, "Remote MySQL found, EasyEngine will not " "enable remote debug") if self.app.pargs.wp: self.app.pargs.wp = 'off' self.debug_wp() if self.app.pargs.rewrite: self.app.pargs.rewrite = 'off' self.debug_rewrite() # Reload Nginx if self.trigger_nginx: EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx') # Reload PHP if self.trigger_php: EEService.reload_service(self, 'php5-fpm') self.app.close(0) @expose(hide=True) def default(self): """Default function of debug""" # self.start = True self.interactive = False self.msg = [] self.trigger_nginx = False self.trigger_php = False if ((not self.app.pargs.nginx) and (not self.app.pargs.php) and (not self.app.pargs.fpm) and (not self.app.pargs.mysql) and (not self.app.pargs.wp) and (not self.app.pargs.rewrite) and (not self.app.pargs.all) and (not self.app.pargs.site_name) and (not self.app.pargs.import_slow_log) and (not self.app.pargs.interval)): if self.app.pargs.stop or self.app.pargs.start: print("--start/stop option is deprecated since ee3.0.5") self.app.args.print_help() else: self.app.args.print_help() if self.app.pargs.import_slow_log: self.import_slow_log() if self.app.pargs.interval: try: cron_time = int(self.app.pargs.interval) except Exception as e: cron_time = 5 try: if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "crontab -l | grep " "'ee debug --import-slow-log'"): if not cron_time == 0: Log.info(self, "setting up crontab entry," " please wait...") EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "/bin/bash -c \"crontab -l " "2> /dev/null | {{ cat; echo -e" " \\\"#EasyEngine start MySQL " "slow log \\n*/{0} * * * * " "/usr/local/bin/ee debug" " --import-slow-log\\n" "#EasyEngine end MySQL slow log" "\\\"; }} | crontab -\"" .format(cron_time)) else: if not cron_time == 0: Log.info(self, "updating crontab entry," " please wait...") if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "/bin/bash -c " "\"crontab " "-l | sed '/EasyEngine " "start MySQL slow " "log/!b;n;c\*\/{0} " "\* \* \* " "\* \/usr" "\/local\/bin\/ee debug " "--import\-slow\-log' " "| crontab -\"" .format(cron_time)): Log.error(self, "failed to update crontab entry") else: Log.info(self, "removing crontab entry," " please wait...") if not EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "/bin/bash -c " "\"crontab " "-l | sed '/EasyEngine " "start MySQL slow " "log/,+2d'" "| crontab -\"" .format(cron_time)): Log.error(self, "failed to remove crontab entry") except CommandExecutionError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) if self.app.pargs.all == 'on': if self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.wp = 'on' self.app.pargs.nginx = 'on' self.app.pargs.php = 'on' self.app.pargs.fpm = 'on' self.app.pargs.mysql = 'on' self.app.pargs.rewrite = 'on' if self.app.pargs.all == 'off': if self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.wp = 'off' self.app.pargs.nginx = 'off' self.app.pargs.php = 'off' self.app.pargs.fpm = 'off' self.app.pargs.mysql = 'off' self.app.pargs.rewrite = 'off' if ((not self.app.pargs.nginx) and (not self.app.pargs.php) and (not self.app.pargs.fpm) and (not self.app.pargs.mysql) and (not self.app.pargs.wp) and (not self.app.pargs.rewrite) and self.app.pargs.site_name): self.app.args.print_help() # self.app.pargs.nginx = 'on' # self.app.pargs.wp = 'on' # self.app.pargs.rewrite = 'on' if self.app.pargs.nginx: self.debug_nginx() if self.app.pargs.php: self.debug_php() if self.app.pargs.fpm: self.debug_fpm() if self.app.pargs.mysql: # MySQL debug will not work for remote MySQL if EEVariables.ee_mysql_host is "localhost": self.debug_mysql() else: Log.warn(self, "Remote MySQL found, EasyEngine will not " "enable remote debug") if self.app.pargs.wp: self.debug_wp() if self.app.pargs.rewrite: self.debug_rewrite() if self.app.pargs.interactive: self.interactive = True # Reload Nginx if self.trigger_nginx: EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx') # Reload PHP if self.trigger_php: EEService.restart_service(self, 'php5-fpm') if len(self.msg) > 0: if not self.app.pargs.interactive: disp_msg = ' '.join(self.msg) Log.info(self, "Use following command to check debug logs:\n" + Log.ENDC + "tail -f {0}".format(disp_msg)) else: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) watch_list = [] for w_list in self.msg: watch_list = watch_list + glob.glob(w_list) logwatch(self, watch_list) @expose(hide=True) def import_slow_log(self): """Default function for import slow log""" if os.path.isdir("{0}22222/htdocs/db/anemometer" .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot)): if os.path.isfile("/var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log"): # Get Anemometer user name and password Log.info(self, "Importing MySQL slow log to Anemometer") host = os.popen("grep -e \"\'host\'\" {0}22222/htdocs/" .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot) + "db/anemometer/conf/config.inc.php " "| head -1 | cut -d\\\' -f4 | " "tr -d '\n'").read() user = os.popen("grep -e \"\'user\'\" {0}22222/htdocs/" .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot) + "db/anemometer/conf/config.inc.php " "| head -1 | cut -d\\\' -f4 | " "tr -d '\n'").read() password = os.popen("grep -e \"\'password\'\" {0}22222/" .format(EEVariables.ee_webroot) + "htdocs/db/anemometer/conf" "/config.inc.php " "| head -1 | cut -d\\\' -f4 | " "tr -d '\n'").read() # Import slow log Anemometer using pt-query-digest try: EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "pt-query-digest --user={0} " "--password={1} " "--review D=slow_query_log," "t=global_query_review " "--history D=slow_query_log,t=" "global_query_review_history " "--no-report --limit=0% " "--filter=\" \\$event->{{Bytes}} = " "length(\\$event->{{arg}}) " "and \\$event->{{hostname}}=\\\"" "{2}\\\"\" " "/var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log" .format(user, password, host)) except CommandExecutionError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.error(self, "MySQL slow log import failed.") else: Log.error(self, "MySQL slow log file not found," " so not imported slow logs") else: Log.error(self, "Anemometer is not installed." + Log.ENDC + "\nYou can install Anemometer with " "this command " + Log.BOLD + "\n `ee stack install --utils`" + Log.ENDC) def load(app): # register the plugin class.. this only happens if the plugin is enabled handler.register(EEDebugController) # register a hook (function) to run after arguments are parsed. hook.register('post_argument_parsing', ee_debug_hook)