$key; } /** * Register a command for early invocation, generally before WordPress loads. * * @param string $when Named execution hook * @param EE_CLI\Dispatcher\Subcommand $command */ public function register_early_invoke( $when, $command ) { $this->_early_invoke[ $when ][] = array_slice( Dispatcher\get_path( $command ), 1 ); } /** * Perform the early invocation of a command. * * @param string $when Named execution hook */ private function do_early_invoke( $when ) { if ( !isset( $this->_early_invoke[ $when ] ) ) return; foreach ( $this->_early_invoke[ $when ] as $path ) { if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( $path ) ) { $this->_run_command(); exit; } } } /** * Get the path to the global configuration YAML file. * * @return string|false */ private function get_global_config_path() { if ( isset( $runtime_config['config'] ) ) { $config_path = $runtime_config['config']; $this->_global_config_path_debug = 'Using global config from config runtime arg: ' . $config_path; } else if ( getenv( 'EE_CLI_CONFIG_PATH' ) ) { $config_path = getenv( 'EE_CLI_CONFIG_PATH' ); $this->_global_config_path_debug = 'Using global config from EE_CLI_CONFIG_PATH env var: ' . $config_path; } else { $config_path = getenv( 'HOME' ) . '/.wp-cli/config.yml'; $this->_global_config_path_debug = 'Using default global config: ' . $config_path; } if ( is_readable( $config_path ) ) { return $config_path; } else { $this->_global_config_path_debug = 'No readable global config found'; return false; } } /** * Get the path to the project-specific configuration * YAML file. * wp-cli.local.yml takes priority over wp-cli.yml. * * @return string|false */ private function get_project_config_path() { $config_files = array( 'wp-cli.local.yml', 'wp-cli.yml' ); // Stop looking upward when we find we have emerged from a subdirectory // install into a parent install $project_config_path = Utils\find_file_upward( $config_files, getcwd(), function ( $dir ) { static $wp_load_count = 0; $wp_load_path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-load.php'; if ( file_exists( $wp_load_path ) ) { $wp_load_count += 1; } return $wp_load_count > 1; } ); if ( ! empty( $project_config_path ) ) { $this->_project_config_path_debug = 'Using project config: ' . $project_config_path; } else { $this->_project_config_path_debug = 'No project config found'; } return $project_config_path; } /** * Attempts to find the path to the WP install inside index.php * * @param string $index_path * @return string|false */ private static function extract_subdir_path( $index_path ) { $index_code = file_get_contents( $index_path ); if ( !preg_match( '|^\s*require\s*\(?\s*(.+?)/wp-blog-header\.php([\'"])|m', $index_code, $matches ) ) { return false; } $wp_path_src = $matches[1] . $matches[2]; $wp_path_src = Utils\replace_path_consts( $wp_path_src, $index_path ); $wp_path = eval( "return $wp_path_src;" ); if ( !Utils\is_path_absolute( $wp_path ) ) { $wp_path = dirname( $index_path ) . "/$wp_path"; } return $wp_path; } /** * Guess which URL context WP-CLI has been invoked under. * * @param array $assoc_args * @return string|false */ private static function guess_url( $assoc_args ) { if ( isset( $assoc_args['blog'] ) ) { $assoc_args['url'] = $assoc_args['blog']; } if ( isset( $assoc_args['url'] ) ) { $url = $assoc_args['url']; if ( true === $url ) { EE_CLI::warning( 'The --url parameter expects a value.' ); } } if ( isset( $url ) ) { return $url; } return false; } private function cmd_starts_with( $prefix ) { return $prefix == array_slice( $this->arguments, 0, count( $prefix ) ); } /** * Given positional arguments, find the command to execute. * * @param array $args * @return array|string Command, args, and path on success; error message on failure */ public function find_command_to_run( $args ) { $command = \EE_CLI::get_root_command(); $cmd_path = array(); while ( !empty( $args ) && $command->can_have_subcommands() ) { $cmd_path[] = $args[0]; $full_name = implode( ' ', $cmd_path ); $subcommand = $command->find_subcommand( $args ); if ( !$subcommand ) { if ( count( $cmd_path ) > 1 ) { $child = array_pop( $cmd_path ); $parent_name = implode( ' ', $cmd_path ); return sprintf( "'%s' is not a registered subcommand of '%s'. See 'wp help %s'.", $child, $parent_name, $parent_name ); } else { return sprintf( "'%s' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help'.", $full_name ); } } /* if ( $this->is_command_disabled( $subcommand ) ) { return sprintf( "The '%s' command has been disabled from the config file.", $full_name ); } */ $command = $subcommand; } return array( $command, $args, $cmd_path ); } /** * Find the WP-CLI command to run given arguments, * and invoke it. * * @param array $args Positional arguments including command name * @param array $assoc_args */ public function run_command( $args, $assoc_args = array() ) { $r = $this->find_command_to_run( $args ); if ( is_string( $r ) ) { EE_CLI::error( $r ); } list( $command, $final_args, $cmd_path ) = $r; $name = implode( ' ', $cmd_path ); if ( isset( $this->extra_config[ $name ] ) ) { $extra_args = $this->extra_config[ $name ]; } else { $extra_args = array(); } EE_CLI::debug( 'Running command: ' . $name ); try { $command->invoke( $final_args, $assoc_args, $extra_args ); } catch ( EE_CLI\Iterators\Exception $e ) { EE_CLI::error( $e->getMessage() ); } } private function _run_command() { $this->run_command( $this->arguments, $this->assoc_args ); } /** * Check whether a given command is disabled by the config * * @return bool */ /*public function is_command_disabled( $command ) { $path = implode( ' ', array_slice( \EE_CLI\Dispatcher\get_path( $command ), 1 ) ); return in_array( $path, $this->config['disabled_commands'] ); }*/ /** * Returns wp-config.php code, skipping the loading of wp-settings.php * * @return string */ public function get_wp_config_code() { $wp_config_path = Utils\locate_wp_config(); // $wp_config_code = explode( "\n", file_get_contents( $wp_config_path ) ); $found_wp_settings = false; // $lines_to_run = array(); // foreach ( $wp_config_code as $line ) { // if ( preg_match( '/^\s*require.+wp-settings\.php/', $line ) ) { // $found_wp_settings = true; // continue; // } $lines_to_run[] = $line; } // if ( !$found_wp_settings ) { // EE_CLI::error( 'Strange wp-config.php file: wp-settings.php is not loaded directly.' ); // } // $source = implode( "\n", $lines_to_run ); // $source = Utils\replace_path_consts( $source, $wp_config_path ); // return preg_replace( '|^\s*\<\?php\s*|', '', $source ); //} /** * Transparently convert deprecated syntaxes * * @param array $args * @param array $assoc_args * @return array */ private static function back_compat_conversions( $args, $assoc_args ) { $top_level_aliases = array( 'sql' => 'db', 'blog' => 'site' ); if ( count( $args ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $top_level_aliases as $old => $new ) { if ( $old == $args[0] ) { $args[0] = $new; break; } } } // --json -> --format=json if ( isset( $assoc_args['json'] ) ) { $assoc_args['format'] = 'json'; unset( $assoc_args['json'] ); } // --{version|info} -> cli {version|info} if ( empty( $args ) ) { $special_flags = array( 'version', 'info' ); foreach ( $special_flags as $key ) { if ( isset( $assoc_args[ $key ] ) ) { $args = array( 'cli', $key ); unset( $assoc_args[ $key ] ); break; } } } return array( $args, $assoc_args ); } /** * Whether or not the output should be rendered in color * * @return bool */ public function in_color() { return $this->colorize; } private function init_colorization() { if ( 'auto' === $this->config['color'] ) { $this->colorize = ( !\cli\Shell::isPiped() && !\EE_CLI\Utils\is_windows() ); } else { $this->colorize = $this->config['color']; } } private function init_logger() { if ( $this->config['quiet'] ) $logger = new \EE_CLI\Loggers\Quiet; else $logger = new \EE_CLI\Loggers\Regular( $this->in_color() ); EE_CLI::set_logger( $logger ); } private function init_config() { $configurator = \EE_CLI::get_configurator(); // File config { $this->global_config_path = $this->get_global_config_path(); $this->project_config_path = $this->get_project_config_path(); $configurator->merge_yml( $this->global_config_path ); $configurator->merge_yml( $this->project_config_path ); } // Runtime config and args { list( $args, $assoc_args, $runtime_config ) = $configurator->parse_args( array_slice( $GLOBALS['argv'], 1 ) ); list( $this->arguments, $this->assoc_args ) = self::back_compat_conversions( $args, $assoc_args ); $configurator->merge_array( $runtime_config ); } list( $this->config, $this->extra_config ) = $configurator->to_array(); } public function start() { $this->init_config(); $this->init_colorization(); $this->init_logger(); EE_CLI::debug( $this->_global_config_path_debug ); EE_CLI::debug( $this->_project_config_path_debug ); // $this->check_root(); if ( empty( $this->arguments ) ) $this->arguments[] = 'help'; // Protect 'cli info' from most of the runtime if ( 'cli' === $this->arguments[0] && ! empty( $this->arguments[1] ) && 'info' === $this->arguments[1] ) { $this->_run_command(); exit; } // Load bundled commands early, so that they're forced to use the same // APIs as non-bundled commands. Utils\load_command( $this->arguments[0] ); if ( isset( $this->config['require'] ) ) { foreach ( $this->config['require'] as $path ) { if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) { EE_CLI::error( sprintf( "Required file '%s' doesn't exist", basename( $path ) ) ); } Utils\load_file( $path ); EE_CLI::debug( 'Required file from config: ' . $path ); } } // Show synopsis if it's a composite command. $r = $this->find_command_to_run( $this->arguments ); if ( is_array( $r ) ) { list( $command ) = $r; if ( $command->can_have_subcommands() ) { $command->show_usage(); exit; } } // First try at showing man page if ( 'help' === $this->arguments[0] && ! $this->wp_exists() ) { $this->_run_command(); } // Handle --url parameter $url = self::guess_url( $this->config ); if ( $url ) \EE_CLI::set_url( $url ); $this->do_early_invoke( 'before_wp_load' ); //$this->check_wp_version(); if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( array( 'core', 'config' ) ) ) { $this->_run_command(); exit; } //if ( !Utils\locate_wp_config() ) { // EE_CLI::error( // "wp-config.php not found.\n" . // "Either create one manually or use `wp core config`." ); //} if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( array( 'db' ) ) && !$this->cmd_starts_with( array( 'db', 'tables' ) ) ) { eval( $this->get_wp_config_code() ); $this->_run_command(); exit; } if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( array( 'core', 'is-installed' ) ) ) { define( 'WP_INSTALLING', true ); } if ( count( $this->arguments ) >= 2 && $this->arguments[0] == 'core' && in_array( $this->arguments[1], array( 'install', 'multisite-install' ) ) ) { define( 'WP_INSTALLING', true ); // We really need a URL here if ( !isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) { $url = 'http://example.com'; \EE_CLI::set_url( $url ); } if ( 'multisite-install' == $this->arguments[1] ) { // need to fake some globals to skip the checks in wp-includes/ms-settings.php $url_parts = Utils\parse_url( $url ); self::fake_current_site_blog( $url_parts ); if ( !defined( 'COOKIEHASH' ) ) { define( 'COOKIEHASH', md5( $url_parts['host'] ) ); } } } if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( array( 'import') ) ) { define( 'WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS', true ); define( 'WP_IMPORTING', true ); } if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( array( 'plugin' ) ) ) { $GLOBALS['pagenow'] = 'plugins.php'; } $this->_run_command(); } }