# """EasyEngine site controller.""" from cement.core.controller import CementBaseController, expose from cement.core import handler, hook from ee.core.cron import EECron from ee.core.sslutils import SSL from ee.core.variables import EEVariables from ee.core.domainvalidate import ValidateDomain from ee.core.fileutils import EEFileUtils from ee.cli.plugins.site_functions import * from ee.core.services import EEService from ee.cli.plugins.sitedb import * from ee.core.git import EEGit from subprocess import Popen from ee.core.nginxhashbucket import hashbucket import sys import os import glob import subprocess def ee_site_hook(app): # do something with the ``app`` object here. from ee.core.database import init_db import ee.cli.plugins.models init_db(app) class EESiteController(CementBaseController): class Meta: label = 'site' stacked_on = 'base' stacked_type = 'nested' description = ('Performs website specific operations') arguments = [ (['site_name'], dict(help='Website name', nargs='?')), ] usage = "ee site (command) [options]" @expose(hide=True) def default(self): self.app.args.print_help() @expose(help="Enable site example.com") def enable(self): if not self.app.pargs.site_name: try: while not self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ') .strip()) except IOError as e: Log.error(self, 'could not input site name') self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() # validate domain name (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) # check if site exists if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain)) if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}' .format(ee_domain)): Log.info(self, "Enable domain {0:10} \t".format(ee_domain), end='') EEFileUtils.create_symlink(self, ['/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}' .format(ee_domain), '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{0}' .format(ee_domain)]) EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"], msg="Enabled {0} " .format(ee_domain)) updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, enabled=True) Log.info(self, "[" + Log.ENDC + "OK" + Log.OKBLUE + "]") if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") else: Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exist" .format(ee_domain)) @expose(help="Disable site example.com") def disable(self): if not self.app.pargs.site_name: try: while not self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ') .strip()) except IOError as e: Log.error(self, 'could not input site name') self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) # check if site exists if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain)) if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}' .format(ee_domain)): Log.info(self, "Disable domain {0:10} \t" .format(ee_domain), end='') if not os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{0}' .format(ee_domain)): Log.debug(self, "Site {0} already disabled".format(ee_domain)) Log.info(self, "[" + Log.FAIL + "Failed" + Log.OKBLUE+"]") else: EEFileUtils.remove_symlink(self, '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{0}' .format(ee_domain)) EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"], msg="Disabled {0} " .format(ee_domain)) updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, enabled=False) Log.info(self, "[" + Log.ENDC + "OK" + Log.OKBLUE + "]") if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") else: Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exist" .format(ee_domain)) @expose(help="Get example.com information") def info(self): if not self.app.pargs.site_name: try: while not self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ') .strip()) except IOError as e: Log.error(self, 'could not input site name') self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) ee_db_name = '' ee_db_user = '' ee_db_pass = '' hhvm = '' if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain)) if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}' .format(ee_domain)): siteinfo = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) sitetype = siteinfo.site_type cachetype = siteinfo.cache_type ee_site_webroot = siteinfo.site_path access_log = (ee_site_webroot + '/logs/access.log') error_log = (ee_site_webroot + '/logs/error.log') ee_db_name = siteinfo.db_name ee_db_user = siteinfo.db_user ee_db_pass = siteinfo.db_password ee_db_host = siteinfo.db_host if sitetype != "html": hhvm = ("enabled" if siteinfo.is_hhvm else "disabled") if sitetype == "proxy": access_log = "/var/log/nginx/{0}.access.log".format(ee_domain) error_log = "/var/log/nginx/{0}.error.log".format(ee_domain) ee_site_webroot = '' php_version = siteinfo.php_version pagespeed = ("enabled" if siteinfo.is_pagespeed else "disabled") ssl = ("enabled" if siteinfo.is_ssl else "disabled") if (ssl == "enabled"): sslprovider = "Lets Encrypt" sslexpiry = str(SSL.getExpirationDate(self,ee_domain)) else: sslprovider = '' sslexpiry = '' data = dict(domain=ee_domain, webroot=ee_site_webroot, accesslog=access_log, errorlog=error_log, dbname=ee_db_name, dbuser=ee_db_user,php_version=php_version, dbpass=ee_db_pass, hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed, ssl=ssl, sslprovider=sslprovider, sslexpiry= sslexpiry, type=sitetype + " " + cachetype + " ({0})" .format("enabled" if siteinfo.is_enabled else "disabled")) self.app.render((data), 'siteinfo.mustache') else: Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exist" .format(ee_domain)) @expose(help="Monitor example.com logs") def log(self): self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) ee_site_webroot = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain).site_path if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain)) logfiles = glob.glob(ee_site_webroot + '/logs/*.log') if logfiles: logwatch(self, logfiles) @expose(help="Display Nginx configuration of example.com") def show(self): if not self.app.pargs.site_name: try: while not self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ') .strip()) except IOError as e: Log.error(self, 'could not input site name') # TODO Write code for ee site edit command here self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain)) if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}' .format(ee_domain)): Log.info(self, "Display NGINX configuration for {0}" .format(ee_domain)) f = open('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'.format(ee_domain), encoding='utf-8', mode='r') text = f.read() Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + text) f.close() else: Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exists" .format(ee_domain)) @expose(help="Change directory to site webroot") def cd(self): if not self.app.pargs.site_name: try: while not self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ') .strip()) except IOError as e: Log.error(self, 'Unable to read input, please try again') self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain)) ee_site_webroot = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain).site_path EEFileUtils.chdir(self, ee_site_webroot) try: subprocess.call(['bash']) except OSError as e: Log.debug(self, "{0}{1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) Log.error(self, "unable to change directory") class EESiteEditController(CementBaseController): class Meta: label = 'edit' stacked_on = 'site' stacked_type = 'nested' description = ('Edit Nginx configuration of site') arguments = [ (['site_name'], dict(help='domain name for the site', nargs='?')), (['--pagespeed'], dict(help="edit pagespeed configuration for site", action='store_true')), ] @expose(hide=True) def default(self): if not self.app.pargs.site_name: try: while not self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ') .strip()) except IOError as e: Log.error(self, 'Unable to read input, Please try again') self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain)) ee_site_webroot = EEVariables.ee_webroot + ee_domain if not self.app.pargs.pagespeed: if os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}' .format(ee_domain)): try: EEShellExec.invoke_editor(self, '/etc/nginx/sites-availa' 'ble/{0}'.format(ee_domain)) except CommandExecutionError as e: Log.error(self, "Failed invoke editor") if (EEGit.checkfilestatus(self, "/etc/nginx", '/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}'.format(ee_domain))): EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"], msg="Edit website: {0}" .format(ee_domain)) # Reload NGINX if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") else: Log.error(self, "nginx configuration file does not exists" .format(ee_domain)) elif self.app.pargs.pagespeed: if os.path.isfile('{0}/conf/nginx/pagespeed.conf' .format(ee_site_webroot)): try: EEShellExec.invoke_editor(self, '{0}/conf/nginx/' 'pagespeed.conf' .format(ee_site_webroot)) except CommandExecutionError as e: Log.error(self, "Failed invoke editor") if (EEGit.checkfilestatus(self, "{0}/conf/nginx" .format(ee_site_webroot), '{0}/conf/nginx/pagespeed.conf'.format(ee_site_webroot))): EEGit.add(self, ["{0}/conf/nginx".format(ee_site_webroot)], msg="Edit Pagespped config of site: {0}" .format(ee_domain)) # Reload NGINX if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") else: Log.error(self, "Pagespeed configuration file does not exists" .format(ee_domain)) class EESiteCreateController(CementBaseController): class Meta: label = 'create' stacked_on = 'site' stacked_type = 'nested' description = ('this commands set up configuration and installs ' 'required files as options are provided') arguments = [ (['site_name'], dict(help='domain name for the site to be created.', nargs='?')), (['--html'], dict(help="create html site", action='store_true')), (['--php'], dict(help="create php site", action='store_true')), (['--php7'], dict(help="create php 7.0 site", action='store_true')), (['--mysql'], dict(help="create mysql site", action='store_true')), (['--wp'], dict(help="create wordpress single site", action='store_true')), (['--wpsubdir'], dict(help="create wordpress multisite with subdirectory setup", action='store_true')), (['--wpsubdomain'], dict(help="create wordpress multisite with subdomain setup", action='store_true')), (['--w3tc'], dict(help="create wordpress single/multi site with w3tc cache", action='store_true')), (['--wpfc'], dict(help="create wordpress single/multi site with wpfc cache", action='store_true')), (['--wpsc'], dict(help="create wordpress single/multi site with wpsc cache", action='store_true')), (['--wpredis'], dict(help="create wordpress single/multi site with redis cache", action='store_true')), (['--hhvm'], dict(help="create HHVM site", action='store_true')), (['--pagespeed'], dict(help="create pagespeed site", action='store_true')), (['-le','--letsencrypt'], dict(help="configure letsencrypt ssl for the site", action='store_true')), (['--user'], dict(help="provide user for wordpress site")), (['--email'], dict(help="provide email address for wordpress site")), (['--pass'], dict(help="provide password for wordpress user", dest='wppass')), (['--proxy'], dict(help="create proxy for site", nargs='+')), (['--experimental'], dict(help="Enable Experimenal packages without prompt", action='store_true')), ] @expose(hide=True) def default(self): # self.app.render((data), 'default.mustache') # Check domain name validation data = dict() host, port = None, None try: stype, cache = detSitePar(vars(self.app.pargs)) except RuntimeError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.error(self, "Please provide valid options to creating site") if stype is None and self.app.pargs.proxy: stype, cache = 'proxy', '' proxyinfo = self.app.pargs.proxy[0].strip() if not proxyinfo: Log.error(self, "Please provide proxy server host information") proxyinfo = proxyinfo.split(':') host = proxyinfo[0].strip() port = '80' if len(proxyinfo) < 2 else proxyinfo[1].strip() elif stype is None and not self.app.pargs.proxy: stype, cache = 'html', 'basic' elif stype and self.app.pargs.proxy: Log.error(self, "proxy should not be used with other site types") if (self.app.pargs.proxy and (self.app.pargs.pagespeed or self.app.pargs.hhvm)): Log.error(self, "Proxy site can not run on pagespeed or hhvm") if not self.app.pargs.site_name: try: while not self.app.pargs.site_name: # preprocessing before finalize site name self.app.pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ') .strip()) except IOError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.error(self, "Unable to input site name, Please try again!") self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) if not ee_domain.strip(): Log.error("Invalid domain name, " "Provide valid domain name") ee_site_webroot = EEVariables.ee_webroot + ee_domain if check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} already exists".format(ee_domain)) elif os.path.isfile('/etc/nginx/sites-available/{0}' .format(ee_domain)): Log.error(self, "Nginx configuration /etc/nginx/sites-available/" "{0} already exists".format(ee_domain)) if stype == 'proxy': data['site_name'] = ee_domain data['www_domain'] = ee_www_domain data['proxy'] = True data['host'] = host data['port'] = port ee_site_webroot = "" if self.app.pargs.php7: data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain, static=False, basic=False, php7=True, wp=False, w3tc=False, wpfc=False, wpsc=False, multisite=False, wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot) data['basic'] = True if stype in ['html', 'php' ]: data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain, static=True, basic=False, php7=False, wp=False, w3tc=False, wpfc=False, wpsc=False, multisite=False, wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot) if stype == 'php': data['static'] = False data['basic'] = True elif stype in ['mysql', 'wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']: data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain, static=False, basic=True, wp=False, w3tc=False, wpfc=False, wpsc=False, wpredis=False, multisite=False, wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot, ee_db_name='', ee_db_user='', ee_db_pass='', ee_db_host='') if stype in ['wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']: data['wp'] = True data['basic'] = False data[cache] = True data['wp-user'] = self.app.pargs.user data['wp-email'] = self.app.pargs.email data['wp-pass'] = self.app.pargs.wppass if stype in ['wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']: data['multisite'] = True if stype == 'wpsubdir': data['wpsubdir'] = True else: pass if stype == "html" and self.app.pargs.hhvm: Log.error(self, "Can not create HTML site with HHVM") if data and self.app.pargs.php7: if (not self.app.pargs.experimental): Log.info(self, "PHP7.0 is experimental feature and it may not " "work with all CSS/JS/Cache of your site.\nDo you wish" " to install PHP 7.0 now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.info(self, "Not using PHP 7.0 for site.") data['php7'] = False data['basic'] = True php7 = 0 self.app.pargs.php7 = False else: data['php7'] = True php7 = 1 else: data['php7'] = True php7 = 1 elif data: data['php7'] = False php7 = 0 if (not self.app.pargs.w3tc) and\ (not self.app.pargs.wpfc) and (not self.app.pargs.wpsc) and (not self.app.pargs.wpredis) \ and (not self.app.pargs.hhvm): data['basic'] = True if data and self.app.pargs.hhvm: if (not self.app.pargs.experimental): Log.info(self, "HHVM is experimental feature and it may not " "work with all plugins of your site.\nYou can " "disable it by passing --hhvm=off later.\nDo you wish" " to enable HHVM now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.info(self, "Not using HHVM for site.") data['hhvm'] = False hhvm = 0 self.app.pargs.hhvm = False else: data['hhvm'] = True hhvm = 1 else: data['hhvm'] = True hhvm = 1 elif data: data['hhvm'] = False hhvm = 0 if data and self.app.pargs.pagespeed: if (not self.app.pargs.experimental): Log.info(self, "PageSpeed is experimental feature and it may not " "work with all CSS/JS/Cache of your site.\nYou can " "disable it by passing --pagespeed=off later.\nDo you wish" " to enable PageSpeed now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.info(self, "Not using PageSpeed for site.") data['pagespeed'] = False pagespeed = 0 self.app.pargs.pagespeed = False else: data['pagespeed'] = True pagespeed = 1 else: data['pagespeed'] = True pagespeed = 1 elif data: data['pagespeed'] = False pagespeed = 0 if (cache == 'wpredis' and (not self.app.pargs.experimental)): Log.info(self, "Redis is experimental feature and it may not " "work with all CSS/JS/Cache of your site.\nYou can " "disable it by changing cache later.\nDo you wish" " to enable Redis now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.error(self, "Not using Redis for site") cache = 'basic' data['wpredis'] = False data['basic'] = True self.app.pargs.wpredis = False # self.app.args.print_help() # if not data: # self.app.close(1) # Check rerequired packages are installed or not ee_auth = site_package_check(self, stype) try: pre_run_checks(self) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.error(self, "NGINX configuration check failed.") try: try: # setup NGINX configuration, and webroot setupdomain(self, data) # Fix Nginx Hashbucket size error hashbucket(self) except SiteError as e: # call cleanup actions on failure Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...") doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain, webroot=data['webroot']) Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") if 'proxy' in data.keys() and data['proxy']: addNewSite(self, ee_domain, stype, cache, ee_site_webroot) # Service Nginx Reload if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...") doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain) Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") if ee_auth and len(ee_auth): for msg in ee_auth: Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + msg, log=False) Log.info(self, "Successfully created site" " http://{0}".format(ee_domain)) return # Update pagespeed config if self.app.pargs.pagespeed: operateOnPagespeed(self, data) if data['php7']: php_version = "7.0" else: if EEVariables.ee_platform_codename == 'trusty': php_version = "5.6" else: php_version = "5.5" addNewSite(self, ee_domain, stype, cache, ee_site_webroot, hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed, php_version=php_version) # Setup database for MySQL site if 'ee_db_name' in data.keys() and not data['wp']: try: data = setupdatabase(self, data) # Add database information for site into database updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, db_name=data['ee_db_name'], db_user=data['ee_db_user'], db_password=data['ee_db_pass'], db_host=data['ee_db_host']) except SiteError as e: # call cleanup actions on failure Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...") doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain, webroot=data['webroot'], dbname=data['ee_db_name'], dbuser=data['ee_db_user'], dbhost=data['ee_db_host']) deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") try: eedbconfig = open("{0}/ee-config.php" .format(ee_site_webroot), encoding='utf-8', mode='w') eedbconfig.write("" .format(data['ee_db_name'], data['ee_db_user'], data['ee_db_pass'], data['ee_db_host'])) eedbconfig.close() stype = 'mysql' except IOError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.debug(self, "Error occured while generating " "ee-config.php") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...") doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain, webroot=data['webroot'], dbname=data['ee_db_name'], dbuser=data['ee_db_user'], dbhost=data['ee_db_host']) deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") # Setup WordPress if Wordpress site if data['wp']: try: ee_wp_creds = setupwordpress(self, data) # Add database information for site into database updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, db_name=data['ee_db_name'], db_user=data['ee_db_user'], db_password=data['ee_db_pass'], db_host=data['ee_db_host']) except SiteError as e: # call cleanup actions on failure Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...") doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain, webroot=data['webroot'], dbname=data['ee_db_name'], dbuser=data['ee_db_user'], dbhost=data['ee_mysql_grant_host']) deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") # Service Nginx Reload call cleanup if failed to reload nginx if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...") doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain, webroot=data['webroot']) if 'ee_db_name' in data.keys(): doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain, dbname=data['ee_db_name'], dbuser=data['ee_db_user'], dbhost=data['ee_mysql_grant_host']) deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "service nginx reload failed." " check issues with `nginx -t` command.") Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"], msg="{0} created with {1} {2}" .format(ee_www_domain, stype, cache)) # Setup Permissions for webroot try: setwebrootpermissions(self, data['webroot']) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Oops Something went wrong !!") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Calling cleanup actions ...") doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain, webroot=data['webroot']) if 'ee_db_name' in data.keys(): print("Inside db cleanup") doCleanupAction(self, domain=ee_domain, dbname=data['ee_db_name'], dbuser=data['ee_db_user'], dbhost=data['ee_mysql_grant_host']) deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") if ee_auth and len(ee_auth): for msg in ee_auth: Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + msg, log=False) if data['wp']: Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin user :" " {0}".format(ee_wp_creds['wp_user']), log=False) Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin user password : {0}" .format(ee_wp_creds['wp_pass']), log=False) display_cache_settings(self, data) Log.info(self, "Successfully created site" " http://{0}".format(ee_domain)) except SiteError as e: Log.error(self, "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") if self.app.pargs.letsencrypt : if (not self.app.pargs.experimental): if stype in ['wpsubdomain']: Log.warn(self, "Wildcard domains are not supported in Lets Encrypt.\nWP SUBDOMAIN site will get SSL for primary site only.") Log.info(self, "Letsencrypt is currently in beta phase." " \nDo you wish" " to enable SSl now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": data['letsencrypt'] = False letsencrypt = False else: data['letsencrypt'] = True letsencrypt = True else: data['letsencrypt'] = True letsencrypt = True if data['letsencrypt'] is True: setupLetsEncrypt(self, ee_domain) httpsRedirect(self,ee_domain) Log.info(self,"Creating Cron Job for cert auto-renewal") EECron.setcron_weekly(self,'ee site update --le=renew --all 2> /dev/null'.format(ee_domain),'Renew all' ' letsencrypt SSL cert. Set by EasyEngine') if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") Log.info(self, "Congratulations! Successfully Configured SSl for Site " " https://{0}".format(ee_domain)) if (SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain)>0): Log.info(self, "Your cert will expire within " + str(SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain)) + " days.") else: Log.warn(self, "Your cert already EXPIRED ! .PLEASE renew soon . ") # Add nginx conf folder into GIT EEGit.add(self, ["{0}/conf/nginx".format(ee_site_webroot)], msg="Adding letsencrypts config of site: {0}" .format(ee_domain)) updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, ssl=letsencrypt) elif data['letsencrypt'] is False: Log.info(self, "Not using Let\'s encrypt for Site " " http://{0}".format(ee_domain)) class EESiteUpdateController(CementBaseController): class Meta: label = 'update' stacked_on = 'site' stacked_type = 'nested' description = ('This command updates websites configuration to ' 'another as per the options are provided') arguments = [ (['site_name'], dict(help='domain name for the site to be updated', nargs='?')), (['--password'], dict(help="update to password for wordpress site user", action='store_true')), (['--html'], dict(help="update to html site", action='store_true')), (['--php'], dict(help="update to php site", action='store_true')), (['--php7'], dict(help="update to php7 site", action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--mysql'], dict(help="update to mysql site", action='store_true')), (['--wp'], dict(help="update to wordpress single site", action='store_true')), (['--wpsubdir'], dict(help="update to wpsubdir site", action='store_true')), (['--wpsubdomain'], dict(help="update to wpsubdomain site", action='store_true')), (['--w3tc'], dict(help="update to w3tc cache", action='store_true')), (['--wpfc'], dict(help="update to wpfc cache", action='store_true')), (['--wpsc'], dict(help="update to wpsc cache", action='store_true')), (['--wpredis'], dict(help="update to redis cache", action='store_true')), (['--hhvm'], dict(help='Use HHVM for site', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--pagespeed'], dict(help='Use PageSpeed for site', action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['-le','--letsencrypt'], dict(help="configure letsencrypt ssl for the site", action='store' or 'store_const', choices=('on', 'off', 'renew'), const='on', nargs='?')), (['--proxy'], dict(help="update to proxy site", nargs='+')), (['--experimental'], dict(help="Enable Experimenal packages without prompt", action='store_true')), (['--all'], dict(help="update all sites", action='store_true')), ] @expose(help="Update site type or cache") def default(self): pargs = self.app.pargs if pargs.all: if pargs.site_name: Log.error(self, "`--all` option cannot be used with site name" " provided") if pargs.html: Log.error(self, "No site can be updated to html") if not (pargs.php or pargs.php7 or pargs.mysql or pargs.wp or pargs.wpsubdir or pargs.wpsubdomain or pargs.w3tc or pargs.wpfc or pargs.wpsc or pargs.hhvm or pargs.pagespeed or pargs.wpredis or pargs.letsencrypt): Log.error(self, "Please provide options to update sites.") if pargs.all: if pargs.site_name: Log.error(self, "`--all` option cannot be used with site name" " provided") sites = getAllsites(self) if not sites: pass else: for site in sites: pargs.site_name = site.sitename Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + Log.BOLD + "Updating site {0}," " please wait..." .format(pargs.site_name)) self.doupdatesite(pargs) print("\n") else: self.doupdatesite(pargs) def doupdatesite(self, pargs): hhvm = None pagespeed = None letsencrypt = False php7 = None data = dict() try: stype, cache = detSitePar(vars(pargs)) except RuntimeError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.error(self, "Please provide valid options combination for" " site update") if stype is None and pargs.proxy: stype, cache = 'proxy', '' proxyinfo = pargs.proxy[0].strip() if not proxyinfo: Log.error(self, "Please provide proxy server host information") proxyinfo = proxyinfo.split(':') host = proxyinfo[0].strip() port = '80' if len(proxyinfo) < 2 else proxyinfo[1].strip() elif stype is None and not (pargs.proxy or pargs.letsencrypt): stype, cache = 'html', 'basic' elif stype and pargs.proxy: Log.error(self, "--proxy can not be used with other site types") if (pargs.proxy and (pargs.pagespeed or pargs.hhvm)): Log.error(self, "Proxy site can not run on pagespeed or hhvm") if not pargs.site_name: try: while not pargs.site_name: pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ').strip()) except IOError as e: Log.error(self, 'Unable to input site name, Please try again!') pargs.site_name = pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain, ) = ValidateDomain(pargs.site_name) ee_site_webroot = EEVariables.ee_webroot + ee_domain check_site = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) if check_site is None: Log.error(self, " Site {0} does not exist.".format(ee_domain)) else: oldsitetype = check_site.site_type oldcachetype = check_site.cache_type old_hhvm = check_site.is_hhvm old_pagespeed = check_site.is_pagespeed check_ssl = check_site.is_ssl check_php_version = check_site.php_version if check_php_version == "7.0": old_php7 = True else: old_php7 = False if (pargs.password and not (pargs.html or pargs.php or pargs.php7 or pargs.mysql or pargs.wp or pargs.w3tc or pargs.wpfc or pargs.wpsc or pargs.wpsubdir or pargs.wpsubdomain)): try: updatewpuserpassword(self, ee_domain, ee_site_webroot) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, "\nPassword Unchanged.") return 0 if ((stype == "proxy" and stype == oldsitetype and self.app.pargs.hhvm) or (stype == "proxy" and stype == oldsitetype and self.app.pargs.pagespeed)): Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Can not update proxy site to HHVM or Pagespeed") return 1 if stype == "html" and stype == oldsitetype and self.app.pargs.hhvm: Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Can not update HTML site to HHVM") return 1 if ((stype == 'php' and oldsitetype not in ['html', 'proxy', 'php7']) or (stype == 'mysql' and oldsitetype not in ['html', 'php', 'proxy','php7']) or (stype == 'wp' and oldsitetype not in ['html', 'php', 'mysql', 'proxy', 'wp', 'php7']) or (stype == 'wpsubdir' and oldsitetype in ['wpsubdomain']) or (stype == 'wpsubdomain' and oldsitetype in ['wpsubdir']) or (stype == oldsitetype and cache == oldcachetype) and not pargs.pagespeed): Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "can not update {0} {1} to {2} {3}". format(oldsitetype, oldcachetype, stype, cache)) return 1 if stype == 'proxy': data['site_name'] = ee_domain data['www_domain'] = ee_www_domain data['proxy'] = True data['host'] = host data['port'] = port pagespeed = False hhvm = False data['webroot'] = ee_site_webroot data['currsitetype'] = oldsitetype data['currcachetype'] = oldcachetype if stype == 'php': data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain, static=False, basic=True, wp=False, w3tc=False, wpfc=False, wpsc=False, wpredis=False, multisite=False, wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot, currsitetype=oldsitetype, currcachetype=oldcachetype) elif stype in ['mysql', 'wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']: data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain, static=False, basic=True, wp=False, w3tc=False, wpfc=False, wpsc=False, wpredis=False, multisite=False, wpsubdir=False, webroot=ee_site_webroot, ee_db_name='', ee_db_user='', ee_db_pass='', ee_db_host='', currsitetype=oldsitetype, currcachetype=oldcachetype) if stype in ['wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']: data['wp'] = True data['basic'] = False data[cache] = True if stype in ['wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']: data['multisite'] = True if stype == 'wpsubdir': data['wpsubdir'] = True if pargs.pagespeed or pargs.hhvm or pargs.php7: if not data: data = dict(site_name=ee_domain, www_domain=ee_www_domain, currsitetype=oldsitetype, currcachetype=oldcachetype, webroot=ee_site_webroot) stype = oldsitetype cache = oldcachetype if oldsitetype == 'html' or oldsitetype == 'proxy': data['static'] = True data['wp'] = False data['multisite'] = False data['wpsubdir'] = False elif oldsitetype == 'php' or oldsitetype == 'mysql': data['static'] = False data['wp'] = False data['multisite'] = False data['wpsubdir'] = False elif oldsitetype == 'wp': data['static'] = False data['wp'] = True data['multisite'] = False data['wpsubdir'] = False elif oldsitetype == 'wpsubdir': data['static'] = False data['wp'] = True data['multisite'] = True data['wpsubdir'] = True elif oldsitetype == 'wpsubdomain': data['static'] = False data['wp'] = True data['multisite'] = True data['wpsubdir'] = False if oldcachetype == 'basic': data['basic'] = True data['w3tc'] = False data['wpfc'] = False data['wpsc'] = False data['wpredis'] = False elif oldcachetype == 'w3tc': data['basic'] = False data['w3tc'] = True data['wpfc'] = False data['wpsc'] = False data['wpredis'] = False elif oldcachetype == 'wpfc': data['basic'] = False data['w3tc'] = False data['wpfc'] = True data['wpsc'] = False data['wpredis'] = False elif oldcachetype == 'wpsc': data['basic'] = False data['w3tc'] = False data['wpfc'] = False data['wpsc'] = True data['wpredis'] = False elif oldcachetype == 'wpredis': data['basic'] = False data['w3tc'] = False data['wpfc'] = False data['wpsc'] = False data['wpredis'] = True if pargs.hhvm != 'off': data['hhvm'] = True hhvm = True elif pargs.hhvm == 'off': data['hhvm'] = False hhvm = False if pargs.pagespeed != 'off': data['pagespeed'] = True pagespeed = True elif pargs.pagespeed == 'off': data['pagespeed'] = False pagespeed = False if pargs.php7 == 'on' : data['php7'] = True php7 = True check_php_version= '7.0' elif pargs.php7 == 'off': data['php7'] = False php7 = False check_php_version = '5.6' if pargs.pagespeed: if pagespeed is old_pagespeed: if pagespeed is False: Log.info(self, "Pagespeed is already disabled for given " "site") elif pagespeed is True: Log.info(self, "Pagespeed is already enabled for given " "site") pargs.pagespeed = False if pargs.php7: if php7 is old_php7: if php7 is False: Log.info(self, "PHP 7.0 is already disabled for given " "site") elif php7 is True: Log.info(self, "PHP 7.0 is already enabled for given " "site") pargs.php7 = False #--letsencrypt=renew code goes here if pargs.letsencrypt == "renew" and not pargs.all: expiry_days = SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain) min_expiry_days = 30 if check_ssl: if (expiry_days <= min_expiry_days): renewLetsEncrypt(self,ee_domain) else: Log.error(self,"More than 60 days left for certificate Expiry. Not renewing now.") else: Log.error(self,"Cannot RENEW ! SSL is not configured for given site .") Log.info(self, "SUCCESS: Certificate was successfully renewed For" " https://{0}".format(ee_domain)) if (SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain)>0): Log.info(self, "Your cert will expire within " + str(SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain)) + " days.") Log.info(self, "Expiration DATE: " + str(SSL.getExpirationDate(self,ee_domain))) else: Log.warn(self, "Your cert already EXPIRED !. PLEASE renew soon . ") if pargs.all and pargs.letsencrypt == "renew": if check_ssl: expiry_days = SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain,True) if expiry_days < 0: return 0 min_expiry_days = 30 if (expiry_days <= min_expiry_days): renewLetsEncrypt(self,ee_domain) Log.info(self, "SUCCESS: Certificate was successfully renewed For" " https://{0}".format(ee_domain)) else: Log.info(self,"More than 60 days left for certificate Expiry. Not renewing now.\n") if (SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain)>0): Log.info(self, "Your cert will expire within " + str(SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain)) + " days.") Log.info(self, "Expiration DATE: \n\n" + str(SSL.getExpirationDate(self,ee_domain))) return 0 #else: # Log.warn(self, "Your cert already EXPIRED ! .PLEASE renew soon . ") else: Log.info(self,"SSL not configured for site http://{0}".format(ee_domain)) return 0 if pargs.letsencrypt: if pargs.letsencrypt == 'on': data['letsencrypt'] = True letsencrypt = True elif pargs.letsencrypt == 'off': data['letsencrypt'] = False letsencrypt = False if letsencrypt is check_ssl: if letsencrypt is False: Log.error(self, "SSl is not configured for given " "site") elif letsencrypt is True: Log.error(self, "SSl is already configured for given " "site") pargs.letsencrypt = False if pargs.hhvm: if hhvm is old_hhvm: if hhvm is False: Log.info(self, "HHVM is allready disabled for given " "site") elif hhvm is True: Log.info(self, "HHVM is allready enabled for given " "site") pargs.hhvm = False if data and (not pargs.hhvm): if old_hhvm is True: data['hhvm'] = True hhvm = True else: data['hhvm'] = False hhvm = False if data and (not pargs.pagespeed): if old_pagespeed is True: data['pagespeed'] = True pagespeed = True else: data['pagespeed'] = False pagespeed = False if data and (not pargs.php7): if old_php7 is True: data['php7'] = True php7 = True else: data['php7'] = False php7 = False if pargs.pagespeed=="on" or pargs.hhvm=="on" or pargs.letsencrypt=="on" or pargs.php7=="on": if pargs.php7 == "on": if (not pargs.experimental): Log.info(self, "PHP7.0 is experimental feature and it may not" " work with all plugins of your site.\nYou can " "disable it by passing --php7=off later.\nDo you wish" " to enable PHP now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.info(self, "Not using PHP 7.0 for site") data['php7'] = False php7 = False else: data['php7'] = True php7 = True else: data['php7'] = True php7 = True if pargs.hhvm == "on": if (not pargs.experimental): Log.info(self, "HHVM is experimental feature and it may not" " work with all plugins of your site.\nYou can " "disable it by passing --hhvm=off later.\nDo you wish" " to enable HHVM now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.info(self, "Not using HHVM for site") data['hhvm'] = False hhvm = False else: data['hhvm'] = True hhvm = True else: data['hhvm'] = True hhvm = True if pargs.pagespeed=="on": if (not pargs.experimental): Log.info(self, "PageSpeed is experimental feature and it may not" " work with all CSS/JS/Cache of your site.\nYou can " "disable it by passing --pagespeed=off later.\nDo you wish" " to enable PageSpeed now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.info(self, "Not using Pagespeed for given site") data['pagespeed'] = False pagespeed = False else: data['pagespeed'] = True pagespeed = True else: data['pagespeed'] = True pagespeed = True if pargs.letsencrypt == "on": if (not pargs.experimental): if oldsitetype in ['wpsubdomain']: Log.warn(self, "Wildcard domains are not supported in Lets Encrypt.\nWP SUBDOMAIN site will get SSL for primary site only.") Log.info(self, "Letsencrypt is currently in beta phase." " \nDo you wish" " to enable SSl now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]:") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.info(self, "Not using letsencrypt for site") data['letsencrypt'] = False letsencrypt = False else: data['letsencrypt'] = True letsencrypt = True else: data['letsencrypt'] = True letsencrypt = True if pargs.wpredis and data['currcachetype'] != 'wpredis': if (not pargs.experimental): Log.info(self, "Redis is experimental feature and it may not" " work with all plugins of your site.\nYou can " "disable it by changing cache type later.\nDo you wish" " to enable Redis now for {0}?".format(ee_domain)) # Check prompt check_prompt = input("Type \"y\" to continue [n]: ") if check_prompt != "Y" and check_prompt != "y": Log.error(self, "Not using Redis for site") data['wpredis'] = False data['basic'] = True cache = 'basic' if ((hhvm is old_hhvm) and (pagespeed is old_pagespeed) and (php7 is old_php7) and (stype == oldsitetype and cache == oldcachetype)): return 1 if not data: Log.error(self, "Cannot update {0}, Invalid Options" .format(ee_domain)) ee_auth = site_package_check(self, stype) data['ee_db_name'] = check_site.db_name data['ee_db_user'] = check_site.db_user data['ee_db_pass'] = check_site.db_password data['ee_db_host'] = check_site.db_host data['old_pagespeed_status'] = check_site.is_pagespeed if not pargs.letsencrypt: try: pre_run_checks(self) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.error(self, "NGINX configuration check failed.") try: sitebackup(self, data) except Exception as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 # setup NGINX configuration, and webroot try: setupdomain(self, data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason" "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if 'proxy' in data.keys() and data['proxy']: updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache, hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed,ssl=True if check_site.is_ssl else False) Log.info(self, "Successfully updated site" " http://{0}".format(ee_domain)) return 0 # Update pagespeed config if pargs.pagespeed: operateOnPagespeed(self, data) if pargs.letsencrypt: if data['letsencrypt'] is True: if not os.path.isfile("{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf.disabled" .format(ee_site_webroot)): setupLetsEncrypt(self, ee_domain) else: EEFileUtils.mvfile(self, "{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf.disabled" .format(ee_site_webroot), '{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf' .format(ee_site_webroot)) httpsRedirect(self,ee_domain) Log.info(self,"Creating Cron Job for cert auto-renewal") EECron.setcron_weekly(self,'ee site update --le=renew --all 2> /dev/null'.format(ee_domain),'Renew all' ' letsencrypt SSL cert. Set by EasyEngine') if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") Log.info(self, "Congratulations! Successfully Configured SSl for Site " " https://{0}".format(ee_domain)) if (SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain)>0): Log.info(self, "Your cert will expire within " + str(SSL.getExpirationDays(self,ee_domain)) + " days.") else: Log.warn(self, "Your cert already EXPIRED ! .PLEASE renew soon . ") elif data['letsencrypt'] is False: if os.path.isfile("{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf" .format(ee_site_webroot)): Log.info(self,'Setting Nginx configuration') EEFileUtils.mvfile(self, "{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf" .format(ee_site_webroot), '{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf.disabled' .format(ee_site_webroot)) httpsRedirect(self,ee_domain,False) if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") #Log.info(self,"Removing Cron Job set for cert auto-renewal") #EECron.remove_cron(self,'ee site update {0} --le=renew --min_expiry_limit 30 2> \/dev\/null'.format(ee_domain)) Log.info(self, "Successfully Disabled SSl for Site " " http://{0}".format(ee_domain)) # Add nginx conf folder into GIT EEGit.add(self, ["{0}/conf/nginx".format(ee_site_webroot)], msg="Adding letsencrypts config of site: {0}" .format(ee_domain)) updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, ssl=letsencrypt) return 0 if stype == oldsitetype and cache == oldcachetype: # Service Nginx Reload if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache, hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed,ssl=True if check_site.is_ssl else False, php_version=check_php_version) Log.info(self, "Successfully updated site" " http://{0}".format(ee_domain)) return 0 #if data['ee_db_name'] and not data['wp']: if 'ee_db_name' in data.keys() and not data['wp']: try: data = setupdatabase(self, data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason" "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 try: eedbconfig = open("{0}/ee-config.php".format(ee_site_webroot), encoding='utf-8', mode='w') eedbconfig.write("" .format(data['ee_db_name'], data['ee_db_user'], data['ee_db_pass'], data['ee_db_host'])) eedbconfig.close() except IOError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.debug(self, "creating ee-config.php failed.") Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed. " "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 # Setup WordPress if old sites are html/php/mysql sites if data['wp'] and oldsitetype in ['html', 'proxy', 'php', 'mysql']: try: ee_wp_creds = setupwordpress(self, data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 # Uninstall unnecessary plugins if oldsitetype in ['wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']: # Setup WordPress Network if update option is multisite # and oldsite is WordPress single site if data['multisite'] and oldsitetype == 'wp': try: setupwordpressnetwork(self, data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed. " "Check logs for reason" " `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if (oldcachetype == 'w3tc' or oldcachetype == 'wpfc' and not (data['w3tc'] or data['wpfc'])): try: uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'w3-total-cache', data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed. " "Check logs for reason" " `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if ((oldcachetype in ['w3tc', 'wpsc', 'basic', 'wpredis'] and (data['wpfc'])) or (oldsitetype == 'wp' and data['multisite'] and data['wpfc'])): try: plugin_data = '{"log_level":"INFO","log_filesize":5,"enable_purge":1,"enable_map":0,"enable_log":0,"enable_stamp":0,"purge_homepage_on_new":1,"purge_homepage_on_edit":1,"purge_homepage_on_del":1,"purge_archive_on_new":1,"purge_archive_on_edit":0,"purge_archive_on_del":0,"purge_archive_on_new_comment":0,"purge_archive_on_deleted_comment":0,"purge_page_on_mod":1,"purge_page_on_new_comment":1,"purge_page_on_deleted_comment":1,"cache_method":"enable_fastcgi","purge_method":"get_request","redis_hostname":"","redis_port":"6379","redis_prefix":"nginx-cache:"}' setupwp_plugin(self, 'nginx-helper', 'rt_wp_nginx_helper_options', plugin_data, data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update nginx-helper settings failed. " "Check logs for reason" " `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 elif ((oldcachetype in ['w3tc', 'wpsc', 'basic', 'wpfc'] and (data['wpredis'])) or (oldsitetype == 'wp' and data['multisite'] and data['wpredis'])): try: plugin_data = '{"log_level":"INFO","log_filesize":5,"enable_purge":1,"enable_map":0,"enable_log":0,"enable_stamp":0,"purge_homepage_on_new":1,"purge_homepage_on_edit":1,"purge_homepage_on_del":1,"purge_archive_on_new":1,"purge_archive_on_edit":0,"purge_archive_on_del":0,"purge_archive_on_new_comment":0,"purge_archive_on_deleted_comment":0,"purge_page_on_mod":1,"purge_page_on_new_comment":1,"purge_page_on_deleted_comment":1,"cache_method":"enable_redis","purge_method":"get_request","redis_hostname":"","redis_port":"6379","redis_prefix":"nginx-cache:"}' setupwp_plugin(self, 'nginx-helper', 'rt_wp_nginx_helper_options', plugin_data, data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update nginx-helper settings failed. " "Check logs for reason" " `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 else: try: plugin_data = '{"log_level":"INFO","log_filesize":5,"enable_purge":0,"enable_map":0,"enable_log":0,"enable_stamp":0,"purge_homepage_on_new":1,"purge_homepage_on_edit":1,"purge_homepage_on_del":1,"purge_archive_on_new":1,"purge_archive_on_edit":0,"purge_archive_on_del":0,"purge_archive_on_new_comment":0,"purge_archive_on_deleted_comment":0,"purge_page_on_mod":1,"purge_page_on_new_comment":1,"purge_page_on_deleted_comment":1,"cache_method":"enable_redis","purge_method":"get_request","redis_hostname":"","redis_port":"6379","redis_prefix":"nginx-cache:"}' setupwp_plugin(self, 'nginx-helper', 'rt_wp_nginx_helper_options', plugin_data, data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update nginx-helper settings failed. " "Check logs for reason" " `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if oldcachetype == 'wpsc' and not data['wpsc']: try: uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'wp-super-cache', data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason" " `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if oldcachetype == 'wpredis' and not data['wpredis']: try: uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'redis-cache', data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason" " `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if (oldcachetype != 'w3tc' or oldcachetype != 'wpfc') and (data['w3tc'] or data['wpfc']): try: installwp_plugin(self, 'w3-total-cache', data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason" " `tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if oldcachetype != 'wpsc' and data['wpsc']: try: installwp_plugin(self, 'wp-super-cache', data) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if oldcachetype != 'wpredis' and data['wpredis']: try: if installwp_plugin(self, 'redis-cache', data): #search for wp-config.php if EEFileUtils.isexist(self,"{0}/wp-config.php".format(ee_site_webroot)): config_path = '{0}/wp-config.php'.format(ee_site_webroot) elif EEFileUtils.isexist(self,"{0}/htdocs/wp-config.php".format(ee_site_webroot)): config_path = '{0}/htdocs/wp-config.php'.format(ee_site_webroot) else: Log.debug(self, "Updating wp-config.php failed. File could not be located.") Log.error(self,"wp-config.php could not be located !!") raise SiteError if EEShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "grep -q \"WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT\" {0}" .format(config_path)): pass else: try: wpconfig = open("{0}".format(config_path), encoding='utf-8', mode='a') wpconfig.write("\n\ndefine( \'WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT\', \'{0}:\' );" .format(ee_domain)) wpconfig.close() except IOError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.debug(self, "Updating wp-config.php failed.") Log.warn(self, "Updating wp-config.php failed. " "Could not append:" "\ndefine( \'WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT\', \'{0}:\' );".format(ee_domain) + "\nPlease add manually") except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 # Service Nginx Reload if not EEService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'): Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. " "check issues with `nginx -t` command") EEGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"], msg="{0} updated with {1} {2}" .format(ee_www_domain, stype, cache)) # Setup Permissions for webroot try: setwebrootpermissions(self, data['webroot']) except SiteError as e: Log.debug(self, str(e)) Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed." "Check logs for reason " "`tail /var/log/ee/ee.log` & Try Again!!!") return 1 if ee_auth and len(ee_auth): for msg in ee_auth: Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + msg) display_cache_settings(self, data) if data['wp'] and oldsitetype in ['html', 'php', 'mysql']: Log.info(self, "\n\n" + Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin user :" " {0}".format(ee_wp_creds['wp_user'])) Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin password : {0}" .format(ee_wp_creds['wp_pass']) + "\n\n") if oldsitetype in ['html', 'php'] and stype != 'php': updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache, db_name=data['ee_db_name'], db_user=data['ee_db_user'], db_password=data['ee_db_pass'], db_host=data['ee_db_host'], hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed,ssl=True if check_site.is_ssl else False,php_version=check_php_version) else: updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache, hhvm=hhvm, pagespeed=pagespeed,ssl=True if check_site.is_ssl else False,php_version=check_php_version) Log.info(self, "Successfully updated site" " http://{0}".format(ee_domain)) return 0 class EESiteDeleteController(CementBaseController): class Meta: label = 'delete' stacked_on = 'site' stacked_type = 'nested' description = 'delete an existing website' arguments = [ (['site_name'], dict(help='domain name to be deleted', nargs='?')), (['--no-prompt'], dict(help="doesnt ask permission for delete", action='store_true')), (['-f','--force'], dict(help="forcefully delete site and configuration", action='store_true')), (['--all'], dict(help="delete all", action='store_true')), (['--db'], dict(help="delete db only", action='store_true')), (['--files'], dict(help="delete webroot only", action='store_true')), ] @expose(help="Delete website configuration and files") @expose(hide=True) def default(self): if not self.app.pargs.site_name: try: while not self.app.pargs.site_name: self.app.pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ') .strip()) except IOError as e: Log.error(self, 'could not input site name') self.app.pargs.site_name = self.app.pargs.site_name.strip() (ee_domain, ee_www_domain) = ValidateDomain(self.app.pargs.site_name) ee_db_name = '' ee_prompt = '' ee_nginx_prompt = '' mark_db_delete_prompt = False mark_webroot_delete_prompt = False mark_db_deleted = False mark_webroot_deleted = False if not check_domain_exists(self, ee_domain): Log.error(self, "site {0} does not exist".format(ee_domain)) if ((not self.app.pargs.db) and (not self.app.pargs.files) and (not self.app.pargs.all)): self.app.pargs.all = True # Gather information from ee-db for ee_domain check_site = getSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) ee_site_type = check_site.site_type ee_site_webroot = check_site.site_path if ee_site_webroot == 'deleted': mark_webroot_deleted = True if ee_site_type in ['mysql', 'wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']: ee_db_name = check_site.db_name ee_db_user = check_site.db_user ee_mysql_grant_host = self.app.config.get('mysql', 'grant-host') if ee_db_name == 'deleted': mark_db_deleted = True if self.app.pargs.all: self.app.pargs.db = True self.app.pargs.files = True else: if self.app.pargs.all: mark_db_deleted = True self.app.pargs.files = True # Delete website database if self.app.pargs.db: if ee_db_name != 'deleted' and ee_db_name != '': if not self.app.pargs.no_prompt: ee_db_prompt = input('Are you sure, you want to delete' ' database [y/N]: ') else: ee_db_prompt = 'Y' mark_db_delete_prompt = True if ee_db_prompt == 'Y' or ee_db_prompt == 'y': mark_db_delete_prompt = True Log.info(self, "Deleting Database, {0}, user {1}" .format(ee_db_name, ee_db_user)) deleteDB(self, ee_db_name, ee_db_user, ee_mysql_grant_host, False) updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, db_name='deleted', db_user='deleted', db_password='deleted') mark_db_deleted = True Log.info(self, "Deleted Database successfully.") else: mark_db_deleted = True Log.info(self, "Does not seems to have database for this site." ) # Delete webroot if self.app.pargs.files: if ee_site_webroot != 'deleted': if not self.app.pargs.no_prompt: ee_web_prompt = input('Are you sure, you want to delete ' 'webroot [y/N]: ') else: ee_web_prompt = 'Y' mark_webroot_delete_prompt = True if ee_web_prompt == 'Y' or ee_web_prompt == 'y': mark_webroot_delete_prompt = True Log.info(self, "Deleting Webroot, {0}" .format(ee_site_webroot)) deleteWebRoot(self, ee_site_webroot) updateSiteInfo(self, ee_domain, webroot='deleted') mark_webroot_deleted = True Log.info(self, "Deleted webroot successfully") else: mark_webroot_deleted = True Log.info(self, "Webroot seems to be already deleted") if not self.app.pargs.force: if (mark_webroot_deleted and mark_db_deleted): # TODO Delete nginx conf removeNginxConf(self, ee_domain) deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) Log.info(self, "Deleted site {0}".format(ee_domain)) # else: # Log.error(self, " site {0} does not exists".format(ee_domain)) else: if (mark_db_delete_prompt or mark_webroot_delete_prompt or (mark_webroot_deleted and mark_db_deleted)): # TODO Delete nginx conf removeNginxConf(self, ee_domain) deleteSiteInfo(self, ee_domain) Log.info(self, "Deleted site {0}".format(ee_domain)) class EESiteListController(CementBaseController): class Meta: label = 'list' stacked_on = 'site' stacked_type = 'nested' description = 'List websites' arguments = [ (['--enabled'], dict(help='List enabled websites', action='store_true')), (['--disabled'], dict(help="List disabled websites", action='store_true')), ] @expose(help="Lists websites") def default(self): sites = getAllsites(self) if not sites: pass if self.app.pargs.enabled: for site in sites: if site.is_enabled: Log.info(self, "{0}".format(site.sitename)) elif self.app.pargs.disabled: for site in sites: if not site.is_enabled: Log.info(self, "{0}".format(site.sitename)) else: for site in sites: Log.info(self, "{0}".format(site.sitename)) def load(app): # register the plugin class.. this only happens if the plugin is enabled handler.register(EESiteController) handler.register(EESiteCreateController) handler.register(EESiteUpdateController) handler.register(EESiteDeleteController) handler.register(EESiteListController) handler.register(EESiteEditController) # register a hook (function) to run after arguments are parsed. hook.register('post_argument_parsing', ee_site_hook)