You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
255 lines
8.0 KiB
255 lines
8.0 KiB
$conf['datasources']['localhost'] = array(
'host' => '{{host}}',
'port' => '{{port}}',
'db' => 'slow_query_log',
'user' => '{{user}}',
'password' => '{{password}}',
'tables' => array(
'global_query_review' => 'fact',
'global_query_review_history' => 'dimension'
'source_type' => 'slow_query_log'
$conf['default_report_action'] = 'report';
$conf['reviewers'] = array( 'dba1','dba2');
$conf['review_types'] = array( 'good', 'bad', 'ticket-created', 'needs-fix', 'fixed', 'needs-analysis', 'review-again');
$conf['history_defaults'] = array(
'output' => 'table',
'fact-group' => 'date',
'fact-order' => 'date DESC',
'fact-limit' => '90',
'dimension-ts_min_start' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( '-90 day')),
'dimension-ts_min_end' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'table_fields' => array('date', 'index_ratio','query_time_avg','rows_sent_avg','ts_cnt','Query_time_sum','Lock_time_sum','Rows_sent_sum','Rows_examined_sum','Tmp_table_sum','Filesort_sum','Full_scan_sum')
$conf['report_defaults'] = array(
'fact-group' => 'checksum',
'fact-order' => 'Query_time_sum DESC',
'fact-limit' => '20',
'dimension-ts_min_start' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( '-1 day')),
'dimension-ts_min_end' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'table_fields' => array('checksum','snippet', 'index_ratio','query_time_avg','rows_sent_avg','ts_cnt','Query_time_sum','Lock_time_sum','Rows_sent_sum','Rows_examined_sum','Tmp_table_sum','Filesort_sum','Full_scan_sum'),
'dimension-pivot-hostname_max' => null
$conf['graph_defaults'] = array(
'fact-group' => 'minute_ts',
'fact-order' => 'minute_ts',
'fact-limit' => '',
'dimension-ts_min_start' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( '-7 day')),
'dimension-ts_min_end' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'table_fields' => array('minute_ts'),
'plot_field' => 'Query_time_sum',
$conf['report_defaults']['performance_schema'] = array(
'fact-order' => 'SUM_TIMER_WAIT DESC',
'fact-limit' => '20',
'fact-group' => 'DIGEST',
$conf['history_defaults']['performance_schema'] = array(
'fact-order' => 'SUM_TIMER_WAIT DESC',
'fact-limit' => '20',
'fact-group' => 'DIGEST',
$conf['report_defaults']['performance_schema_history'] = array(
'fact-group' => 'DIGEST',
'fact-order' => 'SUM_TIMER_WAIT DESC',
'fact-limit' => '20',
'dimension-FIRST_SEEN_start' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( '-1 day')),
'dimension-FIRST_SEEN_end' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
$conf['graph_defaults']['performance_schema_history'] = array(
'fact-group' => 'minute_ts',
'fact-order' => 'minute_ts',
'fact-limit' => '',
'dimension-FIRST_SEEN_start' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( '-7 day')),
'dimension-FIRST_SEEN_end' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'table_fields' => array('minute_ts'),
'plot_field' => 'SUM_TIMER_WAIT',
'dimension-pivot-hostname_max' => null
$conf['history_defaults']['performance_schema_history'] = array(
'output' => 'table',
'fact-group' => 'date',
'fact-order' => 'date DESC',
'fact-limit' => '90',
'dimension-FIRST_SEEN_start' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( '-90 day')),
'dimension-FIRST_SEEN_end' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
$conf['plugins'] = array(
'visual_explain' => '/usr/bin/pt-visual-explain',
'query_advisor' => '/usr/bin/pt-query-advisor',
'show_create' => true,
'show_status' => true,
'explain' => function ($sample) {
$conn = array();
if (!array_key_exists('hostname_max',$sample) or strlen($sample['hostname_max']) < 5)
$pos = strpos($sample['hostname_max'], ':');
if ($pos === false)
$conn['port'] = 3306;
$conn['host'] = $sample['hostname_max'];
$parts = preg_split("/:/", $sample['hostname_max']);
$conn['host'] = $parts[0];
$conn['port'] = $parts[1];
$conn['db'] = 'mysql';
if ($sample['db_max'] != '')
$conn['db'] = $sample['db_max'];
$conn['user'] = 'root';
$conn['password'] = '';
return $conn;
$conf['reports']['slow_query_log'] = array(
'join' => array (
'dimension' => 'USING (`checksum`)'
'fields' => array(
'fact' => array(
'group' => 'group',
'order' => 'order',
'having' => 'having',
'limit' => 'limit',
'first_seen'=> 'clear|reldate|ge|where',
'where' => 'raw_where',
'sample' => 'clear|like|where',
'checksum' => 'clear|where',
'reviewed_status' => 'clear|where',
'dimension' => array(
'extra_fields' => 'where',
'hostname_max' => 'clear|where',
'ts_min' => 'date_range|reldate|clear|where',
'pivot-hostname_max' => 'clear|pivot|select',
'pivot-checksum' => 'clear|pivot|select',
'custom_fields' => array(
'checksum' => 'checksum',
'date' => 'DATE(ts_min)',
'hour' => 'substring(ts_min,1,13)',
'hour_ts' => 'round(unix_timestamp(substring(ts_min,1,13)))',
'minute_ts' => 'round(unix_timestamp(substring(ts_min,1,16)))',
'minute' => 'substring(ts_min,1,16)',
'snippet' => 'LEFT(dimension.sample,20)',
'index_ratio' =>'ROUND(SUM(Rows_examined_sum)/SUM(rows_sent_sum),2)',
'query_time_avg' => 'SUM(Query_time_sum) / SUM(ts_cnt)',
'rows_sent_avg' => 'ROUND(SUM(Rows_sent_sum)/SUM(ts_cnt),0)',
'callbacks' => array(
'table' => array(
'date' => function ($x) { $type=''; if ( date('N',strtotime($x)) >= 6) { $type = 'weekend'; } return array($x,$type); },
'checksum' => function ($x) { return array(dec2hex($x), ''); }
$conf['reports']['performance_schema'] = array(
'fields' => array(
'fact' => array(
'order' => 'order',
'having' => 'having',
'limit' => 'limit',
'first_seen' => 'date_range|reldate|clear|where',
'where' => 'raw_where',
'DIGEST' => 'clear|where',
'DIGEST_TEXT' => 'clear|like|where',
'group' => 'group',
'custom_fields' => array(
'snippet' => 'LEFT(fact.DIGEST_TEXT,20)',
'rows_sent_avg' => 'ROUND(SUM_ROWS_SENT/COUNT_STAR,0)',
'special_field_names' => array(
'time' => 'FIRST_SEEN',
'checksum' => 'DIGEST',
'sample' => 'DIGEST_TEXT',
'fingerprint' => 'DIGEST_TEXT',
$conf['reports']['performance_schema_history'] = array(
'join' => array (
'dimension' => 'USING (`DIGEST`)'
'fields' => array(
'fact' => array(
'group' => 'group',
'order' => 'order',
'having' => 'having',
'limit' => 'limit',
'first_seen'=> 'clear|reldate|ge|where',
'where' => 'raw_where',
'DIGEST_TEXT' => 'clear|like|where',
'DIGEST' => 'clear|where',
'reviewed_status' => 'clear|where',
'dimension' => array(
'extra_fields' => 'where',
'hostname' => 'clear|where',
'FIRST_SEEN' => 'date_range|reldate|clear|where',
'pivot-hostname' => 'clear|pivot|select',
'custom_fields' => array(
'date' => 'DATE(fact.FIRST_SEEN)',
'snippet' => 'LEFT(fact.DIGEST_TEXT,20)',
'rows_sent_avg' => 'ROUND(SUM_ROWS_SENT/COUNT_STAR,0)',
'hour' => 'substring(dimension.FIRST_SEEN,1,13)',
'hour_ts' => 'round(unix_timestamp(substring(dimension.FIRST_SEEN,1,13)))',
'minute_ts' => 'round(unix_timestamp(substring(dimension.FIRST_SEEN,1,16)))',
'minute' => 'substring(dimension.FIRST_SEEN,1,16)',
'special_field_names' => array(
'time' => 'FIRST_SEEN',
'checksum' => 'DIGEST',
'hostname' => 'hostname',
'sample' => 'DIGEST_TEXT'