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.TH ee 8 "EasyEngine (ee) version: 3.0" "Feb 2,2014" "EasyEngine"
.B EasyEngine (ee)
\- Manage Nginx Based Websites.
ee [ --version | --help | info | stack | site | debug | update ]
ee stack [ install | remove | purge ] [ --web | --mail | --all | --nginx | --php | --mysql | --postfix | --adminer | --phpmyadmin | --wpcli | --utils ]
ee stack [ status | start | stop | reload | restart ]
ee site [ list | info | show | enable | disable | edit ] [ ]
ee site create [ --html | --php | --mysql] [[--wp | --wpsubdir | --wpsubdomain ] [--basic | --wpsc | --w3tc | --wpfc]]
ee site update [ --php | --mysql] [[--wp | --wpsubdir | --wpsubdomain ] [--basic | --wpsc | --w3tc | --wpfc]]
ee site delete [--db | --files | --all | --no-prompt ]
ee debug [ -i | --nginx | --rewrite | --php | --fpm | --mysql ] [--stop ]
ee debug [ -i | --nginx | --rewrite | --wp ] [--stop ]
ee secure [ --auth | --port | --ip ]
EasyEngine aka ee is the opensource project developed with the purpose to automate web-server configuration.
EasyEngine is the collection of shell scripts that provides automation for the web-server
installation, site creation, services debugging & monitoring.
.B --version
Display easyengine (ee) version information.
.B info
ee info - Display Nginx, PHP, MySQL and ee common location information
ee site info - Diplay given website details like enable, disable. weboot and log files.
.B --help
Display easyengine (ee) help.
.B stack
.B install [ --all | --web | --mail | --nginx | --php | --mysql | --postfix | --adminer | --phpmyadmin | --wpcli | --utils ]
Install Nginx PHP5 MySQL Postfix stack Packages if not used with
any options.Installs specific package if used with option.
.B remove [ --all | --web | --mail | --nginx | --php | --mysql | --postfix | --adminer | --phpmyadmin | --wpcli | --utils ]
Remove Nginx PHP5 MySQL Postfix stack Packages if not used with
any options. Remove specific package if used with option.
.B purge [ --all | --web | --mail | --nginx | --php | --mysql | --postfix | --adminer | --phpmyadmin | --wpcli | --utils ]
Purge Nginx PHP5 MySQL Postfix stack Packages if not used with any
options.Purge specific package if used with option.
.B status
Display status of NGINX, PHP5-FPM, MySQL, Postfix services.
.B start
Start services NGINX, PHP5-FPM, MySQL, Postfix.
.B stop
Stop services NGINX, PHP5-FPM, MySQL, Postfix.
.B reload
Reload services NGINX, PHP5-FPM, MySQL, Postfix.
.B restart
Restart services NGINX, PHP5-FPM, MySQL, Postfix.
.B site
.B cd [ ]
Change directory to webroot of specified site in subshell.
.B log [ ]
monitor access and error logs for site specified.
.B list [ enable | available ]
Lists all available sites from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
by default & enable argument. Display sites list from
/etc/nginx/sites-available/ if used with available option.
.B info [ ]
prints information about site such as access log, error log
location and type of site.
.B show [ ]
Display NGINX configuration of site.
.B enable [ ]
Enable site by creating softlink with site file in
/etc/nginx/sites-available to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/.
.B disable [ ]
Disable site by Destroying softlink with site file in
/etc/nginx/sites-available to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/.
.B edit [ ]
Edit NGINX configuration of site.
.B create [ ] [ --html | --php | --mysql] [[--wp | --wpsubdir | --wpsubdomain ] [--basic | --wpsc | --w3tc | --wpfc]]
Create new site according to given options. If no options provided
create static site with html only.
.B update [ ] [ --html | --php | --mysql] [[--wp | --wpsubdir | --wpsubdomain ] [--basic | --wpsc | --w3tc | --wpfc]]
Update site configuration according to specified options.
.B delete [ ] [--no-prompt ] [ --db | --files ]
Delete site i.e webroot, database, ad configuration permenantly.
.B debug [ -i | --nginx | --php | --mysql | --rewrite | --fpm ] [ --start | --stop ]
Starts server level debugging. If used without arguments starts debugging
all services, else debug only service provided with argument. Stop
Debugging if used with --stop argument.
.B debug [ -i | --nginx | --rewrite | --wp ] [ --start | --stop ]
Starts site level debugging. If used without arguments starts debugging all
services, else debug only service provided with argument. Stop Debugging
if used with --stop argument.
.B secure [ --auth | --port ]
Update security settings.
.B clean [ --fastcgi | --opcache | --memcache | --all ]
Clean NGINX fastCGI cache, Opcache, Memcache.
Clean NGINX fastCGI cache if no option specified.
.B -i
setup intractive mode while used with debug.
.B --nginx
used with ee debug command. used to start or stop nginx debugging.
.B --php
used with ee debug command. used to start or stop php debugging.
.B --mysql
used with ee debug command. used to start or stop mysql debugging.
.B --rewrite
used with ee debug command. used to start or stop nginx rewrite rules debugging.
.B --fpm
used with ee debug command. used to start or stop fpm debugging.
.B --wp
used with ee debug command. used to start or stop wordpress site debugging.
.B --start
used with ee debug command. used to stop debugging.
.B --stop
used with ee debug command. used to stop debugging.
.B --html
Create a HTML website.
.B --php
Create a PHP website.
.B --mysql
Create a PHP+MySQL website.
.B --wp
Create a WordPress Website.
.B --wpsubdir
Create a Wordpress Multisite with Sub Directories Setup.
.B --wpsubdomain
Create a Wordpress Multisite with Sub Domains Setup.
.B --db
Delete website database.
.B --files
Delete website webroot.
.B --no-prompt
Does not prompt for confirmation when delete command used.
.B --auth
used with ee secure command. Update credential of HTTP authentication
.B --port
used with ee secure command. Change EasyEngine admin port 22222.
.B --ip
used with ee secure command. Update whitelist IP address
.B --basic
Create WordPress website without cache.
.B --w3tc
Install and activate Nginx-helper and W3 Total Cache plugin.
.B --wpsc
Install and activate Nginx-helper and WP Super Cache plugin.
.B --wpfc
Install and activate Nginx-helper and W3 Total Cache plugin with
Nginx FastCGI cache.
Report bugs at <>
.B rtCamp Team
.I \<\>
.B Mitesh Shah
.I \<\>
.B Manish
.I \<\>
.B Gaurav
.I \<\>
.B Harshad
.I \<>
.B Shital
.I \<\>