You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

336 lines
13 KiB

use bitcoin::blockdata::block::BlockHeader;
use bitcoin::blockdata::transaction::Transaction;
use bitcoin::network::serialize::{deserialize, serialize};
use bitcoin::util::hash::Sha256dHash;
use crossbeam;
use hex;
7 years ago
use serde_json::{from_str, Number, Value};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write};
use std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener, TcpStream};
use std::sync::mpsc::{sync_channel, Receiver, RecvTimeoutError, SyncSender};
use std::time::Duration;
7 years ago
use query::Query;
7 years ago
// TODO: Sha256dHash should be a generic hash-container (since script hash is single SHA256)
fn hash_from_value(val: Option<&Value>) -> Result<Sha256dHash> {
let script_hash = val.chain_err(|| "missing hash")?;
let script_hash = script_hash.as_str().chain_err(|| "non-string hash")?;
let script_hash = Sha256dHash::from_hex(script_hash).chain_err(|| "non-hex hash")?;
fn jsonify_header(header: &BlockHeader, height: usize) -> Value {
"block_height": height,
"version": header.version,
"prev_block_hash": header.prev_blockhash.be_hex_string(),
"merkle_root": header.merkle_root.be_hex_string(),
"timestamp": header.time,
"bits": header.bits,
"nonce": header.nonce
struct Connection<'a> {
query: &'a Query<'a>,
headers_subscribe: bool,
status_hashes: HashMap<Sha256dHash, Value>, // ScriptHash -> StatusHash
stream: TcpStream,
addr: SocketAddr,
impl<'a> Connection<'a> {
pub fn new(query: &'a Query, stream: TcpStream, addr: SocketAddr) -> Connection<'a> {
Connection {
query: query,
headers_subscribe: false,
status_hashes: HashMap::new(),
fn blockchain_headers_subscribe(&mut self) -> Result<Value> {
let entry = self.query
.chain_err(|| "no headers found")?;
self.headers_subscribe = true;
Ok(jsonify_header(entry.header(), entry.height()))
7 years ago
fn server_version(&self) -> Result<Value> {
Ok(json!(["RustElectrum 0.1.0", "1.2"]))
7 years ago
fn server_banner(&self) -> Result<Value> {
Ok(json!("Welcome to RustElectrum Server!\n"))
7 years ago
fn server_donation_address(&self) -> Result<Value> {
7 years ago
fn server_peers_subscribe(&self) -> Result<Value> {
7 years ago
fn mempool_get_fee_histogram(&self) -> Result<Value> {
7 years ago
fn blockchain_block_get_chunk(&self, params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
const CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 2016;
let index = params.get(0).chain_err(|| "missing index")?;
let index = index.as_u64().chain_err(|| "non-number index")? as usize;
let heights: Vec<usize> = (0..CHUNK_SIZE).map(|h| index * CHUNK_SIZE + h).collect();
let headers: Vec<String> = self.query
.map(|x| hex::encode(&serialize(&x).unwrap()))
fn blockchain_block_get_header(&self, params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
let height = params.get(0).chain_err(|| "missing height")?;
let height = height.as_u64().chain_err(|| "non-number height")? as usize;
let headers = self.query.get_headers(&vec![height]);
Ok(json!(jsonify_header(&headers[0], height)))
fn blockchain_estimatefee(&self, _params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
Ok(json!(-1)) // see mempool_get_fee_histogram() instead.
7 years ago
fn blockchain_relayfee(&self) -> Result<Value> {
Ok(json!(0.0)) // allow sending transactions with any fee.
fn blockchain_scripthash_subscribe(&mut self, params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
let script_hash = hash_from_value(params.get(0)).chain_err(|| "bad script_hash")?;
let status = self.query.status(&script_hash[..]);
let result = status.hash().map_or(Value::Null, |h| json!(hex::encode(h)));
self.status_hashes.insert(script_hash, result.clone());
7 years ago
fn blockchain_scripthash_get_balance(&self, params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
let script_hash = hash_from_value(params.get(0)).chain_err(|| "bad script_hash")?;
let status = self.query.status(&script_hash[..]);
Ok(json!({ "confirmed": status.balance() })) // TODO: "unconfirmed"
7 years ago
fn blockchain_scripthash_get_history(&self, params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
let script_hash = hash_from_value(params.get(0)).chain_err(|| "bad script_hash")?;
let status = self.query.status(&script_hash[..]);
.map(|item| json!({"height": item.0, "tx_hash": item.1.be_hex_string()}))
7 years ago
fn blockchain_transaction_broadcast(&self, params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
let tx = params.get(0).chain_err(|| "missing tx")?;
let tx = tx.as_str().chain_err(|| "non-string tx")?;
let tx = hex::decode(&tx).chain_err(|| "non-hex tx")?;
let tx: Transaction = deserialize(&tx).chain_err(|| "failed to parse tx")?;
let txid = self.query
.chain_err(|| "broadcast failed")?;
fn blockchain_transaction_get(&self, params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
7 years ago
// TODO: handle 'verbose' param
let tx_hash = hash_from_value(params.get(0)).chain_err(|| "bad tx_hash")?;
let tx = self.query.get_tx(&tx_hash);
7 years ago
fn blockchain_transaction_get_merkle(&self, params: &[Value]) -> Result<Value> {
let tx_hash = hash_from_value(params.get(0)).chain_err(|| "bad tx_hash")?;
let height = params.get(1).chain_err(|| "missing height")?;
let height = height.as_u64().chain_err(|| "non-number height")? as usize;
let (merkle, pos) = self.query
.get_merkle_proof(&tx_hash, height)
.chain_err(|| "cannot create merkle proof")?;
let merkle: Vec<String> = merkle
.map(|txid| txid.be_hex_string())
"block_height": height,
"merkle": merkle,
"pos": pos}))
7 years ago
fn handle_command(&mut self, method: &str, params: &[Value], id: &Number) -> Result<Value> {
let result = match method {
"blockchain.headers.subscribe" => self.blockchain_headers_subscribe(),
"server.version" => self.server_version(),
"server.banner" => self.server_banner(),
"server.donation_address" => self.server_donation_address(),
"server.peers.subscribe" => self.server_peers_subscribe(),
"mempool.get_fee_histogram" => self.mempool_get_fee_histogram(),
"blockchain.block.get_chunk" => self.blockchain_block_get_chunk(&params),
"blockchain.block.get_header" => self.blockchain_block_get_header(&params),
"blockchain.estimatefee" => self.blockchain_estimatefee(&params),
"blockchain.relayfee" => self.blockchain_relayfee(),
"blockchain.scripthash.subscribe" => self.blockchain_scripthash_subscribe(&params),
"blockchain.scripthash.get_balance" => self.blockchain_scripthash_get_balance(&params),
"blockchain.scripthash.get_history" => self.blockchain_scripthash_get_history(&params),
"blockchain.transaction.broadcast" => self.blockchain_transaction_broadcast(&params),
"blockchain.transaction.get" => self.blockchain_transaction_get(&params),
"blockchain.transaction.get_merkle" => self.blockchain_transaction_get_merkle(&params),
&_ => bail!("unknown method {} {:?}", method, params),
// TODO: return application errors should be sent to the client
Ok(json!({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": id, "result": result}))
fn update_subscriptions(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Value>> {
let mut result = vec![];
if self.headers_subscribe {
let entry = self.query
.chain_err(|| "no headers found")?;
let header = jsonify_header(entry.header(), entry.height());
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "blockchain.headers.subscribe",
"params": [header]}));
for (script_hash, status_hash) in self.status_hashes.iter_mut() {
let status = self.query.status(&script_hash[..]);
let new_status_hash = status.hash().map_or(Value::Null, |h| json!(hex::encode(h)));
if new_status_hash == *status_hash {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "blockchain.scripthash.subscribe",
"params": [script_hash.be_hex_string(), new_status_hash]}));
*status_hash = new_status_hash;
fn send_value(&mut self, v: Value) -> Result<()> {
debug!("[{}] <- {}", self.addr, v);
let line = v.to_string() + "\n";
.chain_err(|| format!("failed to send {}", v))
fn handle_replies(&mut self, chan: &Channel) -> Result<()> {
let poll_duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
let rx = chan.receiver();
loop {
let msg = match rx.recv_timeout(poll_duration) {
Ok(msg) => msg,
Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => Message::PeriodicUpdate,
Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => bail!("channel closed"),
match msg {
Message::Request(line) => {
let cmd: Value = from_str(&line).chain_err(|| "invalid JSON format")?;
debug!("[{}] -> {}", self.addr, cmd);
let reply = match (cmd.get("method"), cmd.get("params"), cmd.get("id")) {
Some(&Value::String(ref method)),
Some(&Value::Array(ref params)),
Some(&Value::Number(ref id)),
) => self.handle_command(method, params, id)?,
_ => bail!("invalid command: {}", cmd),
Message::PeriodicUpdate => {
for update in self.update_subscriptions()
.chain_err(|| "failed to update subscriptions")?
Message::Done => {
fn handle_requests(mut reader: BufReader<TcpStream>, tx: SyncSender<Message>) {
loop {
let mut line = String::new();
.read_line(&mut line) // TODO: use .lines() iterator
.expect("failed to read a request");
if line.is_empty() {
tx.send(Message::Done).expect("channel closed");
} else {
tx.send(Message::Request(line)).expect("channel closed");
pub fn run(mut self) {
let reader = BufReader::new("failed to clone TcpStream"));
// TODO: figure out graceful shutting down and error logging.
crossbeam::scope(|scope| {
let chan = Channel::new();
let tx = chan.sender();
scope.spawn(|| Connection::handle_requests(reader, tx));
pub enum Message {
pub struct Channel {
tx: SyncSender<Message>,
rx: Receiver<Message>,
impl Channel {
pub fn new() -> Channel {
let (tx, rx) = sync_channel(10);
Channel { tx, rx }
pub fn sender(&self) -> SyncSender<Message> {
pub fn receiver(&self) -> &Receiver<Message> {
7 years ago
pub fn serve(addr: &str, query: &Query) {
let listener = TcpListener::bind(addr).unwrap();
info!("RPC server running on {}", addr);
7 years ago
loop {
let (stream, addr) = listener.accept().unwrap();
info!("[{}] connected peer", addr);
Connection::new(query, stream, addr).run();
info!("[{}] disconnected peer", addr);