import time
import Queue
import os
import sys
import random
import select
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from threading import Lock
import socks
import socket
import json
import util
from bitcoin import *
from interface import Connection, Interface
from blockchain import Blockchain
DEFAULT_PORTS = {'t':'50001', 's':'50002', 'h':'8081', 'g':'8082'}
'electrum.be':{'t':'50001', 's':'50002'},
'electrum.drollette.com':{'t':'50001', 's':'50002'},
'erbium1.sytes.net':{'t':'50001', 's':'50002'},
'ecdsa.net':{'t':'50001', 's':'110'},
'electrum0.electricnewyear.net':{'t':'50001', 's':'50002'},
'VPS.hsmiths.com':{'t':'50001', 's':'50002'},
'ELECTRUM.jdubya.info':{'t':'50001', 's':'50002'},
'electrum.no-ip.org':{'t':'50001', 's':'50002', 'g':'443'},
'us.electrum.be':{'t':'50001', 's':'50002'},
def parse_servers(result):
""" parse servers list into dict format"""
from version import PROTOCOL_VERSION
servers = {}
for item in result:
host = item[1]
out = {}
version = None
pruning_level = '-'
if len(item) > 2:
for v in item[2]:
if re.match("[stgh]\d*", v):
protocol, port = v[0], v[1:]
if port == '': port = DEFAULT_PORTS[protocol]
out[protocol] = port
elif re.match("v(.?)+", v):
version = v[1:]
elif re.match("p\d*", v):
pruning_level = v[1:]
if pruning_level == '': pruning_level = '0'
is_recent = cmp(util.normalize_version(version), util.normalize_version(PROTOCOL_VERSION)) >= 0
except Exception:
is_recent = False
if out and is_recent:
out['pruning'] = pruning_level
servers[host] = out
return servers
def filter_protocol(hostmap = DEFAULT_SERVERS, protocol = 's'):
'''Filters the hostmap for those implementing protocol.
The result is a list in serialized form.'''
eligible = []
for host, portmap in hostmap.items():
port = portmap.get(protocol)
if port:
eligible.append(serialize_server(host, port, protocol))
return eligible
def pick_random_server(hostmap = DEFAULT_SERVERS, protocol = 's', exclude_set = set()):
eligible = list(set(filter_protocol(hostmap, protocol)) - exclude_set)
return random.choice(eligible) if eligible else None
from simple_config import SimpleConfig
proxy_modes = ['socks4', 'socks5', 'http']
def serialize_proxy(p):
if type(p) != dict:
return None
return ':'.join([p.get('mode'),p.get('host'), p.get('port')])
def deserialize_proxy(s):
if type(s) not in [str, unicode]:
return None
if s.lower() == 'none':
return None
proxy = { "mode":"socks5", "host":"localhost" }
args = s.split(':')
n = 0
if proxy_modes.count(args[n]) == 1:
proxy["mode"] = args[n]
n += 1
if len(args) > n:
proxy["host"] = args[n]
n += 1
if len(args) > n:
proxy["port"] = args[n]
proxy["port"] = "8080" if proxy["mode"] == "http" else "1080"
return proxy
def deserialize_server(server_str):
host, port, protocol = str(server_str).split(':')
assert protocol in 'st'
int(port) # Throw if cannot be converted to int
return host, port, protocol
def serialize_server(host, port, protocol):
return str(':'.join([host, port, protocol]))
class Network(util.DaemonThread):
"""The Network class manages a set of connections to remote electrum
servers, each connected socket is handled by an Interface() object.
Connections are initiated by a Connection() thread which stops once
the connection succeeds or fails.
Our external API:
- Member functions get_header(), get_interfaces(), get_local_height(),
get_parameters(), get_server_height(), get_status_value(),
is_connected(), new_blockchain_height(), set_parameters(),
def __init__(self, config=None, plugins=None):
if config is None:
config = {} # Do not use mutables as default values!
self.config = SimpleConfig(config) if type(config) == type({}) else config
self.num_server = 8 if not self.config.get('oneserver') else 0
self.blockchain = Blockchain(self.config, self)
# A deque of interface header requests, processed left-to-right
self.bc_requests = deque()
# Server for addresses and transactions
self.default_server = self.config.get('server')
# Sanitize default server
self.default_server = None
if not self.default_server:
self.default_server = pick_random_server()
self.lock = Lock()
self.pending_sends = []
self.message_id = 0
self.debug = False
self.irc_servers = {} # returned by interface (list from irc)
self.recent_servers = self.read_recent_servers()
self.banner = ''
self.fee = None
self.heights = {}
self.merkle_roots = {}
self.utxo_roots = {}
self.subscriptions = defaultdict(list)
self.callbacks = defaultdict(list)
dir_path = os.path.join( self.config.path, 'certs')
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
# subscriptions and requests
self.subscribed_addresses = set()
# Requests from client we've not seen a response to
self.unanswered_requests = {}
# retry times
self.server_retry_time = time.time()
self.nodes_retry_time = time.time()
Remove pending_servers, self.interfaces is now the complete set of
interfaces we have created.
Existing code has the concept of pending servers, where a connection
thread is started but has not sent a connection notification, and
and interfaces which have received the notification.
This separation caused a couple of minor bugs, and given the cleaner
semantics of unifying the two I don't think the separation is beneficial.
The bugs:
1) When stopping the network, we only stopped the connected interface
threads, not the pending ones. This would leave Python hanging
on exit if we don't make them daemon threads.
2) start_interface() did not check pending servers before starting
a new thread. Some of its callers did, but not all, so it was
possible to initiate two threads to one server and "lose" one thread.
Apart form fixing the above two issues, unification causes one more
change in semantics: we are now willing to switch to a connection
that is pending (we don't switch to failed interfaces). I don't
think that is a problem: if it times out we'll just switch
again when we receive the disconnect notification, and previously the
fact that an interface was in the interaces dictionary wasn't a
guarantee the connection was good anyway: we might not have processed
a pending disconnection notification.
10 years ago
# kick off the network. interface is the main server we are currently
# communicating with. interfaces is the set of servers we are connecting
# to or have an ongoing connection with
self.interface = None
self.interfaces = {}
self.auto_connect = self.config.get('auto_connect', False)
self.connecting = set()
self.socket_queue = Queue.Queue()
self.plugins = plugins
if self.plugins:
def register_callback(self, callback, events):
with self.lock:
for event in events:
def unregister_callback(self, callback):
with self.lock:
for callbacks in self.callbacks.values():
if callback in callbacks:
def trigger_callback(self, event, *args):
with self.lock:
callbacks = self.callbacks[event][:]
[callback(event, *args) for callback in callbacks]
def read_recent_servers(self):
if not self.config.path:
return []
path = os.path.join(self.config.path, "recent_servers")
with open(path, "r") as f:
data = f.read()
return json.loads(data)
return []
def save_recent_servers(self):
if not self.config.path:
path = os.path.join(self.config.path, "recent_servers")
s = json.dumps(self.recent_servers, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
with open(path, "w") as f:
def get_server_height(self):
return self.heights.get(self.default_server, 0)
def server_is_lagging(self):
sh = self.get_server_height()
if not sh:
self.print_error('no height for main interface')
return False
lh = self.get_local_height()
result = (lh - sh) > 1
if result:
self.print_error('%s is lagging (%d vs %d)' % (self.default_server, sh, lh))
return result
def set_status(self, status):
self.connection_status = status
def is_connected(self):
return self.interface is not None
def is_connecting(self):
return self.connection_status == 'connecting'
def is_up_to_date(self):
return self.unanswered_requests == {}
def queue_request(self, method, params, interface=None):
# If you want to queue a request on any interface it must go
# through this function so message ids are properly tracked
if interface is None:
interface = self.interface
message_id = self.message_id
self.message_id += 1
if self.debug:
self.print_error(interface.host, "-->", method, params, message_id)
interface.queue_request(method, params, message_id)
return message_id
def send_subscriptions(self):
self.print_error('sending subscriptions to', self.interface.server, len(self.unanswered_requests), len(self.subscribed_addresses))
# Resend unanswered requests
requests = self.unanswered_requests.values()
self.unanswered_requests = {}
for request in requests:
message_id = self.queue_request(request[0], request[1])
self.unanswered_requests[message_id] = request
for addr in self.subscribed_addresses:
self.queue_request('blockchain.address.subscribe', [addr])
self.queue_request('server.banner', [])
self.queue_request('server.peers.subscribe', [])
self.queue_request('blockchain.estimatefee', [2])
def get_status_value(self, key):
if key == 'status':
value = self.connection_status
elif key == 'banner':
value = self.banner
elif key == 'fee':
value = self.fee
elif key == 'updated':
value = (self.get_local_height(), self.get_server_height())
elif key == 'servers':
value = self.get_servers()
elif key == 'interfaces':
value = self.get_interfaces()
return value
def notify(self, key):
if key in ['status', 'updated']:
self.trigger_callback(key, self.get_status_value(key))
def get_parameters(self):
host, port, protocol = deserialize_server(self.default_server)
return host, port, protocol, self.proxy, self.auto_connect
def get_interfaces(self):
'''The interfaces that are in connected state'''
return self.interfaces.keys()
def get_servers(self):
if self.irc_servers:
out = self.irc_servers
for s in self.recent_servers:
host, port, protocol = deserialize_server(s)
if host not in out:
out[host] = { protocol:port }
return out
def start_interface(self, server):
if (not server in self.interfaces and not server in self.connecting):
if server == self.default_server:
self.print_error("connecting to %s as new interface" % server)
c = Connection(server, self.socket_queue, self.config.path)
def start_random_interface(self):
Remove pending_servers, self.interfaces is now the complete set of
interfaces we have created.
Existing code has the concept of pending servers, where a connection
thread is started but has not sent a connection notification, and
and interfaces which have received the notification.
This separation caused a couple of minor bugs, and given the cleaner
semantics of unifying the two I don't think the separation is beneficial.
The bugs:
1) When stopping the network, we only stopped the connected interface
threads, not the pending ones. This would leave Python hanging
on exit if we don't make them daemon threads.
2) start_interface() did not check pending servers before starting
a new thread. Some of its callers did, but not all, so it was
possible to initiate two threads to one server and "lose" one thread.
Apart form fixing the above two issues, unification causes one more
change in semantics: we are now willing to switch to a connection
that is pending (we don't switch to failed interfaces). I don't
think that is a problem: if it times out we'll just switch
again when we receive the disconnect notification, and previously the
fact that an interface was in the interaces dictionary wasn't a
guarantee the connection was good anyway: we might not have processed
a pending disconnection notification.
10 years ago
exclude_set = self.disconnected_servers.union(set(self.interfaces))
server = pick_random_server(self.get_servers(), self.protocol, exclude_set)
if server:
def start_interfaces(self):
for i in range(self.num_server - 1):
def set_proxy(self, proxy):
self.proxy = proxy
if proxy:
proxy_mode = proxy_modes.index(proxy["mode"]) + 1
socks.setdefaultproxy(proxy_mode, proxy["host"], int(proxy["port"]))
socket.socket = socks.socksocket
# prevent dns leaks, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13184205/dns-over-proxy
socket.getaddrinfo = lambda *args: [(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 6, '', (args[0], args[1]))]
socket.socket = socket._socketobject
socket.getaddrinfo = socket._socket.getaddrinfo
def start_network(self, protocol, proxy):
assert not self.interface and not self.interfaces
assert not self.connecting and self.socket_queue.empty()
self.print_error('starting network')
self.disconnected_servers = set([])
self.protocol = protocol
def stop_network(self):
self.print_error("stopping network")
for interface in self.interfaces.values():
assert self.interface is None
assert not self.interfaces
self.connecting = set()
# Get a new queue - no old pending connections thanks!
self.socket_queue = Queue.Queue()
def set_parameters(self, host, port, protocol, proxy, auto_connect):
proxy_str = serialize_proxy(proxy)
server = serialize_server(host, port, protocol)
self.config.set_key('auto_connect', auto_connect, False)
self.config.set_key("proxy", proxy_str, False)
self.config.set_key("server", server, True)
# abort if changes were not allowed by config
if self.config.get('server') != server or self.config.get('proxy') != proxy_str:
self.auto_connect = auto_connect
if self.proxy != proxy or self.protocol != protocol:
# Restart the network defaulting to the given server
self.default_server = server
self.start_network(protocol, proxy)
elif self.default_server != server:
def switch_to_random_interface(self):
'''Switch to a random connected server other than the current one'''
servers = self.get_interfaces() # Those in connected state
if self.default_server in servers:
if servers:
def switch_lagging_interface(self, suggestion = None):
'''If auto_connect and lagging, switch interface'''
if self.server_is_lagging() and self.auto_connect:
if suggestion and self.protocol == deserialize_server(suggestion)[2]:
def switch_to_interface(self, server):
Remove pending_servers, self.interfaces is now the complete set of
interfaces we have created.
Existing code has the concept of pending servers, where a connection
thread is started but has not sent a connection notification, and
and interfaces which have received the notification.
This separation caused a couple of minor bugs, and given the cleaner
semantics of unifying the two I don't think the separation is beneficial.
The bugs:
1) When stopping the network, we only stopped the connected interface
threads, not the pending ones. This would leave Python hanging
on exit if we don't make them daemon threads.
2) start_interface() did not check pending servers before starting
a new thread. Some of its callers did, but not all, so it was
possible to initiate two threads to one server and "lose" one thread.
Apart form fixing the above two issues, unification causes one more
change in semantics: we are now willing to switch to a connection
that is pending (we don't switch to failed interfaces). I don't
think that is a problem: if it times out we'll just switch
again when we receive the disconnect notification, and previously the
fact that an interface was in the interaces dictionary wasn't a
guarantee the connection was good anyway: we might not have processed
a pending disconnection notification.
10 years ago
'''Switch to server as our interface. If no connection exists nor
being opened, start a thread to connect. The actual switch will
happen on receipt of the connection notification. Do nothing
if server already is our interface.'''
self.default_server = server
if server not in self.interfaces:
self.interface = None
i = self.interfaces[server]
if self.interface != i:
self.print_error("switching to", server)
# stop any current interface in order to terminate subscriptions
self.interface = i
def close_interface(self, interface):
if interface:
if interface.server == self.default_server:
self.interface = None
def add_recent_server(self, server):
# list is ordered
if server in self.recent_servers:
self.recent_servers.insert(0, server)
self.recent_servers = self.recent_servers[0:20]
def new_blockchain_height(self, blockchain_height, i):
def process_response(self, interface, response, callback):
if self.debug:
self.print_error("<--", response)
error = response.get('error')
result = response.get('result')
method = response.get('method')
# We handle some responses; return the rest to the client.
if method == 'server.version':
interface.server_version = result
elif method == 'blockchain.headers.subscribe':
if error is None:
self.on_header(interface, result)
elif method == 'server.peers.subscribe':
if error is None:
self.irc_servers = parse_servers(result)
elif method == 'server.banner':
if error is None:
self.banner = result
elif method == 'blockchain.estimatefee':
if error is None:
self.fee = int(result * COIN)
self.print_error("recommended fee", self.fee)
elif method == 'blockchain.block.get_chunk':
self.on_get_chunk(interface, response)
elif method == 'blockchain.block.get_header':
self.on_get_header(interface, response)
if callback is None:
params = response['params']
with self.lock:
for k,v in self.subscriptions.items():
if (method, params) in v:
callback = k
if callback is None:
self.print_error("received unexpected notification",
method, params)
def process_responses(self, interface):
responses = interface.get_responses()
for request, response in responses:
callback = None
if request:
method, params, message_id = request
# client requests go through self.send() with a
# callback, are only sent to the current interface,
# and are placed in the unanswered_requests dictionary
client_req = self.unanswered_requests.pop(message_id, None)
if client_req:
assert interface == self.interface
callback = client_req[2]
# Copy the request method and params to the response
response['method'] = method
response['params'] = params
# Only once we've received a response to an addr subscription
# add it to the list; avoids double-sends on reconnection
if method == 'blockchain.address.subscribe':
if not response: # Closed remotely / misbehaving
# Rewrite response shape to match subscription request response
method = response.get('method')
params = response.get('params')
if method == 'blockchain.headers.subscribe':
response['result'] = params[0]
response['params'] = []
elif method == 'blockchain.address.subscribe':
response['params'] = [params[0]] # addr
response['result'] = params[1]
# Response is now in canonical form
self.process_response(interface, response, callback)
def send(self, messages, callback):
'''Messages is a list of (method, value) tuples'''
with self.lock:
self.pending_sends.append((messages, callback))
def process_pending_sends(self):
# Requests needs connectivity. If we don't have an interface,
# we cannot process them.
if not self.interface:
with self.lock:
sends = self.pending_sends
self.pending_sends = []
for messages, callback in sends:
subs = filter(lambda (m,v): m.endswith('.subscribe'), messages)
with self.lock:
for sub in subs:
if sub not in self.subscriptions[callback]:
for method, params in messages:
message_id = self.queue_request(method, params)
self.unanswered_requests[message_id] = method, params, callback
def unsubscribe(self, callback):
'''Unsubscribe a callback to free object references to enable GC.'''
# Note: we can't unsubscribe from the server, so if we receive
# subsequent notifications process_response() will emit a harmless
# "received unexpected notification" warning
self.subscriptions.pop(callback, None)
def connection_down(self, server):
'''A connection to server either went down, or was never made.
We distinguish by whether it is in self.interfaces.'''
if server == self.default_server:
if server in self.interfaces:
self.heights.pop(server, None)
def new_interface(self, server, socket):
self.interfaces[server] = interface = Interface(server, socket)
self.queue_request('blockchain.headers.subscribe', [], interface)
if server == self.default_server:
def maintain_sockets(self):
'''Socket maintenance.'''
# Responses to connection attempts?
while not self.socket_queue.empty():
server, socket = self.socket_queue.get()
if socket:
self.new_interface(server, socket)
# Send pings and shut down stale interfaces
for interface in self.interfaces.values():
if interface.has_timed_out():
elif interface.ping_required():
self.queue_request('server.version', params, interface)
now = time.time()
# nodes
if len(self.interfaces) + len(self.connecting) < self.num_server:
if now - self.nodes_retry_time > NODES_RETRY_INTERVAL:
self.print_error('network: retrying connections')
self.disconnected_servers = set([])
self.nodes_retry_time = now
# main interface
if not self.is_connected():
if self.auto_connect:
if not self.is_connecting():
if self.default_server in self.disconnected_servers:
if now - self.server_retry_time > SERVER_RETRY_INTERVAL:
self.server_retry_time = now
def request_chunk(self, interface, data, idx):
interface.print_error("requesting chunk %d" % idx)
self.queue_request('blockchain.block.get_chunk', [idx], interface)
data['chunk_idx'] = idx
data['req_time'] = time.time()
def on_get_chunk(self, interface, response):
'''Handle receiving a chunk of block headers'''
if self.bc_requests:
req_if, data = self.bc_requests[0]
req_idx = data.get('chunk_idx')
# Ignore unsolicited chunks
if req_if == interface and req_idx == response['params'][0]:
idx = self.blockchain.connect_chunk(req_idx, response['result'])
# If not finished, get the next chunk
if idx < 0 or self.get_local_height() >= data['if_height']:
self.request_chunk(interface, data, idx)
def request_header(self, interface, data, height):
interface.print_error("requesting header %d" % height)
self.queue_request('blockchain.block.get_header', [height], interface)
data['header_height'] = height
data['req_time'] = time.time()
if not 'chain' in data:
data['chain'] = []
def on_get_header(self, interface, response):
'''Handle receiving a single block header'''
if self.bc_requests:
req_if, data = self.bc_requests[0]
req_height = data.get('header_height', -1)
# Ignore unsolicited headers
if req_if == interface and req_height == response['params'][0]:
next_height = self.blockchain.connect_header(data['chain'], response['result'])
# If not finished, get the next header
if next_height in [True, False]:
if next_height:
interface.print_error("header didn't connect, dismissing interface")
self.request_header(interface, data, next_height)
def bc_request_headers(self, interface, data):
'''Send a request for the next header, or a chunk of them,
if necessary.
local_height, if_height = self.get_local_height(), data['if_height']
if if_height <= local_height:
return False
elif if_height > local_height + 50:
self.request_chunk(interface, data, (local_height + 1) / 2016)
self.request_header(interface, data, if_height)
return True
def handle_bc_requests(self):
'''Work through each interface that has notified us of a new header.
Send it requests if it is ahead of our blockchain object.
while self.bc_requests:
interface, data = self.bc_requests.popleft()
# If the connection was lost move on
if not interface in self.interfaces.values():
req_time = data.get('req_time')
if not req_time:
# No requests sent yet. This interface has a new height.
# Request headers if it is ahead of our blockchain
if not self.bc_request_headers(interface, data):
elif time.time() - req_time > 10:
interface.print_error("blockchain request timed out")
# Put updated request state back at head of deque
self.bc_requests.appendleft((interface, data))
def wait_on_sockets(self):
# Python docs say Windows doesn't like empty selects.
# Sleep to prevent busy looping
if not self.interfaces:
rin = [i for i in self.interfaces.values()]
win = [i for i in self.interfaces.values() if i.unsent_requests]
rout, wout, xout = select.select(rin, win, [], 0.1)
assert not xout
for interface in wout:
for interface in rout:
def run(self):
while self.is_running():
self.run_jobs() # Synchronizer and Verifier
if self.plugins:
def on_header(self, i, header):
height = header.get('block_height')
if not height:
self.heights[i.server] = height
self.merkle_roots[i.server] = header.get('merkle_root')
self.utxo_roots[i.server] = header.get('utxo_root')
# Queue this interface's height for asynchronous catch-up
self.bc_requests.append((i, {'if_height': height}))
if i == self.interface:
def get_header(self, tx_height):
return self.blockchain.read_header(tx_height)
def get_local_height(self):
return self.blockchain.height()
def synchronous_get(self, request, timeout=100000000):
queue = Queue.Queue()
self.send([request], queue.put)
r = queue.get(True, timeout)
if r.get('error'):
raise BaseException(r.get('error'))
return r.get('result')