#!/usr/bin/env python
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import sys
import datetime
import time
import copy
import argparse
import json
import ast
from functools import wraps
from decimal import Decimal
import util
from util import print_msg , format_satoshis , print_stderr
import bitcoin
from bitcoin import is_address , hash_160_to_bc_address , hash_160 , COIN
from transaction import Transaction
import paymentrequest
from paymentrequest import PR_PAID , PR_UNPAID , PR_UNKNOWN , PR_EXPIRED
known_commands = { }
class Command :
def __init__ ( self , func , s ) :
self . name = func . __name__
self . requires_network = ' n ' in s
self . requires_wallet = ' w ' in s
self . requires_password = ' p ' in s
self . description = func . __doc__
self . help = self . description . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
varnames = func . func_code . co_varnames [ 1 : func . func_code . co_argcount ]
self . defaults = func . func_defaults
if self . defaults :
n = len ( self . defaults )
self . params = list ( varnames [ : - n ] )
self . options = list ( varnames [ - n : ] )
else :
self . params = list ( varnames )
self . options = [ ]
self . defaults = [ ]
def command ( s ) :
def decorator ( func ) :
global known_commands
name = func . __name__
known_commands [ name ] = Command ( func , s )
@wraps ( func )
def func_wrapper ( * args ) :
return func ( * args )
return func_wrapper
return decorator
class Commands :
def __init__ ( self , config , wallet , network , callback = None ) :
self . config = config
self . wallet = wallet
self . network = network
self . _callback = callback
self . password = None
self . contacts = util . Contacts ( self . config )
def _run ( self , method , args , password_getter ) :
cmd = known_commands [ method ]
if cmd . requires_password and self . wallet . use_encryption :
self . password = apply ( password_getter , ( ) )
f = getattr ( self , method )
result = f ( * args )
self . password = None
if self . _callback :
apply ( self . _callback , ( ) )
return result
@command ( ' ' )
def help ( self ) :
""" Print help """
return ' Commands: ' + ' , ' . join ( sorted ( known_commands . keys ( ) ) )
@command ( ' ' )
def create ( self ) :
""" Create a new wallet """
@command ( ' ' )
def restore ( self ) :
""" Restore a wallet from seed. """
@command ( ' ' )
def deseed ( self ) :
""" Remove seed from wallet. This creates a seedless, watching-only
wallet . """
@command ( ' wp ' )
def password ( self ) :
""" Change wallet password. """
@command ( ' ' )
def getconfig ( self , key ) :
""" Return a configuration variable. """
return self . config . get ( key )
@command ( ' ' )
def setconfig ( self , key , value ) :
""" Set a configuration variable. ' value ' may be a string or a Python expression. """
try :
value = ast . literal_eval ( value )
except :
self . config . set_key ( key , value )
return True
@command ( ' ' )
def make_seed ( self , nbits = 128 , entropy = 1 , language = None ) :
""" Create a seed """
from mnemonic import Mnemonic
s = Mnemonic ( language ) . make_seed ( nbits , custom_entropy = entropy )
return s . encode ( ' utf8 ' )
@command ( ' ' )
def check_seed ( self , seed , entropy = 1 , language = None ) :
""" Check that a seed was generated with given entropy """
from mnemonic import Mnemonic
return Mnemonic ( language ) . check_seed ( seed , entropy )
@command ( ' n ' )
def getaddresshistory ( self , address ) :
""" Return the transaction history of any address. Note: This is a
walletless server query , results are not checked by SPV .
return self . network . synchronous_get ( [ ( ' blockchain.address.get_history ' , [ address ] ) ] ) [ 0 ]
@command ( ' nw ' )
def listunspent ( self ) :
""" List unspent outputs. Returns the list of unspent transaction
outputs in your wallet . """
l = copy . deepcopy ( self . wallet . get_spendable_coins ( exclude_frozen = False ) )
for i in l : i [ " value " ] = str ( Decimal ( i [ " value " ] ) / COIN )
return l
@command ( ' n ' )
def getaddressunspent ( self , address ) :
""" Returns the UTXO list of any address. Note: This
is a walletless server query , results are not checked by SPV .
return self . network . synchronous_get ( [ ( ' blockchain.address.listunspent ' , [ address ] ) ] ) [ 0 ]
@command ( ' n ' )
def getutxoaddress ( self , txid , pos ) :
""" Get the address of a UTXO. Note: This is a walletless server query, results are
not checked by SPV .
r = self . network . synchronous_get ( [ ( ' blockchain.utxo.get_address ' , [ txid , pos ] ) ] )
if r :
return { ' address ' : r [ 0 ] }
@command ( ' wp ' )
def createrawtx ( self , inputs , outputs , unsigned = False ) :
""" Create a transaction from json inputs. The syntax is similar to bitcoind. """
coins = self . wallet . get_spendable_coins ( exclude_frozen = False )
tx_inputs = [ ]
for i in inputs :
prevout_hash = i [ ' txid ' ]
prevout_n = i [ ' vout ' ]
for c in coins :
if c [ ' prevout_hash ' ] == prevout_hash and c [ ' prevout_n ' ] == prevout_n :
self . wallet . add_input_info ( c )
tx_inputs . append ( c )
else :
raise BaseException ( ' Transaction output not in wallet ' , prevout_hash + " : %d " % prevout_n )
outputs = map ( lambda x : ( ' address ' , x [ 0 ] , int ( COIN * x [ 1 ] ) ) , outputs . items ( ) )
tx = Transaction . from_io ( tx_inputs , outputs )
if not unsigned :
self . wallet . sign_transaction ( tx , self . password )
return tx
@command ( ' wp ' )
def signtransaction ( self , tx , privkey = None ) :
""" Sign a transaction. The wallet keys will be used unless a private key is provided. """
t = Transaction ( tx )
t . deserialize ( )
if privkey :
pubkey = bitcoin . public_key_from_private_key ( sec )
t . sign ( { pubkey : sec } )
else :
self . wallet . sign_transaction ( t , self . password )
return t
@command ( ' ' )
def deserialize ( self , tx ) :
""" Deserialize a serialized transaction """
t = Transaction ( tx )
return t . deserialize ( )
@command ( ' n ' )
def broadcast ( self , tx ) :
""" Broadcast a transaction to the network. """
t = Transaction ( tx )
return self . network . synchronous_get ( [ ( ' blockchain.transaction.broadcast ' , [ str ( t ) ] ) ] ) [ 0 ]
@command ( ' ' )
def createmultisig ( self , num , pubkeys ) :
""" Create multisig address """
assert isinstance ( pubkeys , list ) , ( type ( num ) , type ( pubkeys ) )
redeem_script = Transaction . multisig_script ( pubkeys , num )
address = hash_160_to_bc_address ( hash_160 ( redeem_script . decode ( ' hex ' ) ) , 5 )
return { ' address ' : address , ' redeemScript ' : redeem_script }
@command ( ' w ' )
def freeze ( self , address ) :
""" Freeze address. Freeze the funds at one of your wallet \' s addresses """
return self . wallet . set_frozen_state ( [ address ] , True )
@command ( ' w ' )
def unfreeze ( self , address ) :
""" Unfreeze address. Unfreeze the funds at one of your wallet \' s address """
return self . wallet . set_frozen_state ( [ address ] , False )
@command ( ' wp ' )
def getprivatekeys ( self , address ) :
""" Get the private keys of an address. Address must be in wallet. """
return self . wallet . get_private_key ( address , self . password )
@command ( ' w ' )
def ismine ( self , address ) :
""" Check if address is in wallet. Return true if and only address is in wallet """
return self . wallet . is_mine ( address )
@command ( ' wp ' )
def dumpprivkeys ( self , domain = None ) :
""" Dump private keys from your wallet """
if domain is None :
domain = self . wallet . addresses ( True )
return [ self . wallet . get_private_key ( address , self . password ) for address in domain ]
@command ( ' ' )
def validateaddress ( self , address ) :
""" Check that an address is valid. """
return is_address ( address )
@command ( ' w ' )
def getpubkeys ( self , address ) :
""" Return the public keys for a wallet address. """
return self . wallet . get_public_keys ( address )
@command ( ' nw ' )
def getbalance ( self , account = None ) :
""" Return the balance of your wallet. If run with the --offline flag,
returns the last known balance . """
if account is None :
c , u , x = self . wallet . get_balance ( )
else :
c , u , x = self . wallet . get_account_balance ( account )
out = { " confirmed " : str ( Decimal ( c ) / COIN ) }
if u :
out [ " unconfirmed " ] = str ( Decimal ( u ) / COIN )
if x :
out [ " unmatured " ] = str ( Decimal ( x ) / COIN )
return out
@command ( ' n ' )
def getaddressbalance ( self , address ) :
""" Return the balance of any address. Note: This is a walletless
server query , results are not checked by SPV .
out = self . network . synchronous_get ( [ ( ' blockchain.address.get_balance ' , [ address ] ) ] ) [ 0 ]
out [ " confirmed " ] = str ( Decimal ( out [ " confirmed " ] ) / COIN )
out [ " unconfirmed " ] = str ( Decimal ( out [ " unconfirmed " ] ) / COIN )
return out
@command ( ' n ' )
def getproof ( self , address ) :
""" Get Merkle branch of an address in the UTXO set """
p = self . network . synchronous_get ( [ ( ' blockchain.address.get_proof ' , [ address ] ) ] ) [ 0 ]
out = [ ]
for i , s in p :
out . append ( i )
return out
@command ( ' n ' )
def getmerkle ( self , txid , height ) :
""" Get Merkle branch of a transaction included in a block. Electrum
uses this to verify transactions ( Simple Payment Verification ) . """
return self . network . synchronous_get ( [ ( ' blockchain.transaction.get_merkle ' , [ txid , int ( height ) ] ) ] ) [ 0 ]
@command ( ' n ' )
def getservers ( self ) :
""" Return the list of available servers """
while not self . network . is_up_to_date ( ) :
time . sleep ( 0.1 )
return self . network . get_servers ( )
@command ( ' ' )
def version ( self ) :
""" Return the version of electrum. """
import electrum # Needs to stay here to prevent ciruclar imports
return electrum . ELECTRUM_VERSION
@command ( ' w ' )
def getmpk ( self ) :
""" Get master public key. Return your wallet \' s master public key(s) """
return self . wallet . get_master_public_keys ( )
@command ( ' wp ' )
def getseed ( self ) :
""" Get seed phrase. Print the generation seed of your wallet. """
s = self . wallet . get_mnemonic ( self . password )
return s . encode ( ' utf8 ' )
@command ( ' wp ' )
def importprivkey ( self , privkey ) :
""" Import a private key. """
try :
addr = self . wallet . import_key ( privkey , self . password )
out = " Keypair imported: " + addr
except Exception as e :
out = " Error: " + str ( e )
return out
def _resolver ( self , x ) :
if x is None :
return None
out = self . contacts . resolve ( x )
if out . get ( ' type ' ) == ' openalias ' and self . nocheck is False and out . get ( ' validated ' ) is False :
raise BaseException ( ' cannot verify alias ' , x )
return out [ ' address ' ]
@command ( ' n ' )
def sweep ( self , privkey , destination , tx_fee = None , nocheck = False ) :
""" Sweep private key. Returns a transaction that spends UTXOs from
privkey to a destination address . The transaction is not
broadcasted . """
self . nocheck = nocheck
dest = self . _resolver ( destination )
if tx_fee is None :
tx_fee = 0.0001
fee = int ( Decimal ( tx_fee ) * COIN )
return Transaction . sweep ( [ privkey ] , self . network , dest , fee )
@command ( ' wp ' )
def signmessage ( self , address , message ) :
""" Sign a message with a key. Use quotes if your message contains
whitespaces """
return self . wallet . sign_message ( address , message , self . password )
@command ( ' ' )
def verifymessage ( self , address , signature , message ) :
""" Verify a signature. """
return bitcoin . verify_message ( address , signature , message )
def _mktx ( self , outputs , fee , change_addr , domain , nocheck , unsigned ) :
self . nocheck = nocheck
change_addr = self . _resolver ( change_addr )
domain = None if domain is None else map ( self . _resolver , domain )
fee = None if fee is None else int ( COIN * Decimal ( fee ) )
final_outputs = [ ]
for address , amount in outputs :
address = self . _resolver ( address )
#assert self.wallet.is_mine(address)
if amount == ' ! ' :
assert len ( outputs ) == 1
inputs = self . wallet . get_spendable_coins ( domain )
amount = sum ( map ( lambda x : x [ ' value ' ] , inputs ) )
if fee is None :
for i in inputs :
self . wallet . add_input_info ( i )
output = ( ' address ' , address , amount )
dummy_tx = Transaction . from_io ( inputs , [ output ] )
fee = self . wallet . estimated_fee ( dummy_tx )
amount - = fee
else :
amount = int ( COIN * Decimal ( amount ) )
final_outputs . append ( ( ' address ' , address , amount ) )
coins = self . wallet . get_spendable_coins ( domain )
tx = self . wallet . make_unsigned_transaction ( coins , final_outputs , fee , change_addr )
str ( tx ) #this serializes
if not unsigned :
self . wallet . sign_transaction ( tx , self . password )
return tx
def _read_csv ( self , csvpath ) :
import csv
outputs = [ ]
with open ( csvpath , ' rb ' ) as csvfile :
csvReader = csv . reader ( csvfile , delimiter = ' , ' )
for row in csvReader :
address , amount = row
assert bitcoin . is_address ( address )
amount = Decimal ( amount )
outputs . append ( ( address , amount ) )
return outputs
@command ( ' wp ' )
def payto ( self , destination , amount , tx_fee = None , from_addr = None , change_addr = None , nocheck = False , unsigned = False , deserialized = False , broadcast = False ) :
""" Create a transaction. """
domain = [ from_addr ] if from_addr else None
tx = self . _mktx ( [ ( destination , amount ) ] , tx_fee , change_addr , domain , nocheck , unsigned )
if broadcast :
r , h = self . wallet . sendtx ( tx )
return h
else :
return tx . deserialize ( ) if deserialized else tx
@command ( ' wp ' )
def paytomany ( self , csv_file , tx_fee = None , from_addr = None , change_addr = None , nocheck = False , unsigned = False , deserialized = False , broadcast = False ) :
""" Create a multi-output transaction. """
domain = [ from_addr ] if from_addr else None
outputs = self . _read_csv ( csv_file )
tx = self . _mktx ( outputs , tx_fee , change_addr , domain , nocheck , unsigned )
if broadcast :
r , h = self . wallet . sendtx ( tx )
return h
else :
return tx . deserialize ( ) if deserialized else tx
@command ( ' wn ' )
def history ( self ) :
""" Wallet history. Returns the transaction history of your wallet. """
balance = 0
out = [ ]
for item in self . wallet . get_history ( ) :
tx_hash , conf , value , timestamp , balance = item
try :
time_str = datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( timestamp ) . isoformat ( ' ' ) [ : - 3 ]
except Exception :
time_str = " ---- "
label , is_default_label = self . wallet . get_label ( tx_hash )
out . append ( { ' txid ' : tx_hash , ' date ' : " %16s " % time_str , ' label ' : label , ' value ' : format_satoshis ( value ) , ' confirmations ' : conf } )
return out
@command ( ' w ' )
def setlabel ( self , key , label ) :
""" Assign a label to an item. Item may be a bitcoin address or a
transaction ID """
self . wallet . set_label ( key , label )
@command ( ' ' )
def listcontacts ( self ) :
""" Show your list of contacts """
return self . contacts
@command ( ' ' )
def getalias ( self , key ) :
""" Retrieve alias. Lookup in your list of contacts, and for an OpenAlias DNS record. """
return self . contacts . resolve ( key )
@command ( ' ' )
def searchcontacts ( self , query ) :
""" Search through contacts, return matching entries. """
results = { }
for key , value in self . contacts . items ( ) :
if query . lower ( ) in key . lower ( ) :
results [ key ] = value
return results
@command ( ' w ' )
def listaddresses ( self , receiving = False , change = False , show_labels = False , frozen = False , unused = False , funded = False , show_balance = False ) :
""" List wallet addresses. Returns your list of addresses. """
out = [ ]
for addr in self . wallet . addresses ( True ) :
if frozen and not self . wallet . is_frozen ( addr ) :
if receiving and self . wallet . is_change ( addr ) :
if change and not self . wallet . is_change ( addr ) :
if unused and self . wallet . is_used ( addr ) :
if funded and self . wallet . is_empty ( addr ) :
item = addr
if show_balance :
item + = " , " + format_satoshis ( sum ( self . wallet . get_addr_balance ( addr ) ) )
if show_labels :
item + = ' , ' + repr ( self . wallet . labels . get ( addr , ' ' ) )
out . append ( item )
return out
@command ( ' nw ' )
def gettransaction ( self , txid , deserialized = False ) :
""" Retrieve a transaction. """
tx = self . wallet . transactions . get ( txid ) if self . wallet else None
if tx is None and self . network :
raw = self . network . synchronous_get ( [ ( ' blockchain.transaction.get ' , [ txid ] ) ] ) [ 0 ]
if raw :
tx = Transaction ( raw )
else :
raise BaseException ( " Unknown transaction " )
return tx . deserialize ( ) if deserialized else tx
@command ( ' ' )
def encrypt ( self , pubkey , message ) :
""" Encrypt a message with a public key. Use quotes if the message contains whitespaces. """
return bitcoin . encrypt_message ( message , pubkey )
@command ( ' wp ' )
def decrypt ( self , pubkey , encrypted ) :
""" Decrypt a message encrypted with a public key. """
return self . wallet . decrypt_message ( pubkey , encrypted , self . password )
def _format_request ( self , out ) :
pr_str = {
PR_UNKNOWN : ' Unknown ' ,
PR_UNPAID : ' Pending ' ,
PR_PAID : ' Paid ' ,
PR_EXPIRED : ' Expired ' ,
out [ ' amount ' ] = format_satoshis ( out . get ( ' amount ' ) ) + ' BTC '
out [ ' status ' ] = pr_str [ out . get ( ' status ' , PR_UNKNOWN ) ]
return out
@command ( ' wn ' )
def getrequest ( self , key ) :
""" Return a payment request """
r = self . wallet . get_payment_request ( key , self . config )
if not r :
raise BaseException ( " Request not found " )
return self . _format_request ( r )
#def ackrequest(self, serialized):
# """<Not implemented>"""
# pass
@command ( ' wn ' )
def listrequests ( self , pending = False , expired = False , paid = False ) :
""" List the payment requests you made. """
out = self . wallet . get_sorted_requests ( self . config )
if pending :
elif expired :
elif paid :
else :
f = None
if f is not None :
out = filter ( lambda x : x . get ( ' status ' ) == f , out )
return map ( self . _format_request , out )
@command ( ' w ' )
def addrequest ( self , requested_amount , memo = ' ' , expiration = 60 * 60 , force = False ) :
""" Create a payment request. """
addr = self . wallet . get_unused_address ( None )
if addr is None :
if force :
addr = self . wallet . create_new_address ( None , False )
else :
return False
amount = int ( Decimal ( requested_amount ) * COIN )
req = self . wallet . add_payment_request ( addr , amount , memo , expiration , self . config )
return self . _format_request ( req )
@command ( ' w ' )
def rmrequest ( self , key ) :
""" Remove a payment request """
return self . wallet . remove_payment_request ( key , self . config )
param_descriptions = {
' privkey ' : ' Private key. Type \' ? \' to get a prompt. ' ,
' destination ' : ' Bitcoin address, contact or alias ' ,
' address ' : ' Bitcoin address ' ,
' seed ' : ' Seed phrase ' ,
' txid ' : ' Transaction ID ' ,
' pos ' : ' Position ' ,
' height ' : ' Block height ' ,
' tx ' : ' Serialized transaction (hexadecimal) ' ,
' key ' : ' Variable name ' ,
' pubkey ' : ' Public key ' ,
' message ' : ' Clear text message. Use quotes if it contains spaces. ' ,
' encrypted ' : ' Encrypted message ' ,
' amount ' : ' Amount to be sent (in BTC). Type \' ! \' to send the maximum available. ' ,
' requested_amount ' : ' Requested amount (in BTC). ' ,
' csv_file ' : ' CSV file of recipient, amount ' ,
command_options = {
' broadcast ' : ( None , " --broadcast " , " Broadcast the transaction to the Bitcoin network " ) ,
' password ' : ( " -W " , " --password " , " Password " ) ,
' concealed ' : ( " -C " , " --concealed " , " Don ' t echo seed to console when restoring " ) ,
' receiving ' : ( None , " --receiving " , " Show only receiving addresses " ) ,
' change ' : ( None , " --change " , " Show only change addresses " ) ,
' frozen ' : ( None , " --frozen " , " Show only frozen addresses " ) ,
' unused ' : ( None , " --unused " , " Show only unused addresses " ) ,
' funded ' : ( None , " --funded " , " Show only funded addresses " ) ,
' show_balance ' : ( " -b " , " --balance " , " Show the balances of listed addresses " ) ,
' show_labels ' : ( " -l " , " --labels " , " Show the labels of listed addresses " ) ,
' nocheck ' : ( None , " --nocheck " , " Do not verify aliases " ) ,
' tx_fee ' : ( " -f " , " --fee " , " Transaction fee (in BTC) " ) ,
' from_addr ' : ( " -F " , " --from " , " Source address. If it isn ' t in the wallet, it will ask for the private key unless supplied in the format public_key:private_key. It ' s not saved in the wallet. " ) ,
' change_addr ' : ( " -c " , " --change " , " Change address. Default is a spare address, or the source address if it ' s not in the wallet " ) ,
' nbits ' : ( None , " --nbits " , " Number of bits of entropy " ) ,
' entropy ' : ( None , " --entropy " , " Custom entropy " ) ,
' language ' : ( " -L " , " --lang " , " Default language for wordlist " ) ,
' gap_limit ' : ( " -G " , " --gap " , " Gap limit " ) ,
' mpk ' : ( None , " --mpk " , " Restore from master public key " ) ,
' deserialized ' : ( " -d " , " --deserialized " , " Return deserialized transaction " ) ,
' privkey ' : ( None , " --privkey " , " Private key. Set to ' ? ' to get a prompt. " ) ,
' unsigned ' : ( " -u " , " --unsigned " , " Do not sign transaction " ) ,
' domain ' : ( " -D " , " --domain " , " List of addresses " ) ,
' account ' : ( None , " --account " , " Account " ) ,
' memo ' : ( " -m " , " --memo " , " Description of the request " ) ,
' expiration ' : ( None , " --expiration " , " Time in seconds " ) ,
' force ' : ( None , " --force " , " Create new address beyong gap limit, if no more address is available. " ) ,
' pending ' : ( None , " --pending " , " Show only pending requests. " ) ,
' expired ' : ( None , " --expired " , " Show only expired requests. " ) ,
' paid ' : ( None , " --paid " , " Show only paid requests. " ) ,
arg_types = {
' num ' : int ,
' nbits ' : int ,
' entropy ' : long ,
' pubkeys ' : json . loads ,
' inputs ' : json . loads ,
' outputs ' : json . loads ,
' tx_fee ' : lambda x : Decimal ( x ) if x is not None else None ,
' amount ' : lambda x : Decimal ( x ) if x != ' ! ' else ' ! ' ,
config_variables = {
' addrequest ' : {
' requests_dir ' : ' directory where a bip70 file will be written. ' ,
' ssl_privkey ' : ' Path to your SSL private key, needed to sign the request. ' ,
' ssl_chain ' : ' Chain of SSL certificates, needed for signed requests. Put your certificate at the top and the root CA at the end ' ,
' url_rewrite ' : ' Parameters passed to str.replace(), in order to create the r= part of bitcoin: URIs. Example: \" ( \' file:///var/www/ \' , \' https://electrum.org/ \' ) \" ' ,
} ,
' listrequests ' : {
' url_rewrite ' : ' Parameters passed to str.replace(), in order to create the r= part of bitcoin: URIs. Example: \" ( \' file:///var/www/ \' , \' https://electrum.org/ \' ) \" ' ,
def set_default_subparser ( self , name , args = None ) :
""" see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5176691/argparse-how-to-specify-a-default-subcommand """
subparser_found = False
for arg in sys . argv [ 1 : ] :
if arg in [ ' -h ' , ' --help ' ] : # global help if no subparser
else :
for x in self . _subparsers . _actions :
if not isinstance ( x , argparse . _SubParsersAction ) :
for sp_name in x . _name_parser_map . keys ( ) :
if sp_name in sys . argv [ 1 : ] :
subparser_found = True
if not subparser_found :
# insert default in first position, this implies no
# global options without a sub_parsers specified
if args is None :
sys . argv . insert ( 1 , name )
else :
args . insert ( 0 , name )
argparse . ArgumentParser . set_default_subparser = set_default_subparser
def add_network_options ( parser ) :
parser . add_argument ( " -1 " , " --oneserver " , action = " store_true " , dest = " oneserver " , default = False , help = " connect to one server only " )
parser . add_argument ( " -s " , " --server " , dest = " server " , default = None , help = " set server host:port:protocol, where protocol is either t (tcp) or s (ssl) " )
parser . add_argument ( " -p " , " --proxy " , dest = " proxy " , default = None , help = " set proxy [type:]host[:port], where type is socks4,socks5 or http " )
from util import profiler
def get_parser ( run_gui , run_daemon , run_cmdline ) :
# parent parser, because set_default_subparser removes global options
parent_parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( ' parent ' , add_help = False )
group = parent_parser . add_argument_group ( ' global options ' )
group . add_argument ( " -v " , " --verbose " , action = " store_true " , dest = " verbose " , default = False , help = " Show debugging information " )
group . add_argument ( " -P " , " --portable " , action = " store_true " , dest = " portable " , default = False , help = " Use local ' electrum_data ' directory " )
group . add_argument ( " -w " , " --wallet " , dest = " wallet_path " , help = " wallet path " )
group . add_argument ( " -o " , " --offline " , action = " store_true " , dest = " offline " , default = False , help = " Run offline " )
# create main parser
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser (
parents = [ parent_parser ] ,
epilog = " Run ' electrum help <command> ' to see the help for a command " )
subparsers = parser . add_subparsers ( dest = ' cmd ' , metavar = ' <command> ' )
# gui
parser_gui = subparsers . add_parser ( ' gui ' , parents = [ parent_parser ] , description = " Run Electrum ' s Graphical User Interface. " , help = " Run GUI (default) " )
parser_gui . add_argument ( " url " , nargs = ' ? ' , default = None , help = " bitcoin URI (or bip70 file) " )
parser_gui . set_defaults ( func = run_gui )
parser_gui . add_argument ( " -g " , " --gui " , dest = " gui " , help = " select graphical user interface " , choices = [ ' qt ' , ' lite ' , ' gtk ' , ' text ' , ' stdio ' , ' jsonrpc ' ] )
parser_gui . add_argument ( " -m " , action = " store_true " , dest = " hide_gui " , default = False , help = " hide GUI on startup " )
parser_gui . add_argument ( " -L " , " --lang " , dest = " language " , default = None , help = " default language used in GUI " )
add_network_options ( parser_gui )
# daemon
parser_daemon = subparsers . add_parser ( ' daemon ' , parents = [ parent_parser ] , help = " Run Daemon " )
parser_daemon . add_argument ( " subcommand " , choices = [ ' start ' , ' status ' , ' stop ' ] )
parser_daemon . set_defaults ( func = run_daemon )
add_network_options ( parser_daemon )
# commands
for cmdname in sorted ( known_commands . keys ( ) ) :
cmd = known_commands [ cmdname ]
p = subparsers . add_parser ( cmdname , parents = [ parent_parser ] , help = cmd . help , description = cmd . description )
p . set_defaults ( func = run_cmdline )
if cmd . requires_password :
p . add_argument ( " -W " , " --password " , dest = " password " , default = None , help = " password " )
for optname , default in zip ( cmd . options , cmd . defaults ) :
a , b , help = command_options [ optname ]
action = " store_true " if type ( default ) is bool else ' store '
args = ( a , b ) if a else ( b , )
if action == ' store ' :
_type = arg_types . get ( optname , str )
p . add_argument ( * args , dest = optname , action = action , default = default , help = help , type = _type )
else :
p . add_argument ( * args , dest = optname , action = action , default = default , help = help )
for param in cmd . params :
h = param_descriptions . get ( param , ' ' )
_type = arg_types . get ( param , str )
p . add_argument ( param , help = h , type = _type )
cvh = config_variables . get ( cmdname )
if cvh :
group = p . add_argument_group ( ' configuration variables ' , ' (set with setconfig/getconfig) ' )
for k , v in cvh . items ( ) :
group . add_argument ( k , nargs = ' ? ' , help = v )
# 'gui' is the default command
parser . set_default_subparser ( ' gui ' )
return parser