You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

425 lines
18 KiB

from binascii import hexlify
from struct import unpack
import hashlib
import electrum
from electrum.bitcoin import EncodeBase58Check, DecodeBase58Check, TYPE_ADDRESS
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.plugins import BasePlugin, hook
from ..hw_wallet import BIP44_HW_Wallet
from electrum.util import format_satoshis_plain, print_error
from btchip.btchipComm import getDongle, DongleWait
from btchip.btchip import btchip
from btchip.btchipUtils import compress_public_key,format_transaction, get_regular_input_script
from btchip.bitcoinTransaction import bitcoinTransaction
from btchip.btchipPersoWizard import StartBTChipPersoDialog
from btchip.btchipFirmwareWizard import checkFirmware, updateFirmware
from btchip.btchipException import BTChipException
except ImportError:
BTCHIP = False
class BTChipWallet(BIP44_HW_Wallet):
wallet_type = 'btchip'
device = 'Ledger'
def __init__(self, storage):
BIP44_HW_Wallet.__init__(self, storage)
# Errors and other user interaction is done through the wallet's
# handler. The handler is per-window and preserved across
# device reconnects
self.handler = None
self.force_watching_only = False
self.device_checked = False
self.signing = False
def give_error(self, message, clear_client = False):
if not self.signing:
self.signing = False
if clear_client:
self.plugin.client = None
self.device_checked = False
raise Exception(message)
def address_id(self, address):
# Strip the leading "m/"
return BIP44_HW_Wallet.address_id(self, address)[2:]
def get_public_key(self, bip32_path):
# bip32_path is of the form 44'/0'/1'
# S-L-O-W - we don't handle the fingerprint directly, so compute
# it manually from the previous node
# This only happens once so it's bearable
self.get_client() # prompt for the PIN before displaying the dialog if necessary
self.handler.show_message("Computing master public key")
splitPath = bip32_path.split('/')
if splitPath[0] == 'm':
splitPath = splitPath[1:]
bip32_path = bip32_path[2:]
fingerprint = 0
if len(splitPath) > 1:
prevPath = "/".join(splitPath[0:len(splitPath) - 1])
nodeData = self.get_client().getWalletPublicKey(prevPath)
publicKey = compress_public_key(nodeData['publicKey'])
h ='ripemd160')
fingerprint = unpack(">I", h.digest()[0:4])[0]
nodeData = self.get_client().getWalletPublicKey(bip32_path)
publicKey = compress_public_key(nodeData['publicKey'])
depth = len(splitPath)
lastChild = splitPath[len(splitPath) - 1].split('\'')
if len(lastChild) == 1:
childnum = int(lastChild[0])
childnum = 0x80000000 | int(lastChild[0])
xpub = "0488B21E".decode('hex') + chr(depth) + self.i4b(fingerprint) + self.i4b(childnum) + str(nodeData['chainCode']) + str(publicKey)
except Exception, e:
self.give_error(e, True)
return EncodeBase58Check(xpub)
def decrypt_message(self, pubkey, message, password):
self.give_error("Not supported")
def sign_message(self, address, message, password):
use2FA = False
self.signing = True
# prompt for the PIN before displaying the dialog if necessary
client = self.get_client()
if not self.check_proper_device():
self.give_error('Wrong device or password')
address_path = self.address_id(address)
self.handler.show_message("Signing message ...")
info = self.get_client().signMessagePrepare(address_path, message)
pin = ""
if info['confirmationNeeded']:
# TODO : handle different confirmation types. For the time being only supports keyboard 2FA
use2FA = True
confirmed, p, pin = self.password_dialog()
if not confirmed:
raise Exception('Aborted by user')
pin = pin.encode()
client.bad = True
self.device_checked = False
self.plugin.get_client(self, True, True)
signature = self.get_client().signMessageSign(pin)
except BTChipException, e:
if e.sw == 0x6a80:
self.give_error("Unfortunately, this message cannot be signed by the Ledger wallet. Only alphanumerical messages shorter than 140 characters are supported. Please remove any extra characters (tab, carriage return) and retry.")
self.give_error(e, True)
except Exception, e:
self.give_error(e, True)
client.bad = use2FA
self.signing = False
# Parse the ASN.1 signature
rLength = signature[3]
r = signature[4 : 4 + rLength]
sLength = signature[4 + rLength + 1]
s = signature[4 + rLength + 2:]
if rLength == 33:
r = r[1:]
if sLength == 33:
s = s[1:]
r = str(r)
s = str(s)
# And convert it
return chr(27 + 4 + (signature[0] & 0x01)) + r + s
def sign_transaction(self, tx, password):
if tx.is_complete():
client = self.get_client()
self.signing = True
inputs = []
inputsPaths = []
pubKeys = []
trustedInputs = []
redeemScripts = []
signatures = []
preparedTrustedInputs = []
changePath = ""
changeAmount = None
output = None
outputAmount = None
use2FA = False
pin = ""
rawTx = tx.serialize()
# Fetch inputs of the transaction to sign
for txinput in tx.inputs():
if ('is_coinbase' in txinput and txinput['is_coinbase']):
self.give_error("Coinbase not supported") # should never happen
inputs.append([ self.transactions[txinput['prevout_hash']].raw,
txinput['prevout_n'] ])
address = txinput['address']
# Recognize outputs - only one output and one change is authorized
if len(tx.outputs()) > 2: # should never happen
self.give_error("Transaction with more than 2 outputs not supported")
for type, address, amount in tx.outputs():
assert type == TYPE_ADDRESS
if self.is_change(address):
changePath = self.address_id(address)
changeAmount = amount
if output <> None: # should never happen
self.give_error("Multiple outputs with no change not supported")
output = address
outputAmount = amount
self.get_client() # prompt for the PIN before displaying the dialog if necessary
if not self.check_proper_device():
self.give_error('Wrong device or password')
self.handler.show_message("Signing Transaction ...")
# Get trusted inputs from the original transactions
for utxo in inputs:
txtmp = bitcoinTransaction(bytearray(utxo[0].decode('hex')))
trustedInputs.append(self.get_client().getTrustedInput(txtmp, utxo[1]))
# TODO : Support P2SH later
# Sign all inputs
firstTransaction = True
inputIndex = 0
while inputIndex < len(inputs):
self.get_client().startUntrustedTransaction(firstTransaction, inputIndex,
trustedInputs, redeemScripts[inputIndex])
outputData = self.get_client().finalizeInput(output, format_satoshis_plain(outputAmount),
format_satoshis_plain(self.get_tx_fee(tx)), changePath, bytearray(rawTx.decode('hex')))
if firstTransaction:
transactionOutput = outputData['outputData']
if outputData['confirmationNeeded']:
# TODO : handle different confirmation types. For the time being only supports keyboard 2FA
if 'keycardData' in outputData:
pin2 = ""
for keycardIndex in range(len(outputData['keycardData'])):
msg = "Do not enter your device PIN here !\r\n\r\n" + \
"Your Ledger Wallet wants to talk to you and tell you a unique second factor code.\r\n" + \
"For this to work, please match the character between stars of the output address using your security card\r\n\r\n" + \
"Output address : "
for index in range(len(output)):
if index == outputData['keycardData'][keycardIndex]:
msg = msg + "*" + output[index] + "*"
msg = msg + output[index]
msg = msg + "\r\n"
confirmed, p, pin = self.password_dialog(msg)
if not confirmed:
raise Exception('Aborted by user')
pin2 = pin2 + chr(int(pin[0], 16))
raise Exception('Invalid PIN character')
pin = pin2
use2FA = True
confirmed, p, pin = self.password_dialog()
if not confirmed:
raise Exception('Aborted by user')
pin = pin.encode()
client.bad = True
self.device_checked = False
self.plugin.get_client(self, True, True)
self.handler.show_message("Signing ...")
# Sign input with the provided PIN
inputSignature = self.get_client().untrustedHashSign(inputsPaths[inputIndex],
inputSignature[0] = 0x30 # force for 1.4.9+
inputIndex = inputIndex + 1
firstTransaction = False
except Exception, e:
self.give_error(e, True)
# Reformat transaction
inputIndex = 0
while inputIndex < len(inputs):
# TODO : Support P2SH later
inputScript = get_regular_input_script(signatures[inputIndex], pubKeys[inputIndex][0].decode('hex'))
preparedTrustedInputs.append([ trustedInputs[inputIndex]['value'], inputScript ])
inputIndex = inputIndex + 1
updatedTransaction = format_transaction(transactionOutput, preparedTrustedInputs)
updatedTransaction = hexlify(updatedTransaction)
client.bad = use2FA
self.signing = False
def check_proper_device(self):
pubKey = DecodeBase58Check(self.master_public_keys["x/0'"])[45:]
if not self.device_checked:
self.handler.show_message("Checking device")
nodeData = self.get_client().getWalletPublicKey("44'/0'/0'")
except Exception, e:
self.give_error(e, True)
pubKeyDevice = compress_public_key(nodeData['publicKey'])
self.device_checked = True
if pubKey != pubKeyDevice:
self.proper_device = False
self.proper_device = True
return self.proper_device
def password_dialog(self, msg=None):
if not msg:
msg = _("Do not enter your device PIN here !\r\n\r\n" \
"Your Ledger Wallet wants to talk to you and tell you a unique second factor code.\r\n" \
9 years ago
"For this to work, please open a text editor " \
"(on a different computer / device if you believe this computer is compromised) " \
"and put your cursor into it, unplug your Ledger Wallet and plug it back in.\r\n" \
"It should show itself to your computer as a keyboard " \
"and output the second factor along with a summary of " \
"the transaction being signed into the text-editor.\r\n\r\n" \
"Check that summary and then enter the second factor code here.\r\n" \
"Before clicking OK, re-plug the device once more (unplug it and plug it again if you read the second factor code on the same computer)")
response = self.handler.get_word(msg)
if response is None:
return False, None, None
return True, response, response
class LedgerPlugin(BasePlugin):
wallet_class = BTChipWallet
def __init__(self, parent, config, name):
BasePlugin.__init__(self, parent, config, name)
self.wallet_class.plugin = self
self.device = self.wallet_class.device
self.client = None
def is_enabled(self):
9 years ago
return BTCHIP
def btchip_is_connected(self, wallet):
return False
return True
def is_valid_seed(seed):
return True
def on_restore_wallet(self, wallet, wizard):
assert isinstance(wallet, self.wallet_class)
msg = _("Enter the seed for your %s wallet:" % self.device)
seed = wizard.request_seed(msg, is_valid = self.is_valid_seed)
# Restored wallets are not hardware wallets
wallet_class = self.wallet_class.restore_wallet_class'wallet_type', wallet_class.wallet_type)
wallet = wallet_class(
# Ledger wallets don't use passphrases
passphrase = unicode()
password = wizard.request_password()
wallet.add_seed(seed, password)
wallet.add_xprv_from_seed(seed, 'x/', password, passphrase)
return wallet
def close_wallet(self, wallet):
self.client = None
def get_client(self, wallet, force_pair=True, noPin=False):
aborted = False
client = self.client
if not client or client.bad:
d = getDongle(BTCHIP_DEBUG)
client = btchip(d)
firmware = client.getFirmwareVersion()['version'].split(".")
if not checkFirmware(firmware):
except Exception, e:
aborted = True
raise e
d = getDongle(BTCHIP_DEBUG)
client = btchip(d)
except BTChipException, e:
if (e.sw == 0x6985):
dialog = StartBTChipPersoDialog()
# Then fetch the reference again as it was invalidated
d = getDongle(BTCHIP_DEBUG)
client = btchip(d)
raise e
if not noPin:
# Immediately prompts for the PIN
remaining_attempts = client.getVerifyPinRemainingAttempts()
if remaining_attempts <> 1:
msg = "Enter your Ledger PIN - remaining attempts : " + str(remaining_attempts)
msg = "Enter your Ledger PIN - WARNING : LAST ATTEMPT. If the PIN is not correct, the dongle will be wiped."
confirmed, p, pin = wallet.password_dialog(msg)
if not confirmed:
aborted = True
raise Exception('Aborted by user - please unplug the dongle and plug it again before retrying')
pin = pin.encode()
except BTChipException, e:
client = None
if (e.sw == 0x6faa):
raise Exception("Dongle is temporarily locked - please unplug it and replug it again")
if ((e.sw & 0xFFF0) == 0x63c0):
raise Exception("Invalid PIN - please unplug the dongle and plug it again before retrying")
raise e
except Exception, e:
client = None
if not aborted:
raise Exception("Could not connect to your Ledger wallet. Please verify access permissions, PIN, or unplug the dongle and plug it again")
raise e
client.bad = False
wallet.device_checked = False
wallet.proper_device = False
self.client = client
return self.client