You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

344 lines
14 KiB

import base64
import re
import threading
from binascii import unhexlify
from functools import partial
from electrum.account import BIP32_Account
from electrum.bitcoin import (bc_address_to_hash_160, xpub_from_pubkey,
public_key_to_bc_address, EncodeBase58Check,
from electrum.i18n import _
from electrum.plugins import BasePlugin, hook
from electrum.transaction import (deserialize, is_extended_pubkey,
Transaction, x_to_xpub)
from ..hw_wallet import BIP44_HW_Wallet, HW_PluginBase
# TREZOR initialization methods
class TrezorCompatibleWallet(BIP44_HW_Wallet):
def get_public_key(self, bip32_path):
client = self.get_client()
address_n = client.expand_path(bip32_path)
node = client.get_public_node(address_n).node
xpub = ("0488B21E".decode('hex') + chr(node.depth)
+ self.i4b(node.fingerprint) + self.i4b(node.child_num)
+ node.chain_code + node.public_key)
return EncodeBase58Check(xpub)
def decrypt_message(self, pubkey, message, password):
address = public_key_to_bc_address(pubkey.decode('hex'))
client = self.get_client()
address_path = self.address_id(address)
address_n = client.expand_path(address_path)
payload = base64.b64decode(message)
nonce, message, msg_hmac = payload[:33], payload[33:-8], payload[-8:]
result = client.decrypt_message(address_n, nonce, message, msg_hmac)
return result.message
def sign_message(self, address, message, password):
client = self.get_client()
address_path = self.address_id(address)
address_n = client.expand_path(address_path)
msg_sig = client.sign_message('Bitcoin', address_n, message)
return msg_sig.signature
def get_input_tx(self, tx_hash):
# First look up an input transaction in the wallet where it
# will likely be. If co-signing a transaction it may not have
# all the input txs, in which case we ask the network.
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if not tx:
request = ('blockchain.transaction.get', [tx_hash])
# FIXME: what if offline?
tx = Transaction(
return tx
def sign_transaction(self, tx, password):
if tx.is_complete():
# previous transactions used as inputs
prev_tx = {}
# path of the xpubs that are involved
xpub_path = {}
for txin in tx.inputs():
tx_hash = txin['prevout_hash']
prev_tx[tx_hash] = self.get_input_tx(tx_hash)
for x_pubkey in txin['x_pubkeys']:
if not is_extended_pubkey(x_pubkey):
xpub = x_to_xpub(x_pubkey)
for k, v in self.master_public_keys.items():
if v == xpub:
acc_id = re.match("x/(\d+)'", k).group(1)
xpub_path[xpub] = self.account_derivation(acc_id)
self.plugin.sign_transaction(self, tx, prev_tx, xpub_path)
class TrezorCompatiblePlugin(HW_PluginBase):
# Derived classes provide:
# class-static variables: client_class, firmware_URL, handler_class,
# libraries_available, libraries_URL, minimum_firmware,
# wallet_class, ckd_public, types, HidTransport
def __init__(self, parent, config, name):
HW_PluginBase.__init__(self, parent, config, name)
self.main_thread = threading.current_thread()
# FIXME: move to base class when Ledger is fixed
if self.libraries_available:
def create_client(self, device, handler):
if device.interface_number == 1:
pair = [None, device.path]
pair = [device.path, None]
transport = self.HidTransport(pair)
except BaseException as e:
# We were probably just disconnected; never mind
self.print_error("cannot connect at", device.path, str(e))
return None
self.print_error("connected to device at", device.path)
client = self.client_class(transport, handler, self)
# Try a ping for device sanity
except BaseException as e:
self.print_error("ping failed", str(e))
return None
if not client.atleast_version(*self.minimum_firmware):
msg = (_('Outdated %s firmware for device labelled %s. Please '
'download the updated firmware from %s') %
(self.device, client.label(), self.firmware_URL))
return None
return client
def get_client(self, wallet, force_pair=True):
# All client interaction should not be in the main GUI thread
assert self.main_thread != threading.current_thread()
devmgr = self.device_manager()
client = devmgr.client_for_wallet(self, wallet, force_pair)
if client:
return client
def close_wallet(self, wallet):
if isinstance(wallet, self.wallet_class):
def initialize_device(self, wallet):
# Initialization method
msg = _("Choose how you want to initialize your %s.\n\n"
"The first two methods are secure as no secret information "
"is entered into your computer.\n\n"
"For the last two methods you input secrets on your keyboard "
"and upload them to your %s, and so you should "
"only do those on a computer you know to be trustworthy "
"and free of malware."
) % (self.device, self.device)
methods = [
# Must be short as QT doesn't word-wrap radio button text
_("Let the device generate a completely new seed randomly"),
_("Recover from a seed you have previously written down"),
_("Upload a BIP39 mnemonic to generate the seed"),
_("Upload a master private key")
method = wallet.handler.query_choice(msg, methods)
(item, label, pin_protection, passphrase_protection) \
= wallet.handler.request_trezor_init_settings(method, self.device)
if method == TIM_RECOVER and self.device == 'TREZOR':
# Warn user about firmware lameness
"You will be asked to enter 24 words regardless of your "
"seed's actual length. If you enter a word incorrectly or "
"misspell it, you cannot change it or go back - you will need "
"to start again from the beginning.\n\nSo please enter "
"the words carefully!"))
language = 'english'
def initialize_method():
client = self.get_client(wallet)
if method == TIM_NEW:
strength = 64 * (item + 2) # 128, 192 or 256
client.reset_device(True, strength, passphrase_protection,
pin_protection, label, language)
elif method == TIM_RECOVER:
word_count = 6 * (item + 2) # 12, 18 or 24
client.step = 0
client.recovery_device(word_count, passphrase_protection,
pin_protection, label, language)
elif method == TIM_MNEMONIC:
pin = pin_protection # It's the pin, not a boolean
client.load_device_by_mnemonic(str(item), pin,
label, language)
pin = pin_protection # It's the pin, not a boolean
client.load_device_by_xprv(item, pin, passphrase_protection,
label, language)
# After successful initialization create accounts
return initialize_method
def setup_device(self, wallet, on_done, on_error):
'''Called when creating a new wallet. Select the device to use. If
the device is uninitialized, go through the intialization
process. Then create the wallet accounts.'''
devmgr = self.device_manager()
device_info = devmgr.select_device(wallet, self)
devmgr.pair_wallet(wallet, device_info.device.id_)
if device_info.initialized:
task = partial(wallet.create_hd_account, None)
task = self.initialize_device(wallet)
wallet.thread.add(task, on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error)
def sign_transaction(self, wallet, tx, prev_tx, xpub_path):
self.prev_tx = prev_tx
self.xpub_path = xpub_path
client = self.get_client(wallet)
inputs = self.tx_inputs(tx, True)
outputs = self.tx_outputs(wallet, tx)
signed_tx = client.sign_tx('Bitcoin', inputs, outputs)[1]
raw = signed_tx.encode('hex')
def show_address(self, wallet, address):
client = self.get_client(wallet)
if not client.atleast_version(1, 3):
wallet.handler.show_error(_("Your device firmware is too old"))
address_path = wallet.address_id(address)
address_n = client.expand_path(address_path)
client.get_address('Bitcoin', address_n, True)
def tx_inputs(self, tx, for_sig=False):
inputs = []
for txin in tx.inputs():
txinputtype = self.types.TxInputType()
if txin.get('is_coinbase'):
prev_hash = "\0"*32
prev_index = 0xffffffff # signed int -1
if for_sig:
x_pubkeys = txin['x_pubkeys']
if len(x_pubkeys) == 1:
x_pubkey = x_pubkeys[0]
xpub, s = BIP32_Account.parse_xpubkey(x_pubkey)
xpub_n = self.client_class.expand_path(self.xpub_path[xpub])
txinputtype.address_n.extend(xpub_n + s)
def f(x_pubkey):
if is_extended_pubkey(x_pubkey):
xpub, s = BIP32_Account.parse_xpubkey(x_pubkey)
xpub = xpub_from_pubkey(x_pubkey.decode('hex'))
s = []
node = self.ckd_public.deserialize(xpub)
return self.types.HDNodePathType(node=node, address_n=s)
pubkeys = map(f, x_pubkeys)
multisig = self.types.MultisigRedeemScriptType(
signatures=map(lambda x: x.decode('hex') if x else '', txin.get('signatures')),
txinputtype = self.types.TxInputType(
# find which key is mine
for x_pubkey in x_pubkeys:
if is_extended_pubkey(x_pubkey):
xpub, s = BIP32_Account.parse_xpubkey(x_pubkey)
if xpub in self.xpub_path:
xpub_n = self.client_class.expand_path(self.xpub_path[xpub])
txinputtype.address_n.extend(xpub_n + s)
prev_hash = unhexlify(txin['prevout_hash'])
prev_index = txin['prevout_n']
txinputtype.prev_hash = prev_hash
txinputtype.prev_index = prev_index
if 'scriptSig' in txin:
script_sig = txin['scriptSig'].decode('hex')
txinputtype.script_sig = script_sig
if 'sequence' in txin:
sequence = txin['sequence']
txinputtype.sequence = sequence
return inputs
def tx_outputs(self, wallet, tx):
outputs = []
for type, address, amount in tx.outputs():
assert type == TYPE_ADDRESS
txoutputtype = self.types.TxOutputType()
if wallet.is_change(address):
address_path = wallet.address_id(address)
address_n = self.client_class.expand_path(address_path)
txoutputtype.address = address
txoutputtype.amount = amount
addrtype, hash_160 = bc_address_to_hash_160(address)
if addrtype == 0:
txoutputtype.script_type = self.types.PAYTOADDRESS
elif addrtype == 5:
txoutputtype.script_type = self.types.PAYTOSCRIPTHASH
raise BaseException('addrtype')
return outputs
def electrum_tx_to_txtype(self, tx):
t = self.types.TransactionType()
d = deserialize(tx.raw)
t.version = d['version']
t.lock_time = d['lockTime']
inputs = self.tx_inputs(tx)
for vout in d['outputs']:
o = t.bin_outputs.add()
o.amount = vout['value']
o.script_pubkey = vout['scriptPubKey'].decode('hex')
return t
# This function is called from the trezor libraries (via tx_api)
def get_tx(self, tx_hash):
tx = self.prev_tx[tx_hash]
return self.electrum_tx_to_txtype(tx)
def is_valid_seed(seed):
return True