from PyQt4 . Qt import QMessageBox , QDialog , QVBoxLayout , QLabel , QThread , SIGNAL
import PyQt4 . QtCore as QtCore
from binascii import unhexlify
from struct import pack
from sys import stderr
from time import sleep
from base64 import b64encode , b64decode
from electrum_gui . qt . password_dialog import make_password_dialog , run_password_dialog
from electrum_gui . qt . util import ok_cancel_buttons
from electrum . account import BIP32_Account
from electrum . bitcoin import EncodeBase58Check , public_key_to_bc_address , bc_address_to_hash_160
from electrum . i18n import _
from electrum . plugins import BasePlugin
from electrum . transaction import deserialize
from electrum . wallet import NewWallet
try :
from trezorlib . client import types
from trezorlib . client import proto , BaseClient , ProtocolMixin
from trezorlib . qt . pinmatrix import PinMatrixWidget
from trezorlib . transport import ConnectionError
from trezorlib . transport_hid import HidTransport
except ImportError :
TREZOR = False
def log ( msg ) :
stderr . write ( " %s \n " % msg )
stderr . flush ( )
class Plugin ( BasePlugin ) :
def fullname ( self ) : return ' Trezor Wallet '
def description ( self ) : return ' Provides support for Trezor hardware wallet \n \n Requires '
def __init__ ( self , gui , name ) :
BasePlugin . __init__ ( self , gui , name )
self . _is_available = self . _init ( )
self . wallet = None
def _init ( self ) :
return TREZOR
def is_available ( self ) :
return self . _is_available
def set_enabled ( self , enabled ) :
self . wallet . storage . put ( ' use_ ' + self . name , enabled )
def is_enabled ( self ) :
if not self . is_available ( ) :
return False
if not self . wallet or self . wallet . storage . get ( ' wallet_type ' ) == ' trezor ' :
return True
return self . wallet . storage . get ( ' use_ ' + self . name ) is True
def enable ( self ) :
return BasePlugin . enable ( self )
def load_wallet ( self , wallet ) :
self . wallet = wallet
def add_wallet_types ( self , wallet_types ) :
wallet_types . append ( ( ' trezor ' , _ ( " Trezor wallet " ) , TrezorWallet ) )
def installwizard_restore ( self , wizard , storage ) :
wallet = TrezorWallet ( storage )
try :
wallet . create_accounts ( None )
except BaseException as e :
QMessageBox . information ( None , _ ( ' Error ' ) , str ( e ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
return wallet
def send_tx ( self , tx ) :
try :
self . wallet . sign_transaction ( tx , None , None )
except Exception as e :
tx . error = str ( e )
class TrezorWallet ( NewWallet ) :
def __init__ ( self , storage ) :
self . transport = None
self . client = None
self . mpk = None
NewWallet . __init__ ( self , storage )
self . seed = ' trezor '
self . storage . put ( ' gap_limit ' , 20 , False ) #obey BIP44 gap limit of 20
self . use_encryption = False
self . storage . put ( ' seed ' , self . seed , False )
self . storage . put ( ' seed_version ' , self . seed_version , False )
self . storage . put ( ' use_encryption ' , self . use_encryption , False )
self . device_checked = False
def get_action ( self ) :
if not self . accounts :
return ' create_accounts '
def can_create_accounts ( self ) :
return True
def can_change_password ( self ) :
return False
def has_seed ( self ) :
return False
def is_watching_only ( self ) :
return False
def default_account ( self ) :
return " 44 ' /0 ' /0 ' "
def get_client ( self ) :
if not TREZOR :
raise Exception ( ' please install ' )
if not self . client or self . client . bad :
try :
d = HidTransport . enumerate ( ) [ 0 ]
self . transport = HidTransport ( d )
except :
d = QDialog ( )
QMessageBox . warning ( d , _ ( ' Warning ' ) , _ ( ' Could not connect to your Trezor. Please verify the cable is connected and that no other app is using it. ' ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
raise Exception ( " Trezor not found " )
self . client = QtGuiTrezorClient ( self . transport )
self . client . set_tx_api ( self )
#self.client.clear_session()# TODO Doesn't work with firmware 1.1, returns proto.Failure
self . client . bad = False
self . device_checked = False
self . proper_device = False
return self . client
def account_id ( self , i ) :
return " 44 ' /0 ' / %d ' " % i
def address_id ( self , address ) :
account_id , ( change , address_index ) = self . get_address_index ( address )
return " %s / %d / %d " % ( account_id , change , address_index )
def create_accounts ( self , password ) :
self . create_account ( ' Main account ' , ' ' ) #name, empty password
def make_account ( self , account_id , password ) :
xpub = self . get_public_key ( account_id )
self . add_master_public_key ( account_id , xpub )
account = BIP32_Account ( { ' xpub ' : xpub } )
return account
def get_public_key ( self , bip32_path ) :
address_n = self . get_client ( ) . expand_path ( bip32_path )
node = self . get_client ( ) . get_public_node ( address_n ) . node
xpub = " 0488B21E " . decode ( ' hex ' ) + chr ( node . depth ) + self . i4b ( node . fingerprint ) + self . i4b ( node . child_num ) + node . chain_code + node . public_key
return EncodeBase58Check ( xpub )
def get_master_public_key ( self ) :
if not self . mpk :
self . mpk = self . get_public_key ( " 44 ' /0 ' " )
return self . mpk
def i4b ( self , x ) :
return pack ( ' >I ' , x )
def add_keypairs ( self , tx , keypairs , password ) :
#do nothing - no priv keys available
def decrypt_message ( self , pubkey , message , password ) :
try :
address = public_key_to_bc_address ( pubkey . decode ( ' hex ' ) )
address_path = self . address_id ( address )
address_n = self . get_client ( ) . expand_path ( address_path )
except Exception , e :
raise e
try :
decrypted_msg = self . get_client ( ) . decrypt_message ( address_n , b64decode ( message ) )
except Exception , e :
raise e
finally :
twd . emit ( SIGNAL ( ' trezor_done ' ) )
return str ( decrypted_msg )
def sign_message ( self , address , message , password ) :
try :
address_path = self . address_id ( address )
address_n = self . get_client ( ) . expand_path ( address_path )
except Exception , e :
try :
msg_sig = self . get_client ( ) . sign_message ( ' Bitcoin ' , address_n , message )
except Exception , e :
raise e
finally :
twd . emit ( SIGNAL ( ' trezor_done ' ) )
b64_msg_sig = b64encode ( msg_sig . signature )
return str ( b64_msg_sig )
def sign_transaction ( self , tx , keypairs , password ) :
if tx . error or tx . is_complete ( ) :
if not self . check_proper_device ( ) :
raise Exception ( ' Wrong device or password ' )
inputs = self . tx_inputs ( tx )
outputs = self . tx_outputs ( tx )
try :
signed_tx = self . get_client ( ) . sign_tx ( ' Bitcoin ' , inputs , outputs ) [ 1 ]
except Exception , e :
raise e
finally :
twd . emit ( SIGNAL ( ' trezor_done ' ) )
values = [ i [ ' value ' ] for i in tx . inputs ]
raw = signed_tx . encode ( ' hex ' )
tx . update ( raw )
for i , txinput in enumerate ( tx . inputs ) :
txinput [ ' value ' ] = values [ i ]
def tx_inputs ( self , tx ) :
inputs = [ ]
for txinput in tx . inputs :
txinputtype = types . TxInputType ( )
address = txinput [ ' address ' ]
try :
address_path = self . address_id ( address )
address_n = self . get_client ( ) . expand_path ( address_path )
txinputtype . address_n . extend ( address_n )
except : pass
if ( ' is_coinbase ' in txinput and txinput [ ' is_coinbase ' ] ) :
prev_hash = " \0 " * 32
prev_index = 0xffffffff # signed int -1
else :
prev_hash = unhexlify ( txinput [ ' prevout_hash ' ] )
prev_index = txinput [ ' prevout_n ' ]
txinputtype . prev_hash = prev_hash
txinputtype . prev_index = prev_index
if ' scriptSig ' in txinput :
script_sig = txinput [ ' scriptSig ' ]
txinputtype . script_sig = script_sig
if ' sequence ' in txinput :
sequence = txinput [ ' sequence ' ]
txinputtype . sequence = sequence
inputs . append ( txinputtype )
return inputs
def tx_outputs ( self , tx ) :
outputs = [ ]
for type , address , amount in tx . outputs :
assert type == ' address '
txoutputtype = types . TxOutputType ( )
if self . is_change ( address ) :
address_path = self . address_id ( address )
address_n = self . get_client ( ) . expand_path ( address_path )
txoutputtype . address_n . extend ( address_n )
else :
txoutputtype . address = address
txoutputtype . amount = amount
addrtype , hash_160 = bc_address_to_hash_160 ( address )
if addrtype == 0 :
txoutputtype . script_type = types . PAYTOADDRESS
elif addrtype == 5 :
txoutputtype . script_type = types . PAYTOSCRIPTHASH
else :
raise BaseException ( ' addrtype ' )
outputs . append ( txoutputtype )
return outputs
def electrum_tx_to_txtype ( self , tx ) :
t = types . TransactionType ( )
d = deserialize ( tx . raw )
t . version = d [ ' version ' ]
t . lock_time = d [ ' lockTime ' ]
inputs = self . tx_inputs ( tx )
t . inputs . extend ( inputs )
for vout in d [ ' outputs ' ] :
o = t . bin_outputs . add ( )
o . amount = vout [ ' value ' ]
o . script_pubkey = vout [ ' scriptPubKey ' ] . decode ( ' hex ' )
return t
def get_tx ( self , tx_hash ) :
tx = self . transactions [ tx_hash ]
return self . electrum_tx_to_txtype ( tx )
def check_proper_device ( self ) :
self . get_client ( ) . ping ( ' t ' )
if not self . device_checked :
address = self . addresses ( False , False ) [ 0 ]
address_id = self . address_id ( address )
n = self . get_client ( ) . expand_path ( address_id )
device_address = self . get_client ( ) . get_address ( ' Bitcoin ' , n )
self . device_checked = True
if device_address != address :
self . proper_device = False
else :
self . proper_device = True
return self . proper_device
class TrezorQtGuiMixin ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( TrezorQtGuiMixin , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
def callback_ButtonRequest ( self , msg ) :
if msg . code == 3 :
message = " Confirm transaction outputs on Trezor device to continue "
elif msg . code == 8 :
message = " Confirm transaction fee on Trezor device to continue "
elif msg . code == 7 :
message = " Confirm message to sign on Trezor device to continue "
else :
message = " Check Trezor device to continue "
twd . start ( message )
return proto . ButtonAck ( )
def callback_PinMatrixRequest ( self , msg ) :
if msg . type == 1 :
desc = ' current PIN '
elif msg . type == 2 :
desc = ' new PIN '
elif msg . type == 3 :
desc = ' new PIN again '
else :
desc = ' PIN '
pin = self . pin_dialog ( msg = " Please enter Trezor %s " % desc )
if not pin :
return proto . Cancel ( )
return proto . PinMatrixAck ( pin = pin )
def callback_PassphraseRequest ( self , msg ) :
confirmed , p , passphrase = self . password_dialog ( )
if not confirmed :
QMessageBox . critical ( None , _ ( ' Error ' ) , _ ( " Password request canceled " ) , _ ( ' OK ' ) )
return proto . Cancel ( )
if passphrase is None :
passphrase = ' ' # Even blank string is valid Trezor passphrase
return proto . PassphraseAck ( passphrase = passphrase )
def callback_WordRequest ( self , msg ) :
log ( " Enter one word of mnemonic: " )
word = raw_input ( )
return proto . WordAck ( word = word )
def password_dialog ( self , msg = None ) :
if not msg :
msg = _ ( " Please enter your Trezor password " )
d = QDialog ( )
d . setModal ( 1 )
d . setLayout ( make_password_dialog ( d , None , msg , False ) )
return run_password_dialog ( d , None , None )
def pin_dialog ( self , msg ) :
d = QDialog ( None )
d . setModal ( 1 )
d . setWindowTitle ( _ ( " Enter PIN " ) )
matrix = PinMatrixWidget ( )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( )
vbox . addWidget ( QLabel ( msg ) )
vbox . addWidget ( matrix )
vbox . addLayout ( ok_cancel_buttons ( d ) )
d . setLayout ( vbox )
if not d . exec_ ( ) : return
return str ( matrix . get_value ( ) )
class TrezorWaitingDialog ( QThread ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
QThread . __init__ ( self )
self . waiting = False
def start ( self , message ) :
self . d = QDialog ( )
self . d . setModal ( 1 )
self . d . setWindowTitle ( ' Please Check Trezor Device ' )
self . d . setWindowFlags ( self . d . windowFlags ( ) | QtCore . Qt . WindowStaysOnTopHint )
l = QLabel ( message )
vbox = QVBoxLayout ( self . d )
vbox . addWidget ( l )
self . d . show ( )
if not self . waiting :
self . waiting = True
self . d . connect ( twd , SIGNAL ( ' trezor_done ' ) , self . stop )
def stop ( self ) :
self . d . hide ( )
self . waiting = False
class QtGuiTrezorClient ( ProtocolMixin , TrezorQtGuiMixin , BaseClient ) :
def call_raw ( self , msg ) :
try :
resp = BaseClient . call_raw ( self , msg )
except ConnectionError :
self . bad = True
return resp
twd = TrezorWaitingDialog ( )