713 lines
28 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Lightning network interface for Electrum
Derived from https://gist.github.com/AdamISZ/046d05c156aaeb56cc897f85eecb3eb8
from ecdsa.util import sigdecode_der, sigencode_string_canonize
from ecdsa import VerifyingKey
from ecdsa.curves import SECP256k1
import subprocess
import queue
import traceback
import itertools
import json
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import asyncio
import sys
import os
import time
import binascii
import hashlib
import hmac
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead as AEAD
from . import ripemd
from .bitcoin import (public_key_from_private_key, ser_to_point, point_to_ser,
string_to_number, deserialize_privkey, EC_KEY, rev_hex, int_to_hex,
push_script, script_num_to_hex, add_data_to_script,
from . import bitcoin
from . import constants
from . import transaction
from .util import PrintError, bh2u, print_error, bfh, profiler
from .transaction import opcodes, Transaction
# hardcoded nodes
node_list = [
('ecdsa.net', '9735', '038370f0e7a03eded3e1d41dc081084a87f0afa1c5b22090b4f3abb391eb15d8ff'),
('', '9735', '022bb78ab9df617aeaaf37f6644609abb7295fad0c20327bccd41f8d69173ccb49')
class LightningError(Exception):
message_types = {}
def handlesingle(x, ma):
x = int(x)
except ValueError:
x = ma[x]
x = int(x)
except ValueError:
x = int.from_bytes(x, byteorder="big")
return x
def calcexp(exp, ma):
exp = str(exp)
assert "*" not in exp
return sum(handlesingle(x, ma) for x in exp.split("+"))
def make_handler(k, v):
def handler(data):
nonlocal k, v
ma = {}
pos = 0
for fieldname in v["payload"]:
poslenMap = v["payload"][fieldname]
if "feature" in poslenMap: continue
#print(poslenMap["position"], ma)
assert pos == calcexp(poslenMap["position"], ma)
length = poslenMap["length"]
length = calcexp(length, ma)
ma[fieldname] = data[pos:pos+length]
pos += length
assert pos == len(data), (k, pos, len(data))
return k, ma
return handler
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lightning.json')
with open(path) as f:
structured = json.loads(f.read(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
for k in structured:
v = structured[k]
if k in ["final_incorrect_cltv_expiry", "final_incorrect_htlc_amount"]:
if len(v["payload"]) == 0:
num = int(v["type"])
except ValueError:
#print("skipping", k)
byts = num.to_bytes(byteorder="big",length=2)
assert byts not in message_types, (byts, message_types[byts].__name__, k)
names = [x.__name__ for x in message_types.values()]
assert k + "_handler" not in names, (k, names)
message_types[byts] = make_handler(k, v)
message_types[byts].__name__ = k + "_handler"
assert message_types[b"\x00\x10"].__name__ == "init_handler"
def decode_msg(data):
typ = data[:2]
k, parsed = message_types[typ](data[2:])
return k, parsed
def gen_msg(msg_type, **kwargs):
typ = structured[msg_type]
data = int(typ["type"]).to_bytes(byteorder="big", length=2)
lengths = {}
for k in typ["payload"]:
poslenMap = typ["payload"][k]
if "feature" in poslenMap: continue
leng = calcexp(poslenMap["length"], lengths)
clone = dict(lengths)
leng = calcexp(poslenMap["length"], clone)
except KeyError:
param = kwargs[k]
except KeyError:
param = 0
if not isinstance(param, bytes):
assert isinstance(param, int), "field {} is neither bytes or int".format(k)
param = param.to_bytes(length=leng, byteorder="big")
except ValueError:
raise Exception("{} does not fit in {} bytes".format(k, leng))
lengths[k] = len(param)
if lengths[k] != leng:
raise Exception("field {} is {} bytes long, should be {} bytes long".format(k, lengths[k], leng))
data += param
return data
def encode(n, s):
"""Return a bytestring version of the integer
value n, with a string length of s
return n.to_bytes(length=s, byteorder="big")
def H256(data):
return hashlib.sha256(data).digest()
class HandshakeState(object):
prologue = b"lightning"
protocol_name = b"Noise_XK_secp256k1_ChaChaPoly_SHA256"
handshake_version = b"\x00"
def __init__(self, responder_pub):
self.responder_pub = responder_pub
self.h = H256(self.protocol_name)
self.ck = self.h
def update(self, data):
self.h = H256(self.h + data)
return self.h
def get_nonce_bytes(n):
"""BOLT 8 requires the nonce to be 12 bytes, 4 bytes leading
zeroes and 8 bytes little endian encoded 64 bit integer.
nb = b"\x00"*4
#Encode the integer as an 8 byte byte-string
nb2 = encode(n, 8)
nb2 = bytearray(nb2)
#Little-endian is required here
return nb + nb2
def aead_encrypt(k, nonce, associated_data, data):
nonce_bytes = get_nonce_bytes(nonce)
a = AEAD.ChaCha20Poly1305(k)
return a.encrypt(nonce_bytes, data, associated_data)
def aead_decrypt(k, nonce, associated_data, data):
nonce_bytes = get_nonce_bytes(nonce)
a = AEAD.ChaCha20Poly1305(k)
#raises InvalidTag exception if it's not valid
return a.decrypt(nonce_bytes, data, associated_data)
def get_bolt8_hkdf(salt, ikm):
"""RFC5869 HKDF instantiated in the specific form
used in Lightning BOLT 8:
Extract and expand to 64 bytes using HMAC-SHA256,
with info field set to a zero length string as per BOLT8
Return as two 32 byte fields.
prk = hmac.new(salt, msg=ikm, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
assert len(prk) == 32
info = b""
T0 = b""
T1 = hmac.new(prk, T0 + info + b"\x01", digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
T2 = hmac.new(prk, T1 + info + b"\x02", digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
assert len(T1 + T2) == 64
return T1, T2
def get_ecdh(priv, pub):
s = string_to_number(priv)
pk = ser_to_point(pub)
pt = point_to_ser(pk * s)
return H256(pt)
def act1_initiator_message(hs, my_privkey):
#Get a new ephemeral key
epriv, epub = create_ephemeral_key(my_privkey)
ss = get_ecdh(epriv, hs.responder_pub)
ck2, temp_k1 = get_bolt8_hkdf(hs.ck, ss)
hs.ck = ck2
c = aead_encrypt(temp_k1, 0, hs.h, b"")
#for next step if we do it
msg = hs.handshake_version + epub + c
assert len(msg) == 50
return msg
def privkey_to_pubkey(priv):
pub = public_key_from_private_key(priv[:32], True)
return bytes.fromhex(pub)
def create_ephemeral_key(privkey):
pub = privkey_to_pubkey(privkey)
return (privkey[:32], pub)
def get_unused_keys():
xprv, xpub = bitcoin.bip32_root(b"testseed", "p2wpkh")
for i in itertools.count():
childxprv, childxpub = bitcoin.bip32_private_derivation(xprv, "m/", "m/42/"+str(i))
_, _, _, _, child_c, child_cK = bitcoin.deserialize_xpub(childxpub)
_, _, _, _, _, k = bitcoin.deserialize_xprv(childxprv)
assert len(k) == 32
yield child_cK, k
def aiosafe(f):
async def f2(*args, **kwargs):
return await f(*args, **kwargs)
# if the loop isn't stopped
# run_forever in network.py would not return,
# the asyncioThread would not die,
# and we would block on shutdown
return f2
def get_obscured_ctn(ctn, local, remote):
mask = int.from_bytes(H256(local + remote)[-6:], byteorder="big")
return ctn ^ mask
def overall_weight(num_htlc):
return 500 + 172 * num_htlc + 224
def make_offered_htlc(revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_preimage):
assert type(revocation_pubkey) is bytes
assert type(remote_htlcpubkey) is bytes
assert type(local_htlcpubkey) is bytes
assert type(payment_preimage) is bytes
payment_hash = bitcoin.sha256(payment_preimage)
return bytes([opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(bitcoin.hash_160(revocation_pubkey))))\
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE]) \
+ bfh(push_script(bh2u(remote_htlcpubkey)))\
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP, opcodes.OP_SIZE]) + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(32) + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_NOTIF, opcodes.OP_DROP])\
+ bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) + bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(local_htlcpubkey))) + bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2)\
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE, opcodes.OP_HASH160])\
+ bfh(push_script(bh2u(bitcoin.ripemd(payment_hash)))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_ENDIF])
def make_received_htlc(revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_preimage, cltv_expiry):
for i in [revocation_pubkey, remote_htlcpubkey, local_htlcpubkey, payment_preimage]:
assert type(i) is bytes
assert type(cltv_expiry) is int
payment_hash = bitcoin.sha256(payment_preimage)
return bytes([opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) \
+ bfh(push_script(bh2u(bitcoin.hash_160(revocation_pubkey)))) \
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE]) \
+ bfh(push_script(bh2u(remote_htlcpubkey))) \
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP, opcodes.OP_SIZE]) \
+ bitcoin.add_number_to_script(32) \
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUAL, opcodes.OP_IF, opcodes.OP_HASH160]) \
+ bfh(push_script(bh2u(bitcoin.ripemd(payment_hash)))) \
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY]) \
+ bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) \
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_SWAP]) \
+ bfh(push_script(bh2u(local_htlcpubkey))) \
+ bitcoin.add_number_to_script(2) \
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_CHECKMULTISIG, opcodes.OP_ELSE, opcodes.OP_DROP]) \
+ bitcoin.add_number_to_script(cltv_expiry) \
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_CLTV, opcodes.OP_DROP, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG, opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_ENDIF])
7 years ago
def make_commitment(ctn, local_funding_pubkey, remote_funding_pubkey, remotepubkey,
payment_pubkey, remote_payment_pubkey, revocation_pubkey, delayed_pubkey,
funding_txid, funding_pos, funding_satoshis,
to_local_msat, to_remote_msat, local_feerate, local_delay, htlcs=[]):
pubkeys = sorted([bh2u(local_funding_pubkey), bh2u(remote_funding_pubkey)])
7 years ago
obs = get_obscured_ctn(ctn, payment_pubkey, remote_payment_pubkey)
locktime = (0x20 << 24) + (obs & 0xffffff)
sequence = (0x80 << 24) + (obs >> 24)
print_error('locktime', locktime, hex(locktime))
# commitment tx input
c_inputs = [{
'type': 'p2wsh',
'x_pubkeys': pubkeys,
'signatures':[None, None],
'num_sig': 2,
'prevout_n': funding_pos,
'prevout_hash': funding_txid,
'value': funding_satoshis,
'coinbase': False,
# commitment tx outputs
local_script = bytes([opcodes.OP_IF]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(revocation_pubkey))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_ELSE]) + add_number_to_script(local_delay) \
+ bytes([opcodes.OP_CSV, opcodes.OP_DROP]) + bfh(push_script(bh2u(delayed_pubkey))) + bytes([opcodes.OP_ENDIF, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG])
local_address = bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', bh2u(local_script))
fee = local_feerate * overall_weight(0) // 1000
local_amount = to_local_msat // 1000 - fee
remote_address = bitcoin.pubkey_to_address('p2wpkh', bh2u(remotepubkey))
remote_amount = to_remote_msat // 1000
to_local = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, local_address, local_amount)
to_remote = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, remote_address, remote_amount)
# no htlc for the moment
c_outputs = [to_local, to_remote] + htlcs
# create commitment tx
tx = Transaction.from_io(c_inputs, c_outputs, locktime=locktime, version=2)
return tx
class Peer(PrintError):
def __init__(self, host, port, pubkey, request_initial_sync=True):
self.host = host
self.port = port
self.privkey = os.urandom(32) + b"\x01"
self.pubkey = pubkey
self.read_buffer = b''
self.ping_time = 0
self.channel_accepted = {}
self.funding_signed = {}
self.initialized = asyncio.Future()
self.localfeatures = (0x08 if request_initial_sync else 0)
# view of the network
self.nodes = {} # received node announcements
self.channels = {} # received channel announcements
self.channel_u_origin = {}
self.channel_u_final = {}
self.graph_of_payment_channels = defaultdict(set) # node -> short_channel_id
def diagnostic_name(self):
return self.host
def ping_if_required(self):
if time.time() - self.ping_time > 120:
self.send_message(gen_msg('ping', num_pong_bytes=4, byteslen=4))
self.ping_time = time.time()
def send_message(self, msg):
message_type, payload = decode_msg(msg)
self.print_error("Sending '%s'"%message_type.upper(), payload)
l = encode(len(msg), 2)
lc = aead_encrypt(self.sk, self.sn(), b'', l)
c = aead_encrypt(self.sk, self.sn(), b'', msg)
assert len(lc) == 18
assert len(c) == len(msg) + 16
async def read_message(self):
rn_l, rk_l = self.rn()
rn_m, rk_m = self.rn()
while True:
s = await self.reader.read(2**10)
if not s:
raise Exception('connection closed')
self.read_buffer += s
if len(self.read_buffer) < 18:
lc = self.read_buffer[:18]
l = aead_decrypt(rk_l, rn_l, b'', lc)
length = int.from_bytes(l, byteorder="big")
offset = 18 + length + 16
if len(self.read_buffer) < offset:
c = self.read_buffer[18:offset]
self.read_buffer = self.read_buffer[offset:]
msg = aead_decrypt(rk_m, rn_m, b'', c)
return msg
async def handshake(self):
hs = HandshakeState(self.pubkey)
msg = act1_initiator_message(hs, self.privkey)
# act 1
rspns = await self.reader.read(2**10)
assert len(rspns) == 50
hver, alice_epub, tag = rspns[0], rspns[1:34], rspns[34:]
assert bytes([hver]) == hs.handshake_version
# act 2
myepriv, myepub = create_ephemeral_key(self.privkey)
ss = get_ecdh(myepriv, alice_epub)
ck, temp_k2 = get_bolt8_hkdf(hs.ck, ss)
hs.ck = ck
p = aead_decrypt(temp_k2, 0, hs.h, tag)
# act 3
my_pubkey = privkey_to_pubkey(self.privkey)
c = aead_encrypt(temp_k2, 1, hs.h, my_pubkey)
ss = get_ecdh(self.privkey[:32], alice_epub)
ck, temp_k3 = get_bolt8_hkdf(hs.ck, ss)
hs.ck = ck
t = aead_encrypt(temp_k3, 0, hs.h, b'')
self.sk, self.rk = get_bolt8_hkdf(hs.ck, b'')
msg = hs.handshake_version + c + t
# init counters
self._sn = 0
self._rn = 0
self.r_ck = ck
self.s_ck = ck
def rn(self):
o = self._rn, self.rk
self._rn += 1
if self._rn == 1000:
self.r_ck, self.rk = get_bolt8_hkdf(self.r_ck, self.rk)
self._rn = 0
return o
def sn(self):
o = self._sn
self._sn += 1
if self._sn == 1000:
self.s_ck, self.sk = get_bolt8_hkdf(self.s_ck, self.sk)
self._sn = 0
return o
def process_message(self, message):
message_type, payload = decode_msg(message)
f = getattr(self, 'on_' + message_type)
except AttributeError:
self.print_error("Received '%s'" % message_type.upper(), payload)
# raw message is needed to check signature
if message_type=='node_announcement':
payload['raw'] = message
def on_error(self, payload):
if payload["channel_id"] in self.channel_accepted:
if payload["channel_id"] in self.funding_signed:
def on_ping(self, payload):
l = int.from_bytes(payload['num_pong_bytes'], byteorder="big")
self.send_message(gen_msg('pong', byteslen=l))
def on_accept_channel(self, payload):
def on_funding_signed(self, payload):
sig = payload['signature']
channel_id = payload['channel_id']
tx = self.channels[channel_id]
def on_funding_signed(self, payload):
def on_funding_locked(self, payload):
def on_node_announcement(self, payload):
pubkey = payload['node_id']
signature = payload['signature']
h = bitcoin.Hash(payload['raw'][66:])
if not bitcoin.verify_signature(pubkey, signature, h):
return False
self.s = payload['addresses']
def read(n):
data, self.s = self.s[0:n], self.s[n:]
return data
addresses = []
while self.s:
atype = ord(read(1))
if atype == 0:
elif atype == 1:
ipv4_addr = '.'.join(map(lambda x: '%d'%x, read(4)))
port = int.from_bytes(read(2), byteorder="big")
x = ipv4_addr, port, binascii.hexlify(pubkey)
addresses.append((ipv4_addr, port))
elif atype == 2:
ipv6_addr = b':'.join([binascii.hexlify(read(2)) for i in range(4)])
port = int.from_bytes(read(2), byteorder="big")
addresses.append((ipv6_addr, port))
alias = payload['alias'].rstrip(b'\x00')
self.nodes[pubkey] = {
'alias': alias,
'addresses': addresses
self.print_error('node announcement', binascii.hexlify(pubkey), alias, addresses)
def on_init(self, payload):
def on_channel_update(self, payload):
flags = int.from_bytes(payload['flags'], byteorder="big")
direction = bool(flags & 1)
short_channel_id = payload['short_channel_id']
if direction == 0:
self.channel_u_origin[short_channel_id] = payload
self.channel_u_final[short_channel_id] = payload
self.print_error('channel update', binascii.hexlify(short_channel_id), flags)
def on_channel_announcement(self, payload):
short_channel_id = payload['short_channel_id']
self.print_error('channel announcement', binascii.hexlify(short_channel_id))
self.channels[short_channel_id] = payload
def add_channel_to_graph(self, payload):
node1 = payload['node_id_1']
node2 = payload['node_id_2']
channel_id = payload['short_channel_id']
#def open_channel(self, funding_sat, push_msat):
# self.send_message(gen_msg('open_channel', funding_satoshis=funding_sat, push_msat=push_msat))
def find_route_for_payment(self, from_node_id, to_node_id, amount_msat=None):
"""Return a route between from_node_id and to_node_id.
Returns a list of (node_id, short_channel_id) representing a path.
To get from node ret[n][0] to ret[n+1][0], use channel ret[n][1]
# TODO find multiple paths??
def edge_cost(short_channel_id, direction):
"""Heuristic cost of going through a channel.
direction: 0 or 1. --- 0 means node_id_1 -> node_id_2
channel_updates = self.channel_u_origin if direction == 0 else self.channel_u_final
cltv_expiry_delta = channel_updates[short_channel_id]['cltv_expiry_delta']
htlc_minimum_msat = channel_updates[short_channel_id]['htlc_minimum_msat']
fee_base_msat = channel_updates[short_channel_id]['fee_base_msat']
fee_proportional_millionths = channel_updates[short_channel_id]['fee_proportional_millionths']
except KeyError:
return float('inf') # can't use this channel
if amount_msat is not None and amount_msat < htlc_minimum_msat:
return float('inf') # can't use this channel
amt = amount_msat or 50000 * 1000 # guess for typical payment amount
fee_msat = fee_base_msat + amt * fee_proportional_millionths / 1000000
# TODO revise
# paying 10 more satoshis ~ waiting one more block
fee_cost = fee_msat / 1000 / 10
cltv_cost = cltv_expiry_delta
return cltv_cost + fee_cost + 1
# run Dijkstra
distance_from_start = defaultdict(lambda: float('inf'))
distance_from_start[from_node_id] = 0
prev_node = {}
nodes_to_explore = queue.PriorityQueue()
nodes_to_explore.put((0, from_node_id))
while nodes_to_explore.qsize() > 0:
dist_to_cur_node, cur_node = nodes_to_explore.get()
if cur_node == to_node_id:
if dist_to_cur_node != distance_from_start[cur_node]:
# queue.PriorityQueue does not implement decrease_priority,
# so instead of decreasing priorities, we add items again into the queue.
# so there are duplicates in the queue, that we discard now:
for edge in self.graph_of_payment_channels[cur_node]:
node1 = self.channels[edge]['node_id_1']
node2 = self.channels[edge]['node_id_2']
neighbour, direction = (node1, 1) if node1 != cur_node else (node2, 0)
alt_dist_to_neighbour = distance_from_start[cur_node] + edge_cost(edge, direction)
if alt_dist_to_neighbour < distance_from_start[neighbour]:
distance_from_start[neighbour] = alt_dist_to_neighbour
prev_node[neighbour] = cur_node, edge
nodes_to_explore.put((alt_dist_to_neighbour, neighbour))
return None # no path found
# backtrack from end to start
cur_node = to_node_id
path = [(cur_node, None)]
while cur_node != from_node_id:
cur_node, edge_taken = prev_node[cur_node]
path += [(cur_node, edge_taken)]
return path
async def main_loop(self):
self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.open_connection(self.host, self.port)
await self.handshake()
# send init
self.send_message(gen_msg("init", gflen=0, lflen=1, localfeatures=self.localfeatures))
# read init
msg = await self.read_message()
# initialized
# loop
while True:
msg = await self.read_message()
# close socket
self.print_error('closing lnbase')
async def channel_establishment_flow(self, wallet, config):
await self.initialized
keys = get_unused_keys()
temp_channel_id = os.urandom(32)
funding_pubkey, funding_privkey = next(keys)
revocation_pubkey, revocation_privkey = next(keys)
htlc_pubkey, htlc_privkey = next(keys)
payment_pubkey, payment_privkey = next(keys)
delayed_pubkey, delayed_privkey = next(keys)
funding_satoshis = 20000
msg = gen_msg(
self.channel_accepted[temp_channel_id] = asyncio.Future()
accept_channel = await self.channel_accepted[temp_channel_id]
del self.channel_accepted[temp_channel_id]
7 years ago
remote_funding_pubkey = accept_channel["funding_pubkey"]
pubkeys = sorted([bh2u(funding_pubkey), bh2u(remote_pubkey)])
redeem_script = transaction.multisig_script(pubkeys, 2)
funding_address = bitcoin.redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', redeem_script)
funding_output = (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, funding_address, funding_satoshis)
funding_tx = wallet.mktx([funding_output], None, config, 1000)
funding_index = funding_tx.outputs().index(funding_output)
remote_payment_pubkey = accept_channel['payment_basepoint']
c_tx = make_commitment(
7 years ago
funding_pubkey, remote_funding_pubkey,
payment_pubkey, remote_payment_pubkey, revocation_pubkey, delayed_pubkey,
funding_tx.txid(), funding_index, funding_satoshis,
7 years ago
funding_satoshis*1000, 0, 20000, 144)
c_tx.sign({bh2u(funding_pubkey): (funding_privkey, True)})
sig_index = pubkeys.index(bh2u(funding_pubkey))
sig = bytes.fromhex(c_tx.inputs()[0]["signatures"][sig_index])
self.print_error('sig', len(sig))
sig = bytes(sig[:len(sig)-1])
r, s = sigdecode_der(sig, SECP256k1.generator.order())
sig = sigencode_string_canonize(r, s, SECP256k1.generator.order())
self.print_error('canonical signature', len(sig))
self.funding_signed[temp_channel_id] = asyncio.Future()
self.send_message(gen_msg("funding_created", temporary_channel_id=temp_channel_id, funding_txid=bytes.fromhex(funding_tx.txid()), funding_output_index=funding_index, signature=sig))
funding_signed = await self.funding_signed[temp_channel_id]
del self.funding_signed[temp_channel_id]
# replacement for lightningCall
class LNWorker:
def __init__(self, wallet, network):
self.wallet = wallet
self.network = network
host, port, pubkey = network.config.get('lightning_peer', node_list[0])
pubkey = binascii.unhexlify(pubkey)
port = int(port)
self.peer = Peer(host, port, pubkey)
self.network.futures.append(asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(self.peer.main_loop(), asyncio.get_event_loop()))
def openchannel(self):
# todo: get utxo from wallet
# submit coro to asyncio main loop