504 lines
18 KiB

import tty, sys
import curses, datetime, locale
from decimal import Decimal
import getpass
import electrum
from electrum.util import format_satoshis, set_verbosity
from electrum.bitcoin import is_address, COIN, TYPE_ADDRESS
from electrum import Wallet, WalletStorage
_ = lambda x:x
class ElectrumGui:
def __init__(self, config, daemon, plugins):
self.config = config
self.network = daemon.network
storage = WalletStorage(config.get_wallet_path())
if not storage.file_exists():
print("Wallet not found. try 'electrum create'")
if storage.is_encrypted():
password = getpass.getpass('Password:', stream=None)
self.wallet = Wallet(storage)
self.contacts = self.wallet.contacts
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
self.encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
self.stdscr = curses.initscr()
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE)
curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_CYAN)
curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE)
self.maxy, self.maxx = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()
self.w = curses.newwin(10, 50, 5, 5)
self.tab = 0
self.pos = 0
self.popup_pos = 0
self.str_recipient = ""
self.str_description = ""
self.str_amount = ""
self.str_fee = ""
self.history = None
if self.network:
self.network.register_callback(self.update, ['updated'])
self.tab_names = [_("History"), _("Send"), _("Receive"), _("Addresses"), _("Contacts"), _("Banner")]
self.num_tabs = len(self.tab_names)
def set_cursor(self, x):
except Exception:
def restore_or_create(self):
def verify_seed(self):
def get_string(self, y, x):
self.stdscr.addstr( y, x, " "*20, curses.A_REVERSE)
s = self.stdscr.getstr(y,x)
return s
def update(self, event):
if self.tab == 0:
def print_history(self):
width = [20, 40, 14, 14]
delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3
format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s"
if self.history is None:
self.print_list(self.history[::-1], format_str%( _("Date"), _("Description"), _("Amount"), _("Balance")))
def update_history(self):
width = [20, 40, 14, 14]
delta = (self.maxx - sum(width) - 4)/3
format_str = "%"+"%d"%width[0]+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[1]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[2]+delta)+"s"+"%"+"%d"%(width[3]+delta)+"s"
b = 0
self.history = []
for item in self.wallet.get_history():
tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, value, balance = item
if conf:
time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3]
except Exception:
time_str = "------"
time_str = 'unconfirmed'
label = self.wallet.get_label(tx_hash)
if len(label) > 40:
label = label[0:37] + '...'
self.history.append( format_str%( time_str, label, format_satoshis(value, whitespaces=True), format_satoshis(balance, whitespaces=True) ) )
def print_balance(self):
if not self.network:
msg = _("Offline")
11 years ago
elif self.network.is_connected():
if not self.wallet.up_to_date:
msg = _("Synchronizing...")
c, u, x = self.wallet.get_balance()
msg = _("Balance")+": %f "%(Decimal(c) / COIN)
if u:
msg += " [%f unconfirmed]"%(Decimal(u) / COIN)
if x:
msg += " [%f unmatured]"%(Decimal(x) / COIN)
msg = _("Not connected")
self.stdscr.addstr( self.maxy -1, 3, msg)
for i in range(self.num_tabs):
self.stdscr.addstr( 0, 2 + 2*i + len(''.join(self.tab_names[0:i])), ' '+self.tab_names[i]+' ', curses.A_BOLD if self.tab == i else 0)
self.stdscr.addstr(self.maxy -1, self.maxx-30, ' '.join([_("Settings"), _("Network"), _("Quit")]))
def print_receive(self):
addr = self.wallet.get_receiving_address()
self.stdscr.addstr(2, 1, "Address: "+addr)
def print_contacts(self):
messages = map(lambda x: "%20s %45s "%(x[0], x[1][1]), self.contacts.items())
self.print_list(messages, "%19s %15s "%("Key", "Value"))
def print_addresses(self):
fmt = "%-35s %-30s"
messages = map(lambda addr: fmt % (addr, self.wallet.labels.get(addr,"")), self.wallet.get_addresses())
self.print_list(messages, fmt % ("Address", "Label"))
def print_edit_line(self, y, label, text, index, size):
text += " "*(size - len(text) )
self.stdscr.addstr( y, 2, label)
self.stdscr.addstr( y, 15, text, curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==index else curses.color_pair(1))
def print_send_tab(self):
self.print_edit_line(3, _("Pay to"), self.str_recipient, 0, 40)
self.print_edit_line(5, _("Description"), self.str_description, 1, 40)
self.print_edit_line(7, _("Amount"), self.str_amount, 2, 15)
self.print_edit_line(9, _("Fee"), self.str_fee, 3, 15)
self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 15, _("[Send]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==4 else curses.color_pair(2))
self.stdscr.addstr( 12, 25, _("[Clear]"), curses.A_REVERSE if self.pos%6==5 else curses.color_pair(2))
self.maxpos = 6
def print_banner(self):
if self.network:
self.print_list( self.network.banner.split('\n'))
def print_qr(self, data):
import qrcode
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
s = StringIO()
self.qr = qrcode.QRCode()
self.qr.print_ascii(out=s, invert=False)
msg = s.getvalue()
lines = msg.split('\n')
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
l = l.encode("utf-8")
self.stdscr.addstr(i+5, 5, l, curses.color_pair(3))
def print_list(self, lst, firstline = None):
lst = list(lst)
self.maxpos = len(lst)
if not self.maxpos: return
11 years ago
if firstline:
firstline += " "*(self.maxx -2 - len(firstline))
self.stdscr.addstr( 1, 1, firstline )
for i in range(self.maxy-4):
msg = lst[i] if i < len(lst) else ""
msg += " "*(self.maxx - 2 - len(msg))
m = msg[0:self.maxx - 2]
m = m.encode(self.encoding)
self.stdscr.addstr( i+2, 1, m, curses.A_REVERSE if i == (self.pos % self.maxpos) else 0)
def refresh(self):
if self.tab == -1: return
def main_command(self):
c = self.stdscr.getch()
cc = curses.unctrl(c).decode()
if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: self.tab = (self.tab + 1)%self.num_tabs
elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: self.tab = (self.tab - 1)%self.num_tabs
elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.pos +=1
elif c == curses.KEY_UP: self.pos -= 1
elif c == 9: self.pos +=1 # tab
elif cc in ['^W', '^C', '^X', '^Q']: self.tab = -1
elif cc in ['^N']: self.network_dialog()
elif cc == '^S': self.settings_dialog()
else: return c
if self.pos<0: self.pos=0
if self.pos>=self.maxpos: self.pos=self.maxpos - 1
def run_tab(self, i, print_func, exec_func):
while self.tab == i:
c = self.main_command()
if c: exec_func(c)
def run_history_tab(self, c):
if c == 10:
out = self.run_popup('',["blah","foo"])
def edit_str(self, target, c, is_num=False):
# detect backspace
cc = curses.unctrl(c).decode()
if c in [8, 127, 263] and target:
target = target[:-1]
elif not is_num or cc in '0123456789.':
target += cc
return target
def run_send_tab(self, c):
if self.pos%6 == 0:
self.str_recipient = self.edit_str(self.str_recipient, c)
if self.pos%6 == 1:
self.str_description = self.edit_str(self.str_description, c)
if self.pos%6 == 2:
self.str_amount = self.edit_str(self.str_amount, c, True)
elif self.pos%6 == 3:
self.str_fee = self.edit_str(self.str_fee, c, True)
elif self.pos%6==4:
if c == 10: self.do_send()
elif self.pos%6==5:
if c == 10: self.do_clear()
def run_receive_tab(self, c):
if c == 10:
out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Edit label", "Freeze", "Prioritize"])
def run_contacts_tab(self, c):
if c == 10 and self.contacts:
out = self.run_popup('Address', ["Copy", "Pay to", "Edit label", "Delete"]).get('button')
key = list(self.contacts.keys())[self.pos%len(self.contacts.keys())]
if out == "Pay to":
self.tab = 1
self.str_recipient = key
self.pos = 2
elif out == "Edit label":
s = self.get_string(6 + self.pos, 18)
if s:
self.wallet.labels[key] = s
def run_banner_tab(self, c):
def main(self):
while self.tab != -1:
self.run_tab(0, self.print_history, self.run_history_tab)
self.run_tab(1, self.print_send_tab, self.run_send_tab)
self.run_tab(2, self.print_receive, self.run_receive_tab)
self.run_tab(3, self.print_addresses, self.run_banner_tab)
self.run_tab(4, self.print_contacts, self.run_contacts_tab)
self.run_tab(5, self.print_banner, self.run_banner_tab)
def do_clear(self):
self.str_amount = ''
self.str_recipient = ''
self.str_fee = ''
self.str_description = ''
def do_send(self):
if not is_address(self.str_recipient):
self.show_message(_('Invalid Bitcoin address'))
amount = int(Decimal(self.str_amount) * COIN)
except Exception:
self.show_message(_('Invalid Amount'))
fee = int(Decimal(self.str_fee) * COIN)
except Exception:
self.show_message(_('Invalid Fee'))
if self.wallet.has_password():
password = self.password_dialog()
if not password:
password = None
tx = self.wallet.mktx([(TYPE_ADDRESS, self.str_recipient, amount)], password, self.config, fee)
except Exception as e:
if self.str_description:
self.wallet.labels[tx.txid()] = self.str_description
self.show_message(_("Please wait..."), getchar=False)
Remove explicit send calls, part deux (#4408) * Rename synchronous_get to synchronous_send This makes it more inline with the method &#39;send&#39; of which synchronous_send is the, well, synchronous version. * Move protocol strings from scripts to network This is again a small step in the right direction. The network module is going to accumulate more and more of these simple methods. Once everything is moved into that module, that module is going to be split. Note that I&#39;ve left the scripts which use scripts/util.py alone. I suspect the same functionality can be reached when using just lib/network.py and that scripts/util.py is obsolete. * Remove protocol string from verifier and websocket Websocket still has some references, that&#39;ll take more work to remove. Once the network module has been split this should be easy. I took the liberty to rename a variable to better show what it is. * Remove protocol strings from remainder The naming scheme I&#39;m following for the newly introduced methods in the network module is: &#39;blockchain.&lt;subject&gt;.&lt;action&gt;&#39; -&gt; def &lt;action&gt;_(for|to)_&lt;subject&gt; * Move explicit protocol calls closer to each other This makes it easier to keep track of the methods which are due to be extracted. * Remove `send` when using `get_transaction` This is the final step to formalize (the informal) interface of the network module. A chance of note is changed interface for async/sync calls. It is no longer required to use the `synchronous_send` call. Merely NOT passing a callback makes the call synchronous. I feel this makes the API more intuitive to work with and easier to replace with a different network module. * Remove send from get_merkle_for_transaction The pattern which emerged for calling the lambda yielded an slight refactor. I&#39;m not happy with the name for the `__invoke` method. * Remove explict send from websockets * Remove explicit send from scripts * Remove explicit send from wallet * Remove explicit sync_send from commands, scripts * Remove optional timeout parameter This parameter doesn&#39;t seem to be used a lot and removing it makes the remaining calls easier. Potentionally a contentious choice! * Rename `broadcast` to `broadcast_transaction` Doing so makes the method name consistent with the other ElectrumX protocol method names. * Remove synchronous_send Now every method is intuitive in what it does, no special handling required. The `broadcast_transaction` method is weird. I&#39;ve opted not to change the return type b/c I found it hard to know what the exact consequences are. But ideally this method should just works as all the other ElectrumX related messages. On the other hand this shows nicely how you _can_ do something differnt quite easy. * Rename the awkwardly name `__invoke` method The new name reflects what it does. * Process the result of linter feedback I&#39;ve used flake8-diff (and ignored a couple of line length warnings). * Rename tx_response to on_tx_response This fell through the cracks when this branch was rebased. * subscript_to_scripthash should be get_balance An oversight while refactoring. * Add missing return statement Without this statement the transaction would have been broadcasted twice. * Pass list of tuples to send not single tuple * Add @staticmethod decorator * Fix argument to be an array
7 years ago
status, msg = self.network.broadcast_transaction(tx)
if status:
self.show_message(_('Payment sent.'))
def show_message(self, message, getchar = True):
w = self.w
for i, line in enumerate(message.split('\n')):
if getchar: c = self.stdscr.getch()
def run_popup(self, title, items):
return self.run_dialog(title, list(map(lambda x: {'type':'button','label':x}, items)), interval=1, y_pos = self.pos+3)
def network_dialog(self):
9 years ago
if not self.network:
params = self.network.get_parameters()
host, port, protocol, proxy_config, auto_connect = params
srv = 'auto-connect' if auto_connect else self.network.default_server
out = self.run_dialog('Network', [
{'label':'server', 'type':'str', 'value':srv},
{'label':'proxy', 'type':'str', 'value':self.config.get('proxy', '')},
], buttons = 1)
if out:
if out.get('server'):
server = out.get('server')
auto_connect = server == 'auto-connect'
if not auto_connect:
host, port, protocol = server.split(':')
except Exception:
self.show_message("Error:" + server + "\nIn doubt, type \"auto-connect\"")
return False
if out.get('server') or out.get('proxy'):
proxy = electrum.network.deserialize_proxy(out.get('proxy')) if out.get('proxy') else proxy_config
self.network.set_parameters(host, port, protocol, proxy, auto_connect)
def settings_dialog(self):
8 years ago
fee = str(Decimal(self.config.fee_per_kb()) / COIN)
out = self.run_dialog('Settings', [
{'label':'Default fee', 'type':'satoshis', 'value': fee }
], buttons = 1)
if out:
if out.get('Default fee'):
fee = int(Decimal(out['Default fee']) * COIN)
self.config.set_key('fee_per_kb', fee, True)
def password_dialog(self):
out = self.run_dialog('Password', [
{'label':'Password', 'type':'password', 'value':''}
], buttons = 1)
return out.get('Password')
def run_dialog(self, title, items, interval=2, buttons=None, y_pos=3):
self.popup_pos = 0
self.w = curses.newwin( 5 + len(list(items))*interval + (2 if buttons else 0), 50, y_pos, 5)
w = self.w
out = {}
while True:
w.addstr( 0, 2, title)
num = len(list(items))
numpos = num
if buttons: numpos += 2
for i in range(num):
item = items[i]
label = item.get('label')
if item.get('type') == 'list':
value = item.get('value','')
elif item.get('type') == 'satoshis':
value = item.get('value','')
elif item.get('type') == 'str':
value = item.get('value','')
elif item.get('type') == 'password':
value = '*'*len(item.get('value',''))
value = ''
if value is None:
value = ''
if len(value)<20:
value += ' '*(20-len(value))
if 'value' in item:
w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label)
w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 15, value, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else curses.color_pair(1) )
w.addstr( 2+interval*i, 2, label, curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==i else 0)
if buttons:
w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 10, "[ ok ]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-2) else curses.color_pair(2))
w.addstr( 5+interval*i, 25, "[cancel]", curses.A_REVERSE if self.popup_pos%numpos==(numpos-1) else curses.color_pair(2))
c = self.stdscr.getch()
if c in [ord('q'), 27]: break
elif c in [curses.KEY_LEFT, curses.KEY_UP]: self.popup_pos -= 1
elif c in [curses.KEY_RIGHT, curses.KEY_DOWN]: self.popup_pos +=1
i = self.popup_pos%numpos
if buttons and c==10:
if i == numpos-2:
return out
elif i == numpos -1:
return {}
item = items[i]
_type = item.get('type')
if _type == 'str':
item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c)
out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value')
elif _type == 'password':
item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c)
out[item.get('label')] = item ['value']
elif _type == 'satoshis':
item['value'] = self.edit_str(item['value'], c, True)
out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value')
elif _type == 'list':
choices = item.get('choices')
j = choices.index(item.get('value'))
except Exception:
j = 0
new_choice = choices[(j + 1)% len(choices)]
item['value'] = new_choice
out[item.get('label')] = item.get('value')
elif _type == 'button':
out['button'] = item.get('label')
return out