import select, time, electrum, Queue
from electrum import Connection, Interface, SimpleConfig
from electrum.network import filter_protocol, parse_servers
from collections import defaultdict
# electrum.util.set_verbosity(1)
def get_interfaces(servers, timeout=10):
'''Returns a map of servers to connected interfaces. If any
connections fail or timeout, they will be missing from the map.
socket_queue = Queue.Queue()
config = SimpleConfig()
connecting = {}
for server in servers:
if server not in connecting:
connecting[server] = Connection(server, socket_queue, config.path)
interfaces = {}
timeout = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < timeout:
server, socket = socket_queue.get(True, 1)
except Queue.Empty:
if socket:
interfaces[server] = Interface(server, socket)
return interfaces
def wait_on_interfaces(interfaces, timeout=10):
'''Return a map of servers to a list of (request, response) tuples.
Waits timeout seconds, or until each interface has a response'''
result = defaultdict(list)
timeout = time.time() + timeout
while len(result) < len(interfaces) and time.time() < timeout:
rin = [i for i in interfaces.values()]
win = [i for i in interfaces.values() if i.unsent_requests]
rout, wout, xout = select.select(rin, win, [], 1)
for interface in wout:
for interface in rout:
notifications, responses = interface.get_responses()
if responses:
return result
def get_peers():
peers = []
# 1. get connected interfaces
server = 'ecdsa.net:110:s'
interfaces = get_interfaces([server])
if not interfaces:
print "No connection to", server
return []
# 2. get list of peers
interface = interfaces[server]
interface.queue_request({'id':0, 'method': 'server.peers.subscribe',
'params': []})
responses = wait_on_interfaces(interfaces)
responses = responses.get(server)
if responses:
response = responses[0][1] # One response, (req, response) tuple
peers = parse_servers(response.get('result'))
peers = filter_protocol(peers,'s')
return peers
def send_request(peers, request):
print "Contacting %d servers"%len(peers)
interfaces = get_interfaces(peers)
print "%d servers could be reached" % len(interfaces)
for peer in peers:
if not peer in interfaces:
print "Connection failed:", peer
for i in interfaces.values():
responses = wait_on_interfaces(interfaces)
for peer in interfaces:
if not peer in responses:
print peer, "did not answer"
results = dict(zip(responses.keys(), [t[0][1].get('result') for t in responses.values()]))
print "%d answers"%len(results)
return results