You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Electrum - lightweight Bitcoin client
# Copyright (C) 2011 thomasv@gitorious
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import sys
import base64
import os
import re
import hashlib
import copy
import operator
import ast
import threading
import random
import aes
import ecdsa
import Queue
import time
from ecdsa.util import string_to_number, number_to_string
from util import print_error, user_dir, format_satoshis
from bitcoin import *
13 years ago
# URL decode
_ud = re.compile('%([0-9a-hA-H]{2})', re.MULTILINE)
urldecode = lambda x: _ud.sub(lambda m: chr(int(, 16)), x)
# AES encryption
EncodeAES = lambda secret, s: base64.b64encode(aes.encryptData(secret,s))
DecodeAES = lambda secret, e: aes.decryptData(secret, base64.b64decode(e))
class Wallet:
def __init__(self, config={}):
self.config = config
self.electrum_version = ELECTRUM_VERSION
# saved fields
self.seed_version = config.get('seed_version', SEED_VERSION)
self.gap_limit = config.get('gap_limit', 5)
self.use_change = config.get('use_change',True)
self.fee = int(config.get('fee',100000))
self.num_zeros = int(config.get('num_zeros',0))
self.master_public_key = config.get('master_public_key','')
self.use_encryption = config.get('use_encryption', False)
self.addresses = config.get('addresses', []) # receiving addresses visible for user
self.change_addresses = config.get('change_addresses', []) # addresses used as change
self.seed = config.get('seed', '') # encrypted
self.labels = config.get('labels',{}) # labels for addresses and transactions
self.aliases = config.get('aliases', {}) # aliases for addresses
self.authorities = config.get('authorities', {}) # trusted addresses
self.frozen_addresses = config.get('frozen_addresses',[])
self.prioritized_addresses = config.get('prioritized_addresses',[])
self.receipts = config.get('receipts',{}) # signed URIs
self.addressbook = config.get('contacts', []) # outgoing addresses, for payments
self.imported_keys = config.get('imported_keys',{})
self.history = config.get('addr_history',{}) # address -> list(txid, height)
self.transactions = config.get('transactions',{}) # txid -> deserialised
# not saved
self.prevout_values = {} # my own transaction outputs
self.spent_outputs = []
self.receipt = None # next receipt
self.banner = ''
# spv
self.verifier = None
# there is a difference between wallet.up_to_date and interface.is_up_to_date()
# interface.is_up_to_date() returns true when all requests have been answered and processed
# wallet.up_to_date is true when the wallet is synchronized (stronger requirement)
13 years ago
self.up_to_date = False
self.lock = threading.Lock()
13 years ago
self.tx_event = threading.Event()
if self.seed_version != SEED_VERSION:
raise ValueError("This wallet seed is deprecated. Please run for a diagnostic.")
for tx_hash in self.transactions.keys():
def set_up_to_date(self,b):
with self.lock: self.up_to_date = b
def is_up_to_date(self):
with self.lock: return self.up_to_date
def import_key(self, keypair, password):
address, key = keypair.split(':')
if not self.is_valid(address):
raise BaseException('Invalid Bitcoin address')
if address in self.all_addresses():
raise BaseException('Address already in wallet')
b = ASecretToSecret( key )
if not b:
raise BaseException('Unsupported key format')
secexp = int( b.encode('hex'), 16)
private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent( secexp, curve=SECP256k1 )
# sanity check
public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key()
if not address == public_key_to_bc_address( '04'.decode('hex') + public_key.to_string() ):
raise BaseException('Address does not match private key')
self.imported_keys[address] = self.pw_encode( key, password )
def new_seed(self, password):
seed = "%032x"%ecdsa.util.randrange( pow(2,128) )
# encrypt
13 years ago
self.seed = self.pw_encode( seed, password )
def init_mpk(self,seed):
# public key
curve = SECP256k1
secexp = self.stretch_key(seed)
master_private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent( secexp, curve = SECP256k1 )
self.master_public_key = master_private_key.get_verifying_key().to_string().encode('hex')
def all_addresses(self):
return self.addresses + self.change_addresses + self.imported_keys.keys()
def is_mine(self, address):
return address in self.all_addresses()
def is_change(self, address):
return address in self.change_addresses
def is_valid(self,addr):
ADDRESS_RE = re.compile('[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,}\\Z')
if not ADDRESS_RE.match(addr): return False
h = bc_address_to_hash_160(addr)
return False
return addr == hash_160_to_bc_address(h)
def stretch_key(self,seed):
oldseed = seed
for i in range(100000):
seed = hashlib.sha256(seed + oldseed).digest()
return string_to_number( seed )
def get_sequence(self,n,for_change):
return string_to_number( Hash( "%d:%d:"%(n,for_change) + self.master_public_key.decode('hex') ) )
def get_private_key_base58(self, address, password):
pk = self.get_private_key(address, password)
if pk is None: return None
return SecretToASecret( pk )
13 years ago
def get_private_key(self, address, password):
""" Privatekey(type,n) = Master_private_key + H(n|S|type) """
order = generator_secp256k1.order()
if address in self.imported_keys.keys():
b = self.pw_decode( self.imported_keys[address], password )
if not b: return None
b = ASecretToSecret( b )
secexp = int( b.encode('hex'), 16)
if address in self.addresses:
n = self.addresses.index(address)
for_change = False
elif address in self.change_addresses:
n = self.change_addresses.index(address)
for_change = True
raise BaseException("unknown address")
13 years ago
seed = self.pw_decode( self.seed, password)
raise BaseException("Invalid password")
if not seed: return None
secexp = self.stretch_key(seed)
secexp = ( secexp + self.get_sequence(n,for_change) ) % order
pk = number_to_string(secexp,order)
return pk
def msg_magic(self, message):
return "\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n" + chr( len(message) ) + message
def sign_message(self, address, message, password):
13 years ago
private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string( self.get_private_key(address, password), curve = SECP256k1 )
public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key()
signature = private_key.sign_digest( Hash( self.msg_magic( message ) ), sigencode = ecdsa.util.sigencode_string )
assert public_key.verify_digest( signature, Hash( self.msg_magic( message ) ), sigdecode = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string)
for i in range(4):
sig = base64.b64encode( chr(27+i) + signature )
self.verify_message( address, sig, message)
return sig
raise BaseException("error: cannot sign message")
def verify_message(self, address, signature, message):
""" See for the math """
from ecdsa import numbertheory, ellipticcurve, util
import msqr
curve = curve_secp256k1
G = generator_secp256k1
order = G.order()
# extract r,s from signature
sig = base64.b64decode(signature)
if len(sig) != 65: raise BaseException("Wrong encoding")
r,s = util.sigdecode_string(sig[1:], order)
nV = ord(sig[0])
if nV < 27 or nV >= 35:
raise BaseException("Bad encoding")
if nV >= 31:
compressed = True
nV -= 4
compressed = False
recid = nV - 27
# 1.1
x = r + (recid/2) * order
# 1.3
alpha = ( x * x * x + curve.a() * x + curve.b() ) % curve.p()
beta = msqr.modular_sqrt(alpha, curve.p())
y = beta if (beta - recid) % 2 == 0 else curve.p() - beta
# 1.4 the constructor checks that nR is at infinity
R = ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x, y, order)
# 1.5 compute e from message:
h = Hash( self.msg_magic( message ) )
e = string_to_number(h)
minus_e = -e % order
# 1.6 compute Q = r^-1 (sR - eG)
inv_r = numbertheory.inverse_mod(r,order)
Q = inv_r * ( s * R + minus_e * G )
public_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point( Q, curve = SECP256k1 )
# check that Q is the public key
public_key.verify_digest( sig[1:], h, sigdecode = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string)
# check that we get the original signing address
addr = public_key_to_bc_address( encode_point(public_key, compressed) )
if address != addr:
raise BaseException("Bad signature")
def create_new_address(self, for_change):
n = len(self.change_addresses) if for_change else len(self.addresses)
address = self.get_new_address(n, for_change)
if for_change:
self.history[address] = []
return address
def get_new_address(self, n, for_change):
""" Publickey(type,n) = Master_public_key + H(n|S|type)*point """
curve = SECP256k1
z = self.get_sequence(n, for_change)
master_public_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string( self.master_public_key.decode('hex'), curve = SECP256k1 )
pubkey_point = master_public_key.pubkey.point + z*curve.generator
public_key2 = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point( pubkey_point, curve = SECP256k1 )
address = public_key_to_bc_address( '04'.decode('hex') + public_key2.to_string() )
print address
return address
def change_gap_limit(self, value):
if value >= self.gap_limit:
self.gap_limit = value
12 years ago
return True
elif value >= self.min_acceptable_gap():
k = self.num_unused_trailing_addresses()
n = len(self.addresses) - k + value
self.addresses = self.addresses[0:n]
self.gap_limit = value
return True
return False
def num_unused_trailing_addresses(self):
k = 0
for a in self.addresses[::-1]:
if self.history.get(a):break
k = k + 1
return k
def min_acceptable_gap(self):
# fixme: this assumes wallet is synchronized
n = 0
nmax = 0
k = self.num_unused_trailing_addresses()
for a in self.addresses[0:-k]:
if self.history.get(a):
n = 0
n += 1
if n > nmax: nmax = n
return nmax + 1
def synchronize(self):
if not self.master_public_key:
return []
new_addresses = []
while True:
if self.change_addresses == []:
new_addresses.append( self.create_new_address(True) )
a = self.change_addresses[-1]
if self.history.get(a):
new_addresses.append( self.create_new_address(True) )
n = self.gap_limit
while True:
if len(self.addresses) < n:
new_addresses.append( self.create_new_address(False) )
if map( lambda a: self.history.get(a, []), self.addresses[-n:] ) == n*[[]]:
new_addresses.append( self.create_new_address(False) )
return new_addresses
def is_found(self):
return (len(self.change_addresses) > 1 ) or ( len(self.addresses) > self.gap_limit )
def fill_addressbook(self):
for tx_hash, tx in self.transactions.items():
is_send, _, _ = self.get_tx_value(tx_hash)
if is_send:
for o in tx['outputs']:
addr = o.get('address')
if not self.is_mine(addr) and addr not in self.addressbook:
# redo labels
# self.update_tx_labels()
def get_address_flags(self, addr):
flags = "C" if self.is_change(addr) else "I" if addr in self.imported_keys.keys() else "-"
flags += "F" if addr in self.frozen_addresses else "P" if addr in self.prioritized_addresses else "-"
return flags
def get_tx_value(self, tx_hash, addresses = None):
# return the balance for that tx
if addresses is None: addresses = self.all_addresses()
with self.lock:
is_send = False
is_pruned = False
v_in = v_out = v = 0
d = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if not d:
return 0, 0, 0
for item in d.get('inputs'):
addr = item.get('address')
if addr in addresses:
is_send = True
key = item['prevout_hash'] + ':%d'%item['prevout_n']
value = self.prevout_values.get( key )
if value is None:
is_pruned = True
v -= value
v_in += value
if is_pruned: v = 0
for item in d.get('outputs'):
addr = item.get('address')
value = item.get('value')
v_out += value
if not is_pruned:
if addr in addresses: v += value
if addr not in addresses: v -= value
# I can compute the fee only if I am the spender and inputs were not pruned
fee = v_in - v_out if is_send and not is_pruned else None
return is_send, v, fee
def get_tx_details(self, tx_hash):
import datetime
if not tx_hash: return ''
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
is_mine, v, fee = self.get_tx_value(tx_hash)
conf = self.verifier.get_confirmations(tx_hash)
timestamp = tx.get('timestamp')
if conf and timestamp:
time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat(' ')[:-3]
time_str = 'pending'
inputs = map(lambda x: x.get('address'), tx['inputs'])
outputs = map(lambda x: x.get('address'), tx['outputs'])
tx_details = "Transaction Details" +"\n\n" \
+ "Transaction ID:\n" + tx_hash + "\n\n" \
+ "Status: %d confirmations\n"%conf
if is_mine:
if fee:
tx_details += "Amount sent: %s\n"% format_satoshis(v+fee, False) \
+ "Transaction fee: %s\n"% format_satoshis(fee, False)
tx_details += "Amount sent: %s\n"% format_satoshis(v, False) \
+ "Transaction fee: unknown\n"
tx_details += "Amount received: %s\n"% format_satoshis(v, False) \
tx_details += "Date: %s\n\n"%time_str \
+ "Inputs:\n-"+ '\n-'.join(inputs) + "\n\n" \
+ "Outputs:\n-"+ '\n-'.join(outputs)
r = self.receipts.get(tx_hash)
if r:
tx_details += "\n_______________________________________" \
+ '\n\nSigned URI: ' + r[2] \
+ "\n\nSigned by: " + r[0] \
+ '\n\nSignature: ' + r[1]
return tx_details
def update_tx_outputs(self, tx_hash):
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
for item in tx.get('outputs'):
value = item.get('value')
key = tx_hash+ ':%d'%item.get('index')
with self.lock:
self.prevout_values[key] = value
for item in tx.get('inputs'):
if self.is_mine(item.get('address')):
key = item['prevout_hash'] + ':%d'%item['prevout_n']
def get_addr_balance(self, addr):
assert self.is_mine(addr)
h = self.history.get(addr,[])
if h == ['*']: return 0,0
c = u = 0
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
# if the tx is mine, then I know its outputs and input values
# if it is not mine, I only need its outputs
is_mine, v, fee = self.get_tx_value(tx_hash, [addr])
if v is None:raise
if tx_height:
c += v
u += v
return c, u
def get_balance(self):
conf = unconf = 0
for addr in self.all_addresses():
c, u = self.get_addr_balance(addr)
conf += c
unconf += u
return conf, unconf
def choose_tx_inputs( self, amount, fixed_fee, from_addr = None ):
""" todo: minimize tx size """
total = 0
fee = self.fee if fixed_fee is None else fixed_fee
coins = []
13 years ago
prioritized_coins = []
domain = [from_addr] if from_addr else self.all_addresses()
for i in self.frozen_addresses:
if i in domain: domain.remove(i)
13 years ago
for i in self.prioritized_addresses:
if i in domain: domain.remove(i)
for addr in domain:
h = self.history.get(addr, [])
12 years ago
if h == ['*']: continue
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
for output in tx.get('outputs'):
if output.get('address') != addr: continue
key = tx_hash + ":%d" % output.get('index')
if key in self.spent_outputs: continue
output['tx_hash'] = tx_hash
13 years ago
for addr in self.prioritized_addresses:
h = self.history.get(addr, [])
if h == ['*']: continue
for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
for output in tx.get('outputs'):
if output.get('address') != addr: continue
key = tx_hash + ":%d" % output.get('index')
if key in self.spent_outputs: continue
output['tx_hash'] = tx_hash
13 years ago
inputs = []
13 years ago
coins = prioritized_coins + coins
for item in coins:
addr = item.get('address')
v = item.get('value')
total += v
inputs.append((addr, v, item['tx_hash'], item['index'], item['raw_output_script'], None, None) )
fee = self.fee*len(inputs) if fixed_fee is None else fixed_fee
if total >= amount + fee: break
#print "not enough funds: %s %s"%(format_satoshis(total), format_satoshis(fee))
inputs = []
return inputs, total, fee
def choose_tx_outputs( self, to_addr, amount, fee, total, change_addr=None ):
outputs = [ (to_addr, amount) ]
change_amount = total - ( amount + fee )
if change_amount != 0:
# normally, the update thread should ensure that the last change address is unused
if not change_addr:
change_addr = self.change_addresses[-1]
outputs.append( ( change_addr, change_amount) )
return outputs
def sign_inputs( self, inputs, outputs, password ):
s_inputs = []
for i in range(len(inputs)):
addr, v, p_hash, p_pos, p_scriptPubKey, _, _ = inputs[i]
13 years ago
private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string( self.get_private_key(addr, password), curve = SECP256k1 )
public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key()
pubkey = public_key.to_string()
tx = filter( raw_tx( inputs, outputs, for_sig = i ) )
sig = private_key.sign_digest( Hash( tx.decode('hex') ), sigencode = ecdsa.util.sigencode_der )
assert public_key.verify_digest( sig, Hash( tx.decode('hex') ), sigdecode = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der)
s_inputs.append( (addr, v, p_hash, p_pos, p_scriptPubKey, pubkey, sig) )
return s_inputs
def pw_encode(self, s, password):
if password:
secret = Hash(password)
return EncodeAES(secret, s)
return s
def pw_decode(self, s, password):
if password is not None:
secret = Hash(password)
d = DecodeAES(secret, s)
if s == self.seed:
raise ValueError("Invalid password")
return d
return s
def get_history(self, address):
with self.lock:
return self.history.get(address)
def get_status(self, h):
if not h: return None
if h == ['*']: return '*'
status = ''
for tx_hash, height in h:
status += tx_hash + ':%d:' % height
return hashlib.sha256( status ).digest().encode('hex')
def receive_tx_callback(self, tx_hash, tx):
if not self.check_new_tx(tx_hash, tx):
raise BaseException("error: received transaction is not consistent with history"%tx_hash)
with self.lock:
self.transactions[tx_hash] = tx
tx_height = tx.get('height')
if self.verifier and tx_height>0:
self.verifier.add(tx_hash, tx_height)
def receive_history_callback(self, addr, hist):
if hist != ['*']:
if not self.check_new_history(addr, hist):
raise BaseException("error: received history for %s is not consistent with known transactions"%addr)
with self.lock:
self.history[addr] = hist
if hist != ['*']:
for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
if tx_height>0:
# add it in case it was previously unconfirmed
if self.verifier: self.verifier.add(tx_hash, tx_height)
# set the height in case it changed
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if tx:
if tx.get('height') != tx_height:
print_error( "changing height for tx", tx_hash )
tx['height'] = tx_height
def get_tx_history(self):
with self.lock:
history = self.transactions.values()
history.sort(key = lambda x: x.get('timestamp') if x.get('timestamp') else 1e12)
result = []
balance = 0
for tx in history:
is_mine, v, fee = self.get_tx_value(tx['tx_hash'])
if v is not None: balance += v
c, u = self.get_balance()
if balance != c+u:
v_str = format_satoshis( c+u - balance, True, self.num_zeros)
result.append( ('', 1000, 0, c+u-balance, None, c+u-balance, None ) )
balance = c + u - balance
for tx in history:
tx_hash = tx['tx_hash']
timestamp = tx.get('timestamp')
conf = self.verifier.get_confirmations(tx_hash) if self.verifier else None
is_mine, v, fee = self.get_tx_value(tx_hash)
if v is not None:
balance += v
value = v + fee if fee is not None else v
value = None
result.append( (tx_hash, conf, is_mine, value, fee, balance, timestamp) )
return result
def get_transactions_at_height(self, height):
with self.lock:
values = self.transactions.values()[:]
out = []
for tx in values:
if tx['height'] == height:
return out
def get_label(self, tx_hash):
label = self.labels.get(tx_hash)
is_default = (label == '') or (label is None)
if is_default: label = self.get_default_label(tx_hash)
return label, is_default
def get_default_label(self, tx_hash):
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
default_label = ''
if tx:
is_mine, _, _ = self.get_tx_value(tx_hash)
if is_mine:
for o in tx['outputs']:
o_addr = o.get('address')
if not self.is_mine(o_addr):
default_label = self.labels[o_addr]
except KeyError:
default_label = o_addr
for o in tx['outputs']:
o_addr = o.get('address')
if self.is_mine(o_addr) and not self.is_change(o_addr):
for o in tx['outputs']:
o_addr = o.get('address')
if self.is_mine(o_addr):
o_addr = None
if o_addr:
dest_label = self.labels.get(o_addr)
default_label = self.labels[o_addr]
except KeyError:
default_label = o_addr
return default_label
def mktx(self, to_address, amount, label, password, fee=None, change_addr=None, from_addr= None):
if not self.is_valid(to_address):
raise ValueError("Invalid address")
inputs, total, fee = self.choose_tx_inputs( amount, fee, from_addr )
if not inputs:
raise ValueError("Not enough funds")
if not self.use_change and not change_addr:
change_addr = inputs[0][0]
print "Sending change to", change_addr
outputs = self.choose_tx_outputs( to_address, amount, fee, total, change_addr )
s_inputs = self.sign_inputs( inputs, outputs, password )
tx = filter( raw_tx( s_inputs, outputs ) )
if to_address not in self.addressbook:
if label:
tx_hash = Hash(tx.decode('hex') )[::-1].encode('hex')
self.labels[tx_hash] = label
13 years ago
return tx
def sendtx(self, tx):
# synchronous
h = self.send_tx(tx)
def send_tx(self, tx):
# asynchronous
13 years ago
tx_hash = Hash(tx.decode('hex') )[::-1].encode('hex')
self.interface.send([('blockchain.transaction.broadcast', [tx])], 'synchronizer')
return tx_hash
def receive_tx(self,tx_hash):
13 years ago
out = self.tx_result
if out != tx_hash:
return False, "error: " + out
if self.receipt:
self.receipts[tx_hash] = self.receipt
self.receipt = None
return True, out
def read_alias(self, alias):
# this might not be the right place for this function.
import urllib
13 years ago
m1 = re.match('([\w\-\.]+)@((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)', alias)
m2 = re.match('((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)', alias)
if m1:
url = 'https://' + + '/' +
13 years ago
elif m2:
url = 'https://' + alias + '/'
13 years ago
return ''
lines = urllib.urlopen(url).readlines()
return ''
13 years ago
# line 0
line = lines[0].strip().split(':')
if len(line) == 1:
auth_name = None
target = signing_addr = line[0]
target, auth_name, signing_addr, signature = line
msg = "alias:%s:%s:%s"%(alias,target,auth_name)
print msg, signature
self.verify_message(signing_addr, signature, msg)
# other lines are signed updates
for line in lines[1:]:
line = line.strip()
if not line: continue
line = line.split(':')
previous = target
print repr(line)
target, signature = line
self.verify_message(previous, signature, "alias:%s:%s"%(alias,target))
if not self.is_valid(target):
raise ValueError("Invalid bitcoin address")
13 years ago
return target, signing_addr, auth_name
13 years ago
def update_password(self, seed, old_password, new_password):
if new_password == '': new_password = None
self.use_encryption = (new_password != None)
13 years ago
self.seed = self.pw_encode( seed, new_password)
for k in self.imported_keys.keys():
a = self.imported_keys[k]
b = self.pw_decode(a, old_password)
13 years ago
c = self.pw_encode(b, new_password)
13 years ago
self.imported_keys[k] = c
def get_alias(self, alias, interactive = False, show_message=None, question = None):
target, signing_address, auth_name = self.read_alias(alias)
except BaseException, e:
# raise exception if verify fails (verify the chain)
if interactive:
show_message("Alias error: " + str(e))
print target, signing_address, auth_name
if auth_name is None:
a = self.aliases.get(alias)
if not a:
msg = "Warning: the alias '%s' is self-signed.\nThe signing address is %s.\n\nDo you want to add this alias to your list of contacts?"%(alias,signing_address)
if interactive and question( msg ):
self.aliases[alias] = (signing_address, target)
target = None
if signing_address != a[0]:
msg = "Warning: the key of alias '%s' has changed since your last visit! It is possible that someone is trying to do something nasty!!!\nDo you accept to change your trusted key?"%alias
if interactive and question( msg ):
self.aliases[alias] = (signing_address, target)
target = None
if signing_address not in self.authorities.keys():
msg = "The alias: '%s' links to %s\n\nWarning: this alias was signed by an unknown key.\nSigning authority: %s\nSigning address: %s\n\nDo you want to add this key to your list of trusted keys?"%(alias,target,auth_name,signing_address)
if interactive and question( msg ):
self.authorities[signing_address] = auth_name
target = None
if target:
self.aliases[alias] = (signing_address, target)
return target
13 years ago
13 years ago
def parse_url(self, url, show_message, question):
13 years ago
o = url[8:].split('?')
address = o[0]
if len(o)>1:
params = o[1].split('&')
params = []
amount = label = message = signature = identity = ''
for p in params:
k,v = p.split('=')
uv = urldecode(v)
if k == 'amount': amount = uv
elif k == 'message': message = uv
elif k == 'label': label = uv
elif k == 'signature':
identity, signature = uv.split(':')
url = url.replace('&%s=%s'%(k,v),'')
print k,v
13 years ago
if label and self.labels.get(address) != label:
if question('Give label "%s" to address %s ?'%(label,address)):
if address not in self.addressbook and address not in self.all_addresses():
self.labels[address] = label
13 years ago
if signature:
if re.match('^(|([\w\-\.]+)@)((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)$', identity):
signing_address = self.get_alias(identity, True, show_message, question)
elif self.is_valid(identity):
signing_address = identity
signing_address = None
if not signing_address:
self.verify_message(signing_address, signature, url )
self.receipt = (signing_address, signature, url)
13 years ago
show_message('Warning: the URI contains a bad signature.\nThe identity of the recipient cannot be verified.')
13 years ago
address = amount = label = identity = message = ''
if re.match('^(|([\w\-\.]+)@)((\w[\w\-]+\.)+[\w\-]+)$', address):
13 years ago
payto_address = self.get_alias(address, True, show_message, question)
13 years ago
if payto_address:
address = address + ' <' + payto_address + '>'
13 years ago
return address, amount, label, message, signature, identity, url
def freeze(self,addr):
if addr in self.all_addresses() and addr not in self.frozen_addresses:
self.config.set_key('frozen_addresses', self.frozen_addresses, True)
return True
return False
def unfreeze(self,addr):
if addr in self.all_addresses() and addr in self.frozen_addresses:
self.config.set_key('frozen_addresses', self.frozen_addresses, True)
return True
return False
def prioritize(self,addr):
if addr in self.all_addresses() and addr not in self.prioritized_addresses:
self.config.set_key('prioritized_addresses', self.prioritized_addresses, True)
return True
return False
def unprioritize(self,addr):
if addr in self.all_addresses() and addr in self.prioritized_addresses:
self.config.set_key('prioritized_addresses', self.prioritized_addresses, True)
return True
return False
def save(self):
s = {
'seed_version': self.seed_version,
'use_encryption': self.use_encryption,
'use_change': self.use_change,
'master_public_key': self.master_public_key,
'fee': self.fee,
'seed': self.seed,
'addresses': self.addresses,
'change_addresses': self.change_addresses,
'addr_history': self.history,
'labels': self.labels,
'contacts': self.addressbook,
'imported_keys': self.imported_keys,
'aliases': self.aliases,
'authorities': self.authorities,
'receipts': self.receipts,
'num_zeros': self.num_zeros,
'frozen_addresses': self.frozen_addresses,
'prioritized_addresses': self.prioritized_addresses,
'gap_limit': self.gap_limit,
'transactions': self.transactions,
for k, v in s.items():
def set_verifier(self, verifier):
self.verifier = verifier
# review stored transactions and send them to the verifier
# (they are not necessarily in the history, because history items might have have been pruned)
for tx_hash, tx in self.transactions.items():
tx_height = tx.get('height')
if tx_height <1:
print_error( "skipping", tx_hash, tx_height )
if tx_height>0:
self.verifier.add(tx_hash, tx_height)
# set the timestamp for transactions that need it
if tx and not tx.get('timestamp'):
timestamp = self.verifier.get_timestamp(tx_height)
self.set_tx_timestamp(tx_hash, timestamp)
# review transactions that are in the history
for addr, hist in self.history.items():
if hist == ['*']: continue
for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
if tx_height>0:
# add it in case it was previously unconfirmed
self.verifier.add(tx_hash, tx_height)
# set the height in case it changed
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if tx:
if tx.get('height') != tx_height:
print_error( "changing height for tx", tx_hash )
tx['height'] = tx_height
def set_tx_timestamp(self, tx_hash, timestamp):
with self.lock:
self.transactions[tx_hash]['timestamp'] = timestamp
def is_addr_in_tx(self, addr, tx):
found = False
for txin in tx.get('inputs'):
if addr == txin.get('address'):
found = True
for txout in tx.get('outputs'):
if addr == txout.get('address'):
found = True
return found
def check_new_history(self, addr, hist):
# - check that all tx in hist are relevant
for tx_hash, height in hist:
tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
if not tx: continue
if not self.is_addr_in_tx(addr,tx):
return False
# todo: check that we are not "orphaning" a transaction
# if we are, reject tx if unconfirmed, else reject the server
return True
def check_new_tx(self, tx_hash, tx):
# 1 check that tx is referenced in addr_history.
addresses = []
for addr, hist in self.history.items():
if hist == ['*']:continue
for txh, height in hist:
if txh == tx_hash:
if not addresses:
return False
# 2 check that referencing addresses are in the tx
for addr in addresses:
if not self.is_addr_in_tx(addr, tx):
return False
return True
class WalletSynchronizer(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, wallet, config):
self.daemon = True
self.wallet = wallet
self.interface = self.wallet.interface
self.wallet.interface.register_callback('connected', lambda: self.wallet.set_up_to_date(False))
self.wallet.interface.register_callback('connected', lambda: self.interface.send([('server.banner',[])],'synchronizer') )
self.was_updated = True
def synchronize_wallet(self):
new_addresses = self.wallet.synchronize()
if new_addresses:
self.wallet.up_to_date = False
if not self.interface.is_up_to_date('synchronizer'):
if self.wallet.is_up_to_date():
self.was_updated = True
self.was_updated = True
def subscribe_to_addresses(self, addresses):
messages = []
for addr in addresses:
messages.append(('blockchain.address.subscribe', [addr]))
self.interface.send( messages, 'synchronizer')
def run(self):
requested_tx = []
missing_tx = []
12 years ago
requested_histories = {}
# request any missing transactions
for history in self.wallet.history.values():
if history == ['*']: continue
for tx_hash, tx_height in history:
if self.wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash) is None and (tx_hash, tx_height) not in missing_tx:
missing_tx.append( (tx_hash, tx_height) )
print_error("missing tx", missing_tx)
# wait until we are connected, in case the user is not connected
while not self.interface.is_connected:
# request banner, because 'connected' event happens before this thread is started
# subscriptions
while True:
# 1. send new requests
for tx_hash, tx_height in missing_tx:
if (tx_hash, tx_height) not in requested_tx:
self.interface.send([ ('blockchain.transaction.get',[tx_hash, tx_height]) ], 'synchronizer')
requested_tx.append( (tx_hash, tx_height) )
missing_tx = []
if self.was_updated:
self.was_updated = False
# 2. get a response
r = self.interface.get_response('synchronizer')
if not r:
# 3. handle response
method = r['method']
params = r['params']
result = r.get('result')
error = r.get('error')
if error:
print "error", r
if method == 'blockchain.address.subscribe':
addr = params[0]
if self.wallet.get_status(self.wallet.get_history(addr)) != result:
self.interface.send([('blockchain.address.get_history', [addr])], 'synchronizer')
12 years ago
requested_histories[addr] = result
elif method == 'blockchain.address.get_history':
addr = params[0]
print_error("receiving history", addr, result)
if result == ['*']:
assert requested_histories.pop(addr) == '*'
self.wallet.receive_history_callback(addr, result)
hist = []
# check that txids are unique
txids = []
for item in result:
tx_hash = item['tx_hash']
if tx_hash not in txids:
hist.append( (tx_hash, item['height']) )
if len(hist) != len(result):
12 years ago
raise BaseException("error: server sent history with non-unique txid", result)
# check that the status corresponds to what was announced
rs = requested_histories.pop(addr)
if self.wallet.get_status(hist) != rs:
raise BaseException("error: status mismatch: %s"%addr)
# store received history
self.wallet.receive_history_callback(addr, hist)
# request transactions that we don't have
for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
if self.wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash) is None:
if (tx_hash, tx_height) not in requested_tx and (tx_hash, tx_height) not in missing_tx:
missing_tx.append( (tx_hash, tx_height) )
if self.wallet.verifier:
timestamp = self.wallet.verifier.get_timestamp(tx_height)
self.wallet.set_tx_timestamp(tx_hash, timestamp)
elif method == 'blockchain.transaction.get':
tx_hash = params[0]
tx_height = params[1]
d = self.deserialize_tx(tx_hash, tx_height, result)
self.wallet.receive_tx_callback(tx_hash, d)
self.was_updated = True
requested_tx.remove( (tx_hash, tx_height) )
print_error("received tx:", d)
elif method == 'blockchain.transaction.broadcast':
self.wallet.tx_result = result
elif method == 'server.banner':
self.wallet.banner = result
self.was_updated = True
print_error("Error: Unknown message:" + method + ", " + repr(params) + ", " + repr(result) )
if self.was_updated and not requested_tx:
self.was_updated = False
def deserialize_tx(self, tx_hash, tx_height, raw_tx):
assert tx_hash == hash_encode(Hash(raw_tx.decode('hex')))
import deserialize
vds = deserialize.BCDataStream()
d = deserialize.parse_Transaction(vds)
d['height'] = tx_height
d['tx_hash'] = tx_hash
if self.wallet.verifier: d['timestamp'] = self.wallet.verifier.get_timestamp(tx_height)
return d