import PyQt4
import sys
import PyQt4 . QtCore as QtCore
import base64
import urllib
import re
import time
import os
import httplib
import datetime
import json
import string
from urllib import urlencode
from PyQt4 . QtGui import *
from PyQt4 . QtCore import *
try :
from PyQt4 . QtWebKit import QWebView
loaded_qweb = True
except ImportError as e :
loaded_qweb = False
from electrum . plugins import BasePlugin , hook
from electrum . i18n import _ , set_language
from electrum . util import user_dir
from electrum . util import format_satoshis
from electrum_gui . qt import ElectrumGui
SATOSHIS_PER_BTC = float ( 100000000 )
SCOPE = ' buy '
REDIRECT_URI = ' urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob '
CLIENT_ID = ' 0a930a48b5a6ea10fb9f7a9fec3d093a6c9062ef8a7eeab20681274feabdab06 '
CLIENT_SECRET = ' f515989e8819f1822b3ac7a7ef7e57f755c9b12aee8f22de6b340a99fd0fd617 '
# Expiry is stored in RFC3339 UTC format
EXPIRY_FORMAT = ' % Y- % m- %d T % H: % M: % SZ '
class Plugin ( BasePlugin ) :
def fullname ( self ) : return ' Coinbase BuyBack '
def description ( self ) : return ' After sending bitcoin, prompt the user with the option to rebuy them via Coinbase. \n \n Marcell Ortutay, 1FNGQvm29tKM7y3niq63RKi7Qbg7oZ3jrB '
def __init__ ( self , gui , name ) :
BasePlugin . __init__ ( self , gui , name )
self . _is_available = self . _init ( )
def _init ( self ) :
return loaded_qweb
def init_qt ( self , gui ) :
self . gui = gui
def is_available ( self ) :
return self . _is_available
def enable ( self ) :
return BasePlugin . enable ( self )
def receive_tx ( self , tx , wallet ) :
domain = wallet . get_account_addresses ( None )
is_relevant , is_send , v , fee = tx . get_value ( domain , wallet . prevout_values )
if isinstance ( self . gui , ElectrumGui ) :
try :
web = propose_rebuy_qt ( abs ( v ) )
except OAuth2Exception as e :
rm_local_oauth_credentials ( )
# TODO(ortutay): android flow
def propose_rebuy_qt ( amount ) :
web = QWebView ( )
box = QMessageBox ( )
box . setFixedSize ( 200 , 200 )
credentials = read_local_oauth_credentials ( )
questionText = _ ( ' Rebuy ' ) + format_satoshis ( amount ) + _ ( ' BTC? ' )
if credentials :
credentials . refresh ( )
if credentials and not credentials . invalid :
credentials . store_locally ( )
totalPrice = get_coinbase_total_price ( credentials , amount )
questionText + = _ ( ' \n (Price: ' ) + totalPrice + _ ( ' ) ' )
if not question ( box , questionText ) :
if credentials :
do_buy ( credentials , amount )
else :
do_oauth_flow ( web , amount )
return web
def do_buy ( credentials , amount ) :
conn = httplib . HTTPSConnection ( ' ' )
credentials . authorize ( conn )
params = {
' qty ' : float ( amount ) / SATOSHIS_PER_BTC ,
' agree_btc_amount_varies ' : False
resp = conn . auth_request ( ' POST ' , ' /api/v1/buys ' , urlencode ( params ) , None )
if resp . status != 200 :
message ( _ ( ' Error, could not buy bitcoin ' ) )
content = json . loads ( resp . read ( ) )
if content [ ' success ' ] :
message ( _ ( ' Success! \n ' ) + content [ ' transfer ' ] [ ' description ' ] )
else :
if content [ ' errors ' ] :
message ( _ ( ' Error: ' ) + string . join ( content [ ' errors ' ] , ' \n ' ) )
else :
message ( _ ( ' Error, could not buy bitcoin ' ) )
def get_coinbase_total_price ( credentials , amount ) :
conn = httplib . HTTPSConnection ( ' ' )
params = { ' qty ' : amount / SATOSHIS_PER_BTC }
conn . request ( ' GET ' , ' /api/v1/prices/buy? ' + urlencode ( params ) )
resp = conn . getresponse ( )
if resp . status != 200 :
return ' unavailable '
content = json . loads ( resp . read ( ) )
return ' $ ' + content [ ' total ' ] [ ' amount ' ]
def do_oauth_flow ( web , amount ) :
# QT expects un-escaped URL
auth_uri = step1_get_authorize_url ( )
web . load ( QUrl ( auth_uri ) )
web . setFixedSize ( 500 , 700 )
web . show ( )
web . titleChanged . connect ( lambda ( title ) : complete_oauth_flow ( title , web , amount ) if re . search ( ' ^[a-z0-9]+$ ' , title ) else False )
def complete_oauth_flow ( token , web , amount ) :
web . close ( )
credentials = step2_exchange ( str ( token ) )
credentials . store_locally ( )
do_buy ( credentials , amount )
def token_path ( ) :
dir = user_dir ( ) + ' /coinbase_buyback '
if not os . access ( dir , os . F_OK ) :
os . mkdir ( dir )
return dir + ' /token '
def read_local_oauth_credentials ( ) :
if not os . access ( token_path ( ) , os . F_OK ) :
return None
f = open ( token_path ( ) , ' r ' )
data = f . read ( )
f . close ( )
try :
credentials = Credentials . from_json ( data )
return credentials
except Exception as e :
return None
def rm_local_oauth_credentials ( ) :
os . remove ( token_path ( ) )
def step1_get_authorize_url ( ) :
return ( ' '
+ ' ?scope= ' + SCOPE
+ ' &redirect_uri= ' + REDIRECT_URI
+ ' &response_type=code '
+ ' &client_id= ' + CLIENT_ID
+ ' &access_type=offline ' )
def step2_exchange ( code ) :
body = urllib . urlencode ( {
' grant_type ' : ' authorization_code ' ,
' client_id ' : CLIENT_ID ,
' client_secret ' : CLIENT_SECRET ,
' code ' : code ,
' redirect_uri ' : REDIRECT_URI ,
' scope ' : SCOPE ,
} )
headers = {
' content-type ' : ' application/x-www-form-urlencoded ' ,
conn = httplib . HTTPSConnection ( ' ' )
conn . request ( ' POST ' , TOKEN_URI , body , headers )
resp = conn . getresponse ( )
if resp . status == 200 :
d = json . loads ( resp . read ( ) )
access_token = d [ ' access_token ' ]
refresh_token = d . get ( ' refresh_token ' , None )
token_expiry = None
if ' expires_in ' in d :
token_expiry = datetime . datetime . utcnow ( ) + datetime . timedelta (
seconds = int ( d [ ' expires_in ' ] ) )
return Credentials ( access_token , refresh_token , token_expiry )
else :
raise OAuth2Exception ( content )
class OAuth2Exception ( Exception ) :
""" An error related to OAuth2 """
class Credentials ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , access_token , refresh_token , token_expiry ) :
self . access_token = access_token
self . refresh_token = refresh_token
self . token_expiry = token_expiry
# Indicates a failed refresh
self . invalid = False
def to_json ( self ) :
token_expiry = self . token_expiry
if ( token_expiry and isinstance ( token_expiry , datetime . datetime ) ) :
token_expiry = token_expiry . strftime ( EXPIRY_FORMAT )
d = {
' access_token ' : self . access_token ,
' refresh_token ' : self . refresh_token ,
' token_expiry ' : token_expiry ,
return json . dumps ( d )
def store_locally ( self ) :
f = open ( token_path ( ) , ' w ' )
f . write ( self . to_json ( ) )
f . close ( )
def from_json ( cls , s ) :
data = json . loads ( s )
if ( ' token_expiry ' in data
and not isinstance ( data [ ' token_expiry ' ] , datetime . datetime ) ) :
try :
data [ ' token_expiry ' ] = datetime . datetime . strptime (
data [ ' token_expiry ' ] , EXPIRY_FORMAT )
except :
data [ ' token_expiry ' ] = None
retval = Credentials (
data [ ' access_token ' ] ,
data [ ' refresh_token ' ] ,
data [ ' token_expiry ' ] )
return retval
def apply ( self , headers ) :
headers [ ' Authorization ' ] = ' Bearer ' + self . access_token
def authorize ( self , conn ) :
request_orig = conn . request
def new_request ( method , uri , params , headers ) :
if headers == None :
headers = { }
self . apply ( headers )
request_orig ( method , uri , params , headers )
resp = conn . getresponse ( )
if resp . status == 401 :
# Refresh and try again
self . _refresh ( request_orig )
self . store_locally ( )
self . apply ( headers )
request_orig ( method , uri , params , headers )
return conn . getresponse ( )
else :
return resp
conn . auth_request = new_request
return conn
def refresh ( self ) :
try :
self . _refresh ( )
except OAuth2Exception as e :
rm_local_oauth_credentials ( )
self . invalid = True
raise e
def _refresh ( self ) :
conn = httplib . HTTPSConnection ( ' ' )
body = urllib . urlencode ( {
' grant_type ' : ' refresh_token ' ,
' refresh_token ' : self . refresh_token ,
' client_id ' : CLIENT_ID ,
' client_secret ' : CLIENT_SECRET ,
} )
headers = {
' content-type ' : ' application/x-www-form-urlencoded ' ,
conn . request ( ' POST ' , TOKEN_URI , body , headers )
resp = conn . getresponse ( )
if resp . status == 200 :
d = json . loads ( resp . read ( ) )
self . token_response = d
self . access_token = d [ ' access_token ' ]
self . refresh_token = d . get ( ' refresh_token ' , self . refresh_token )
if ' expires_in ' in d :
self . token_expiry = datetime . timedelta (
seconds = int ( d [ ' expires_in ' ] ) ) + datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
else :
raise OAuth2Exception ( ' Refresh failed, ' + content )
def message ( msg ) :
box = QMessageBox ( )
box . setFixedSize ( 200 , 200 )
return QMessageBox . information ( box , _ ( ' Message ' ) , msg )
def question ( widget , msg ) :
return ( QMessageBox . question (
widget , _ ( ' Message ' ) , msg , QMessageBox . Yes | QMessageBox . No , QMessageBox . No )
== QMessageBox . Yes )
def main ( ) :
app = QApplication ( sys . argv )
print sys . argv [ 1 ]
propose_rebuy_qt ( int ( sys . argv [ 1 ] ) )
sys . exit ( app . exec_ ( ) )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )